FINAL Case-3 - 1710547127678
FINAL Case-3 - 1710547127678
FINAL Case-3 - 1710547127678
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Mustapha Camara
Financial Modeling © All rights reserved, 2022, Richard Horwitz & Mustapha Camara
Section: Modeling with Excel
Workbook 3: Data Analysis Modeling
Financial planning and analysis (FP&A) is a set of planning, forecasting, budgeting, and analytical activities that support a company’s major business decisions and overall financial heal
With a corporate FP&A system, finance teams can combine financial data, operational data, and external data (like market trends) in one place.
Finance can analyze it all – and uncover the in-depth insights they need to plan for the future and guide more profitable decision-making.
On this sheet you are provided data on each of 1,000 individual surgical procedures performed at the hospital:
Each of the above sets of data are provided as a separate table in the following columns:
Data Columns
Operating Room (OR) Hours required H-I
Payments received K-L
Surgeon performing the procedure N-O
You must first assemble the data into a single table to permit it to be analyzed.
Write formulas in Columns D, E and F below that will accomplish this.
You need to use the INDEX or XLOOKUP functions in Column E (Surgeon) because the Procedure Number is to the right of the Surgeon.
Hint: You need to complete the Surgeon column (Column E) before you complete the Payments column (Column D). The data in Column L will appear when this is done.
You can use the VLOOKUP function in Column F (OR Hours)
Beware, when calculating Payments in Column D that there may have been multiple payments for the same procedure which must be aggregated.
Hint: You can use the SUMIF function to aggregate all of the payments related to a specific procedure.
The cells in columns D, E and F will turn red if there is an error.
You have an error in Column F
OR Hours Table
Procedure Procedure Procedure
Number Code Count Payments Surgeon OR Hours Number Hours in OR
1 P13 1 $ - #NAME? 5 917 5.0
2 P15 1 $ - #NAME? 5 255 6.0
3 P16 1 $ - #NAME? 4 55 5.0
4 P10 1 $ - #NAME? 3 357 6.0
5 P12 1 $ - #NAME? 6.5 222 6.0
6 P13 1 $ - #NAME? 5 434 3.0
7 P14 1 $ - #NAME? 8 784 5.0
8 P10 1 $ - #NAME? 3 497 5.0
The PivotTable on the 'Model' Sheet, uses the Table in Columns A through F of the 'Assemble Data' Sheet.
You need to perform the necessary calculations to generate the results presented in the grey cells below.
You will subsequently use the PivotTable you have created to perform the analyses on the 'Analyze' Sheet.
Use the 'Calculate Field…' on the 'Field, Items & Sets' dropdown from the 'Pivot Table Analyze' selection to calculate a new field 'Hourly Rate' equal to the Payments divided by the OR
You will not be able to complete the remainder of this Workbook if you have not successfully created this PivotTable.
Surgeon Type Procedure Name Procedure Code Count OR Hours Payments Hourly Rate
Cardiac Bypass P10 227 681 $0 $0
Cardiac Heart Transplant P11 57 627 $0 $0
Cardiac Pacemaker P12 11 72 $0 $0
Cardiac Catheterization P13 226 1130 $0 $0
Neurological Craniotomy P14 8 64 $0 $0
Neurological Biopsy P15 60 300 $0 $0
Neurological Thrombectomy P16 59 236 $0 $0
Orthopedic Hip Replacement P17 65 780 $0 $0
Orthopedic Knee Replacement P18 170 1020 $0 $0
Orthopedic Scoliosis P19 117 1287 $0 $0
Total 1000 6197 $0 $0
© All rights reserved, 2022, Richard Horwitz & Mustapha Camara
Please perform the analyses required on this Sheet using the PivotTable you created on the 'Model' Worksheet.
Modify the PivotTable to have the Surgeons as the Rows and the average Hourly Rate for the OR and the OR Hours as the related data:
Surgeon OR Hours.
C1 824
C2 2088
C3 1262.5
N1 238
N2 616
N3 337
O1 299
O2 697
O3 420
Total Result 6781.5
Which Surgeon had the lowest average Hourly Rate for the OR?
What was the average Hourly Rate for the OR (enter a Value not a Formula) for the Surgeon selected in Row 20?
Which Surgeon had the highest Hourly Rate for the OR?
What was the highest Hourly Rate for the OR (enter a Value not a Formula) for this surgeon?
In your PivotTable separately Group the three cardiac surgeons (C1, C2 and C3), the three neuro surgeons (N1, N2 and N3) and the three orthopedic surgeons (O1, O2 and O3),
Create the groupings by using the "Group" selection on the "Data" tab.
Your PivotTable should look as follows:
Surgeon2 Surgeon OR Hours.
Group1 4174.5
C1 824
C2 2088
C3 1262.5
Group2 1191
N1 238
N2 616
N3 337
Group3 1416
O1 299
O2 697
O3 420
Total Result 6781.5
Which Group had the highest Hourly Rate for the OR?
Group 2 (N!, N2 and N3)
What was the highest Hourly Rate (enter a Value not a Formula) for this Group?
In the PivotTable you have created on the 'Model' Sheet use the 'Calculate Field…' on the 'Field, Items & Sets' dropdown from the 'Pivot Table Analyze' selection to calculate a new fiel
The Calculate Field logic divides the sum of the numerators by the sum of the denominators at every level of the hierarchy.
By creating Column C on the Assemble Data and setting all values to 1 we are artificially creating a count of the procedures atSurgeon Procedure Code
For example, in the below PivotTable we have counted for each Surgeon the number of procedures done by each Procedure C1
Notice that it totals to 1,000, the number of procedures in our database. P10
Row Labels Count Average Payment. P12
C1 125 7566.24 P13
P10 46 2880 C2
P11 46 13200 P10
P12 10 8190 P11
P13 23 5400 P12
C2 316 6696.43987 P13
P10 109 2444.0367 C3
P11 112 11687.5 P10
P12 36 7393.75 P11
P13 59 4652.54237 P12
C3 194 5183.91753 P13
P10 72 1973.33333 N1
P11 68 9188.23529 P14
P12 19 5747.36842 P15
P13 35 3702.85714 P16
N1 48 7968.33333 N2
P14 11 10080 P14
P15 2 8400 P15
P16 35 7280 P16
N2 122 5246.55738 N3
P14 30 6480 P14
P15 8 5400 P15
P16 84 4791.42857 P16
N3 68 5835.29412 O1
P14 16 7200 P17
P15 1 6000 P18
P16 51 5403.92157 P19
O1 27 8973.33333 O2
P17 12 10800 P17
P18 2 4860 P18
P19 13 7920 P19
O2 62 11940.3226 O3
P17 30 14080 10122.528736 P17
P18 3 5940 P18
P19 29 10347.5862 P19
O3 38 8223.15789 Total Result
P17 17 10164.7059
P18 3 4320
P19 18 7040
Grand Total 1000 6781.955
It is important for a hospital to be very competitive for the Procedure that is most frequently performed to attract patients.
What was the most frequently performed Procedure?
How many of these procedures were performed?
Which Surgeon performed the procedure selected in Row 100 at the lowest Average Payment for the OR?
What was the total OR Hours across all procedures (enter a Value not a Formula) of this Surgeon (in Row 104) who performed the most number of these procedures?
What was the average Payment for the OR for this Surgeon (enter a Value not a Formula)?
Using your model, calculate the total number of OR Hours for each combination of surgeons.
You need to write formulas in each of the nine cells below:
O1 O2 O3 p1 Count of Count
N1 75 110 86 271 C1 125
N2 149 184 160 493 C2 316
N3 95 106 106 307 C3 194
319 400 352 1071 N1 48
If you modify your PivotTable on the Model Sheet, you must Paste Values above. N2 122
There are a total of 0 OR Hours available in a year. N3 68
The Cardiac surgeon that you have selected will require 0 hours O1 27
That leaves 0 hours available for the Orthopedic and Neuro surgeons combined. O2 62
What combination of surgeons best utilizes available hours within this constraint. O3 38
Orthopedic surgeon Grand Total 1000
Neuro surgeon
How many additional hours do these two surgeons require?
What is the combined Payments of these two surgeons?
Is the combined Payments of these two surgeons (showin in Row 146) greater than all other potential combinations of two surgeons?
served, 2022, Richard Horwitz & Mustapha Camara
selection to calculate a new field 'Average Payment' equal to the Payments divided by the Count.
Count of Count Count of OR Hours
125 125
46 46
46 46
10 10
23 23
316 316
109 109
112 112
36 36
59 59
194 194
72 72
68 68
19 19
35 35
48 48
11 11
2 2
35 35
122 122
30 30
8 8
84 84
68 68
16 16
1 1
51 51
27 27
12 12
2 2 59
13 13
62 62
30 30
3 3
29 29
38 38
17 17
3 3
18 18
1000 1000
se procedures?
Average Payment.
7968.3333333333 19908.6559139785
5246.5573770492 17186.8799576943
Surgeon Type Procedure Procedure Count OR Hours Payments Hourly Rate
Cardiac Bypass P10 227 681 540960 794.3612
Cardiac Heart TranP11 226 2486 2541000 1022.124
Cardiac PacemakerP12 65 422.5 457275 1082.308
Cardiac CatheterizaP13 117 585 528300 903.0769
Neurological CraniotomP14 57 456 420480 922.1053
Neurological Biopsy P15 11 55 66000 1200
Neurological Thrombectomy
P16 170 680 932880 1371.882
Orthopedic Hip ReplacP17 59 708 724800 1023.729
Orthopedic Knee Repl P18 8 48 40500 843.75
Orthopedic Scoliosis P19 60 660 529760 802.6667
Total 1000 6781.5 6781955 1000.067
Procedure Code P10
Surgeon2 Surgeon Count. Payments. OR Hours.
Group1 227 $ 540,960 681
C1 46 $ 132,480 138
C2 109 $ 266,400 327
C3 72 $ 142,080 216
Total Result 227 $ 540,960 681
Surgeon2 Surgeon Count. Payments. OR Hours.
Group1 635 ### 4174.5
C1 125 $ 945,780 824
C2 316 ### 2088
C3 194 ### 1262.5
Group2 238 ### 1191
N1 48 $ 382,480 238
N2 122 $ 640,080 616
N3 68 $ 396,800 337
Group3 127 ### 1416
O1 27 $ 242,280 299
O2 62 $ 740,300 697
O3 38 $ 312,480 420
Total Result 1000 ### 6781.5
Procedure Code P11
Surgeon2 Surgeon Count. Payments. OR Hours.
Group1 226 ### 2486
C1 46 $ 607,200 506
C2 112 ### 1232
C3 68 $ 624,800 748
Total Result 226 ### 2486