Self Check OPC
Self Check OPC
Self Check OPC
Information technology (IT) is concerned with the development, management, and use of computer-based
information systems, that input processing and outputting information.
open paint window and draw the following shapes on it then print the document.
Instruction: Type the following paragraph and save it by the name Selection Technique by
creating a new folder called Model in drive C:\.
The computer industry continues to be the fast growing major industry. The sales of computers increase
every year and the size of the over all computer industry has been further supplemented by the booming
microcomputer market. Microcomputers make possible new application areas because of their low cost,
reliability, small size and low weight.
A. Using the above document, see practically how you can efficiently select
I ) word II ) line III ) multiple line IV ) sentence V ) paragraph
VI ) a given range VII ) the whole document
B. Duplicate the above paragraph to three paragraphs using the copy and paste command.
C. Delete the word fast.
D. Type the word fast again.
E. Check the spelling and grammar of the above document.
F. Search or Find the word computer and replace it with the word computer.
G. Change the word booming, from the second paragraph, with a word that is similar in meaning. (Hint:
Change it with its synonym.)
H. Type the word Information Technology at the top of your document.
I. Delete the first paragraph.
J. Recover the first paragraph.
K. At the bottom of the last paragraph create an auto correct entry that whenever you type the word
“AAU” and press Enter key, word automatically inserts the word “Addis Ababa University”.
L. Create an auto text entry that whenever the user starts typing a few letters of the word “Equa” word
automatically shows a tip “Equatorial Business Center” at the top of the text.
M. Save the file by the same name and address (location).
N. Count the words, lines and paragraphs in your document.
O. Save the document.
Instruction: Type the following texts as it is and save it by the name Formatting under the folder
Application software. (Hint: First write the text without formatting then try to format it.
A user can create, save and print a well-formatted document using Ms-Word. Printed newspapers, magazine and
books often contain a variety of character formatting. Words may appear in Boldface, Italic or Underline.
Some words in printed newspapers may appear in Boldface Italic or Boldface Italic Underline. Besides this a user
has many options to format his documents and prepare the way he want it to look. For instance you can apply
Strikethrough, Double Underline, SMALL CAPS and ALL CAPS. You can also use superscript to write the famous
quadratic equation Ax2 + bx + c = 0 and use subscript to write chemical equations like H2S04, N2O2 and so on.
Ms-Word character formatting enables the user to enlarge the size of texts like large, larger and largest so
that you can easily read it.
You can also change the font in order to give more emphasis to the document. Some of the fonts are Arial Black,
Book Man Old Style, Courier New, Impact, Script and Tahoma. The default font is Times New
1) Copy the formatting from the word Boldface Italic Underline to the word well-formatted document found at the
first line of the first paragraph.
2) Remove the formatting from the word strikethrough.
3) Find the word often and replace by frequently.
4) Write formatting on the top of your document as your title.
5) Using copy paste command duplicate the above paragraph 5 times.
6) Save the document.
What is a paragraph?
In Microsoft Word, a paragraph is a distinct unit of information that has its own formatting
characteristics, such as alignment, spacing, and styles. A paragraph is always followed by a paragraph
mark. The way you format paragraphs in a document depends on how you intend to use the document and
how you want it to look. Often, you'll format paragraphs differently within the same document.
For example, if you’re writing a term paper, you might create a title
page that has a center-aligned title in its own paragraph, with your
name and the date right-aligned at the bottom of the page in their
own paragraphs. The paper's body paragraphs might be left aligned,
with double line spacing.
Hardware: All the physical, electrical and mechanical parts of the computer are called hardware. Or in
short what you can see, touch, break and drop.
Software: The set of instruction that directs the computer to perform a task is called software. Basically
software is classified into two broad parts: System software and Application software.
3) Make the sentence what is a paragraph? Center-aligned.
4) Apply 1.5 lines line spacing for the first paragraph.
5) Apply 12pt spacing between each paragraph.
