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Full Report BS Group 5

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SEMESTER 2 2020/2021


Group Member’s:
1. Mohamad Zulfakry Aiman bin Zulkifli DF170020
2. Nur Syahirah binti Amran CF170019
3. Raja Nabiha binti Raja Jamil AF170051
4. Shahira binti Anuar AF170170
5. Syazana Najiha binti Sedik AF170101

1. Ts. Dr. Tong Yean Ghing

Section: 1 & 2

SUBMISSION 22/06/2021


Raja Nabiha binti Raja Jamil1, Syazana Najiha binti Sedik2, Shahira binti Anuar3,
Mohamad Zulfakry Aiman bin Zulkifli4, Nur Syahirah binti Amran5

Faculty of Civil Engineering and Build Environment, Tun Hussein Onn of Malaysia, 86400 Parit Raja, batu Pahat,
Johor, Malaysia

1.0 INTRODUCTION health. As a result, it's unexpected that our

daily environment can have a significant
In most development planning and beneficial or negative impact on our health.
management, indoor environmental quality Indoor settings can be two to five times more
(IEQ) is rarely a top focus. A detrimental hazardous as outside environments.
impact on facilities, buildings, and people can According to the European Commission,
also be caused by an imbalance in IEQ. The Europeans spend around 90% of their time in
IEQ is influenced by a variety of things. It is enclosed spaces, primarily at home or at work.
not limited for air pollution, thermal For example, asthma affects up to 20% of
conditions, humidity, sound and lighting, but Europeans due to chemicals absorbed inside.
also includes the use of energy, design, and Tobacco smoke, asbestos, radon, and benzene
natural ventilation (Sulaiman et al., 2013). emitted inside have all been identified as
In the long run, a lack of awareness of IEQ major factors to the rise in cancer incidence
could have negative consequences for the (Tiele et al., 2018) .
tenants, including as health and respiratory Thermal comfort is strongly related to
issues (Zuhaib et al., 2018). The prevalence of temperature and humidity, whereas indoor air
health problems could have a direct impact on quality (IAQ) takes volatile organic
occupant productivity and result in greater compound (VOC) and air speed into account.
expenses for employers. The quantifying The presence of VOCs such as CO2, CO, or
productivity gains can directly inspire energy biological impurities is another major factor
efficiency initiatives and lead to influencing IAQ (Sulaiman et al., 2013). It
improvements in building indoor was also discovered that interior
environments (Zuhaib et al., 2018). environmental quality encompasses not just
Buildings utilise 48% of global energy and air pollution, but other aspects like as comfort,
account for one-quarter of world carbon noise, lighting, ergonomic stress, and worker
emissions. A growing interest in "green pressure (Sulaiman et al., 2013). As a result,
buildings" has come from people's desire to an efficient ventilation system and proper
reduce their energy use and greenhouse gas maintenance of heating, ventilation, and air
emissions (Study et al., 2015). Because we conditioning equipment can help to improve
spend so much time indoors, the interior IAQ.
environment is extremely important to our

Noise comfort is closely related to a building's concise starting point for future researchers
ability to reduce or eliminate excessive noise interested in the area of indoor environmental
from the outside while also lowering the noise quality.
level within an occupied space or room.
2.1 Evaluation of Indoor Environmental
Lighting is an attempt to maximise lighting Quality (IEQ) on dense Academic Building:
during the night while minimising glare and Case Studies Universiti Tun Hussein Onn
heat. The arrangement of space, the use of Malaysia.
wall colour, the materials used in furniture, Identify framework for to evaluate the IEQ,
and any other equipment that is in a space are secondly is to evaluate the quality of indoor
all factors that can influence IEQ (Sulaiman et environment (IEQ) based on users perception
al., 2013). The study's objectives are to first UTHM academic building and lastly to
develop a framework for assessing IEQ, then measure the level of IEQ UTHM campus
analyse the quality of the interior environment buildings. Measurements of thermal comfort
(IEQ) based on users' impressions of the (T, R.H), lighting (Classroom lux levels),
buildings, and finally determine the level of noise (educational decibel levels) and IAQ
IEQ in the buildings and proposed a new (VOCs, air speed) based on Standard
approach solution for this case while keeping MS1525:2007. Questionnaire survey on
cost effectiveness, energy efficiency, and thermal, visual and acoustic comfort
sustainability in mind. (Sulaiman et al., 2013)

2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.2 The Green Building Index Rating

Tool: Influence of Building Facade on Indoor
The purpose of this paper is to review the Environmental Quality (IEQ) Performance.
existing literature to draw an understanding of Investigates the effectiveness of the facade
the relationship between indoor adopted in GBI rated office buildings.
environmental quality and occupant Research on Green Building Index (GBI) as a
productivity in building environment. The pioneer rating tool used in Malaysia (Samad
study reviews over 15 journals, conference & Tharim, 2017) (Samad & Tharim, 2017).
articles and books focusing on indoor
environment, occupant comfort, productivity 2.3 An Indoor Environmental Quality
and green buildings. It limits its focus to the (IEQ) assessment of a partially-retrofitted
physical aspects of building environment. It University building.
also discusses different physical parameters To assess compliance with the criteria
under each of the IEQ factors. It proposes a outlined in the standard EN15251 (CEN,
conceptual model of different factors 2007) and assess the impact of ad-hoc, partial
affecting occupant productivity. The study retrofitting of the building on the IEQ and
also presents a review of the data collection investigation the field study of the building.
methods utilised by the research studies that Latest standards and research of building
aim to investigate the relationship between environmental factors of thermal comfort,
IEQ and occupant productivity. The study visual comfort, acoustic and indoor air quality
presents a comprehensive discussion and (IAQ) define indoor environment quality
analysis of different IEQ factors that affect (Zuhaib et al., 2018).
occupant productivity. The paper provides a

2.4 A review of smart building sensing monitoring of the indoor environment

system for better indoor environment control. parameters, spread over four medium-sized
Provide a systemic review of how indoor conventional office buildings and buildings’
sensors influence in managing optimal energy description conventional office buildings
saving, thermal comfort, visual comfort, and (CB) and green office building (GB) (Piasecki
indoor air quality in the built environment. et al., 2018).
Discussed in terms of data, information, and
knowledge accrued from the sensors (Paulína 2.8 The impact of indoor environment
Šujanová et al., 2019b). quality (IEQ) on school children’s overall
comfort in the UK; a regression approach.
2.5 Design and Development of a Low- Investigate examine their impact on
Cost, Portable Monitoring Device for Indoor children’s overall comfort in primary schools
Environment Quality. in the UK. Surveyed 805 children in 32
Describes the design and development of a naturally ventilated classrooms during non-
low-cost, portable monitoring system for heating and heating seasons (Korsavi et al.,
indoor environment quality (IEQ). 2020).
Monitoring of temperature, humidity, PM2.5,
PM10, total VOCS (×3), CO2, CO, 2.9 The impacts of building
illuminance, and sound levels (Tiele et al., characteristics, social psychological and
2018). cultural factors on indoor environment quality
productivity belief.
2.6 Indoor environment quality and work Investigate interconnected factors’ influence
performance in “green” office buildings in the on occupants’ IEQ-productivity belief,
Middle East. defined as a personal and subjective
Investigation the research on IEQ in green evaluation of the linkage between the impacts
office buildings on IEQ performance in the of five IEQ aspects. Survey data was collected
Middle East. Subjective assessment of in university offices from six countries
building performance (questionnaire, focus (Brazil, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, Taiwan
group or interviews), objective assessment of and the U.S.) (Chen et al., 2020).
energy consumption and measurements of
physical IEQ parameters including, thermal 2.10 Continuous IEQ monitoring system:
comfort indicators, IAQ indicators, visual Performance specifications and thermal
comfort and acoustic comfort (Elnaklah et al., comfort classification.
2020). Review the relevant industry standards and
guidelines regarding instrument
2.7 Moving to a green building: Indoor specifications and measurement protocols in
environment quality, thermal comfort and the context of building IEQ performance
health. assessment. Evaluate the performance of a
Examine whether localised GBCs improve low cost, continuous IEQ monitoring system
building performance, occupant satisfaction (SAMBA). Perform Monte Carlo simulation
and health compared to conventional to determine the adequacy of different
buildings. Research on the quality of the measurement technologies in office building.
indoor environment in green buildings, The objectives are to test the performance of
surveying 120 employees with co-incident a low-cost IEQ monitoring system (SAMBA),

calibration data from 100 devices was Observe the correlation of IEQ and
analysed to calculate the standard error of the productivity in working place. Search the
estimate as a measure of equipment accuracy articles, books and journals, discussing on
and to measurements of thermal comfort how IAQ, thermal comfort, noise pollution
parameters from 24 office buildings (Tiele et and lighting quality related to each other
al., 2018). (Mahbob et al., 2011).

2.11 Developing an indoor environment 2.15 The Approach of Including TVOCs

quality tool for assessment of mechanically Concentration in the Indoor Environmental
ventilated office buildings in the UK. Quality Model (IEQ)—Case Studies of
The development of a new model for rapid BREEAM Certified Office Buildings.
assessment of Indoor Environment Quality Analyses the impact of measured
(IEQ) in air-conditioned office buildings in concentrations of Total Volatile Organic
the UK. Questionnaire administration, Compounds (TVOC) emissions. Measuring
measurement of indoor environment variables the VOCs to determine the IAQindex and then
which air temperature, relative humidity, air to determine the total IEQindex for four office
velocity, illuminance, CO2 concentrations and building, the equipment and experimental
A-weighted sound pressure level (Piasecki et tests methodology, IEQ model and sub-
al., 2018) components models and case study buildings
(Piasecki et al., 2018).
2.12 Good indoor environmental quality
(IEQ) and high energy efficiency in 3.0 PROBLEM STATEMENT
multifamily dwellings: How do tenants view
the conditions needed to achieve both? Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ) is very
This concerns whether tenants perceive that important in every building because it will
conditions for achieving sufficient IEQ with give huge impacts on occupant health,
low energy use exist. Study areas, study productivity, and energy consumption in that
participants with 42 participants and focus building. Usually, human behavior and
group interviews and analysis (Mahbob et al., activities deeply influence every IEQ
2011) determinant at every stage of building’s
lifecycle. Thus, to achieve the four aspect of
2.13 IEQ and the Impact on Building measuring of IEQ which are indoor air quality
Occupants. and optimum thermal comfort, visual
To communicate the results of this research, comfort, and aural comfort, some
currently reported primarily in research measurement consideration needs to be done.
publications. Select the five papers, briefly
summarizes the message of each paper, and 4.0 METHODOLOGY
discusses the practical implications for
architects and engineers (Stauss & Kumar, This study is to investigate the worker’s and
2002). human overall comfort related to Indoor
Environmental Quality (IEQ) which are
2.14 A Correlation Studies of Indoor including thermal comfort in the building and
Environmental Quality (IEQ) Towards evaluate the rated buildings in post occupancy
Productive Workplace.

period on the IEQ performance. Our group resolved or improved by usage of HVAC
has agreed to find a related research paper to system.
IEQ problem. The method involves
measurements that taken for a day to gather 5.1 Temperature
all research paper and discussed among
members through WhatsApp group. Next, we
distributed the work evenly to every member
and we come out with all the possible
problems from the journal. Each of members
were required to give an ideas and solutions
of new design and approach that could solve
the IEQ problem in the buildings. Lastly,
according to approach and results we got; a
conclusion was made.
Figure 5.1: Temperature test results.
Figure 5.1 shows the indoor temperature of
Assessment of Indoor Environmental each case study as well as the acceptable
Quality (IEQ) of six buildings referred as highest and lowest indoor temperature for an
Building A, B, C, D, E and F was carried out office. According to American Society of
with consultation based on the ASHRAE Heating, Refrigeration and Air-
Standard 55-2010. The measurement was conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
done by using Hygro Thermometer Clock to Standard 55-2010, optimum temperature for
measure the room temperature and relative an office is between 23 °C to 28 °C (Mydin
humidity (% RH). In addition, hot Wire et al., 2017). It can be observed that there are
CFM Thermo-Anemometer was used to two case studies exceeding the optimum
evaluate the air velocity and air flow in the high temperature which are buildings E and
assessment while wide Range Light Meter F while buildings A, B, C and D all has the
quantified lighting level in the buildings. optimum indoor temperature. From analysis
Lastly, Digital Sound Meter was applied to of this case study, occupants can be seen to
assess the noise level in all of the six be more comfortable with indoor
buildings. There are six factors to be temperature higher than the optimum one.
considered that are able to affect the Findings from survey indicated that
productivity of occupants in workplace occupants disagreed with the ideal indoor
especially in office environment. They are temperature of 24 °C, which is suggested by
mean radiant temperature, clothing ASHRAE. Majority of the occupants are
insulation, metabolic rate, air temperature, then satisfied with air temperature of 27 °C
air velocity and relative humidity (Al Horr in their working environment. It can be
et al., 2016: Paulína Šujanová et al., 2019) proposed that good maintenance of properly
that can influence thermal comfort. functioning HVAC equipment will be able
Quantification of these factors are shown in to overcome temperature problem in the
figures below that represent the problems office (Mydin et al., 2017).
occurring in the buildings which can be

5.2 Relative Humidity

Figure 5.3: Air velocity test results.

Look for figure 5.3 shows the air velocity of

Figure 5.2: Humidity test results. each case study and its optimum velocity
The figure 5.2 shows the indoor humidity of when present in an office. Clearly, building
each case study as well as the optimum peak A has the lowest air velocity that is even
and valley indoor humidity for an office. lower than range of optimum values. This
High humidity is usually caused by high means that the rate of heat flow through
amount of water that is heated and convection and evaporation is smaller,
evaporated to the surrounding environment. making heat to be less dissipated and
The humidity level obtained from the case increasing stuffiness that reduce the air
studies basically falls within the quality. For other case studies, they have
comfortable area with the exception of their indoor air velocities to be within the
Building E as it has humidity that is higher optimum range. Solution to be proposed
than optimum. According to ASHRAE specifically for building A due to its low air
Standard 55-2010, the optimum humidity velocity is by increasing air velocity
for an office is 30-60% but usually kept artificially such as by the use of fans or
between 40-70%. To avoid problems due to HVAC system with fan mode turned on
high humidity level such as mould growth, (Mydin et al., 2017).
some of the modifications to the building
can include replacing double pane glazing 5.4 Air Flow
with single pane one and open more
ventilation openings available in the
buildings to circulate more airflow (Mydin
et al., 2017).

5.3 Air Velocity

Figure 5.4: Air flow test results.

The air flow of each building is shown in

figure 5.4 above along with the optimum

indoor air flow in an office. Higher readings building can be applied with the materials
of air flow mean higher air quality since for absorption of noise to greater extent (Al
there is a larger space of air to be breathed Horr et al., 2016).
by a person. Thus, air flow in all other 5.6 Lighting
buildings except F have failed this test since
minimum reading of 17 cfm is required
based on the ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2013.
Building F has the acceptable value of air
flow as it has the highest reading as shown
from the figure. Same solution as before can
be applied for buildings with lower air flow
which is by introducing greater flow of air
artificially so that ventilation is more
frequent and circulates fresh air into the
buildings (Mydin et al., 2017). Figure 4.6: Lighting test results

5.5 Noise Optimum level of lighting is between 300-

500 lux (Mydin et al., 2017) that is achieved
by buildings A and C. Other buildings failed
to obtain higher reading for illuminance as
the values are lower than 200 lux.
Illuminance is one of the crucial factors in
establishing safety for occupants in a
building since it gives them sight and vision
about where they are. Hazards and accidents
are more likely to occur in a darker
environment due to less visibility on the
Figure 5.5: Noise Level test result. surroundings. As such, buildings B and E
Noise which is a common thing everywhere need to have better lighting by equipping
can be a problem arising from mechanical artificial lighting and localized lighting for
system and equipment in the office. Noise higher illuminance across the buildings
level for each building is shown in figure 5.5 (Mydin, Nawi and Munaaim, 2017:
above with the optimum noise level. Higher Pourzeynali & Jooei, 2013).
noise levels show that there is a higher risk
of human health towards occupants. There
are then three buildings with bad
performance which are C, F and D while the
The assessment of Indoor
other three have low noise level. Academy
Environmental Quality (IEQ) was achieved
of Otolaryngology recommends noise level
by a research of six buildings referred as
to be less than 85 decibels to avoid irritating
Building A, B, C, D, E and F. The aspects
human’s hearing (Mydin et al., 2017). To
need to be assessed are indoor temperature,
overcome high noise level problem, sound
relative humanity, air velocity, air flow, noise
absorbing materials can be used to achieve
and lighting. There are four objectives which
acoustic comfort. Specific parts of the

are, (1) to first develop a framework for quality (IEQ) on school children’s overall
assessing IEQ, (2) analyse the quality of the comfort in the UK; a regression approach.
interior environment (IEQ) based on users' Building and Environment,
185(September), 107309.
impressions of the buildings, (3) determine https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.10
the level of IEQ in the buildings, and (4) 7309
propose a new approach solution for this case
Mahbob, N. S., Kamaruzzaman, S. N., Salleh, N.,
while keeping cost effectiveness, energy
& Sulaiman, R. (2011). A correlation studies
efficiency, and sustainability in mind. All the of indoor environmental quality (IEQ)
objectives were achieved by the assessment towards productive workplace. 2nd
and new propose solutions in each aspect by International Conference on Environmental
reviewing some research papers. IEQ is very Science and Technology (ICEST 2011),
6(January), 434–438.
important to humans as it will impact the
productivity moreover in the working place Mydin, M. A. O., Nawi, M. N. M., & Munaaim, M.
such as an office. The awareness of IEQ need A. C. (2017). Appraisal of workplace indoor
to be increased by building occupants because environmental quality (IEQ) in office
buildings at Penang Island. Malaysian
influence change in a way which would have Construction Research Journal, 2(Special
a positive impact on the only true value on Issue 2), 223–231.
which we should focus the skill of engineering
Paulína Šujanová, Monika Rychtáriková, Mayor,
as quality of life.
T. S., & Hyder, A. (2019a). A Healthy,
Al Horr, Y., Arif, M., Kaushik, A., Mazroei, A., Energy-Efficient and Comfortable Indoor
Katafygiotou, M., & Elsarrag, E. (2016). Environment, a Review. Energies, 12, 1414.
Occupant productivity and office indoor Paulína Šujanová, Monika Rychtáriková, Mayor,
environment quality: A review of the T. S., & Hyder, A. (2019b). energies
literature. Building and Environment, 105, Environment , a Review. Energies, 12,
369–389. 1414.
.001 Piasecki, M., Kozicki, M., Firlag, S., Goljan, A., &
Kostyrko, K. (2018). The approach of
Chen, C. F., Yilmaz, S., Pisello, A. L., De Simone, including TVOCs concentration in the
M., Kim, A., Hong, T., Bandurski, K., indoor environmental quality model (IEQ)-
Bavaresco, M. V., Liu, P. L., & Zhu, Y. case studies of BREEAM certified office
(2020). The impacts of building buildings. Sustainability (Switzerland),
characteristics, social psychological and 10(11).
cultural factors on indoor environment https://doi.org/10.3390/su10113902
quality productivity belief. Building and
Environment, 185(August), 107189. Samad, M. H. A., & Tharim, A. H. A. (2017). The
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.10 Green Building Index Rating Tool :
7189 Influence of Building Facade on Indoor
Environmental Quality ( IEQ ) Performance.
Elnaklah, R., Fosas, D., & Natarajan, S. (2020). International Transaction Journal of
Indoor environment quality and work Engineering, Management, & Applied
performance in “green” office buildings in Sciences & Technologies, 8(2), 79–90.
the Middle East. Building Simulation, 13(5), http://tuengr.com
https://doi.org/10.1007/s12273-020-0695- Stauss, E. F., & Kumar, S. (2002). IEQ and the
1 impact on building occupants [2] (multiple
letters). ASHRAE Journal, 44(8), 12.
Korsavi, S. S., Montazami, A., & Mumovic, D.
(2020). The impact of indoor environment Study, M., Shut, F., & Region, B. (2015). Study

For The Effect of Manning Roughness on portable monitoring device for indoor
Froude number in open channel ( subcritical environment quality. Journal of Sensors,
flow ). 33(JANUARY), 1164–1177. 2018.
Sulaiman, M. A., Yusoff, W. Z. W., & Kamarudin,
W. N. W. (2013). Evaluation of Indoor Zuhaib, S., Manton, R., Griffin, C., Hajdukiewicz,
Environmental Quality (IEQ) on dense M., Keane, M. M., & Goggins, J. (2018). An
Academic Building: Case Studies Universiti Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)
Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. International assessment of a partially-retrofitted
Journal of Scientific and Research university building. Building and
Publications, 3(1), 2250–3153. Environment, 139(May), 69–85.
www.ijsrp.org https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2018.05
Tiele, A., Esfahani, S., & Covington, J. (2018).
Design and development of a low-cost,


