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Ds Lab Manual Nmiet Be LP V-Final

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Nutan Maharashtra Vidya Prasarak Mandal’s (NMVPM’s)


Under Administrative Support -
Pimpri Chinchwad Education Trust (PCET)
Approved by AICTE Accredited by NBA & NAAC Affiliated to SPPU

414454: Laboratory Practice – V


Final Year – Information Technology

(2019 Course)
Academic Year 2023-24 Semester – VIII

Teaching Scheme: Credit Scheme: Examination Scheme:

Practical (PR): 03 hrs/week 02 Credit PR: 25 Marks TW: 50Marks



Department of Information Technology Page 1 | 50

To be a notable and competent education provider in the field of

Information Technology to develop professionals for serving the needs of
an industry and society.


• To provide a quality education through state-of-the-art resources to

build technologically competent individuals.
• To provide a learning ambiance to enhance Innovations, Problem-Solving
Skills, Leadership qualities, Team Spirit, and Ethical Responsibilities.
• To enhance Employability and Entrepreneurship through the Industry
Institute association.
• To promote graduates with Professionalism and a sense of gratitude
toward society

Department of Information Technology Page 2 | 50


The students of the Information Technology course after passing out will:

Sr. No. Description

Possess strong fundamental concepts in mathematics, science,

engineering, and Technology to address technological challenges
Possess knowledge and skills in the field of Computer Science and
Information Technology for analyzing, designing, and implementing
PEO2 complex engineering problems of any domain with innovative
approaches and Possess an attitude and aptitude for research,
entrepreneurship, and higher studies.

Commit ethical practices, societal contributions through communities,

and life-long learning.

Possess better communication, presentation, time management, and

teamwork skills leading to responsible & and competent professionals
sand will be able to address challenges in the field of IT at the global

The students in the Information Technology course are expected to know and be able

Sr. No. PO's Description

Engineering An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,
knowledge computing, science, engineering and technology.
An ability to define a problem and provide a
systematic solution with the help of conducting
PO2 Problem analysis
experiments, analyzing the problem and
interpreting the data.
An ability to design, implement, and evaluate
Design/Development software or a software/hardware system,
of Solutions component, or process to meet desired need switch
in realistic constraints.

Department of Information Technology Page 3 | 50

An ability to identify, formulate, and provide essay
Conduct Investigation
PO4 schematic solutions to complex engineering
of Complex Problems
/Technology problems.
An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern
engineering technology tools, and standard
PO5 Modern Tool Usage
processes necessary for practice as an IT
An ability to apply mathematical foundations,
algorithmic principles, and computer science
The Engineer and
PO6 theory in the modeling and design of computer-
based systems with necessary constraints and
An ability to analyze and provide solutions for the
Environment and
PO7 local and global impact of information technology
on individuals, organizations, and society.
An ability to understand professional, ethical,
PO8 Ethics legal, security and social issues and
Individual and Team An ability to function effectively as an individual or
Work a sate am member to accomplish a desired goal(s).
An ability to engage in life-long learning and
continuing professional development to cope up
PO10 Communication Skills with fast changes in the technologies /tools with
the help of electives, profession along animations
and extra- curricular activities.
An ability to communicate effectively in
Project Management engineering community at large by means of
and Finance effective presentations, report writing, paper
publications, demonstrations.
An ability to understand engineering,
management, financial aspects, performance,
PO12 Life-long Learning
optimizations and time complexity necessary for
professional practice.

Department of Information Technology Page 4 | 50


A graduate of the Information Technology Program will demonstrate-

Sr. No. Description

An ability to apply the theoretical concepts and practical knowledge of
Information Technology in the analysis, design, development, and
management of information processing systems and applications in the
interdisciplinary domain to understand the professional, business and
business processes, ethical, legal, security and social issues and

An ability to analyze a problem and identify and define the computing

PSO2 infrastructure and operations requirements appropriate to its solution.
IT graduates should be able to work on large-scale computing systems.

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Reference Code NMIET -IT / Lab Manual Procedures

Version No 2.0
Compliance Status Complete
Date of Compliance 11-12-2023
Security Classification Department Specific
Document Status Definitive
Review Period Yearly


Name Mr. A.B.Manwatkar

Designation Assistant Professor

Document History

Revision No. Revision Date Reason For Change

1 01/23 First Version (Syllabus Changed)
2 12/2023 Second version (Add theory of Assignment 2)

Department of Information Technology Page 6 | 50

Nutan Maharashtra Vidya Prasarak Mandal’s (NMVPM’s)
Under Administrative Support -
Pimpri Chinchwad Education Trust (PCET)
Approved by AICTE Accredited by NBA & NAAC Affiliated to SPPU


Sr. No. Laboratory Code

Students should report to the concerned laboratory as per the time

1 table.

2 Keep your bags in rack.

3 While entering in lab remove your shoes and keep it in shoe stand.

4 Turn computer monitors off when asked by your teacher

5 Do not go on banned websites.

6 No food or drinks near the keyboard.

7 Only use your assigned computer and workstation.

8 Do not change the settings on the computer

9 Ask permission to download.

10 Ask permission to print documents

11 Save your work often.

If you are the last class of the day, please POWER DOWN all computers
12 and monitors.

