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Cache memory acts between

(A) CPU and RAM

(B) RAM and ROM

(C) CPU and Hard Disk

(D) None of these

Answer: A

2. Memory unit accessed by content is called

(A) Read only memory

(B) Programmable Memory

(C) Virtual Memory

(D) Associative Memory

Answer: D

3 .RAM stands for

a. Random origin money

b. Random only memory

c. Read only memory

d. Random access memory

e. None of these

Answer: Random access memory

4. An instruction pipeline can be implemented by means of

(A) LIFO buffer

(B) FIFO buffer

(C) Stack

(D) None of the above

Answer: B

5. Data input command is just the opposite of a

(A) Test command

(B) Control command

(C) Data output

(D) Data channel

Answer: C

6. Status bit is also called

(A) Binary bit

(B) Flag bit

(C) Signed bit

(D) Unsigned bit

Answer: B

7. An address in main memory is called

(A) Physical address

(B) Logical address

(C) Memory address

(D) Word address

Answer: A

8. In which addressing mode the operand is given explicitly in the instruction

(A) Absolute.

(B) Immediate .

(C) Indirect.

(D) Direct.

Answer: B

9. Data hazards occur when ……

A) Greater performance loss

B) Pipeline changes the order of read/write access to operands

C) Some functional unit is not fully pipelined

D) Machine size is limited

Ans. B

10. Which of the following registers is used to keep track of address of the memory location where the
next instruction is located?
A. Memory Address Register

B. Memory Data Register

C. Instruction Register

D. Program Register

Ans. D

11. A complete microcomputer system consists of

A) microprocessor

B) memory

C) peripheral equipment

D) all of above

Ans. D

12. CPU does not perform the operation ………………

A) data transfer

B) logic operation

C) arithmetic operation

D) all of the above

Ans. A

13. Assembly language

(A) uses alphabetic codes in place of binary numbers used in machine language

(B) is the easiest language to write programs

(C) need not be translated into machine language

(D) None of these

Answer: A

14. What characteristic of RAM memory makes it not suitable for permanent storage?

(A) too slow

(B) unreliable

(C) it is volatile

(D) too bulky

Answer: C
15. The average time required to reach a storage location in memory and obtain its contents is called

(A) seek time

(B) turnaround time

(C) access time

(D) transfer time

Answer: C

16. The idea of cache memory is based

(A) on the property of locality of reference

(B) on the heuristic 90-10 rule

(C) on the fact that references generally tend to cluster

(D) all of the above

Answer: A

17. The addressing mode used in an instruction of the form ADD X Y, is

(A) Absolute

(B) indirect

(C) index

(D) none of these

Answer: C

18. Generally Dynamic RAM is used as main memory in a computer system as it

(A) Consumes less power

(B) has higher speed

(C) has lower cell density

(D) needs refreshing circuitary

Answer: B

19. A collection of lines that connects several devices is called …………..

A) bus

B) peripheral connection wires

C) Both a and b
D) internal wires

Ans. A

20.Which of the following memories must be refreshed many times per second?

a. Static RAM

b. Dynamic RAM


d. ROM

e. None of these

ans. Static RAM

21. A memory buffer used to accommodate a speed differential is called

a) stack pointer

b) cache

c) accumulator

d) disk buffer


22.Which one of the following is the address generated by CPU?

a) physical address

b) absolute address

c) logical address

d) none of the mentioned


23. Write Through technique is used in which memory for updating the data

(A) Virtual memory

(B) Main memory

(C) Auxiliary memory

(D) Cache memory

Answer: D

24. Logic X-OR operation of (4ACO) H & (B53F) H results

(B) 0000



Answer: C

25. When CPU is executing a Program that is part of the Operating System, it is said to be in

(A) Interrupt mode

(B) System mode

(C) Half mode

(D) Simplex mode

Answer: B

26. An n-bit microprocessor has

(A) n-bit program counter

(B) n-bit address register

(C) n-bit ALU

(D) n-bit instruction register

Answer: D

26. Cache memory works on the principle of

(A) Locality of data

(B) Locality of memory

(C) Locality of reference

(D) Locality of reference & memory

Answer: C

27. The main memory in a Personal Computer (PC) is made of

(A) cache memory.

(B) static RAM

(C) Dynamic Ram

(D) both (A) and (B) .

Ans: D

28. In computers, subtraction is carried out generally by

(A) 1’s complement method

(B) 2’s complement method

(C) signed magnitude method

(D) BCD subtraction method

Answer: B

28. _________ register keeps tracks of the instructions stored in program stored in memory.

