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Unit 6

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Unit 6

Modern Project Profiles

• In modern project profiles, positive and negative trends will be more
tangible early in the life cycle.
• Integration that occurs early and continuously serves as the
verification activity of the design artifacts.
• Most of the critical risks will be resolved by the end of the elaboration
phase. The construction and transition phases, during which there is
generally the most cost risk, should be free of surprises.
• Major milestones focus on demonstrated results.
A modern process framework exploits several critical approaches for
resolving these issues:
1. Protracted integration and late design breakage are resolved by forcing
integration into the engineering stage. This is achieved through continuous
integration of an architecture baseline supported by executable
demonstrations of the primary scenarios.
2. Late risk resolution is resolved by emphasizing an architecture-first
approach, in which the high-leverage elements of the system are elaborated
early in the life cycle
3. The analysis paralysis of a requirements-driven functional decomposition is
avoided by organizing lower level specifications along the content of releases
rather than along the product decomposition (by subsystem, by component,
4 Adversarial stakeholder relationships are avoided by providing much more
tangible and objective results throughout the life cycle.
5 The conventional focus on documents and review meetings is replaced by a
focus on demonstrable results and well-defined sets of artifacts, with more-
rigorous notations and extensive automation supporting a paperless
The top 10 software management principles were introduced as a back- drop to the software process
framework and its underlying tenets
To summarize a modern project profile, the following paragraphs revisit each of these principles and
describe the project expectation associated with the successful application of each principle.
In essence, the list provides a concise, top-level description of the features and benefits of a modern
process as viewed by a software project manager.
1. Base the process on an architecture-first approach. An early focus on the architecture results in a
solid foundation for the 20% of the stuff (requirements, components, use cases, risks, errors) that
drives the overall success of the project. Getting the architecturally important components to be
well understood and stable before worrying about the complete breadth and depth of the
artifacts should result in scrap and rework rates that decrease or remain stable over the project
life cycle.
2. Establish an iterative life-cycle process that confronts risk early. A more dynamic planning
framework supported by an iterative process results in better risk management and more
predictable performance. Resolving the critical issues first results in a predictable construction
phase with no surprises, as well as minimal exposure to sources of cost and schedule
3. Transition design methods to emphasize component-based development. The complexity of a
software effort is mostly a function of the number of human-generated artifacts. Making the
solution smaller reduces management complexity.
• 4. Establish a change management environment. The dynamics of iterative
development, including concurrent workflows by different teams working
on shared artifacts, necessitate highly controlled baselines.
• 5. Enhance change freedom through tools that support round-trip
engineering. Automation enables teams to spend more time on engineering
and less time on overhead tasks.
• 6. Capture design artifacts in rigorous, model-based notation. An
engineering notation for design enables complexity control, objective
assessment, and automated analyses.
• 7 Instrument the process for objective quality control and progress
assessment. Progress and quality indicators are derived directly from the
evolving artifacts, providing more-meaningful insight into trends and
correlation with requirements.
• 8. Use a demonstration-based approach to assess intermediate artifacts.
Integration occurs early and continuously throughout the life cycle. Inter-
mediate results are objective and tangible.
• 9 Plan intermediate releases in groups of usage scenarios with evolving levels of detail.
Requirements, designs, and plans evolve in balance. Useful software releases are available
early in the life cycle.
• 10. Establish a configurable process that is economically scalable. Methods, techniques,
tools, and experience can be applied straightforwardly to a broad domain, providing
improved return on investment across a line of business. From numerous perspectives, the
software project manager's paramount objective is to maintain the proper balance of
emphasis across the 10 principles. Figure 15-4 summarizes this balance theme in the
context of the fundamental software
Next-generation software economics
• Next-generation software economics should reflect better economies of scale and improved return on
investment profiles. These are the real indicators of a mature industry
• Further technology advances in round-trip engineering are critical to making the next quantum leap in
software economics.
• Future cost estimation models need ! to be based on better primitive units defined from well-
understood software engineering notations such as the Unified Modeling Language.