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Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune

Final Year Information Technology (2019 Course)
414454: Laboratory Practice-V (Distributed Systems)

Teaching Scheme: Credit Scheme: Examination Scheme:

Practical (PR) : 04 hrs/week 02 Credit PR :25 Marks TW : 50Marks

Prerequisite Courses:

● Operating System, Computer Network Technology, Web Application Development

Course Objectives:
1. The course aims to provide an understanding of the principles on which the
distributed systems are based, their architecture, algorithms and how they meet the
demands of Distributed applications.
2. The course covers the building blocks for a study related to the design and the
implementation of distributed systems and applications.

Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, students will be able to

CO1: Demonstrate knowledge of the core concepts and techniques in distributed


CO2: Learn how to apply principles of state-of-the-Art Distributed systems in

practical application.

CO3: Design, build and test application programs on distributed systems.

1. Implement multi-threaded client/server Process communication using RMI.
2. Develop any distributed application using CORBA to demonstrate object
brokering. (Calculator or String operations).
3. Develop a distributed system, to find sum of N elements in an array by
distributing N/n elements to n number of processors MPI or OpenMP.
Demonstrate by displaying the intermediate sums calculated at different
Department of Information Technology Page 8 | 50
4. Create Implement Berkeley algorithm for clock synchronization.
5. Implement token ring based mutual exclusion algorithm.
6. Implement Bully and Ring algorithm for leader election.
7. Create a simple web service and write any distributed application to consume the
web service.
8. Mini Project (In group): A Distributed Application for Interactive Multiplayer
Mini Project
A Distributed Application for Interactive Multiplayer Games

Reference Books:
1. Distributed Systems –Concept and Design, George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, Tim
Kindberg & Gordon Blair, Pearson, 5th Edition, ISBN:978-13-214301-1.
2. Distributed Algorithms, Nancy Ann Lynch, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
illustrated, reprint, ISBN: 9781558603486
3. Java Network Programming & Distributed Computing by David Reilly, Michael
4. Distributed Systems - An Algorithmic approach by Sukumar Ghosh (good book for
distributed algorithms)
5. Distributed Algorithms: Principles, Algorithms, and Systems by A. D.
Kshemkalyani and M. Singhal (Good for algorithms, but very detailed, has lots of
algorithms; good reference)
6. Design and Analysis of Distributed Algorithms by Nicola Santoro (good, distributed
algorithms book).
- Books / E- Learning References
1. https://home.mit.bme.hu/~meszaros/edu/oprendszerek/segedlet/elosztott/
2. https://home.mit.bme.hu/~meszaros/edu/operendszerek/segedlet/elosztott/


1. Attendance

Assessment Poor (1) Good (3) Very Good (4) Excellent (5)
Outcome Satisfactory(2)

1.Attendance with Passive Very little Good Individual Individual and self
Involvement of observer involvement Involvement in Involvement in Involvement in
Student (5M ) performing performing performing experim
experiment experiment

Department of Information Technology Page 9 | 50

2. Viva

Assessment Poor (1) Satisfactory(2 Good (3) Very Excellent (5)

Outcome ) Good(4)

1.Preparation and No Little Prepared Well Very Advance Knowledge

Basic preparati Knowled well
Knowledge on ge prepare
(5M ) d
2.Program Not Partiall Executed Execute Executed with
development Execut y d additional
and execution ed execut without modification
(5M) ed additional
3.Punctuality Attendanc Attendanc Regular Regular 90-100 %
and Ethics eBelow e 50% to attendance attendance attendance, follows
(5M) 50%and 75% 75- 80- all instructionsand
not And 00% and 90% and execute the
following sometim follows the follows the program on his own
the lab escopies instruction and instruction
instructio the try to perform and
ns program on his own try to
his own

3. Presentation
Assessment Poor (1) Good (3) Very Good (4) Excelle
Satisfactory(2) nt(5)

Journal Not Completed well Very well

Presentation (5M) Prepared Incomplete documentation documented documented

Outcome: Student will be able to

i. Apply knowledge to real life examples and develop practical approach
ii. Design Basic Application.

Note: Students with poor marks should repeat the assignment

Department of Information Technology Page 10 | 50

Nutan Maharashtra Vidya Prasarak Mandal’s (NMVPM’s)
Under Administrative Support -
Pimpri Chinchwad Education Trust (PCET)
Approved by AICTE Accredited by NBA & NAAC Affiliated to SPPU
Name of Student : PRN No.
Student Roll No. : Class Final Year

Subject : Laboratory Practice-V (Distributed Batch

Ass. Pg. Submissio Re-
Title of Assignment No Sign
No. n Date Mark
Implement multi-threaded
1 client/server Process communication
using RMI.
Develop any distributed application
using CORBA to demonstrate object
brokering. (Calculator or String
Develop a distributed system, to find
sum of N elements in an array by
distributing N/n elements to n
3 number of processors MPI or
OpenMP. Demonstrate by displaying
the intermediate sums calculated at
different processors
Implement Berkeley algorithm for
clock synchronization.
Implement token ring based mutual
exclusion algorithm.
Implement Bully and Ring algorithm
for leader election.
Create a simple web service and
7 write any distributed application to
consume the web service.
Mini Project (In group): A
8 Distributed Application for
Interactive Multiplayer Games

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Implement multi-threaded client/server Process communication using RMI.

1. Knowledge of Multi-threading.
2. Knowledge of Client Server Programming.
3. Knowledge of RMI.

1. To Remote Method Invocation works.
2. To RMI allows objects to invoke methods on remote objects.
3. To write Distributed Object Application.

