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Journal of Physics: Conference Series


Co-digestion of cow dung with organic kitchen waste to produce biogas

using Pseudomonas aeruginosa
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3rd International Conference on Science and Sustainable Development (ICSSD 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1299 (2019) 012011 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1299/1/012011

Co-digestion of cow dung with organic kitchen waste to

produce biogas using Pseudomonas aeruginosa
M. E. Ojewumi*1, P. C. Ogele1, D.T. Oyekunle1, J.A. Omoleye1, S. O. Taiwo2, Y. D. Obafemi2
Chemical Engineering Department, 2Biological Sciences, Microbiology Unit, Covenant University,
P.M.B 1023, Canaan Land, Sango, Ogun State, Nigeria.
* Corresponding author’s e-mail: modupe.ojewumi@covenantuniversity.edu.ng

Abstract: The anaerobic digestion process for biogas production was investigated on food
waste (FW) and cow dung (CD) using Pseudomonas aeruginosa as inoculum. The food waste
and cow dung were co-digested as the substrate with bacteria (P. aeruginosa). Five digesters
were prepared to observe the maximum gas production potential, methane production rate and
duration for biogas production. Food waste (FW) was co-digested with bacteria in two
proportions (1:5ml, 1:10ml) and co-digested with Cow dung (CD) in two proportions (1:1,
1:0.5). The digesters were all operated in batch process under mesophilic condition (35ºC). The
daily weights of the tubes were measure and some physical characteristics of the substrate were
determined before and after the process. Production of gas started 3-4 days after
commencement for the digesters with cow dung, 4-5days for the digesters with bacteria and 3
days with only food waste. Food waste with 1kg, cow dung produced the most biogas with a
cumulative volume of 88.5g/kg. The highest concentration of biogas was found in the 1st
digester consisting of 2kg CD and 2kg FW with a methane content of 52% and 48% CO 2. The
availability and renewable nature of food waste, ease of management of biogas produced and
development of energy makes biogas a better option than the use of fossil fuel to the much-
awaited solution to the energy crisis in Nigeria and developing countries.

Keyword: Co-digestion,Pseudomonas aeruginosa, inoculum, food waste, methane, cow dung

1. Introduction
The increase in kitchen and agricultural waste have resulted in endangering the life of plants and
animals. Researchers have found out ways that this environmental pollution can be of positive
relevance by recycling the waste to be re-used or reduce to ensure a cleaner and healthier environment
The uncontrolled discharge of large amounts of food waste (FW) causes severe environmental
pollution in many countries. Within different possible treatment routes, anaerobic digestion (AD) of
FW into biogas, is a proven and effective solution for FW treatment and valorisation [2, 3].The food
waste in Nigeria has hit an estimate of $750 billion yearly. For a ton of food waste generated; 1.9
tonnes CO2 eq/t is emitted. With the increase of urban populations in Nigeria, more than 30 million
tons of food wastes are produced every year [4]. The increasing amount of food waste and other
materials will become a big problem to the environment if there is no reasonable solution such as the
conversion into biodiesel or other useful materials[5-7]. Compared to methods like incineration and
landfill, anaerobic digestion is more efficient because it can produce clean energy (biogas) and slurry
that can be used as organic fertilizers. Also, anaerobic digestion hasfaksignificantybenefit of
reducingogreenhouseogasesinceemethaneeandecarbonedioxide are both produced infafcloseddreactor,

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3rd International Conference on Science and Sustainable Development (ICSSD 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1299 (2019) 012011 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1299/1/012011

avoidinguitsjuncontrolledkproductionkandkreleasektoothejatmosphere [8]. Cokdigestionkof kitchen

