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Research Article: Research On Life-Cycle Project Cost Management Based On Random Matrix Weight Algorithm

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Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Volume 2022, Article ID 5211409, 12 pages

Research Article
Research on Life-Cycle Project Cost Management Based on
Random Matrix Weight Algorithm

Zhen Chen and Fuqiang Wang

CCCC-FHDI Engineering Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510000, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Zhen Chen; chenzhen@fhdigz.com

Received 6 June 2022; Revised 1 August 2022; Accepted 9 August 2022; Published 27 August 2022

Academic Editor: Ning Cao

Copyright © 2022 Zhen Chen and Fuqiang Wang. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
The traditional project management in the construction industry has the uniqueness of exclusive customization, the irreversibility
of the project, the immobility of the project address, the long-term nature of the project, and the dynamic nature of the project.
Based on these characteristics, the complexity and difficulty of project management in the construction industry are determined.
Modern engineering is no longer satisfied with the traditional basic needs, but develops in a green, environmental friendly and
efficient way. On the one hand, the project is required to meet good use requirements and meet the most basic functional
requirements. On the other hand, the project construction process is required to meet the requirements of green environmental
protection and ecological harmony. Therefore, the maintenance cost and operation cost corresponding to modern projects have
become the key to the sustainable and healthy development of the engineering construction industry. Based on this, this paper will
take the construction industry as an example to fully analyze the current situation and existing problems faced by the current
project cost management. Through the research on the full life-cycle project cost management mode of the construction industry,
the random matrix weight algorithm is creatively introduced, and the adaptive full life-cycle project cost management extended
target tracking algorithm is proposed, which cuts the corresponding full life-cycle project cost management model into multiple
submodels, and the corresponding management subobjectives are constructed from the submodel, and the expansion status of the
corresponding subobjectives is described and analyzed in detail using the inverse distribution description, so as to accurately
estimate the effect and target weight coefficient required by the management subobjectives, and finally realize the efficient,
reasonable and scientific operation of the construction industry’s whole life-cycle project cost management, so as to maximize
economic benefits. An experimental verification is carried out for a specific construction company. The verification results show
that the full life-cycle project cost management scheme based on random matrix weight algorithm proposed in this paper has
obvious advantages in management efficiency, cost control, process control, and other aspects compared with the traditional
management scheme.

1. Introduction project cost management, which leads to the failure of ef-

fective transmission of relevant information of engineering
The construction industry will generate a large amount of projects in the whole life cycle, thus not enabling decision
information at the beginning of the project, and a large makers to make efficient and scientific decisions in the
number of connections will be generated between the process of project management, and not conducive to the
corresponding different engineering information. Therefore, timely resolution of relevant problems in the process of
at the beginning of the project, it is necessary to fully project development. Based on this, realizing the efficient,
consider the overall and partial consideration in the life cycle reasonable and scientific cost management of the whole life
of the whole project [1–3]. The traditional engineering cycle of engineering projects has become the key to the
project management center often has insufficient informa- development of modern engineering projects [4–7].
tion, timely communication, and scientific and meticulous Through reasonable full life-cycle project cost management,
2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