What is thread?
A thread of execution is the smallest sequence of programmed instructions
that can be managed independently by a schedule which is typically a part of
the operating systems. The implementation of threads and processes differs
between operating systems. A process consists of an execution environment
together with one or more threads. A threads is the operating system abstraction
of an activity the term derives from the phrase ‘thread of execution’. An execution
environment is the unit of resource management: a collection of local kernel
managed resources to which its threads have access. An execution environment
primarily consists of:
● an address space;
● thread synchronization and communication resources such as
semaphores and communication interfaces for example sockets);
● higher-level resources such as open files and windows.
Threads can be created and destroyed dynamically is needed. The central
aim of having multiple threads of execution between operations thus enabling
the overlap of computation with input and output and enabling concurrent
processing on multiprocessors. This can be particularly helpful within severs
where concurrent processing of client’s requests can reduce the tendency for
servers to become bottlenecks.
Multithreading in the Server:
RMI automatically will execute each client in a separate thread. There will only
be one instance of your server object no matter how many clients, so you need
to make sure that shared data is synchronized appropriately. In particular, any

Department of Information Technology Page 12 | 50

data that may be accessed by more than one client at a time must be
synchronized. Also note that you cannot depend on data in the server to remain
the same between two successive calls from a client. In our rental car example
from the first class, a client may get a list of cars in one call, and in a later call
try to reserve the car. In the meantime, another client may have already
reserved that car. The server must double-check all data coming
from the client to protect against this sort of error. Also for this reason, the
server should never pass to the client any direct pointers to its internal data
structures (such as an array index), as that type of data is highly likely to change
before the client tries to use it. Multithreading can also introduce very difficult
to find bugs into your program. The types of bugs introduced because of
multithreading are called "race conditions". A race condition is
a bug that is timing sensitive. In other words, the bug only
happens when several conditions happen at exactly the same time. With
multithreading, the possibility of race conditions increases. Unfortunately, it's
almost impossible to know if a multithreading program has bugs or not.
Each thread runs at the same time as the other threads. A computer with a
single CPU,however, cannot really run multiple instructions at the same time.
So it runs instructions from one thread for a while, and then runs some
instructions from another thread. You have no way of knowing exactly when a
thread may be interrupted and another thread run. RMI automatically will
execute each client in a separate thread. There will only be one instance of your
server object no matter how many clients, so you need to make sure that
shared data is synchronized appropriately. In particular, any data that may be
accessed by more than one client at a time must be synchronized.
Also note that you cannot depend on data in the server to remain the same
between two successive calls from a client. In our rental car example from the
first class, a client may get a list of cars in one call, and in a later call try to
reserve the car. In the meantime, another client may have already reserved that
car. The server must double-check all data coming from the client to protect
against this sort of error. Also for this reason, the server should
never pass to the client any direct pointers to its internal data structures (such
as an array index), as that type of data is highly likely to change before the client
tries to use it. Multithreading can also introduce very difficult to find bugs into
your program. The types of bugs introduced because of ultithreading are called
"race conditions". A race condition is a bug that is timing sensitive. In
other words, the bug only happens when several conditions happen at
exactly the same time. With multithreading, the possibility of race conditions
increases. Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to know if a multithreading
program has bugs or not. Each thread runs at the same time as the other
threads. A computer with a single CPU,
however, cannot really run multiple instructions at the same time. So it runs
instructions from one thread for a while, and then runs some instructions from
another thread. You have no way of knowing exactly when a thread may be
interrupted and another thread run. RMI automatically will execute each client

Department of Information Technology Page 13 | 50

in a separate thread. There will only be one instance of your server object no
matter how many clients, so you need to make sure that shared data is
synchronized appropriately. In particular, any data that may be accessed by
more than one client at a time must be synchronized. Also note that you cannot
depend on data in the server to remain the same between two successive calls
from a client. In our rental car example from the first class, a client may get a
list of cars in one call, and in a later call try to reserve the car. In the meantime,
another client may have already reserved that car. The server must double-
check all data coming from the client to protect against this sort of error. Also
for this reason, the server should never pass to the client any direct pointers to
its internal data structures (such as an array
index), as that type of data is highly likely to change before the client tries to use
it. Multithreading can also introduce very difficult to find bugs into your
program. The types of bugs introduced because of multithreading are called
"race conditions". A race condition is a bug that is timing sensitive. In
other words, the bug only happens when several conditions happen at
exactly the same time. With multithreading, the possibility of race
conditions increases. Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to know if a
multithreading program has bugs or not. Each thread runs at the same time as
the other threads. A computer with a single CPU, however, cannot really run
multiple instructions at the same time. So it runs instructions from one thread
for a while, and then runs some instructions from another thread. You
have no way of knowing exactly when a thread may be interrupted and another
thread run. RMI automatically will execute each client in a separate thread.
There will only be one instance of your server object no matter how many clients,
so you need to make sure that shared data is synchronized appropriately. In
particular, any data that may be accessed by more than one client at a time
must be synchronized. Also note that you cannot depend on data in the server
to remain the same between two successive calls from a client. In our rental car
example from the first class, a client may get
a list of cars in one call, and in a later call try to reserve the car. In the
meantime, another client may have already reserved that car. The server must
double-check all data coming from the client to protect against this sort of error.
Also for this reason, the server should never pass to the client any direct pointers
to its internal data structures (such as an array index), as that type of data is
highly likely to change before the client tries to use it.
Multithreading can also introduce very difficult to find bugs into your program.
The types of bugs introduced because of multithreading are called "race
conditions". A race condition is a bug that is timing sensitive. In
other words, the bug only happens when several conditions happen at
exactly the same time. With multithreading, the possibility of race conditions
increases. Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to know if a multithreading
program has bugs or not.
Each thread runs at the same time as the other threads. A computer with a
single CPU, however, cannot really run multiple instructions at the same time.

