Mysteries of Saint Nick
Mysteries of Saint Nick
Mysteries of Saint Nick
Saint Nick
have you heard of these names?
Have you heard any of these names before? Look at the list and discuss what you think these names might have in common.
Can you guess which country each name is from?
Santa Claus
Father Christmas
Papá Noel
Babbo Natale
Kris Kringle
Saint Nick
Święty Mikołaj
Père Noël
St. Nicholas
Have you heard any of these names before? Look at the list and discuss what you think these names might have in common.
Can you guess which country each name is from?
What is common among all these names is that they are different cultural interpretations or local names
for the same historical figure: St. Nicholas.
Santa Claus: United States and Canada.
Sinterklaas: The Netherlands and parts of Belgium.
Father Christmas: United Kingdom and some Commonwealth countries.
Papá Noel: Spanish-speaking countries.
Babbo Natale: Italy.
Kris Kringle: Originally German, but also used in some parts of North America.
Saint Nick: Informal version used in various English-speaking countries.
Mikulás: Hungary.
Święty Mikołaj: Poland.
Joulupukki: Finland.
Nikolaus: Germany and Austria.
Père Noël: France and French-speaking countries.
St. Nicholas: The original name, widely recognized in various countries.
Let’s talk!
Complete the sentences so they are true about you.
On St. Nicholas Day, my favourite tradition is... In my country, St. Nicholas Day is special because...
One thing I would like to know more about St. Nicholas Day is...
1. Stockings are hung and found filled with gifts on St. Nicholas Day, a a)Belgium, the Netherlands.
joyful tradition of receiving presents. _____ b)Poland, Ukraine, Croatia, Hungary.
2. St. Nicholas arrives on a ship accompanied by his friend, Black Pete, c) Some parts of the US, Canada, and Europe.
who helps distribute gifts to children. _____ d) Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, the Czech Republic.
3. Shoes are left out with carrots, apples, and a letter for St. Nicholas and
his horse/donkey, who travels with him from house to house. _____
4. Children find presents from St. Nicholas under their pillows, a special
surprise for their good behaviour throughout the year. _____
Look through the photos, traditions, and countries below, and try to match them correctly. Which of these traditions were you already familiar with?
1. Stockings are hung and found filled with gifts on St. Nicholas Day, a a) Belgium, the Netherlands.
joyful tradition of receiving presents. c) b) Poland, Ukraine, Croatia, Hungary.
2. St. Nicholas arrives on a ship accompanied by his friend, Black Pete, c) Some parts of the US, Canada, and Europe.
who helps distribute gifts to children. a) d) Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, the Czech Republic.
3. Shoes are left out with carrots, apples, and a letter for St. Nicholas and
his horse/donkey, who travels with him from house to house. d)
4. Children find presents from St. Nicholas under their pillows, a special
surprise for their good behaviour throughout the year. b)
St. Nicholas Day, celebrated on December 6th, is a day 2.Global celebrations. Around the world, St. Nicholas 4.Legends and miracles. Legends about St. Nicholas
full of wonder and various customs. This holiday, Day is celebrated with unique local traditions. In often highlight his generosity and kind deeds. One
honouring the generous figure of St. Nicholas, is Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and the Czech popular story tells of him secretly giving gold to a poor
marked by different traditions around the world. Republic children leave their shoes out, hoping to find family, which is thought to be the origin of gift-giving
them filled with sweets and small gifts. Meanwhile, in on this day. Beyond the well-known tales, other
1.Transformation into Santa Claus. St. Nicholas, countries like the United States and Canada, stockings legends of St. Nicholas include stories of him calming
known for his generosity, gradually evolved into the are hung and found filled with presents on St. storms and saving sailors. These tales showcase his
figure of Santa Claus, largely influenced by Dutch Nicholas Day. In Hungary, Poland, Ukraine and role as a protector and miracle-worker.
immigrants' traditions in the United States and the Croatia, it's a charming custom for children to find
iconic Coca-Cola advertising campaign of the 1930s. their gifts under their pillows. In the Netherlands and 5.His image in art. St. Nicholas is shown differently in
This advertising defined the modern image of Santa Belgium, the holiday includes the figure of Black Pete, art and stories. He was once drawn in bishop robes,
Claus as a jolly, red-suited character. a helper who accompanies St. Nicholas. This character often white, gold, or red. Nowadays, he's sometimes
takes part in parades and events, playing an in green or blue, each colour meaning something
important role in the festivities. good. The modern Santa Claus in a red suit became
popular in the last century. These changes show how
3.Symbolic meanings. The symbols associated with the image of St. Nicholas has evolved.
St. Nicholas Day are rich in meaning. Shoes left out
mean children are excited and waiting for St.
Nicholas. Stockings, hung up on this day, symbolize
warmth and the spirit of giving. Gifts under the pillow
are a fun surprise for the children.
Let’s practice
1.Read the following sentences carefully. Based on what you have learned from the text 2.Look through the words below and try to recall where they were
about St. Nicholas Day, decide if the sentences are correct or incorrect. Explain your mentioned in the text and explain their connection to St. Nicholas or
answers. the holiday's traditions. Write a short explanation for each.
Name two groups of people Nicholas was especially known for helping.
How did the tradition of leaving shoes out evolve into a modern Christmas tradition?
2. Read the famous legend about St. Nick and fill the gaps with the words below.
fire deeds daughter money
Long ago, there lived a kind man named Nicholas. He was known for his generosity. In his town,
there was a poor man who had three daughters. The man was sad because he had no
1.____________ for his daughters' weddings. Nicholas wanted to help them 2.____________. One
night, he threw a bag of 3.____________ through their window. It landed in a stocking that was 3. Answer the questions below.
drying by the 4.____________. This gold helped the first daughter get married. Nicholas did this What problem was the poor man facing?
again for the second 5.____________. And then, for the third daughter, the father waited every Where did the bag of gold land when Nicholas threw it?
night to 6.____________ the kind helper. When Nicholas threw the gold for the third daughter, What did Nicholas do for each daughter?
the father caught him. Nicholas asked the father not to tell anyone about his good
1.Answer the questions below according to the video.
Long ago, there lived a kind man named Nicholas. He was known for his generosity. In his
town, there was a poor man who had three daughters. The man was sad because he had no for his daughters' weddings. Nicholas wanted to help them 2.secretly. One night,
he threw a bag of through their window. It landed in a stocking that was drying by the 3. Answer the questions below. This gold helped the first daughter get married. Nicholas did this again for the second The poor man had no money for his daughters' weddings.
5.daughter. And then, for the third daughter, the father waited every night to 6.thank the The bag of gold landed in a stocking that was drying by the fire.
kind helper. When Nicholas threw the gold for the third daughter, the father caught him. Nicholas secretly gave each daughter a bag of gold to help them
get married.
Nicholas asked the father not to tell anyone about his good 7.deeds.
Good deeds
In groups/pairs discuss/write how you would use each of the following amounts - $1,000,000, $200,000, $5,000, $1,000, $100
for good deeds, and then present your ideas for each sum.