the costs related to project construction, operation, and Based on the above analysis and research, this paper will
management can be greatly reduced, the green ecological take the construction industry as an example to fully analyze
benefits of construction projects can be further improved, existing problems of the current project cost management.
social development and human needs can be met, social Through the research on the full life-cycle project cost
benefits can be significantly improved, and the importance management mode of the construction industry, the random
of project cost management for engineering projects can be matrix weight algorithm is creatively introduced, and the
deeply reflected [8, 9]. Based on this, the current conven- adaptive full life-cycle project cost management extended
tional construction industry full life-cycle project cost target tracking algorithm is proposed, the corresponding full
management schemes are diverse, most of which focus on life-cycle project cost management model is cut into several
the single purpose of how to improve the construction cost, submodels, the corresponding management subobjectives
while ignoring the linkage of other elements in the project are constructed from the submodels, and the expansion
cost management [10]. Some research institutions ignore the status of the corresponding subobjectives is described and
importance of the management concept cost management, analyzed in detail using the inverse distribution description,
and do a lot of project cost management informatization so as to accurately estimate the effect and target weight
work, so as to improve the information sharing of the cost coefficient required by the management subobjectives, and
management, improve the cost management level, and save finally realize the efficient, reasonable, and scientific oper-
resources and meet the requirements for its sustainable ation of the full life-cycle project cost management of the
development [11, 12]. construction industry to maximize economic benefits. An
Traditional project management is often limited to the experimental verification is carried out for a specific con-
application of some traditional means and does not have the struction company. The verification results show that the full
corresponding scientific theory support. At the same time, life-cycle project cost management scheme based on random
the corresponding modern project management is in- matrix weight algorithm proposed in this paper has obvious
creasingly complex, and the corresponding processes are advantages in management efficiency, cost control, process
also increasing. Therefore, the traditional project manage- control, and other aspects compared with the traditional
ment has fallen behind the times. As an advanced algorithm management scheme.
concept, the random matrix weight algorithm can decom- This paper mainly analyzes the current research status of
pose the macro-objectives embodied in the whole life cycle the whole life-cycle project cost management strategy of the
and realize the decomposition of objectives by expanding the construction industry and its corresponding advantages and
weighting, which has full advantages in itself. When the disadvantages; In the third section of the article, the full life-
random matrix weight algorithm expands and weights the cycle project cost management scheme based on the random
objectives, it will first describe in detail the law of the matrix weight algorithm is analyzed and studied in detail,
managed objects changing with time, so as to further de- and the specific scheme is given for the random matrix
termine the phased management objectives set at different weight algorithm and the full life-cycle project cost man-
time nodes and environment nodes. Based on the corre- agement. The fourth section of the article will verify and
sponding objectives at this stage, the phased objectives are analyze the whole life-cycle project cost management
continuously modified through internal deduction and scheme based on the random matrix weight algorithm
decision-making, so as to achieve the best path to achieve the proposed in this paper; Finally, it is summarized.
objectives at the corresponding point stage [13–15]. As for
the matrix weight algorithm, it has been developed and used
in a large number of scenarios. Its main models focus on 2. Relevant Research and Analysis: Analysis on
single dynamic description model, multidynamic descrip- the Current Situation of the Research on the
tion model, turning model, statistical model, and other Full Life-Cycle Project Cost Management of
models. Based on these models, we can quickly deduce the the Construction Industry
actual scenarios and results, quickly formulate corre-
sponding solutions based on the deduction results, and The research on the full life-cycle project cost management
conduct weighted state estimation analysis, so as to get the of the construction industry was first carried out by relevant
best implementation path [16–18]. In the random matrix research institutions in the United States, and then by rel-
weight algorithm, the description process of relevant evant experts and research institutions in Europe and the
management projects is relatively important. It needs to United States. American scholars [20] first proposed to apply
establish a random matrix model based on the corre- the concept of full life-cycle cost management to the power
sponding project description. The analysis theoretical basis industry, study its corresponding procurement costs, im-
followed in this part mainly comes from the description of provement costs, disposal costs, and other costs within the
inverse distribution and Saudi distribution [19]. Based on scope of the whole project, and directly associate the cor-
the above analysis, how to fully combine the random matrix responding costs with the project management cycle. Rel-
weight algorithm with the full life-cycle project cost man- evant British research institutions [21] have analyzed the
agement of the construction industry has become the focus project cost management of highway and bridge and other
of this paper, which has important value and significance for construction industries based on the full life-cycle project
improving the efficiency of project cost management and cost. In the process of formulating and implementing the
meeting the requirements of social development. actual scheme, they have introduced the best intervention
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3

Project cost management scheme for the whole life cycle of construction industry

Random matrix weight

Investment decision stage Investment cost estimation
Algorithmic intervention

Element confirmation
Preliminary design stage of
Design cost estimate

Algorithmic intervention Quantitative processing

Construction drawing design Construction drawing cost

stage estimation Weight distribution

Algorithmic intervention

Modeling analysis

Bidding stage of some

Contract price
projects Comprehensive score
Algorithmic intervention

Construction stage of Phased optimal strategy

Settlement price
construction project

Algorithmic intervention
System level optimal
Project completion
Final completion price
acceptance stage
Optimal management
construction Scientific, reasonable and efficient

Figure 1: Framework diagram of project cost management scheme for the whole life-cycle of construction industry.

algorithm, genetic algorithm, and other advanced algo- whole life cycle of the construction industry and realize the
rithms. This scheme has important guiding significance for maximization of benefits. Through the above research and
predicting the project cost and minimizing the cost. At the analysis on the research status of the full life-cycle project
same time, it also provides valuable experience for subse- cost management of the construction industry, it can be
quent researchers, and the enterprise has greatly broadened found that the current mainstream management schemes
the practical application scope of the whole life-cycle project are more traditional, and they do not have the self-adaptive
cost management. Research institutions in relevant Asian adjustment in the management process, which has reached
countries [22–24] have optimized and localized the full life- the purpose of the phased optimal scheme. Therefore, the
cycle project cost management according to their own research on a method can realize all links of the full life-cycle
characteristics. Relevant research scholars in Chinese project cost management of the construction industry, the
Mainland have introduced BIM Technology into the full life- management scheme of adaptive adjustment of each time
cycle project cost management, thus establishing an efficient, node and environment node has an important significance
scientific, and reasonable full life-cycle project cost man- and value.
agement scheme for the construction industry production
The whole process of construction and operation and 3. Research and Analysis of Full Life-Cycle
maintenance has further improved the efficiency of project Project Cost Management Scheme Based on
cost management in the whole life cycle; On this basis, Random Matrix Weight Algorithm
relevant research institutions [25–27] further developed and
put forward three key contents of full life-cycle project cost This section mainly analyzes in detail the fusion application
management, corresponding to the database of project of the random matrix weight algorithm used in this paper in
management within the life cycle of the construction in- the full life-cycle project cost of the construction industry.
dustry. At the same time, cost, cycle, and corresponding This paper creatively introduces the random matrix
discount rate were selected as weighted evaluation index weighting algorithm, proposes an adaptive full life-cycle cost
elements, and various analysis models were established by management extended target tracking algorithm, cuts the
using data mining technology. Finally, hidden valuable data corresponding full life-cycle engineering cost management
grasp their corresponding laws, so as to complete the model into multiple submodels, constructs the corre-
comprehensive, scientific and systematic evaluation of the sponding management subgoals from the submodels, and
4 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Random matrix weight


1 Decision making stage

Design phase
Element confirmation
Implementation phase
Completion stage
5 Maintenance phase
Quantitative processing
Gaussian model

Weight distribution Phased state prediction


Modeling analysis Adaptive parameters of

target extended state
Weighted likelihood Noise parameters
Comprehensive score function

Real time update

Phased optimal strategy
Share information in real
System level optimal
strategy self-adaption

Phased strategy status

output of project cost
management scheme

Figure 2: Basic framework diagram of operation process of random matrix weight algorithm in the full life-cycle project cost management
scheme of the construction industry.

uses the inverse distribution description to describe and characteristics of the building facilities and a complete de-
analyze the extended state of the corresponding subgoals in scription of the entity and functional characteristics of the
detail. In order to accurately estimate the effect and target project facilities. BIM Technology integrates other relevant
weight coefficient required by the management subgoals, physical information, functional requirements, performance
and finally achieve efficient and efficient management, requirements, and other parameter information of building
reasonably and scientifically operate the full life-cycle project facilities on the basis of three-dimensional geometric data
cost management of the construction industry, so as to model, and realizes information interoperability through
maximize economic benefits. Based on the corresponding open standards. Building information model aims to realize
theoretical knowledge proposed in this paper, this section knowledge resource sharing and information sharing in the
will also carry out experimental verification and analyze the whole life cycle of buildings. Based on this shared digital
results, and the corresponding framework diagram of the full model, relevant personnel at all stages of project planning,
life-cycle project cost management scheme based on the design, construction, operation and maintenance can obtain
random matrix weight algorithm is shown in Figure 1. It can the required data. At the same time, based on the deduction
be seen from the figure that the whole life-cycle project cost of the subobjectives after segmentation, the optimal scheme
industry includes the investment cost estimation in the of project cost management in the whole life cycle of the
project investment decision-making stage, the design cost project is finally obtained. In addition, it can be seen from
estimation in the preliminary design stage, the construction Figure 1 that the corresponding engineering cost manage-
drawing cost estimation in the design stage of the con- ment problems solved in different stages of the whole life
struction drawing, the contract price in the bidding stage of cycle of the construction industry (corresponding to the
some projects, the settlement price in the construction stage decision-making stage, design stage, implementation stage,
of the construction project, and the final settlement price in completion stage, and operation and maintenance stage in
the completion acceptance stage. In the above part, the this paper) are different. The main problems solved are as
random matrix weight algorithm is introduced to segment, follows: solve the unreasonable and unscientific problems in
model, and deduce the phased objectives. The corresponding industry, solve the problem of difficult information sharing
BIM is a digital representation of the physical and functional and collaborative work in the process of full life-cycle project
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 5

Decision making Design phase

Bidding stage
Project cost Estimation of
Construction Engineering
estimation quantities
standard model
Cost estimation in
Construction Accurate Engineering
scale construction preparation list
drawing budget
Construction site Management in
bidding stage
Technology and Step1 Step2 Step3

Random matrix weight Full life cycle project

algorithm cost management
Operation and Project
maintenance Step4 construction stage
stage Step6 Step5
Maintain the Engineering
structure of the drawing review
building meeting
Maintenance of Project
building Quantify the Assignment of
equipment indicators weight proportion
Change and iteration optimization
Maintain building Application of
in the whole life cycle
infrastructure BIM Technology
of the project

Figure 3: Basic framework of full life-cycle project cost management scheme based on random matrix weight algorithm.

cost management in the construction industry, solve the strategy of the system level scheme. The corresponding al-
problem of corresponding man hour cost calculation in the gorithm process is as follows.
process of project construction, solve the problem of in-
Step 1: carry out periodic state prediction analysis for
sufficient data update in the process of full life-cycle project
the policy stage, design stage, implementation stage,
cost management in the construction industry, and solve the
completion stage, and operation and maintenance stage
problem of shallow awareness of refined cost management.
in the full life-cycle project cost management scheme of
the construction industry. The corresponding analysis
3.1. Analysis and Research of Random Matrix Weight model is set as the Gaussian distribution model. The
Algorithm. In this section, based on the full life-cycle project calculation formula of the corresponding periodic
cost management scheme of the construction industry, the analysis model is shown in formula (1), in which the
random matrix weight algorithm is added for phased ob- corresponding Fk is the one-dimensional state transi-
jective optimization. In this process, the random matrix
tion model of the periodic target, the corresponding I
weight algorithm infiltrates into each stage of the full life-
represents the identity matrix of n dimension, and the
cycle project cost management scheme, namely the corre-
corresponding d represents the number of dimensions
sponding decision-making stage, design stage, imple-
of observable phased objectives:
mentation stage, completion stage, and operation and
maintenance stage. The basic framework of the application Fk � Wn−1 + In−1 ⊕Xn−1 􏼁 ∗ Fn−1 . (1)
of the corresponding random matrix weight algorithm in the
full life-cycle project cost management scheme of the Based on the calculation formula of the above phased
construction industry is shown in Figure 2. The operation analysis model, the weighted posterior probability
flow of the algorithm can be seen clearly in Figure 2. calculation method of the corresponding phased
The random matrix weight algorithm mainly focuses on management state at different times is obtained. The
the prediction and analysis of each stage in the process cost corresponding calculation is formula (2). Based on this,
management process. At the same time, it needs to model the prediction probability calculation formula of the
and deduce based on the prediction and analysis, so as to corresponding phased state is formula (3), and the
obtain the optimal strategy of the subobjectives corre- mathematical symbols in the corresponding formula
sponding to each stage, and finally complete the optimal are consistent with those in formula (1):
6 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

A construction project case

Decision making stage

Design phase
Random matrix
Operation and quantization
maintenance stage

Project Acceptance

Presentation layer Project construction


HTTP response HTTP request


Application layer System


data stream


Data layer Data sharing Data update

BIM Technology

Figure 4: Project cost management scheme with random matrix weight for the whole life cycle based on a construction project.

F􏼐Mn−1 | Mn−1 , An− 1 􏼑 � N Mn−1 : Mn−1 , Pn−1 ⊕Xn−1 􏼁, information. The calculation of the corresponding
weighted likelihood function is the key. At this
(2) time, the corresponding weighted likelihood cal-
culation function is shown in formula (5). In the
F􏼐Mn | Mn , An− 1 􏼑 � N Mn : Mn−1 , Pn−1 ⊕Xn 􏼁. (3) corresponding formula, w represents the Weissard
distribution, M represents the degree of freedom
Based on formula (2) and the description in formula index, and V represents the corresponding scale
(3), assuming that the final control objective of the index. The corresponding Z represents the scattering
construction industry’s full life-cycle project cost matrix.
management scheme remains unchanged, the weighted
status of the corresponding adjacent phased objectives F An | nk , Xk 􏼁 � N Mn : Mn−1 , Pn−1 ⊕Xn 􏼁
can be considered to be approximately equal, and the (5)
corresponding equivalent calculation formula is shown ∗ .
as follows: Wn−1 − 2 ∗ (b + 1)􏼁
Wn|n−1 Wn−1 The calculation formula of the scattering matrix in the
� . (4)
􏼐W|nn−1 − 2 ∗ (b + 1)􏼑 Wn−1 − 2 ∗ (b + 1)􏼁 corresponding formula (5) is shown in the following
Step 2: real-time update the phased situation of T T
construction cost management in the whole life F � 􏼐F1n − Fn 􏼑 ∗ 􏼐F1n − Fn 􏼑 + 􏼐F2n − Fn 􏼑
cycle of the construction industry, and at the same T
+ . . . 􏼐Fin − Fn 􏼑 ∗ 􏼐Fjn − Fn 􏼑 .
time, real-time update the corresponding weighted
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7

Decision making
Design phase
80 stage 80
Cost control rate (%)

Cost control rate (%)

60 60

40 40

20 20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
sample data sample data
Algorithm in this paper Algorithm in this paper
Traditional scheme Traditional scheme

Construction Maintenance
80 stage 80 phase
Cost control rate (%)

60 Cost control rate (%) 60

40 40

20 20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
sample data sample data

Algorithm in this paper Algorithm in this paper

Traditional scheme Traditional scheme
Figure 5: Comparison curve of cost control rate of life-cycle cost management.

Step 3: phased strategy state output of the construction objectives, deduce the phased objectives, and finally
industry’s full life-cycle project cost management obtain the optimal strategy for the phased project cost
scheme. At this time, the probability distribution of the process.
corresponding hypothetical scenario is the phased
target state is Gaussian distribution. At this time, the Fk � diag􏼐yn− 1 ∗ yn− 2 􏼑 ∗ R(ϕ) ∗ RT (ϕ), (8)
corresponding state output expression formula is
shown as follows: Wn|n−1
Fk−1 � E􏼐Ak−1 |Zk− 1 􏼑 � . (9)
􏼐Wn|n−1 − 2 ∗ (b + 1)􏼑
FE k � Mk . (7)

Step 4: setting of adaptive parameters. The adaptive

parameters to be processed here include the adaptive 3.2. Construction of Full Life-Cycle Project Cost Management
parameters of the stage target expansion state and the Scheme Based on Random Matrix Weight Algorithm. The
corresponding noise parameters. The adaptive pa- implementation schemes of each stage of the full life-
rameter setting formula of the corresponding stage cycle project cost management scheme and the intro-
target expansion state is shown in formula (8), where duction of the random matrix weight algorithm are
the corresponding matrix A is set as a positive definite shown in Figure 3.
matrix parameter, and the corresponding adaptive In the corresponding investment decision-making stage,
noise parameter setting formula is shown in formula based on the random matrix weight algorithm, the corre-
(9). Here, it is assumed that the noise parameter model sponding important elements of the stage, such as con-
weights of the corresponding adjacent stages are ap- struction standards, construction scale, construction
proximately equal. Based on the addition of adaptive location, technology and equipment, are weighted, and they
parameters, the random matrix weighting algorithm are taken as the influencing factors of the investment de-
can be adjusted adaptively, so as to optimize the phased cision-making stage, so as to realize the reasonable
8 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Decision making
Design phase
80 stage 80
Cost utilization (%)

Cost utilization (%)

60 60

40 40

20 20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
sample data sample data

Algorithm in this paper Algorithm in this paper

Traditional scheme Traditional scheme

Construction Maintenance
80 stage 80 phase
Cost utilization (%)

60 Cost utilization (%) 60

40 40

20 20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
sample data sample data

Algorithm in this paper Algorithm in this paper

Traditional scheme Traditional scheme
Figure 6: Comparison curve of cost utilization rate of full life-cycle cost management.

determination and effective control of the project cost in this In the bidding stage, the situation of each bidding unit
stage. Through the analysis and research on the important can be quantified based on the random matrix weight al-
elements in the investment stage, we can quickly and gorithm. By quantifying the engineering model provided
accurately estimate and determine the price of the project by each unit, the quantities reflected by the bidding unit can
to be invested and constructed. At this stage, through the be quickly obtained. At the same time, the management
introduction of random matrix weight algorithm, the work in the bidding stage can be effectively completed by
corresponding quantities are internalized into a specific combining the list of relevant specific projects given by
database model. The appraisers conduct quantitative each unit. At this stage, the effective introduction of the
analysis and comparison through the weight parameter random matrix weight algorithm can effectively avoid the
model. At the same time, based on the corresponding BIM omission of the top of the list and the wrong calculation of
information and other software means, they quickly and quantities, so as to make the bidding work more reasonable,
accurately estimate the project cost based on the scientific, fair and just.
quantities. In the construction stage, it is necessary to introduce
At the stage of architectural engineering design, it is the random matrix weight algorithm in the engineering
necessary to focus on the project cost estimation. At this drawing review meeting, project construction organiza-
stage, the building itself needs to be deeply considered in the tion optimization, project cost management, project cost
random matrix weight algorithm. The unified treatment of settlement, and the corresponding dynamic cost analysis
the cost borne by the building structure and the corre- for quantitative analysis in the corresponding construc-
sponding professional equipment can reduce the design tion stage. At the corresponding engineering drawing
errors in this stage through the weighted deduction of review meeting level, the corresponding design drawing
random matrix. At the same time, it can help the appraisers review indicators are weighted and quantified to obtain
to obtain accurate quantities and combine the cost esti- the comprehensive score of the corresponding drawings,
mation in the investment decision-making stage, so as to so as to make the process of drawing review more sci-
weave a more accurate construction drawing budget. entific and the corresponding review results more fair.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 9

Decision making
Design phase

Project operation efficiency (%)

Project operation efficiency (%)

80 stage 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
sample data sample data

Algorithm in this paper Algorithm in this paper

Traditional scheme Traditional scheme

Construction Maintenance
Project operation efficiency (%)

Project operation efficiency (%)

80 stage 80 phase

60 60

40 40

20 20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
sample data sample data

Algorithm in this paper Algorithm in this paper

Traditional scheme Traditional scheme
Figure 7: Comparison curve of project operation efficiency of full life-cycle cost management.