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So it runs instructions from one thread for a while, and then runs some
instructions from another thread. You have no way of knowing exactly when a
thread may be interrupted and another thread run.
RMI automatically will execute each client in a separate thread. There will
only be one instance of your server object no matter how many clients, so you
need to make sure that shared data is synchronized appropriately. In particular,
any data that may be accessed by more than one client at a time must be
Also note that you cannot depend on data in the server to remain the same
between two successive calls from a client. In our rental car example from the
first class, a client may geta list of cars in one call, and in a later call try to
reserve the car. In the meantime, another client may have already reserved that
car. The server must double-check all data coming from the client to protect
against this sort of error. Also for this reason, the server should never pass to
the client any direct pointers to its internal data structures (such as an array
index), as that type of data is highly likely to change before the client tries to use
Multithreading can also introduce very difficult to find bugs into your
program. The types of bugs introduced because of multithreading are called
"race conditions". A race condition isa bug that is timing sensitive. In
other words, the bug only happens when several conditions happen at
exactly the same time. With multithreading, the possibility of race conditions
Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to know if a multithreading program
has bugs or not. Each thread runs at the same time as the other threads. A
computer with a single CPU, however, cannot really run multiple instructions at
the same time. So it runs instructions from one thread for a while, and then
runs some instructions from another thread. You have no way of knowing
exactly when a thread may be interrupted and another thread run.

Structure of Multithreading in the Server:

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What is RMI?
RMI provides communication between java applications that are
deployed on different servers and connected remotely using objects called stub
and skeleton. This communication architecture makes a distributed application
seem like a group of objects communicating across a remote connection. These
objects are encapsulated by exposing an interface, which helps access the private
state and behavior of an object through its methods.
The following diagram shows how RMI happens between the RMI client and RMI
server with the help of the RMI registry:

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RMI Registry:
It is a remote object registry, a Bootstrap naming service, that is used by RMI
SERVER on the same host to bind remote objects to names. Clients on local and
remote hosts then look up the remote objects and make remote method
Key Terminologies of RMI:
The following are some of the important terminologies used in a
Remote Method Invocation.
● Remote object:
This is an object in a specific JVM whose methods are exposed so they
could be invoked by another program deployed on a different JVM.
● Remote interface:
This is a Java interface that defines the methods that exist in a remote
object. A remote object can implement more than one remote
interface to adopt multiple remote interface behaviors.
● RMI:
This is a way of invoking a remote object's methods with the help of a
remote interface. It can be carried with a syntax that is similar to the local
method invocation.
● Stub:
This is a Java object that acts as an entry point for the client object to
route any outgoing requests. It exists on the client JVM and represents
the handle to the remote object.
● If any object invokes a method on the stub object, the stub establishes
RMI by following these steps:
1. It initiates a connection to the remote machine JVM.

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2. It marshals (write and transmit) the parameters passed to it via the
remote JVM.
3. It waits for a response from the remote object and
unmarshals (read) the returned value or exception, then it responds
to the caller with that value or exception.
● Skeleton:
This is an object that behaves like a gateway on the server side. It acts as
a remote object with which the client objects interact through the stub.
This means that any requests coming from the remote client are
routed through it. If the skeleton receives a request, it establishes
RMI through these steps:
1. It reads the parameter sent to the remote method.
2. It invokes the actual remote object method.
3. It marshals (writes and transmits) the result back to the caller

The Above diagram demonstrates RMI communication with stub and skeleton

Source Code for Add Client

import java.rmi.*;
public class AddClient {
public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
String addServerURL = "rmi://" + args[0] + "/AddServer";
AddServerIntf addServerIntf =
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System.out.println("The first number is: " + args[1]);
double d1 = Double.valueOf(args[1]).doubleValue();
System.out.println("The second number is: " + args[2]);
double d2 = Double.valueOf(args[2]).doubleValue();
System.out.println("The sum is: " + addServerIntf.add(d1, d2));
catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception: " + e);

RMI Implemenation Steps:

Step 1: Creating remote interface, implement remote interface, server-side

and client-side program and Compile the code.
Create all java files and compile using javac command , it will generate .class

Step 2: Generate a Stub

Generate stubs invoking rmic AddServerImpl it will generate
AddServerImpl_Stub.class file.

Step 3: Install Files on the Client and Server Machines

Copy AddClient.class, AddServerImpl_Stub.class, and
AddServerIntf.class to a directory on the client machine.

Step 4: Add Directroy on the Server Machine

Copy AddServerIntf.class, AddServerImpl.class, AddServerImpl_
Stub.class, and AddServer.class to a directory on the server machine.

Step 5: Start the RMI Registry on the Server Machine

Java provides a program called rmiregistry, which executes on the server

Step 6: Start the Server using java AddServer in new terminal

Step 7: Start the Client java AddClient servername/ip_address 8 9 in new
terminal where servername is first argument and 8 , 9 are second & third
argument respectively.


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Add server

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Remote Method Invocation (RMI) allows to build Java applications that are
distributed among several machines. Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
allows a Java object that executes on one machine to invoke a method of a
Java object that executes on another machine. This is an important feature,
because it allows to build distributed applications.

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Develop any distributed application using CORBA to demonstrate object
brokering. (Calculator or String operations).