wastes and other types of wastes, like waste water from organic municipal wastes, sewage sludge and,
animal manures has been widely studied [9-14]. However, limited reports can be found on positive
performanceof single-stage anaerobic digestion system treating kitchen waste [15, 16]. This food
waste is burned oredumpedeineopen region may cause serious health and natural issues. Burning of
food waste comprising of highemoistureecontenteresultsein the releaseeofedioxins which may result in
severaloenvironmentalrproblems. Also, burning reducesetheeeconomic value of the substrate. Hence,
suitablemethods are requiredeforimanagement of food waste.
P. aeruginosa is a bacteria of the order Pseudomonadales, family Pseudomononadaceae and genus
Pseudomonas. P. aeruginosaand other bacteria can be used for various experimental activities such as
Bioremediation [17-20].
The process of decomposition of both FW and CD can be compare with fermentation which can either
be carried out with or without air. When air is used in the fermentation vessel, the type of fermentation
which occurs is called aerobic fermentation where free oxygen acts as the hydrogen acceptor. Another
type of fermentation pathway occurs when little or no air is introduced into the fermentation vessel,
this is known as anaerobic fermentation [21-23].

Fig. 1. Block diagram of material handling from collection stage to the analysis of gas produced

2. Materials and Method

2.1. Sources of Waste

The food waste was collected from Covenant University Cafeteria. The food waste composed of
different leftover of cooked foods. Bones, containers and plastic bags were removed before the food
waste were dehydrated by a screw extruder and crushed to a mean particle size of < 2mm by an
electrical grinder.
Cow dung was obtained from a cow rearing farm near the University. It was obtained in solid form
and then homogenized. Both FW and CD were stored separately in the freezer until needed.

3rd International Conference on Science and Sustainable Development (ICSSD 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1299 (2019) 012011 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1299/1/012011

2.2. Inoculum
P. aeruginosa with methanogenic abilitywas cultured in the Microbiology laboratory of Covenant
University, Ota using [19, 24, 25] method. It was mixed with sterile distilled water till it reached the
Mcfalan standard (to standardize the bacteria). The bacteria used in the study was from a water area
around the farm which contains all required microbes (hydrolysing, acidogenic, acetogenic and
methanogenic bacterial group) crucial for the anaerobic digestion process. The bacteria were kept at
4oC until needed.
Table 1 Parameters of Different Feed Materials

S/N Material Kind Initial pH Carbon-nitrogen ratio (C :

1 Rice Crop 6 25.1
2 Fish Proteins 7 15:1
3 Cabbage Vegetable 7 11:1
4 Moinmoin Proteins 7 15:1
(Reference for C: N value; www.norganics.com)

2.3. Bioreactor Set up

2kg of the wastes were obtained and blended with distilled water to make a uniform slurry
(homogenous mixture). Five (5) 50L plastic kegs were used as bioreactor with five bicycle tubes to
collect the produced gas. An inlet pipe was connected to the bioreactor to collect the gas and pass
through the outlets hose connected to the rubber tyre tube, Figure 1.

Fig. 2. Equipment Set up

3rd International Conference on Science and Sustainable Development (ICSSD 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1299 (2019) 012011 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1299/1/012011

2.4. Blending
2kg of waste was blended in a 60:40 ratio with water. Distilled water was used to bring the volume up
to 2L. This was done using a grinder to create a homogenous mixture thereby leading to a faster
process due to smaller particle size.

2.5. Waste Analysis

Waste and 50ml water were mixed till a uniform solution was obtained. A dissolved oxygen probe was
inserted into the continuously mixed solution until a constant value was achieved.
2.6. Moisture content determination
10g of each sample was weighed and heated at 115ºC till a constant weight was achieved. This shows
that certain amount of water has been removed. The new weight was then measured and moisture
content calculated. A laboratory oven (Vision Scientific (Japan)) model-LDO-201-E was used.
2.7. Total solid
30ml of homogenous waste were weighed into tared, cleaned and dried porcelain dish. The majority of
the water was evaporated for about an hour. The evaporation was completed by oven drying at 103ºC.
Samples were cooled, put inside desiccator and weighed. The different weight from the tared weight
were recorded as the total solids.
2.8. pH determination
1g of air-dried waste sample were weighed into a 100 ml beaker. 20 ml of distilled water was added to
it and it was carefully stirred for 10 seconds using a rod. pH electrode was immersed into the
suspension and reading was taking when it was steady. pH was measured before and after the
digestion process.

