Role of Microbial Technology in Agriculture by Improving Soil Health, Plant Broad-Mindedness, Crop Quality and Productivity For Sustaining Rapid Population
Role of Microbial Technology in Agriculture by Improving Soil Health, Plant Broad-Mindedness, Crop Quality and Productivity For Sustaining Rapid Population
Role of Microbial Technology in Agriculture by Improving Soil Health, Plant Broad-Mindedness, Crop Quality and Productivity For Sustaining Rapid Population
1, 2023
Centre for Advance Agriculture Research, Xenesis Institute, Absolute Bioscience, Plot
No. 68, Sector-44, Delhi NCR, Gurugram-122002, Haryana, India
Presently, soil management strategies (SMS) depend on inorganic chemical fertilizers (IOCFs), which pose
a serious threat to human health and the environment. Harnessing beneficial microbes as biofertilizers has
become of paramount importance in the agricultural sector because of their potential role in food security
and sustainable agricultural production. The eco-friendly approaches inspire a wide range of applications
of plant growthpromoting rhizobacteria (PGPRs), Endo and Ectomycorrhizal fungi, cyanobacteria, and
many other useful microscopic organisms led to improved nutrient uptake, plant growth, and plant
tolerance to abiotic and biotic stress. Exerting soil management strategies are dependent on inorganic
chemical-based fertilizers, which cause a serious risk to human health, Soil ecology and the environment.
The abuse of advantageous organisms as a biofertilizer has gotten to be of fundamental significance within
the agriculture sector for their potential role in food and nourishment security and sustainable crop
production. The eco-friendly approaches motivate a wide extent of applications of plant growth-promoting
rhizobacteria (PGPRs), endo- and ectomycorrhizal microbes, cyanobacteria, and numerous other valuable
microscopic microbes’ forms driven to progressed nutrients uptake, plant development, and plant
resistance to abiotic and biotic stress. The current manuscript highlighs biofertilizers (BF)PGPRs,
mycorrhizae and others useful microbes interceded crops' functional trails characteristics such as plant
development and efficiency, nutritional profile, plant defense, and protection with especial accentuation on
its trigger-to-trigger different growth and defenece-related genes in signaling systems of cellular pathways
to cause a cellular reaction and subsequently crops enhancement. The information picked up from the
literature assessed in this will help us to get the physiological bases of biofertilizers towards sustainable
agriculture in diminishing issues related to the utilization of chemical fertilizers (CFs).
Biofertilizer, Crop Improvement, Environmental stress, Mode of action,Biofertilizers, Sustainable
Conventional agriculture (CA) plays a key role in fulfilling the growing food needs of a growing
human population, resulting in an increasing reliance on chemical pesticides (CPs) and CFs
(1).CFs are industrially engineered substances composed of known amounts of nitrogen (N),
phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), the use of which leads to air and groundwater pollution
through eutrophication of water bodies (2). In this context, recent efforts have focused on
producing “nutritious, high-quality food” on sustainable plots to ensure biosecurity. Innovative
Life Sciences: an International Journal (LSIJ) Vol. 1, No. 1, 2023
views on agricultural production have increased the demand for bio-organic fertilizers with no
alternatives to pesticides (3). In agriculture, promotion of alternative methods of soil fertilization
relies on organic inputs to improve nutrient delivery and protect crop management (4). Organic
farming (OF) is one strategy that not only ensures food safety but also contributes to soil
biodiversity (5). Further advantages of organic/bio fertilizers include long-term shelf life without
negative ecological impacts (6).
Organic farming (OF) is largely dependent on the soil's natural microbiome constituting all kinds
of beneficial bacteria and fungi, including arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AM fungi) known as
plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). Biofertilizers (BF) keep the soil environment rich
in all kinds of micro and macro nutrients through nitrogen fixation, dissolution or mineralization
of phosphate and potassium, production of antibiotics, release of growth of plants and
biodegradation of organic matter in the soil (7). When biofertilizers are used as seeds or soil
inoculants, they multiply and participate in nutrient cycling and improve crop yields (8).