1. Knowledge of CORBA and its Architecture.
2. Knowledge of the Object Request Broker (ORB) and its role in CORBA.
3. Knowledge of how to create and run Java applications using command

1. To CORBA can be used as a middleware to allow objects running on
different machines to communicate and interact with each other.
2. To Client can use CORBA to RMI on server objects that perform String
Operations such as concatenation and comparison.
3. To using CORBA allows these operations to be performed across a
distributed system transparently.

What is CORBA?
CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture):-
CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) is a middleware
technology that enables distributed computing between different platforms and
programming languages. It provides a standard protocol for communication
between objects, and a mechanism for locating and invoking remote objects in a
network. In this lab, we will use Java and CORBA to develop a distributed
application that demonstrates object brokering with string operations.

The Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) is a first step by the
Object Management Group towards achieving application portability and
interoperability across heterogeneous computing platforms. It is a standard for
the development and deployment of applications in distributed, heterogeneous
environments. CORBA 1.1 was first introduced in 1991. In CORBA 2.0, adopted
in December 1994, true interoperability is defined by specifying how ORBs from
different vendors can interoperate.

A client makes a request for a service provided by an object implementation

through the Object Request Broker (ORB). The client is not required to care about
the location of the object implementation, its programming language, or any
other details. To support portability and interoperability, the ORB is responsible
for all of the mechanisms required to locate the object implementation, and to

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prepare the object implementation to receive the request and its data. Figure 4
shows the main components of the ORB architecture and their interconnections.

The client makes a request using either the Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII)
or an OMG IDL stub. The client can also directly interact with the ORB through
the ORB Interface for some functions. Similarly, the object implementation
receives a request either through the OMG IDL skeleton or through a Dynamic
Skeleton Interface (DSI). The object implementation may call the Object Adaptor
and the ORB Interface for the ORB services.

Having access to the object reference as a handle to the object implementation,

the client initiates the request by statically calling the IDL stub, or by
constructing the request dynamically through the Interface Repository. An OMG
IDL stub is the specific stub depending on the interface of the target object,
whereas the DII interface is independent of the interface of the target object,
which therefore can be used even without thorough knowledge of that interface.
Nevertheless, both the static and dynamic invocation methods generate the same
request semantics to the object implementation.

The ORB locates the target object, transmits parameters and transfers control
to the object implementation through an IDL skeleton or a dynamic skeleton.
Defining the interface of an object in IDL generates an IDL skeleton that is
specific to the interface and the object adaptor. The object implementation
information provided at installation time is stored in the Implementation
Repository, which is available for use during request delivery.

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Figure 5 shows how interface and implementation information is made available
to clients and object implementations. The interface is defined in OMG IDL
and/or in the Interface Repository. The client stubs and the object
implementation are generated from the IDL definition of the interface.

Source code

import ReverseModule.*;
import org.omg.CosNaming.*;
import org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.*;
import org.omg.CORBA.*;
import java.io.*;

class ReverseClient

public static void main(String args[])

Reverse ReverseImpl=null;

// initialize the ORB object request broker
org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init(args,null);

org.omg.CORBA.Object objRef =

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NamingContextExt ncRef = NamingContextExtHelper.narrow(objRef);

String name = "Reverse";

// narrow converts generic object into string type

ReverseImpl = ReverseHelper.narrow(ncRef.resolve_str(name));

System.out.println("Enter String=");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new
String str= br.readLine();

String tempStr= ReverseImpl.reverse_string(str);

catch(Exception e)

String Reverse using corba , idl and java implementation Steps:

Step 1: Create the all ReverseServer.java, ReverseClient.java,

ReverseImpl.java & ReverseModule.idl files.

Step 2: Run the IDL-to-Java compiler idlj, on the IDL file to create stubs
and skeletons. This step assumes that you have included the path to the
java/bin directory in your path.

idlj -fall ReverseModule.idl

The idlj compiler generates a number of files.

Step 3: Compile the .java files, including the stubs and skeletons (which are in
the directory newly created directory). This step assumes the java/bin directory
is included in your path.

javac *.java ReverseModule/*.java

Step 4: Start orbd. To start orbd from a UNIX command shell, enter :

orbd -ORBInitialPort 1050&

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Step 5: Start the server. To start the server from a UNIX command shell, enter:
java ReverseServer -ORBInitialPort 1050& -ORBInitialHost localhost&

Step 6: Run the client application :

java ReverseClient -ORBInitialPort 1050 -ORBInitialHost localhost


we have successfully demonstrated the concept of object brokering using
CORBA to create a distributed application for performing string operations. We
have implemented a server-side code that registers a string helper object with
the naming service, and a client-side code that accesses the string helper object
to perform operations on a string. The string helper object is a remote object that
resides on the server, and its methods are invoked by the client using the ORB.
By using CORBA, we have achieved the interoperability between different
programming languages and platforms, and have shown how object brokering
can be used to create distributed applications that can communicate seamlessly
across different systems.

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Develop a distributed system, to find sum of N elements in an array by
distributing N/n elements to n number of processors MPI or Open MP.
Demonstrate by displaying the intermediate sums calculated at different

1. Knowledge of MPI
2. Knowledge about its role.
3. Knowledge of how to create and run Java applications using command
1. To Develop a widely used standard for Writing Message Passing Program
2. Design an application program interface.