2.9. Waste Loading

The reactor was loaded with 2kg of food waste each to obtain an organic loading of 1.0g VS/L
(Volatile solid/Liquid). The slurry and the inoculum were loaded into the digester in the ratio shown in
table 2. The bacteria were measured using a syringe (0-15ml) into the five digesters. Batch digestion
experiments were conducted at mesophilic temperature for all the reactors. The reactors were
manually mixed once a day for 30 seconds before measuring volume of biogas produced.

3rd International Conference on Science and Sustainable Development (ICSSD 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1299 (2019) 012011 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1299/1/012011

Table 2 Experimental set up for Degradation of FW and CD Waste

Digester Food waste (kg) Bacteria (ml) Cow Dung (kg) Ratios
1 2 -- 2 1:1
2 2 -- 1 1:0.5
3 2 5 -- 1:5ml
4 2 10 -- 1:10ml
5 2 -- -- 1

2.10. Gas Collection & Testing

The daily gas produced was noted and cumulative gas produced was measured by downward
displacement of the gas with water. A flame test was also conducted on the gas produced.

2.11. Measuring Methods

The following methods were used to measure different parameters such as pH, gas composition and
volume of gas produced.

2.11.1. Volume
The measurement of the volume was carried out by downward displacement of water. The volume of
the gas gets measured at the top of the measuring cylinder. The measuring cylinder was filled with
water and then mounted on top of the trough with water. The gas outlet pipe from the digester was
connected to the cylinder. The valve of at the gas outlet pipe was opened. The gas passed into the
measuring cylinder. The gas displaced the water downward and occupied the space at the top. The
volume displaced was noted from the scale of the measuring cylinder. If the gas coming out was
found to exceed the capacity of the measuring cylinder scale, the valve was closed at the appropriate
position up to where the gas volume could be recorded. The gas collected inside measuring cylinder
was allowed to escape. The water was again filled in measuring cylinder and mounted. The cycle was
repeated until the gas was evolved.

2.11.2. Gas Composition

The composition of the gas produced was checked using a syringe method. A sample of the gas was
drawn up from the tube with a 20ml syringe. 10ml of the gas was pumped into a dilute NaOH solution.
10mL of NaOH was also drawn into the syringe. The syringe was shaken for 30 seconds. The
remaining gas left in the tube was then recorded. This test shows the amount of methane in a sample of
gas since the CO2 from the gas dissolves in the solution.

3rd International Conference on Science and Sustainable Development (ICSSD 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1299 (2019) 012011 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1299/1/012011

2.11.3. Biogas withdrawing and weighting

The tube was connected to the digester; the biogas flows into the tube as a result of the pressure inside
the digester and pressure inside the tube. The tube was weighed daily using an electronic weighing
scale. The digester was also weighed daily. The process was repeated till the end of the lagging period.

3. Presentation of Results

3.1. Composition of Waste Analysis

Table 3: Food Waste Analysis before the process

Analysis Value

pH 6.84

TS (%) 18

Moisture Content (%) 80.05

Dissolved Oxygen 5.8 ppm

Table 4: pH

S/N Digesters Before the process After the process

1 2 kg FW + 2 kg CD 6.84 4.02

2 2 kg FW + 1 kg CD 6.84 4.04

3 2 kg FW + 5 ml P. aeruginosa 6.84 3.94

4 2 kg FW + 10 ml P. aeruginosa 6.84 3.92

5 2 kg FW 6.84 4.10

3rd International Conference on Science and Sustainable Development (ICSSD 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1299 (2019) 012011 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1299/1/012011

3.2. Biogas Produced

Daily Weight of Biogas produced


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

1kg CD + 2kg FW 2kg CD + 2kg FW dwp

Fig. 3. Daily weight of Biogas produced, CD ratios (Digester 1 & 2)

Cumulative yield of biogas


produced g/kg





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

2Kg CD + 2kg FW Days

1kg CD + 2kg FW

Fig. 4. Cumulative yield of Biogas, CD ratios (Digester 1& 2)