Normally, 60-90% of the total fertilizer applied is lost and the remaining 10-20% is absorbed by
the plants. In this regard, probiotics are of prime importance in integrated nutrient management
systems (INMS) to support agricultural productivity and a healthy environment (9). Plant growth-
promoting rhizobacteria or their enantiomers can increase the nutrient utilization efficiency of
fertilizers. The synergistic interaction of PGPR and AMF was most consistent with 70% fertilizer
plus AM fungi and PGPR for P uptake. The same trend was also reflected in tissue-wide N
uptake, suggesting that 75%, 80% or 90% fertilizer plus inoculant is significantly equivalent to
100% fertilizer (10-14). Various manuscript is intended to meet the needs of agronomists and
plant biologists, whose work is focused on creating clean and efficient ways to improve soil
quality by nurturing and maintaining soil systems through natural and beneficial microorganisms.
In addition, it presents recent development in field management that demonstrated the potential
application of biofertilizers and increase nutrient composition, plant growth and yield, while
improving tolerance. with environmental pressure, with special emphasis on bio-fertilizer
extraction mechanism.
Plants have complex interactions with various microorganisms found in the soil, including
bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Some of these microorganisms form beneficial relationships with
plants, providing them with essential nutrients, improving nutrient absorption, promoting growth,
and protecting against disease and pests. Microbial biofertilizers (MBF) consist of specific
beneficial microorganisms that are applied to plant roots or soil to improve nutrient uptake and
delivery such as some strains of nitrogen-fixing bacteria (NFB) can form symbiotic relationships
with legumes such as soybean (15-16) and peas, to convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that
plants can use. PGPRs are a group of beneficial bacteria that colonize the rhizosphere around the
plant's roots and promote plant growth and productivity. They can stimulate root growth, produce
growth promoters, solubilize nutrients, and improve plants' resilience to environmental stresses
(ESs). Mycorrhizal fungi form a mutualistic relationship with plant roots, facilitating the
absorption of nutrients, especially phosphorus (17). These fungi extend their mycelium into the
soil, increasing the surface area for nutrient absorption and transferring nutrients to the plant in
exchange for carbohydrates. Some soil microorganisms have the ability to inhibit plant
pathogens, thereby reducing disease incidence and severity. These beneficial microorganisms
(BMs) can compete with pathogens for resources, produce antimicrobial compounds, or induce
plant defense mechanisms. Farmers can adopt practices that promote a diverse and healthy soil
microbiome, such as minimizing the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers, adopting crop
rotation and cover cropping, and practicing conservation tillage. These practices create a more
favorable environment for BMs to thrive. The utilization of BMs as a seed treatment can improve
the establishment and early development of plants. Coating seeds with a microbial cultures
Life Sciences: an International Journal (LSIJ) Vol. 1, No. 1, 2023
provides a favorable environment for seed germination, protects against seed-borne pathogens,
and strengthens the plant's immune system. Farmers can adopt practices that promote a healthy
and diverse soil microbiome (SMB), such as minimizing the use of chemical pesticides and
fertilizers, adopting crop rotations and cover crops as well. as conservation farming practices.
These practices create a more favorable environment for the growth of BMs. Technological
advances, such as high-throughput DNA sequencing and metagenomics, allow farmers to analyze
the composition of the soil microbiome and understand its dynamics. This information can guide
the selection of appropriate microbiological interventions and enable targeted management
strategies. The microbiome approach to agriculture is a promising area, but it is still evolving.
More research is needed to understand the complexities of plant-microbes interactions, optimize
microbial formulations, and develop sustainable practices that maximize crop yields while at the
same time and maintain soil health and ecosystem balance (15-16, 18-22).
The history of human civilization (HC) run parallels to agriculture. The domestication of plants
was the first step in the long journey that transformed man from forager searcher to settler. Over
the years, however, the man-made effects of conventional agriculture on the soil have been
costly. Soil erosion, nutrient depletion and pollution by natural elements, compounds and even
xenobiotics have accumulated in the cultivated soil. Agricultural intensification has increased the
productive capacity of agro-ecosystems, but has had undesirable environmental consequences,
including degradation of land and water resources and alteration of biogeographic chemical
cycles (23-24). All of the resource depletion mentioned above is the result of focusing
agricultural production on human needs without regard to the health or stability of the soil (19).
The importance of soil health and quality in relation to sustainable soil management has been
discussed by Prasad (25). When it comes to xenobiotics, a number of chemical pesticides have
been shows to be useful in solving many problems affecting human health and food production.
However, the use of such pesticides sometimes comes with potential risks to humans and the
environment (26).