What is MPI?
MPI (Message Passing Interface):-
Message Passing Interface (MPI) is a subroutine or a library for passing messages
between processes in a distributed memory model. MPI is not a programming
language. MPI is a programming model that is widely used for parallel
programming in a cluster. In the cluster, the head node is known as the master,
and the other nodes are known as the workers. By using MPI, programmers are
able to divide up the task and distribute each task to each worker or to some
specific workers. Thus, each node can work on its own task simultaneously.
Since this is a small module, we will be focusing on only important and common
MPI functions and techniques. For further study, there are a lot of free resources
available on the Internet.

Why MPI?

There are many reasons for using MPI as our parallel programming model:

● MPI is a standard message passing library, and it is supported on

all high-performance computer platforms.
● An MPI program is able to run on different platforms that support
the MPI standard without changing your source codes.

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● Because of its parallel features, programmers are able to work on a
much larger problem size with the faster computation.
● There are many useful functions available in the MPI Library.
● A variety of implementations are available.

How do I write my MPI Program?

In order to get the MPI library working, you need to include the header
file #include <mpi.h> or #include “mpi.h” in your C code.

MPI Program Structure

Like other programming languages you have seen, program that includes MPI
library has its structure. The structure is shown in the figure below:

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A MPI program is basically a C program that uses the MPI library, SO DON’T BE
SCARED. The program has two different parts, one is serial, and the other is
parallel. The serial part contains variable declarations, etc., and the parallel part
starts when MPI execution environment has been initialized, and ends when
MPI_Finalize() has been called.

Communicator: a set of processes that have a valid rank of source or

destination fields. The predefined communicator is MPI_COMM_WORLD, and we
will be using this communicator all the time in this module. MPI_COMM_WORLD
is a default communicator consisting all processes. Furthermore, a programmer
can also define a new communicator, which has a smaller number of processes
than MPI_COMM_WORLD does.

Some Common Function

The following functions are the functions that are commonly used in MPI

MPI_Init(&argc, &argv)

This function has to be called in every MPI program. It is used to initialize the
MPI execution environment.

MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size)

This function determines the number of processes in the communicator. The

number of processes get store in the variable size. All processes in a
communicator have the same value of size.

MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank)

This function determines the rank of the calling process within the
communicator. Each process is assigned uniquely by integer rank
from 0 to number of processes - 1, and its rank gets stored in the variable rank.

MPI_Get_processor_name(name, &len)

This function returns the unique processor name. Variable name is the array of
char for storing the name, and len is the length of the name.


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This function returns an elapsed wall clock time in seconds on the calling
processor. This function is often used to measure the running time of an MPI
program. There is no defined starting point; therefore, in order to measure the
running time, a programmer needs to call two different MPI_Wtime(), and find
the difference.


This function terminates the MPI execution environment. MPI_Finalize() has to

be called by all processes before exiting.

Implementing the solution:

1. For implementing the MPI program in multi-core environment, we need to

install MPJ

express library.

a. Download MPJ Express (mpj.jar) and unpack it.

b. Set MPJ_HOME and PATH environment variables:

c. export MPJ_HOME=/path/to/mpj/

d. export PATH=$MPJ_HOME/bin:$PATH

2. Write Hello World parallel Java program and save it as HelloWorld.java


3. Compile a simple Hello World (Asign) parallel Java program

4. Running MPJ Express in the Multi-core Configuration.

Compiling and Executing the solution:

Compile: javac -cp $MPJ_HOME/lib/mpj.jar Asign2.java

(mpj.jar is inside lib folder in the downloaded MPJ Express)

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There has been a large amount of interest in parallel programming using Java.
mpj is an MPI binding with Java along with the support for multicore
architecture so that user can develop the code on it's own laptop or desktop.
This is an effort to develop and run parallel programs according to MPI

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Implement Berkeley algorithm for clock synchronization.

1. To perform this lab, you should have a basic understanding of Javan
programming language and socket programming.
2. You should also have access to a computer running a Unix-based
operating system (such as Linux or macOS) that can run Python code.
3. In addition, you should have a basic understanding of distributed systems
and clock synchronization algorithms.
4. It would also be helpful to have some experience working with simulated
distributed systems.

1. To understand the basic principles behind the Berkeley algorithm for clock
2. To implement the Berkeley algorithm in Python.
3. To test the implementation of the Berkeley algorithm in a simulated
distributed system.
4. To analyze the results of the simulation and evaluate the performance of
the algorithm.

What is Berkeley Algorithm?
In a distributed system, it is important to have all the clocks on different
computers synchronized to the same time. This is because many distributed
applications require a common notion of time in order to function correctly.

The Berkeley algorithm for clock synchronization is a widely used algorithm for
synchronizing the clocks of computers in a distributed system. The basic idea
behind the algorithm is to periodically synchronize the clocks of all the
computers in the system by adjusting the clock of each computer based on the
average of the clocks of all the other computers.

1) An individual node is chosen as the master node from a pool node in the
network. This node is the main node in the network which acts as a master and
the rest of the nodes act as slaves. The master node is chosen using an election
process/leader election algorithm.
2) Master node periodically pings slaves nodes and fetches clock time at them
using Cristian’s algorithm.
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The diagram below illustrates how the master sends requests to slave nodes.

The diagram below illustrates how slave nodes send back time given by their
system clock.

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3) Master node calculates the average time difference between all the clock times
received and the clock time given by the master’s system clock itself. This average
time difference is added to the current time at the master’s system clock and
broadcasted over the network.

The diagram below illustrates the last step of Berkeley’s algorithm.