At the corresponding project construction organization In the corresponding completion acceptance stage, this
optimization level, it is necessary to carry out engineering part first quantifies and assigns the corresponding weight
quantitative analysis on the corresponding construction proportion to each index to be accepted based on the
organization process through the random matrix weight random matrix weight algorithm, and then quantifies and
algorithm. In this project, it is necessary to deal with the inputs the corresponding various data into the database
progress plan prepared in combination with the specific based on BIM technology. In this way, the changes in the
construction scheme and actual conditions. Through this whole life cycle of the project and the records in the whole
way, the reasonable engineering resource planning is fi- process of iteration can be realized, so as to make the project
nally realized, so that the capital, manpower, equipment, more complete and continuous.
and other resources can flow efficiently. At the corre- In the corresponding operation and maintenance stage, it
sponding level of project cost management, the project occupies most of the time in the whole life-cycle project cost
can be handled by BIM technology. The introduction of management process of the construction industry. In this
BIM model enables all participants to view the corre- process, it needs to continuously maintain a large number of
sponding information in real time on the platform, so as building equipment, structures, and infrastructure. In this
to make the project cost management more fair and re- process, each maintenance element needs to be quantified
duce the cost caused by disputes. At the level of corre- through the random matrix weight algorithm, and the
sponding project cost settlement and corresponding comprehensive score is obtained through the weight. The score
dynamic cost analysis, the random matrix weight algo- can be used to quickly judge whether the maintenance element
rithm is also introduced for processing and analysis, the needs maintenance and the degree of maintenance. Input all
corresponding indicators are quantified, and the real-time the data in this process into the BIM system for processing, so
view of each unit is realized through BIM technology, so as as to realize the dynamic connection of cost management in
to further reduce the time cost, improve the settlement each stage of the project, so as to control the total cost of the
speed of project funds, and improve the efficiency of project in the last link, improve the corresponding investment
payment and settlement. benefits, and realize the value-added of the project.
10 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Decision making
Design phase
80 stage 80
profit rate (%)

profit rate (%)

60 60

40 40

20 20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
sample data sample data

Algorithm in this paper Algorithm in this paper

Traditional scheme Traditional scheme

Construction Maintenance
80 stage 80 phase
profit rate (%)

60 profit rate (%) 60

40 40

20 20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
sample data sample data

Algorithm in this paper Algorithm in this paper

Traditional scheme Traditional scheme
Figure 8: Profit margin comparison curve of full life-cycle cost management.

4. Analysis of Results project cost management scheme based on random matrix

weight proposed in this paper has advantages in each
The simulation verification analysis is carried out based on a management stage; the cost control rate is the best in the
construction project. The flowchart of the corresponding corresponding construction stage, compared with the tra-
cost management scheme is shown in Figure 4. Based on this ditional project cost control, it has been optimized by about
flowchart, a comparative verification analysis is made with 31%.
the traditional cost management scheme. At the level of corresponding full life-cycle project cost
Based on the above scheme, the cost control rate, cost management cost utilization rate, the corresponding com-
utilization rate, project operation efficiency, and corre- parison curve is shown in Figure 6. The full life-cycle project
sponding project profit rate of the whole life-cycle cost cost management scheme based on random matrix weight
management are simulated and analyzed. There are four proposed in this paper reflects certain advantages in each
corresponding comparative analysis indicators in the management stage, and this advantage is positively related to
practice part, and the corresponding contents are as follows: the corresponding advantages of cost control rate. The
the cost control rate of life-cycle cost management mainly higher the corresponding cost control rate, the higher the
reflects the cost control of the management scheme; cost corresponding cost utilization rate.
utilization rate of life-cycle cost management mainly reflects In Figure 7, the algorithm proposed in this paper has
the cost utilization of the scheme; operation efficiency of life- obvious advantages in cost control and corresponding cost
cycle cost management project mainly reflects the operation utilization, which greatly improves the operation efficiency
efficiency of the scheme; and profit margin of full life-cycle of the whole project. The corresponding relationship also
cost management mainly reflects the profit of the project. shows a positive relationship, benefiting from the advantages
At the cost control rate level of the corresponding full of the above two indicators. Compared with the traditional
life-cycle cost management, the corresponding cost control mode, the efficiency of the management scheme proposed in
rate comparison curve of each stage is shown in Figure 5. this paper is about 15% higher than that of the traditional
From the figure, it can be clearly seen that the full life-cycle mode.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 11

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