In the coming decades, the major focus would be on safe and environmentally friendly methods
of harnessing beneficial microorganisms in sustainable agricultural production (36).The physico-
chemicalproperties (PCP) of the soil as well as the biodiversity of the soil microbes (SMs), the
overall health of the soil, the growth and development of the plants and the crop yields are
Life Sciences: an International Journal (LSIJ) Vol. 1, No. 1, 2023
improved through the inoculation of the microbes (6). Microbial populations (MPs) useful in
agriculture include PGPRs, mycorrhizae, beneficial bacteria (BB), N2-fixing cyanobacteria,
stress-tolerant endophytes, and bio-degrading microbes (8). BFs are a complementary component
to traditional crop and soil management, namely crop rotation, organic regulation, tillage
maintenance, crop residue recycling, fertility restoration. soil fertility and biological control of
pathogens and pests, an activity that can be significantly helpful in maintaining sustainability and
crop production (6, 37). Nitrogen-fixing bacteria (NFB) such as Azospirillum, Azotobacter,
Cyanobacteria, Rhizobium and phosphorus and potassium solubilizing (PBS) microbes are some
of the PGPRs that, in addition to mycorrhiza, have been shown to increase in soil under mínimum
tillage treatment (38-41). A considerable amount of nitrogen can be supplied to Helianthus
annuus by effective strains of Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Phosphobacter and Rhizobacter.
Similarly, in rice, the addition of Azotobacter, Azospirillum and Rhizobium promotes physiology
and improves root morphology (42). Azotobacter plays an important role in the nitrogen cycle in
nature because it has many metabolic functions (6). In addition to its role in nitrogen fixation
(NF), Azotobacter is also capable of producing vitamins such as thiamin and riboflavin (43), and
plant hormones, namely indole acetic acid (IAA), cytokinins (CK). and gibberellin (GA). A.
chroococcum improves plant growth (PG) by improving seed germination and promotes root
structure (44) by inhibiting pathogenic microorganisms around the root system of plants (45).
The genus includes many different species, namely A. chroococcum, A. vinelandii, A.
beijerinckii, A. nigricans, A. armeniacus and A. paspali. It is used as a biofertilizer for various
crops, namely wheat, oats, barley mustard, fennel, rice, flaxseed, sunflower, castor, corn,
sorghum, cotton, jute, sugar beet, tobacco, tea, coffee, rubber and coconut (46). Azospirillum,
which promotes PG and development (47), is one of a group of free-living, gram-mutating,
motile bacteria that can survive and thrive under various conditions. Beneficial soil
microorganisms (BSM) support agricultural production (AP) as BF (48) or symbiotically (36).
Infertile soil is a very complex system consisting of a matrix of solids, gasses, water and minerals
dissolved in pores spaces. Solid substrates contain inorganic particles of different sizes, shapes
and chemical properties, as well as a composition of organic matter in different stages of
decomposition (49). While the solid substrate (SS) provides physical space, the soil solution
contained in the pores is an immediate source of plant nutrients (50). In short, farmland has not
only great diversity but also marked physicochemical heterogeneity in pH, water content,
hardness, oxygen concentration and nutrient concentration (51). However, this is not a static
situation. Although the term "infertile soil" is often associated with the abiotic part, soil is not
completely motionless or dormant. Over time, all soils undergo long-term structural and
physicochemical changes that lead to the formation of a typical soil profile. In addition, soil
properties are constantly changing due to shorter seasonal and environmental changes (EVC),
such as changes occurring in soil mass density after freezing and thawing, grain effects, etc.
precipitation and soil compaction. On the other hand, while barren soil itself is a very complex
and constantly changing entity, living soil is much more complex and fickle. Almost every small
part of the earth's surface can be inhabited by living systems. While plant roots, large and small
animals, and arthropods are visible the most obvious biota, soil is densely populated with a
multitude of diverse microorganisms. Furthermore, although it is difficult to imagine organisms
growing anaerobically in the atmosphere, aerobic and anaerobic organisms coexist underground.
Of all the subterranean coexisting systems, bacteria represent the largest community of
biodiversity. Microbes are unevenly distributed, but form cluster around nutrients and organic
matter. It is well established that plant roots and their associated biofilms can strongly influence
soil chemistry (52-53), especially in determining availability of nutrients in the soil (54).
Life Sciences: an International Journal (LSIJ) Vol. 1, No. 1, 2023
Furthermore, roots exert a significant influence on the microbial population living underground.