Scope of Improvement

• Improvision inaccuracy of Cristian’s algorithm.

• Ignoring significant outliers in the calculation of average time difference
• In case the master node fails/corrupts, a secondary leader must be ready/pre-
chosen to take the place of the master node to reduce downtime caused due to
the master’s unavailability.
• Instead of sending the synchronized time, master broadcasts relative inverse
time difference, which leads to a decrease in latency induced by traversal time
in the network while the time of calculation at slave node.

Features of Berkeley’s Algorithm:

Centralized time coordinator: Berkeley’s Algorithm uses a centralized time
coordinator, which is responsible for maintaining the global time and
distributing it to all the client machines.

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Clock adjustment: The algorithm adjusts the clock of each client machine
based on the difference between its local time and the time received from the
time coordinator.
Average calculation: The algorithm calculates the average time difference
between the client machines and the time coordinator to reduce the effect of any
clock drift.
Fault tolerance: Berkeley’s Algorithm is fault-tolerant, as it can handle failures
in the network or the time coordinator by using backup time coordinators.
Accuracy: The algorithm provides accurate time synchronization across all the
client machines, reducing the chances of errors due to time discrepancies.
Scalability: The algorithm is scalable, as it can handle a large number of client
machines, and the time coordinator can be easily replicated to provide high
Security: Berkeley’s Algorithm provides security mechanisms such as
authentication and encryption to protect the time information from
unauthorized access or tampering.

Source Code

import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;

public class BerkeleyAlgorithm {

// Define the port number that will be used for communication

private static final int PORT = 1024;

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

// Create a server socket to listen for incoming messages

ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(PORT);

// Create a list to store the time differences for each node

List<Long> timeDiffs = new ArrayList<Long>();

// Create a new thread to handle the time requests from nodes

Thread timeServerThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
while (true) {
try {
// Wait for a node to connect and request the current time
Socket clientSocket = serverSocket.accept();
ObjectInputStream in = new

// Read the current time from the node's request

Date clientTime = (Date) in.readObject();

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Berkeley algorithm for clock synchronization implementation Steps:

Step 1: Establish communication:

Create a server socket to listen for incoming time requests from nodes.
Each node periodically sends time requests to the server.

Step 2: Record time differences:

When a node sends a time request to the server, record the time difference
between the node's local time and the time received from the server.
When the server receives a time request from a node, respond with the current

Step 3: Compute the average time difference:

Wait for a sufficient number of time differences to be recorded.

Compute the average time difference by summing up all the time differences and
dividing by the number of recorded differences.

Step 4: Adjust the node's clock:

Adjust the node's clock by adding the average time difference to the local time.
Output the adjusted time.

Step 5: Repeat:

Periodically repeat steps 2-4 to maintain synchronization between the node and
the server.


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In conclusion, the Berkeley algorithm is a simple and effective way to

synchronize the clocks of multiple nodes in a network. By measuring the time
differences between nodes and a central time server, the algorithm can compute
an average time difference that can be used to adjust each node's clock to be
synchronized with the others.

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Implement token ring based mutual exclusion algorithm.

1. To A programming language of your choice (Python, Java, C++, etc.)
2. An understanding of socket programming and interprocess
3. A development environment (e.g., an IDE such as PyCharm or Visual
Studio Code)

1. To Understand the basics of the token ring-based mutual exclusion
2. Gain experience with socket programming and interprocess
3. Learn how to implement a distributed algorithm in a programming
language of your choice.
4. Practice debugging and troubleshooting skills.
5. Learn how to test a distributed algorithm to verify correctness.

What is Ring Based Mutual exclusion Algorithm?
A token circulates around the ring from process to process.
A process can access the shared resource only when it receives the token.
When a process finishes accessing the shared resource, it passes the token to
the next process in the ring.
If a process wants to access the shared resource but does not have the token, it
sends a request message to the next process in the ring.
The process that receives the request message sets a flag to indicate that it has
received a request and passes the token to the next process in the ring.
When the process that has the token receives the request message flag, it does
not release the token after accessing the shared resource, but instead passes the
token to the process that requested it.

Source Code

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

class Tok {

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public static void main(String args[]) throws Throwable {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter the num of nodes:");
int n = scan.nextInt();
int m = n - 1;
// Decides the number of nodes forming the ring
int token = 0;
int ch = 0, flag = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
System.out.print(" " + i);
System.out.println(" " + 0);
System.out.println("Enter sender:");
int s = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println("Enter receiver:");
int r = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println("Enter Data:");
int a;
a = scan.nextInt();
System.out.print("Token passing:");
for (int i = token, j = token; (i % n) != s; i++, j = (j + 1) % n) {
System.out.print(" " + j + "->");


In conclusion, this lab provides an opportunity to learn and implement a token
ring-based mutual exclusion algorithm. The algorithm ensures that only one
process can access a shared resource at a time in a distributed system. By
completing this lab, you will gain experience with socket programming,
interprocess communication, and implementing a distributed algorithm in a
programming language of your choice.
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Implement Bully and Ring algorithm for leader election.


1. Basic knowledge of distributed systems.

2. Familiarity with programming language Java.
3. Knowledge of communication protocols like TCP or UDP.
4. A computer or a set of computers connected in a network.

1. To gain a better understanding of distributed systems and leader election
2. To be able to implement and test the Bully and Ring algorithms in a
simulated distributed environment.
3. To compare and contrast the performance and effectiveness of the Bully
and Ring algorithms in leader election scenarios.
4. To identify the strengths and weaknesses of the Bully and Ring algorithms
in terms of scalability, fault tolerance, and resource utilization.