(A) AR (Address Register)

(B) XR (Index Register)

(C) PC (Program Counter)

(D) AC (Accumulator)

Answer: C

29. Memory unit accessed by content is called

(A) Read only memory

(B) Programmable Memory

(C) Virtual Memory

(D) Associative Memory

Answer: D

30. The time interval between adjacent bits is called the

(A) Word-time

(B) Bit-time

(C) Turn around time

(D) Slice time

Answer: B

31. The time interval between adjacent bits is called the

(A) Word-time

(B) Bit-time

(C) Turn around time

(D) Slice time

Answer: B
32. A group of bits that tell the computer to perform a specific operation is known as

(A) Instruction code

(B) Micro-operation

(C) Accumulator

(D) Register

Answer: A

33. A binary digit is called a

(A) Bit

(B) Byte

(C) Number

(D) Character

Ans: A

34. The operation executed on data stored in registers is called

(A) Macro-operation

(B) Micro-operation

(C) Bit-operation

(D) Byte-operation

Answer: B

35. Self-contained sequence of instructions that performs a given computational task is called

(A) Function

(B) Procedure

(C) Subroutine

(D) Routine

Answer: A

36. An interface that provides a method for transferring binary information between internal storage
and external devices is called

(A) I/O interface

(B) Input interface

(C) Output interface

(D) I/O bus

Answer: A

37. An address in main memory is called

(A) Physical address

(B) Logical address

(C) Memory address

(D) Word address

Answer: A

38. The instructions which copy information from one location to another either in the processor’s
internal register set or in the external main memory are called

(A) Data transfer instructions.

(B) Program control instructions.

(C) Input-output instructions.

(D) Logical instructions.

Answer: A

39. A register capable of shifting its binary information either to the right or the left is called a

(A) parallel register.

(B) serial register.

(C) shift register.

(D) storage register.

Answer: C

40. What is the content of Stack Pointer (SP)?

(A) Address of the current instruction

(B) Address of the next instruction

(C) Address of the top element of the stack

(D) Size of the stack.

Answer: C

41. Which of the following is a main memory

(A) Secondary memory.

(B) Auxiliary memory.

(C) Cache memory.

(D) Virtual memory.

Answer: C

42. When necessary, the results are transferred from the CPU to main memory by

(A) I/O devices.

(B) CPU.

(C) shift registers.

(D) none of these.

Answer: C

43. Memory unit accessed by content is called______.

A. Read only memory

B. Programmable Memory

C. Virtual Memory

D. Associative Memory

Answer: D

44. _________ register keeps tracks of the instructions stored in program stored in memory.

A. AR (Address Register)

B. XR (Index Register)

C. PC (Program Counter)

D. AC (Accumulator)

Answer: C

45. The access time of memory is …………… the time required for performing any single CPU operation.
A. Longer than

B Shorter than

C Negligible than

D Same as

Answer: A
46. The circuit converting binary data in to decimal is
(A) Encoder
(B) Multiplexer
(C) Decoder
(D) Code converter
Answer: D
47. A three input NOR gate gives logic high output only when
(A) one input is high
(B) one input is low
(C) two input are low
(D) all input are high
Ans: D
48. n bits in operation code imply that there are ___________ possible distinct operators
(A) 2n
(B) 2n
(C) n/2
(D) n2
Ans: B
49. ‘Aging registers’ are
(A) Counters which indicate how long ago their associated pages have been referenced.
(B) Registers which keep track of when the program was last accessed.
(C) Counters to keep track of last accessed instruction.
(D) Counters to keep track of the latest data structures referred.
Ans: A
50 The instruction ‘ORG O’ is a
(A) Machine Instruction.
(B) Pseudo instruction.
(C) High level instruction.
(D) Memory instruction.
Ans: B
51 A microprogram sequencer

(A) generates the address of next micro instruction to be executed.

(B) generates the control signals to execute a microinstruction.

(C) sequentially averages all microinstructions in the control memory.

(D) enables the efficient handling of a micro program subroutine.

Ans: A

52 The operation executed on data stored in registers is called

(A) Macro-operation

(B) Micro-operation

(C) Bit-operation

(D) Byte-operation

Ans: B

53 An interface that provides a method for transferring binary information between internal storage and
external devices is called

(A) I/O interface

(B) Input interface

(C) Output interface

(D) I/O bus

Ans: A

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