In addition, plants are resistant to potential enemies through the production of antimicrobials,
phytotoxins, nematode-killing compounds, and pesticides (55). However, the general trend seems
to be to produce organic compounds that can be useful not only to guests but also to uninvited
guests (55). In short, the relationship between organisms and roots is complex and highly
variable, leading to beneficial, harmful, or neutral effects for a given plant (56).
Abiotic and biotic stresses are major constraints affecting crop productivity. Many tools of
modern science (MS) are widely used to improve plants under stress, with the role of PGPR as a
bioprotectant being of paramount importance in this regard (69). R. trifolii inoculated with T.
alexandrinum showed higher biomass and increased nodule number under salt stress conditions
(70). P. aeruginosa has been shown to tolerate biotic and abiotic stress (71). Paul and Nair
(72)reveled P. fluorescens MSP-393 produces osmolytes and salt-stress-induced proteins that
overcome the adverse effects of salt. P. putida Rs-198 increased the rate of K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+
uptake while decreasing Na+ uptake under alkaline and high-salinity conditions, thereby
increasing germination rate and various growth parameters, namely plant growth. (69, 73-74).
Several strains of the genus Pseudomonas have conferred plant tolerance via 2,4-
diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG) (75). Interestingly, the root fungus Piriformospora indica was
found to protect host plants from salt stress (76). In one study, inoculation of PGPR alone or in
combination with AMs such as Glomus intraradices and G. mosseae improved nutrient uptake
and normal physiological processes in Lactuca sativa under conditions of stress. The combination
of A. brasilense and AM improved plant tolerance to various abiotic stresses (50). The additive
effects of P. putida or B. megaterium and AM fungi were effective in reducing DSs (77). The
photosynthetic efficiency and antioxidant response of rice exposed to drought stress were found
to increase after inoculation with AM fungi (78-80). Beneficial effects of mycorrhiza have been
reported in both drought and saline conditions (29-31, 81).
Life Sciences: an International Journal (LSIJ) Vol. 1, No. 1, 2023
Considering that salt-stressed plants also suffer from water deficit, inoculation of root seedlings
with 108 cfu of A. brasilense followed by exposure to mild and severe salt stress may contribute
to some of the reversed adverse effects has been shown to be reduced. Wheat seedlings
inoculated with azospirillum survived up to 320 mM NaCl when he was exposed for 3 days (82).
Uniform T. aestivumcv. 'Buck Ombú' seedlings (1cm long) were inoculated with A. brasilense
Sp245 by soaking the roots in a suspension of 108cfu ml-1 for 3 hours. The inoculum was then
replaced with either distilled water, 160 mM NaCl, 320 mM NaCl, 20% PEG 6000, or 30% PEG
6000, and seedlings were grown in a dark growth chamber at 20°C for up to 3 days. rice field.
Fresh weight, fresh weight/dry weight, moisture content, and relative moisture content were
higher in shoots from inoculated plants than in stressed controls (82). These changes may
partially explain the improved crop performance. Indeed, field experiments were performed with
his S. bicolor, Z. maize inoculated withA. aestivum has shown significantly higher yields,
accompanied by enhanced water and mineral uptake, reduced canopy temperature, and improved
growth and yield (82-83). Early studies of the benefits that plants could achieve after inoculation
with Azospirillum emphasized the importance of improving plant water status (84-85). In this
sense, the Azospirillum inoculation technique may be extended to dry soils to protect crops from
drought. Since the main action of Azospirillum is to promote a more developed radical system,
plant adaptation to water stress may be enhanced in inoculated cultures. In this context,
experiments on plant response mechanisms to water stress showed significantly higher water
content, relative water content, water potential, apoplastic moisture content, and lower cell wall
elasticity in drought-stricken Azospirillum-inoculated plants. It was shown that the coefficient
was achieve. Azospirillum-inoculated T. aestivumcv. "Pro-INTA Oasis" and grain were clearly
38.4. 22.2 and 125% more Mg, K and Ca than uninoculated plants (82). In any case, it is agreed
that the positive effects of azospirillum on plants depend on good root colonization. Root
colonization (RC) is not only important as the first step in infection by soil-borne pathogens
(SBPs), but also in beneficial relationships with microbes. The first event in the colonization
process is bacterial attachment to the roots. The interaction of Azospirillum with roots is a two-
step process consisting of adsorption mediated by bacterial proteins and fixation involving
bacterial polysaccharides (82). Chemical attraction, or chemotaxis, of soil microbes to plant roots
is a well-understood mechanism involved in triggering plant root-microbes
interactions. Bacterium resides mainly on the surface of roots and is present in A. lipoferum and
some strains of A. lipoferm, A. brasilense can colonize the internal apoplast and intercellular
spaces of roots, but others cannot. This ability could mean less sensitivity to harsh soil and/or
environmental conditions, which in turn could mean more efficient promotion of plant growth
(86). In this context, rhizobia that colonize roots in close association with plants are considered
endophytes. These microbes live outside the symplast and do not produce nodules, but produce
signaling compounds that stimulate plant growth, increase plant resistance to disease, and
enhance soil nutrient mobilization.