6) Save the document.
a) Setting Indents
b) Alignment
c) Line Spacing
d) Bullet and Numbering
e) Border and Shading
f) Tab Settings
Changing Font
Changing Font Style
Changing size
Applying Underline
Changing the Font Color
Changing the character spacing
1) Introduction to Computer
a) Hardware
i) Input device
ii) Processing device
iii) Output device
b) Software
i) System software
(1) Single-tasking eg. Ms-Dos
(2) Multi-tasking eg. Ms-Windows
ii) Application Software
2) Microsoft Windows
3) Microsoft Word
g) Setting Indents
h) Alignment
i) Line Spacing
j) Bullet and Numbering
k) Border and Shading
l) Tab Settings
Changing Font
Changing Font Style
Changing size
Applying Underline
Changing the Font Color
Changing the character spacing
4) Introduction to Computer
a) Hardware
i) Input device
ii) Processing device
iii) Output device
b) Software
i) System software
(1) Single-tasking eg. Ms-Dos
(2) Multi-tasking eg. Ms-Windows
ii) Application Software
5) Microsoft Windows
6) Microsoft Word
What is a paragraph?
Date: October 2016 Page 10
TTLM Development Manual Prepared by: Habtom A.
Self-Check Operating personal machine
In Microsoft Word, a paragraph is a distinct unit of information that has its own formatting
characteristics, such as alignment, spacing, and styles. A paragraph is always followed by a paragraph mark. The
way you format paragraphs in a document depends on how you intend to use the document and how you want it to
look. Often, you'll format paragraphs differently within the same document.
For example, if you’re writing a term paper, you might create a title page
that has a center-aligned title in its own paragraph, with your name and the
date right-aligned at the bottom of the page in their own paragraphs. The
paper's body paragraphs might be left aligned, with double line spacing.
Hardware: All the physical, electrical and mechanical parts of the computer are called hardware. Or in short what
you can see, touch, break and drop.
Software: The set of instruction that directs the computer to perform a task is called software. Basically software is
classified into two broad parts: System software and Application software.
1) Make the title what is a paragraph? Center-aligned.
2) Make the sub title hard ware and software font size 14 and font style underline.
3) Make all entire paragraph size 12.
4) Apply 1.5 lines line spacing for the first paragraph.
5) Apply 12pt spacing between each paragraph.
6) Save the document.
I n Microsoft Word, a paragraph is a distinct unit of information that has its own formatting
characteristics, such as alignment, spacing, and styles. A paragraph is always followed by a paragraph
The way you format paragraphs in a document depends on how you intend to use the document and how
you want it to look. Often, you'll format paragraphs differently within the same document.
4. Duplicate the second paragraph. (Hint: Use Copy and Paste command.)
5. Change the case of the second paragraph to UPPER CASE.
6. Change the Case of the Title to Toggle Case and Back to Title Case.
7. Save the document.
Hand sign
Right hand rule Cross
Sad Scissor
Smile face Telephone
Victory P.O.Box
Microsoft Word comes with its own set of pictures in the Clip Gallery. Most clip art is in metafile format, which
means you must ungroup an image and convert it to a drawing object in order to enhance it .
The Clip Gallery includes a wide variety of t that makes it easy for you to enhance your documents with
professionally designed images. You'll find everything from scenic backgrounds to maps and from buildings to
Text Box
You can add callouts, labels, and other text to your graphics by using text boxes. After you have inserted a
text box, you can use the options on the Drawing toolbar to enhance it as you would for any other drawing
object. Or you can add text to an AutoShape and use the AutoShape as a text box.
smart art
fly larva
We are living in the age that Information is power. When we are taking about Information more or less we are
taking about computer. There are so many electronic devices invented by man to exchange Information like
Radio and Television. But Computer is differ from the other in that it is a programmable device that enables the
user to store large amount of data, processes the data and display the output.
The computer system has two parts: