Bhopal Gas Tragedy Document
Bhopal Gas Tragedy Document
Bhopal Gas Tragedy Document
1. NEERI-NGRI, 2010-
Bhopal Gas Tragedy Relief and Rehabilitation
Department, Government of Madhya Pradesh granted
this joint study to NEERI-NGRI to assess
contamination and delineate suitable remediation
strategies in and around UCIL site. It involved a
reconnaissance survey of the UCIL site, geophysical
and hydrogeological investigation, sampling and
analysis of soil and groundwater in and around the
UCIL. The survey found broken boundary walls at
many places and dilapidated plant, machineries and
buildings. Several dumps were present. SEP and an
abandoned landfill was found damaged. The study
also noted that the excavation of dumps done earlier
by M/s. Ramky Limited was incomplete. Three out of
the nine suspected dump sites were assessed for
contamination. The depth of soil contamination was
estimated to be upto two metres at most places. Key
contaminants found in the soil include cabaryl,
aldicarb, HCH isomers and alpha naphthol and heavy
metals such as mercury, lead and chromium. Apart
from isolated contamination in five wells in the
downstream area outside the UCIL, no contaminants
were found in the groundwater. Presence of the
contaminants was attributed to surface runoff from
the dumps. Presence of very low permeability due to
black and yellow silty clay in the locality was quoted
as a reason for absence of ground water
contamination caused by seepage. Suggested long-
term remedial measures include on-site secured
landfill of about 1.1 million tonnes of soil and
remediation of groundwater by ‘pump and treat’
method. Certain immediate measures include
securing the site and SEP; decontaminating and
decommissioning of plant, machinery and structure
before remediation; excavation and recovery of
dumps and incineration of the incinerable; sealing of
the five contaminated wells.
Soil Contamination:
Soil contamination at UCIL Soil inside the
UCIL site was found contaminated in all the studies.
The nature of chemicals found in soil samples in most
studies was similar. For instance, organic
contaminants such as carbaryl, aldicarb, HCH
isomers, chlorinated benzenes and alpha naphthol
were found in soil samples in most of the studies.
Similarly, heavy metals such as mercury, lead and
chromium were also commonly found (see Table 1:
Key contaminants found in soil at UCIL). Several
places inside the UCIL site were found heavily
contaminated with multiple organics and heavy
metals. For instance, in several studies, either
neutralisation pits or disposal area II have been found
to have most of the contaminants tested for.
Similarly, sevin plant and formulation plant were also
found contaminated with a number of organics and
heavy metals in multiple studies (see Figure 1: Places
at UCIL: Contaminants tested and found in soil