• Some of today's popular software cost models are not well matched to an iterative software process
focused on an architecture-first approach. Despite many advances by some vendors of software cost
estimation tools in expanding their repertoire of up-to-date project experience data, many cost
estimators are still using a conventional process experience base to estimate a modern project profile.
• A next-generation software cost model should explicitly separate architectural engineering from
application production, just as an architecture-first process does The cost of designing, producing,
testing, and maintaining the architecture baseline is a function of scale, quality, technology, process,
and team skill. There should still be some diseconomy of scale (exponent greater than 1.0) in the
architecture cost model because it is inherently driven by research and development-oriented
• When an organization achieves a stable
architecture, the production costs should
be an exponential function of size, quality,
and complexity, with a much more stable
range of process and personnel influence.
The production stage cost model should
reflect an economy of scale (exponent less
than 1.0) similar to that of conventional
economic models for bulk production of
commodities. Figure 16-1 summarizes an
hypothesized cost model for an
architecture-first development process.
• Next-generation software cost models
should estimate large-scale architectures
with economy of scale. This implies that
the process exponent during the
production stage will be less than 1.0. the
larger the system, the more opportunity
there is to exploit automation and to reuse
common processes, components, and
Modern transition shifts
The transition to modern software processes and technologies necessities several cultural shifts that will not be always easy to achieve.
Several culture shifts must be overcome to transition successfully to a modern software management process. For some of these adjustments, it
will be difficult to distinguish between objective opposition and stubborn resistance. Nevertheless, there are general indications of a successful
transition to a modern culture.
This section discusses several of the rough indicators to look for in order to differentiate projects that have made a genuine cultural transition
from projects that have only put up a facade.
Lower level and mid-level managers are performers. There should be no "pure managers" in an organization or suborganization with 25 or
fewer people. The need for pure managers arises only when personnel resources exceed this level. Hands-on management skills vary, but
competent managers typically spend much of their time performing, especially with regard to understanding the status of the project firsthand
and developing plans and estimates. Above all, the person managing an effort should plan it. This does not mean the manager should approve
the plan; it means the manager should participate in developing it In independent project assessments I have performed, a good indicator of
trouble ahead is a manager who did not author the plan nor take ownership of it. The stakeholders affected by this transition are software
project managers.
Requirements and designs are fluid and tangible. The conventional process focused too much on producing documents that attempted to
describe the software product and focused too little on producing tangible increments of the products themselves. Major milestones were
defined solely in terms of specific documents. Development organizations for large contractual projects were driven to produce tons of paper in
order to meet milestones and receive progress payments, rather than spend their energy on tasks that would have reduced risk and produced
quality software. An iterative process requires actual construction of a sequence of progressively more comprehensive systems that demonstrate
the architecture, enable objective requirements negotiations, validate the technical approach, and address resolution of key risks. Ideally, all
stakeholders would be focused on these "real" milestones, with incremental deliveries of useful functionality rather than speculative paper
descriptions of the end-item vision. The transition to a less document-driven environment will be embraced by the engineering teams; it will
probably be resisted by traditional contract monitors.
Ambitious demonstrations are encouraged. The purpose of early life-cycle demonstrations is to expose design flaws, not to put up a facade.
Stake holders must not overreact to early mistakes, digressions, or immature designs. Evaluation criteria in early release plans are goals, not
requirments. If early engineering obstacles are overemphasized, development organizations will set up future iterations to be less ambitious. On
the other hand, stakeholders should not tolerate lack of follow-through in resolving issues. If negative trends are not addressed with vigor, they
can cause serious downstream perturbations. Open and attentive follow-through is necessary to resolve issues. The management team is most
• Good and bad project performance is much more obvious earlier in the life cycle. In an iterative
development, success breeds success, and early failures are extremely risky to turn around. Real-
world project experience has shown time and again that it is the early phases that make or break
a project. It is therefore of paramount importance to ensure that the very best team possible
performs the planning and architecture phases. If these phases are done right and with good
teams, projects can be completed successfully by average teams evolving the applications into the
final product. If the planning and architecture phases are not performed adequately, all the
expert programmers and testers in the world probably will not achieve success. No one should
resist early staffing with the right team. However, most organizations have scarce resources for
these sorts of early life-cycle roles and are hesitant to make the necessary staff allocations.
• Early increments will be immature. External stakeholders, such as custom- ers and users, cannot
expect initial deliveries to perform up to specification, to be complete, to be fully reliable, or to
have end-target levels of quality or performance. On the other hand, development organizations
must be held accountable for, and demonstrate, tangible improvements in successive increments.
The trends will indicate convergence toward specification. Ob- jectively quantifying changes, fixes,
and upgrades will indicate the quality of the process and environment for future activities.
Customers and users will have difficulty accepting the flaws of early releases, although they
should be impressed by later increments. Management and the develop- ment team will accept
immaturity as a natural part of the process.
• Artifacts are less important early, more important later. It is a waste of time to worry about the
details (traceability, thoroughness, and completeness) of the artifact sets until a baseline is
achieved that is useful enough and stable enough to warrant time-consuming analyses of these
quality factors.
• Real issues are surfaced and resolved systematically. Successful projects recognize that requirements and
designs evolve together, with continuous negotiation, trade-off, and bartering toward best value, rather than
blindly adhering to an ambiguous contract statement. On a healthy project that is making progress, it should
be easy to differentiate between real and apparent issues. Depending on the situation, this culture shift
could affect almost any team.
• Quality assurance is everyone's job, not a separate discipline. Many organizations have a separate group
called quality assurance. I am generally against the concept of separate quality assurance activities, teams,
or arti- facts. Quality assurance should be woven into every role, every activity, every artifact. True quality
assurance is measured by tangible progress and objective data, not by checklists, meetings, and human
inspections. The software project manager or designee should assume the role of ensuring that quality
assurance is properly integrated into the process. The traditional policing by a separate team of inspectors is
replaced by the self-policing teamwork of an organization with a mature process, common objectives, and
common incentives. Traditional managers and quality assurance person- nel will resist this transition.
Engineering teams will embrace it.
• Performance issues arise early in the life cycle. Early performance issues have surfaced on almost every
successful project I know of. These issues are a sign of an immature design but a mature design process.
Stakeholders will usually be concerned over early performance issues. Development engineers will embrace
the emphasis on early demonstrations and the ability to assess and evaluate performance trade-offs in
subsequent releases.
• Investments in automation are necessary. Because iterative development projects require extensive
automation, it is important not to underinvest in the capital environment. It is also important for
stakeholders to acquire an integrated environment that permits efficient participation in an iterative
development. Otherwise, interactions with the development organization I will degenerate to paper
exchange and many of the issues of the conventional process.
• Good software organizations should be more profitable. In the commercial software
domain, this is not an issue. In most of the software contracting domain, especially
government contracts, it is definitely an issue. As part of the adversarial nature of the
acquisition and contracting process, there is considerable focus on ensuring that contractor
profits are within a certain acceptable range (typically 5% to 15%). Occasionally, excellent
contractor performance, good value engineering, or significant reuse results in poten- tial
contractor profit margins in excess of the acceptable initial bid. As soon as customers (or
their users or engineering monitors) become aware of such a trend, it is inevitable that
substantial pressure will be exerted to apply these "excess" resources to out-of-scope
changes until the margin is back in the acceptable range.
• As a consequence, the simple profit motive that underlies commercial transactions and
incentivizes efficiency is replaced by complex contractual incentives (and producer-
consumer conflicts) that are usually suboptimal. Very frequently, contractors see no
economic incentive to implement major cost savings, and certainly there is little incentive to
take risks that may have a large return. On the other hand, contractors can easily consume
large amounts of money (usually at a small profit margin) without produc- ing results and
with little accountability for poor performance.For the software industry to prosper, good
contractors should be rewarded (more profit) and bad contractors should be punished (less
profit). A customer who gets a good product at a reasonable price should be happy that the
contractor also made a good profit. Allowing contractors who perform poorly to continue
doing so is not good for anyone. This is one area in which the commercial domain is far
more effective than the government contracting domain.

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