Leader Election is an important problem in distributed systems where a
group of processes or nodes are running independently and want to choose a
leader among themselves.

What is Bully Algorithm?

The Bully Algorithm is a centralized algorithm, where the process with the
highest process ID is chosen as the leader. If the current leader fails, then the
process with the next highest ID takes over. The algorithm works as follows:
1. When a process detects that the current leader has failed, it sends an
election message to all processes with a higher ID number.
2. If a process receives an election message, it sends an "OK" message back
to the sender, indicating that it is still alive.

3. If a process does not receive an "OK" message after sending an election

message, it assumes that the sender has failed and takes over as the

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What is Ring Algorithm?
The Ring Algorithm is a decentralized algorithm, where each process in the
network is connected to its immediate neighbours. The process with the lowest
process ID is chosen as the leader. The algorithm works as follows:

1. Each process in the network sends a message to its right neighbour to

determine if it has a higher ID.
2. If the right neighbour has a higher ID, the process forwards the message
to the right neighbour.
3. If the right neighbour has a lower ID or the message has made a full
round, the process declares itself as the leader.

Source Code

import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Bully {

static boolean[] state = new boolean[5];
int coordinator;

public static void up(int up) {

if (state[up - 1]) {
System.out.println("process" + up + "is already up");
} else {
int i;
Bully.state[up - 1] = true;
System.out.println("process " + up + "held election");
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for (i = up; i < 5; ++i) {
System.out.println("election message sent from process" + up + "to
process" + (i + 1));
for (i = up + 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
if (!state[i - 1]) continue;
System.out.println("alive message send from process" + i + "to
process" + up);

Implementation Steps:

Step 1: Create project in eclipse

Step 2: Create the class Ring.java or Bully.java and execute

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Leader election is an important problem in distributed systems, and there
are several algorithms to solve it. In this lab, we explored two algorithms: the
Bully Algorithm and the Ring Algorithm. We implemented the algorithms and
tested them by simulating node failures. The Bully Algorithm is a centralized
algorithm, while the Ring Algorithm is a decentralized algorithm.

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Create a simple web service and write any distributed application to consume
the web service.

1 Knowledge of distributed application
2 Knowledge about its role.
3 Knowledge of how to create and run Java applications using command
3. To Develop a widely used standard for Web services
4. Design an application program interface.

Web Service:
A web service can be defined as a collection of open protocols and standards for
exchanging information among systems or applications.

A service can be treated as a web service if:

● The service is discoverable through a simple lookup
● It uses a standard XML format for messaging
● It is available across internet/intranet networks.
● It is a self-describing service through a simple XML syntax
● The service is open to, and not tied to, any operating
system/programming language

Types of Web Services:

There are two types of web services:

1. SOAP: SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. SOAP is an XML based
industry standard protocol for designing and developing web services. Since it’s
XML based, it’s platform and language independent. So, our server can be based
on JAVA and client can be on .NET, PHP etc. and vice versa.

2. REST: REST (Representational State Transfer ) is an architectural style for

developing web services. It’s getting popularity recently because it has small
learning curve when compared to SOAP. Resources are core concepts of Restful
web services and they are uniquely identified by their URIs.

Web service architectures:

As part of a web service architecture, there exist three major roles.

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Service Provider is the program that implements the service agreed for the web
service and exposes the service over the internet/intranet for other applications
to interact with.

Service Requestor is the program that interacts with the web service exposed
by the Service Provider. It makes an invocation to the web service over the
network to the Service Provider and exchanges information.
SOAP web services:

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is an XML-based protocol for accessing

web services. It is a W3C recommendation for communication between two
applications, and it is a platform- and language-independent technology in
integrated distributed applications.
While XML and HTTP together make the basic platform for web services, the
following are the key components of standard SOAP web services:

Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI): UDDI is an

XMLbased framework for describing, discovering, and integrating web services.
It acts as a directory of web service interfaces described in the WSDL language.

Web Services Description Language (WSDL): WSDL is an XML document

containing information about web services, such as the method name, method
parameters, and how to invoke the service. WSDL is part of the UDDI registry.
It acts as an interface between applications that want to interact based on web
services. The following diagram shows the interaction between the UDDI, Service
Provider, and service consumer in SOAP web services:

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RESTful web services
REST stands for Representational State Transfer. RESTful web services are
considered a performance-efficient alternative to the SOAP web services. REST
is an architectural style, not a protocol. Refer to the following diagram:

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While both SOAP and RESTful support efficient web service development, the
difference between these two technologies can be checked out in the following
table :

Implementing the solution:

Creating a web service CalculatorWSApplication:
● Create New Project for CalculatorWSApplication.
● Create a package org.calculator
● Create class CalculatorWS.
● Right-click on the CalculatorWS and create New Web Service.
IDE starts the glassfish server, builds the application and deploys the
application on server.

Consuming the Webservice:

● Create a project with an CalculatorClient
● Create package org.calculator.client;
● add java class CalculatorWS.java, addresponse.java, add.java,
CalculatorWSService.java and ObjectFactory.java
Creating servlet in web application
● Create new jsp page for creating user interface.

Writing the source code:

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This assignment, described the Web services approach to the Service Oriented
Architecture concept. Also, described the Java APIs for programming Web
services and demonstrated examples of their use by providing detailed step-by-
step examples of how to program Web services in Java.

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