Facts Ideas Learning issue Action plan

 The total amount of energy Evaluate these rated  Investigate the performance of various  Make measurements taken
used in building has risen buildings in post occupancy rated GBI Non Residential New for five consecutive days for
to 20 to 40% and concern period on the Indoor Construction. each building from 8.30am to
over demand versus Environmental Quality (IEQ)  Investigates the effectiveness of the 4.30pm.
supply, depleting of fossil performance based on facade adopted in GBI rated office  Focuses the measurement of
fuel, global warming, different building facade. buildings as the interface of the ambient heat flux of different building
ozone destruction and climate to the Indoor Environmental facade to the overall indoor
climate change. Quality (IEQ). performance in the building
by using the various
 Post Occupancy Evaluation
(POE) Questionnaire to
gauge the occupants’
perception and satisfaction of
the indoor environmental as a
triangulation with the actual
measurement results.
 Achieving energy  Assess the compliance with  Discussed of the latest standards and  Prepare questionnaire for the
efficiency does not the criteria outlined in the research of building environmental staff and students based on
automatically ensure standard EN15251 for the factors of thermal comfort, visual guidelines in ASHRAE
better IEQ, particularly, acceptance of IEQ in an comfort, acoustic and indoor air quality 55:2013 (ASHRAE, 2013)
in existing nondomestic existing university building. (IAQ) define indoor environment quality. and the CBE IEQ survey.
buildings (built during  Assess the impact of ad-hoc,  Investigation the field study of the  Physical measurements were
post-war period). partial retrofitting of the building. conducted for the IEQ
 The lack of building on the IEQ. variables which are indoor air
understanding of IEQ temperature (°C), relative
could have adverse humidity (% RH), mean
effects on the occupants radiant temperature (°C), air
in the long run, such as velocity (m/s), illumination
health and respiratory (lux), CO2 (ppm) and noise
problems. level (dBA).
 An imbalance of IEQ can  Identify framework for to  Study the IEQ on dense academic  Evaluation framework based
give negative impact to evaluate the IEQ. building institutions to look at how far on four main elements IEQ
facilities, building and  Evaluate the quality of indoor the levels of the IEQ. which are thermal
occupants. environment (IEQ) based on  Investigations the level of IEQ and the (temperature and humidity)
 Imbalance of IEQ users’ perception. level of users’ satisfaction in the and noise comfort, indoor air
contributes to sick academic buildings. quality (air movement CO2
building syndrome when concentration) and lighting.
a building unable to  Make questionnaire based on
function well in terms of research objectives to collect
ventilation and relative research data.
humidity  Data collection from various
 The contributes to the sources such as reference
health quality of books, journals, articles,
occupant and the case of internet, newspaper reports
academic building will and all sources of
affect the teaching and publications.
learning process  Uses the Statistical Package
for Social Science (SPSS) for
the analysis of the data.

BFB41003 Building Services Project

Semester II Session 2020/2021

Weekly Reflection on Personal

Week: 8

Date:19th May 2021 to 25th May 2021

1. Selection of group members and leader
 The lecturers asked to create a group consists of 5 or 6 students. The groups
must be mixed in gender. The selection was made on Author UTHM.
 Table 1.0 shows the list of our group member.
 Mohammad Zulfakry was appointed as the leader for our group.

No. Names Matrics Id

1. Mohamad Zulfakry Aiman bin Zulkifli DF170020
2. Nur Syahirah binti Amran CF170019
3. Raja Nabiha binti Raja Jamil AF170051
4. Shahira binti Anuar AF170170
5. Syazana Najiha binti Sedik AF170101

2. Making a group chat on Whatsapp

 Raja Nabiha created the group chat and invited all the students.
 Figure 1.0 shows the proof of the group chat.

Figure 1.0: The group chat on WhatsApp application

(Author Name: Shahira binti Anuar)


BFB41003 Building Services Project

Semester II Session 2020/2021

Weekly Reflection on Personal

Week: 9

Date: 26th May 2021 to 1st June 2021

1. Choose suitable tittle for the technical paper
 The tittle is come out from the 15 researches paper from previous studies regarding the
indoor environment quality issues around the world.
 The research papers from previous studies:

No. Article tittle

Evaluation of Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) on dense Academic Building: Case
Studies Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.
The Green Building Index Rating Tool: Influence of Building Facade on Indoor
Environmental Quality (IEQ) Performance.
An Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) assessment of a partially-retrofitted University
4 A review of smart building sensing system for better indoor environment control.
Design and Development of a Low-Cost, Portable Monitoring Device for Indoor
Environment Quality
Indoor environment quality and work performance in “green” office buildings in the
Middle East
7 Moving to a green building: Indoor environment quality, thermal comfort and health.
The impact of indoor environment quality (IEQ) on school children’s overall comfort
in the UK; a regression approach.
The impacts of building characteristics, social psychological and cultural factors on
indoor environment quality productivity belief.
10 Continuous IEQ monitoring system: Performance specifications and thermal comfort
Developing an indoor environment quality tool for assessment of mechanically
ventilated office buildings in the UK e A preliminary study
Good indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and high energy efficiency in multifamily
dwellings: How do tenants view the conditions needed to achieve both?
13 IEQ and the Impact on Building Occupants
A Correlation Studies of Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Towards Productive
The Approach of Including TVOCs Concentration in the Indoor Environmental Quality
Model (IEQ)—Case Studies of BREEAM Certified Office Buildings.

 Contents work distribution for the project

Contents Group member

Introduction Raja Nabiha
Literature review Mohamad Zulkary
Problem Statement Syazana Najiha
Methodology Syazana Najiha
Approaches and Discussion Nur Syahirah
Conclusion Shahira Anuar
Weekly Assessment All group member
Overall Assessment Raja Nabiha

(Author Name: Raja Nabiha binti Raja Jamil)


BFB41003 Building Services Project

Semester II Session 2020/2021

Weekly Reflection on Personal

Week: 10

Date: 2nd June 2021 to 8th June 2021

1. Distributed the work evenly to all group members and ensure all member were satisfy
and able to do the work. Every member also need to record the video presentation.
2. Inroduction part made by Raja Nabiha was completed by this week and share it into the
Whatsapp group.
3. Mohammad Zulfakry Aiman also procceded the work content using FILA Table as
mentioned in project instruction.
4. Methodology and problem statement part also completed and ready to be compiled with
other member part’s.

(Author Name: Syazana Najiha binti Sedik)


BFB41003 Building Services Project

Semester II Session 2020/2021

Weekly Reflection on Personal

Week: 11

Date: 9nd June 2021 to 15th June 2021

1. This week we discussed together to choose the result and discussion.

2. All member group have given full commitment for the cooperation

3. This week it is my job to make a result and discussion that we have discussed

4. Shahira binti Anuar also made a conclusion and compiled a reference

(Author Name: Nur Syahirah Binti Amran)


BFB41003 Building Services Project

Semester II Session 2020/2021

Weekly Reflection on Personal

Week: 12

Date: 16th June 2021 to 22nd June 2021

1 All member group have send part of their work distribution for this project report in
whatsapp group or google drive and Raja Nabiha compile this report before send it in
author UTHM.
2 All member group have send video presentation of each part of them to Syazana Najiha
for compile and edit before send it in author UTHM.
3 All member group have given full commitment for the cooperation to finish this report
and video presentation.

(Author Name: Mohamad Zulfakry Aiman Bin Zulkifli)


Overall Reflection Assessment

Problem Based Learning

Overall reflection on learning experience for this project

1. Content

 We able to develop a framework for assessing IEQ.

 We able to analyse the quality of the interior environment (IEQ) based on
users' impressions of the buildings.
 We able to determine the level of IEQ in the buildings.
 We able to proposed a new approach solution for this case while keeping
cost effectiveness, energy efficiency, and sustainability in mind.

2. Learning Activities

 Finding information about the IEQ for building from previous research
 Provide solutions to overcome IEQ problems.

3. Lecturer (s) / Instructor (s)

 The lecturer gave a full of support and helps for us to accomplish this
 She suggested us the application that we should used and correct way to
solve the problems
 She guided us in a way to finish the project on the time and correctly.
 Dr Tong Yean Ghing (lecturer)

4. Group Members

 We supported each other to maintain mentally and physically to finish this

 We helped each other in completing each task given.
 All group members able to give their commitment and time to complete this
project on the time.
4. Group Members

 We supported each other to maintain mentally and physically to finish this

 We helped each other in completing each task given.
 All group members able to give their commitment and time to complete this
project on the time.

5. Generic / Humanistic Skills

 Analytical skills
 Problem solving skills
 Creativity
 Leadership
 Communication skills
 Time management

6. Overall / others / Pictures / Summary

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