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C111i11 1y,:,Jbb/Ja, JR,,,.'L 1, ,: Onc's t1L::tt

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Sml:.,'<1'iduidi4J'<" 1/hJ'AA)nl,:,;J,1,ttil-t'it si'itmop,.J,;,m;

C111i11;1y,:,Jbb/Ja,jr,,,.'l·1,;, /J.U"'.um,,JJw,d;11H11,n;,hm. (1,/J
A1111;u«/;,;,s/ull/Hl/;J.:,,,,if d;u/"'b/1,kt1;,I, /~y;tlc;
Sif11JH;H/11171 sw11IJ11m11,·1,;, .-.;,mh/1,11n-l1c/1;, 1111111011111;,iK.,:.. (L'i)

ln rn1c's 1Mtin1, Wllh !HIJ1n.·nH; dcfü:h11md uh111.1Sl dt..'"'·,,iion, Olll"

should think oflhe IOl"m of onc's i5.llla de,-a or dcity. \\'ith this
<'Ollll' ICilfS of slM.·w bliss., lhe lxxlr is thrillcd, thc mill(I hccnnJCS
fn.-c of SCll:i.llÍOl\.i, Li rn~ l>l">Ílltl.·-d and CXJll:riclll'\:S sarti.wlhi and

Chcr,mda s.t)"5 tlul onc has to nll'cliwc on tlie fonn of 01lt.''s

ishta dc\"a, pn:lcm:d or dcs.iml dl.'it)', iu onc's lieart .uMI <-reate a
fodingof SWT\'1xk-r IIM...u-tls t1L::tt dcil)' wil.11 full faitl1, dc,•olion,
10\-c :uKI hlt...._.., thnn~1 chi.nt:m, 111..-cp :uxl iinocn: th.ink.ing. \\llll'n
lhe minc.1 ;i.bsorlw..·d in nK.·dit:tliou 011 the deit)", bli~'l!lll ll'ilfS
slill1 nilling do"ll óUMI :t..'i .t n:sull oítl,is hli~,;ful cxperic1w.'c lhe
bodr stíll1s 1rcmhling or shaking. Au:Uning lhiir. e1u,:rosS4..'<I ~:th'.
tlie sadh.tk.a hc<·omcs mcq,'l'd 1vith thc dcit)• and :,u:tins hll:tk.1i
Oue k> \'.f.riations in thc ,,ature oflnm,an bcingi.. lhe gum .l;Íl'l'S
dilli:n:nl instnk1ÍOns t,.• dil1Crc11l ,liMipks ai lhe lim<· oí
lll('(lita1ion. Dhakti }"Og;l is cxcdlcnt for lhosc pcopk- who are
cmotion,J or soli-hcill1ed. Sometimcs 1his kind of purc and
ll·ndcr focling emerges in tJ1c fonu ol" an ohstadc in worldly lili:-.
t'or cxamplc, if SOOICOIW" il-C«Jtlk"S C'XIJ'l'..'llld)" c111otio1ul homc, ª'
iu thc family, .ú \o\"Ot·k ;i,nd iu so<"ll1)', d1t.·n 1M.-01,lc 51.u-1 w~MMkrinK
wh;i,t h;t.<i ha(>JK.'ncd to l1i111? ~fayhe IM:'. has lw.."rtMIK' mc111;Jly
lt is 1,01 :m imllõlb.nc..·, IM.Jt t.hii1 lccliug, whctJ»cr it hc dueto
~11siti,1t)', le11dcmcss 1.IÍtJie l1eill1 ora<tivatio.111 oftltc c111t>ti<111s, U
sOnM:limcs St..'Cll a..~ .u1 c,1)5,(ade whcn il cmefl,,1\:5 or surfa<"t.-S in thc
workl. ln )111(,l. lM.M'Cl'er, lhcn: is the behefl11.1,1 wlien tlw.- ICdiug
or .útiluclc is d1anndkd in lhe ,W11 dircnion. il c;u1 hcrome a
'''li)" oí all.tinin~ 5.t.lnatlhi. li is in this «Mucxt lhat ~'l° Ghcr,mda
is disr1Lising hhak.1i }~ s:uuadhi, :i.1crl,ni<111e pn:srriliccl 10!"
<·11K>tion;d J>eoplc. lt AA)'S that OfK' slMMJld nll'di1a1c 011 OfK''s ishta
in an:i.l,;i,la di.1kr.t. \\lh,..-n lh<· 111i11d is l'Om)Jlctcly ahsorl.M.·tl iu lhe
i.\111:t. dK'Jt lhe cx1)Cric1Kc offaitl,, 1le,·otio11, k)\'C and biis.<, t:tk.cS