3rd International Conference on Science and Sustainable Development (ICSSD 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1299 (2019) 012011 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1299/1/012011

Cumulative yield of biogas g/kg






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
5ml BA + 2kg FW 10ml BA + 2kg FW

Fig. 5. Daily weight of biogas produced, Bacteria (BA) ratios (digester 3 & 4)

Daily Weight of Biogas Produced


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

5ml BA + 2kg FW Days

10ml BA + 2kg FW dwp

Fig. 6. Cumulative yield of Biogas, Bacteria (BA) ratios (Digester 3 & 4)

3rd International Conference on Science and Sustainable Development (ICSSD 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1299 (2019) 012011 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1299/1/012011

Daily Weight of Biogas produced g/kg

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35


2kg FW

Fig. 7. Daily weight of biogas produced (dwp) on food waste (Digester 5)

Cumulative yield of Biogas g/kg

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

2kg FW

Fig. 8. Cumulative yield of Biogas produced (cmw) on food waste (Digester 5)

3rd International Conference on Science and Sustainable Development (ICSSD 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1299 (2019) 012011 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1299/1/012011

Daily weight of Biogas Produced g/kg

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35


2kg FW 10ml + 2kg FW 5ml + 2kg FW 1kg CD + 2kg FW 2kg CD + 2kg FW

Fig. 9. Daily weight of gas produced for all digesters


Cumulative yield of biogas g/kg







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

10ml + 2kg FW 5ml + 2kg FW Days

1kg CD + 2kg FW 2kg CD + 2kg FW 2kg FW

Fig. 10. Cumulative yield of gas produced for all digesters

3rd International Conference on Science and Sustainable Development (ICSSD 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1299 (2019) 012011 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1299/1/012011

4. Discussion of Results

4.1. Food waste with Cow Dung

From figures 3 and 4, it was shown that digester 2 (1 kg CD + 2 kg FW) produced more biogas than
digester 1 (2 kg CD + 2 kg FW). The cumulative yield of digester 2 was 88.5 g of biogas produced
while digester 1 was 58.5 g of biogas produced. Production of gas began between the 4 th and 5th day
for digester 1 and between the 3rd and 4th day for digester 2.
In the 1st digester, the highest biogas produced for digester was 7 g/kg which was produced on the 17th
day. It seems that from the 20th day there was a steady decrease of biogas produced daily. This is
justified by the pH of the waste after the process which is 4.02 to show that it was not conducive for
more production of biogas, since P. aeruginosa cannot strive in an acidic medium. The lowest yield
was on the 16th day with a weight of 0.1 g/kg. This can be due to various factors not analysed in this
In the 2nd digester, the highest yield of biogas was produced on the 15th day, two days before digester
1. The weight of the gas was 9 g/kg and on the 20th day, 7 g/kg was produced. A steady decrease of
biogas produced began on the 23rd day till the 30th day. This could also be justified by the pH of the
waste at 4.04 which was too acidic for methanogenesis to occur. The production in the 2 nd digester
might be more due to lesser competition of food for the bacteria in the waste or faster digestibility.

4.2. Food waste with Bacteria

From figures 5 and 6, it was shown that digester 4 (10 ml BA + 2 kg FW) produced more biogas than
digester 3 (5 ml BA + 2 kg FW). The cumulative yield of digester 4 is 61.2 g of biogas produced while
digester 3 is 51 g of biogas produced. Production of gas began between the 5th and 6th day for digester
3 and between the 4th and 5th day for digester 4.
In the 3rd digester, the highest biogas produced for digester is 4 g/kg which was produced on the 14 th
day. It was seen here that from the 19th day there was a steady decrease of biogas produced daily. This
is justified by the pH of the waste after the process which is 3.94 to show that it was not conducive for
more production of biogas since P. aeruginosa cannot strive in an acidic medium. The lowest yield
was on the 30th day with a weight of 0.2 g/kg. This can be due to various factors not analysed in this
In the 4th digester, the highest yield of biogas was produced on the 15 th day. The weight of the gas is
5.5 g/kg and on the 18th day, 4.4 g/kg was produced. A steady decrease of biogas produced began on
the 23rd day till the 30th day. This could also be justified by the pH of the waste at 3.92 which is too
acidic for methanogenesis to occur. The high production in the 4th digester might be due to the larger

3rd International Conference on Science and Sustainable Development (ICSSD 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1299 (2019) 012011 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1299/1/012011

amount of P. aeruginosa which breaks down the complex compounds in the waste into low molecular
weight fatty acids and increases bioavailability.

4.3. Food waste

From figures 7 and 8, it was shown that in the 5th digester, the highest yield of biogas was produced on
the 15th day. The weight of the gas produced is 4.8 g/kg and on the 20th day, 3.8 g/kg was produced. A
steady decrease of biogas produced began on the 23rd day till the 30th day. This could also be justified
by the pH of the waste at 4.1 which is too acidic for methanogenesis to occur. The production in the 5th
digester was with no inoculum added. The cumulative yield produced was 56.3 g/kg. Production of the
gas started on the 4th day.

4.4. Comparison of all ratios

From figures 9 and 10, the 2nd digester (1 kg CD + 2 kg FW) produced the most biogas and had the
highest yield. The least cumulative yield was from digester 1 (2 kg CD + 2 kg FW) and the least daily
yield was from digester 3 (5 ml BA + 2 kg FW). This result proves that more yield can be obtained
from co-digestion of cow dung than the addition of bacteria or digestion of the food waste.
4.5. Gas Test
Syringe method was used as a substitute to roughly calculate the methane content in the gas produced.
This is calculated from methane volume left/ initial volume in the syringe. From the table 5, digester 1
have the highest methane content. This could be due to the co-digestion of the waste with cow dung,
as cow dung has a high C/N ratio. The lowest methane yield was observed in digester 4 containing 10
ml of P. aeruginosa, this could be from the acidogenesis phase being the rate limiting phase of the
reaction thereby reducing the amount of methane produced. Between digester 1 & 2, the methane
content is directly proportional to the amount of cow dung added in the digester. Between digester 3 &
4, the methane content is inversely proportional to the amount of bacteria added. Food waste on its
own had a percentage of 44% which is within the ratio of methane content produced from it [26].
Table 5 Syringe method Analysis

S/N Digester CH4: NaOH (ml) Total volume (ml) Methane Content
1 2 kg FW + 2 kg CD 2.6: 7.4 10 52%
2 2 kg FW + 1 kg CD 2.4: 7.6 10 48%
3 2 kg FW + 5 ml BA 2.1: 7.9 10 42%
4 2 kg FW + 10 ml BA 2: 8 10 40%
5 2 kg FW 2.2: 7.8 10 44%

3rd International Conference on Science and Sustainable Development (ICSSD 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1299 (2019) 012011 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1299/1/012011

4.5.1 Flame Test

Flame test was conducted on the gas produced. A blue flame ignited as the gas was passed through a
lighter. This proves that the gas contained in the tube is biogas.

Fig. 11. Flame test on the biogas produced

5. Conclusions
Anaerobic co-digestion of FW and CD enhanced the production of biogas and methane yield. The
results shows that digestion of only food waste will produce biogas to an extent. The further addition
of cow dung would increase the methane content and biogas yield because cow dung can produce
biogas naturally. The use of P. aeruginosa to break down the lipids was effective, but the methane
content and biogas yield was low compared to digestion of only food waste. CD ratio with FW for
digester 1 (2 kg CD + 2 kg FW) and digester 2 (1 kg CD + 2 kg FW) with the lesser cow dung
produced more biogas. The ratio with more cow dung has a higher methane content.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.
The authors appreciate the sponsorship of Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria.
FW – Food Waste
CD – Cow Dung
C/N – Carbon/Nitrogen
VS – Volatile Solids
P. aeruginosa - Pseudomonas aeruginosa
BA – Bacteria

3rd International Conference on Science and Sustainable Development (ICSSD 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1299 (2019) 012011 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1299/1/012011

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