pi~ in cM1t:'5 lilC. Wllt.'111M,c is íully ahsorlX'.d in thal fcding,
1lw.-11 011c me~i ;i.ud 111.,•c>omcs onc "1th the dcity, i.~1ta..
ln l.liapccr :i. clharana (ron("('ntration) wa.i diS<'lJS!>C(I while
1ksnibing m1Mlr.ts. lu dilfcrc111 phil0501)11ics im,,mnious are
gi,·en to 10!.'us tltc minei ()I" allcnlkln on c'Mle diakr.i.. \\'11ik
fon111ing tht· minei 011 lhal d.akr,1, OfK" medil:tlcs on its tallwa.
démclll, ;md .Jso 011 tlic One fonn oftlie sc:M.11 orSufJKmc St:lf.
h nccds to hc undcrstood prof)Crly tirai hcre 1hc disn1s.,;ion is
011 dilfcrcnt statcs of samadhi. tlk' instructions whkh art'
gi,·cn are artuallr 10, 111ccli1:ttkln. lt )1,1..., aJ1-cailr l1rtn ~l lh:tt
durin,c dh;u-.1na lcading to medi1a1ion 1hc fonn of ronsciot1snes.i
slMmld he likc tl,c llnwofOII, 1h:tt is, llic lk,w should hc rc._,'111:i.r
;i.nd sicady, M11laa1 i1 is t'<M1IÍ01k>11s :u1d t11K,l,simc11..·d. A dislrcsM..·d
or foolish stall' of an)' k.ind i:-,1111)0( inlcn't'nc. ln this statc thc
mi1KI 1.umot l,c im·oln.i:l iu falS1-· knowk.i:I~ at :i.n)' tinie. \VIK·n
tJIIC:: CIIICN Íl\lú 1111: stalc úf llk.'Clit:dkMI aficr 1>erli:,'ting tlw
pr.-niccs of JJral)'ithar,1 .uKI dh..,...u1a, lhcn lhe pn>C'Css of making
íurdlt.'r JKl.,wt'SS in tlaal s.latc of mt·ditation is llll' att:tinmc111 of
So tlie lt'("lmi<1ucs wllK"h Chcr;tnda is describing lw..·n: are
lk'lt Jm..-.êi...CI)' an ii1lrlxhx'tio11 lú tl11: Sl;dc 1.IÍ ~madlii. Adua11}'
11,cr Ítklicatc lw.,w to pron-cd furthcr in tJ1c si.de of mo:litaiion
itscll" :Ukl iu tliis WA)' auaín sam:ullai. Ju lhe lirst tcd111K1uc hc said
to pr.-.tisc sh:unhh.t,1 mudr.t :uw.l forus die t·o-m,d,M.JSJK:S.'i iu tlll'
sclf. Ili thc k.'1:oud st:ttc hc s.ú<l to prtM.tise 11:td:t )'otÇt. ln the thin:I
IM.· s.tkl ICJ 1w.-.1isc lhidi.ari and soou. E:denia1 dirc,1ior1s han:
bcen gí,·cu, hut the ha.,; 001 dcfow...i:I till' statc o( §a.lH:t1lhi. His
1X>i11t of,"tl-w is tllill dt-c1,cning tlll' l"t110001.1sn<•ss Ui tlK' s.tillc of
11"--'tlitalMm, .uKI on,.· mtcrs tlM.· st:úl' of liamadhi 1-')' adoJ>ting a
11..--chni<1U(" oftJM.'11 obuins tlM' 1'\'sult acr·oc<ling to 011e's naturc,
;i.ttadmK:nl, intcmal hrn1d~ and g\tna ur 11uality. Hui in tlic c1MI
l."\'Cll tl1esc 11.1,·c lo hc disc:trdctl or rcnotmei:.i:I.
ln n:~iun lo hlialti )l.~ s:u11.tdhi, c;tM..-r;uKla also s;i.rs
1hal wh1..'11 or1e mc<litatcs on lhe ishla in onc's hcart l'Clllrc Of
:m:J,ala rhak.rn and l(,q;1..1s ,•1t-r.cU' nMnJ,letclr, lcuingonescll"
llow with thc focling, lhcn at tli.at lime thc hod)' st:trls 1ihr.11ing,
1c-.m oflc)\·c ai1cl afü.·ttiou stait llcMing aud 011e loscs
eunsc-iotL'iuess. ln Ili.is state c111e hl't'unies une \1itl, Llie ishta.. 'l11i~
isdK: statc ofhliakti ro~ samõMIJ1i.

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