Besides the BNF mentioned above, several mechanisms have been hypothesized to explain how
Azospirillum promotes plant growth and development, including phytohormone production and
nitrate reduction. However, to date, no clear mechanism has been established that could explain
the growth-promoting ability of these bacteria. Rather, the most common hypothesis is that the
sum of events is responsible for the overall effect of PG promotion. Genus Azospirillum is not
considered a classical biocontrol agent against soil-borne plant pathogens (SBPPs). However,
there are reports that A. brasilense has moderate ability to biologically control crown gall-
producing Agrobacterium. In addition, A. brasilense may limit the growth of other non-
pathogenic rhizobacteria. Azospirillum's antibacterial activity may be related to its ability to
Life Sciences: an International Journal (LSIJ) Vol. 1, No. 1, 2023
generate known bacteriocins and siderophores (87). Furthermore, it was recently reported that A.
brasilense can synthesize phenylacetic acid (PAA), an auxin-like molecule (ALM) with
antibacterial activity (ABA). PAA was detected by concentrating the culture supernatant only in
the presence of 0.5 mM phenylalanine added to the medium as a precursor molecule. It has also
been detected at the onset of secondary metabolism. Widely accepted hypothesis also states that
as root surface area increases, so does nutrient uptake over time. From this point of view, PGPR
fortification could be an indirect consequence of its effect on root development (88-89). In
addition to its physiological activity on root membranes, there is evidence that the fatty acid
composition of the major root phospholipids is affected by A. brasilense inoculation (85, 90-94).
Although the effects mediated by PGPRs have been fairly well characterized, the underlying
signaling mechanisms that these bacteria cause in plants remain to be identified. It was assumed
that all effects of Azospirillum on plants depended on the plant species and cultivar inoculated
and the inoculum concentration used (71). Regarding the latter factor, inoculation of many
different plant species with Azospirillum resulted in root elongation ranging from 106 to 108 cells
per seedling (82). Furthermore, Azospirillum-inoculated tomato roots incubated with NO-specific
fluorescent probes showed higher fluorescence intensity compared with uninoculated roots.
Fluorescence was mainly localized to vascular tissue and root subepidermal cells (82).
Furthermore, treatment of inoculated seedlings with the NO scavenger (4-carboxyphenyl)-
4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl 3-oxide completely reversed this effect, suggesting that
azospirillum-induced LRF Induction is believed to be NO dependent. blocked (82)
Mycorrhizal relations involve ∼50,000 taxa of soil fungi and ∼340,000 land plants approximately
70–95% of all species (25, 29-31,103-106). Based on the fisil record and molecular estimases, the
evolutionary history of AM fungi originates as far back as 460 million years ago. Four main types
of mycorrhizae have been described based on their structure and function: a. The AM fungus has
240 species of Glomeromycota, accounting for <0.5% of the relative abundance of fungal
communities found in soil b. Ectomycorrhiza (ECM) - reservad for shrubs and perennials (about
2% of all terrestrial plants), compare to Ericoid mycorrhiza (ERM) - invasive only plants of the
family Ericaceae d. Orchid mycorrhizae (ORM) - invades only plants of the Orchidaceae family
A single fungus that can connect different plants underground to form a common mycorrhizal
network (CMN). CMNs can serve as highways for transferring nutrients and chemical signals
Life Sciences: an International Journal (LSIJ) Vol. 1, No. 1, 2023
between plants. Soil bacteria and other fungi reside in cavities, attracted and nourished by plant
secretions and mycelium. Specific plant and root microbial flora facilitate the release of nutrients
(N and P) from soil organic matter (29, 91, 107-114).
Mycorrhizae are the connections between fungi and the roots of higher plants. AM fungi must be
one of the most amazing things to see under a microscope. With good root staining, the internal
and external structures of the host root look very nice. The arbuscules where the magic happens
look like little trees inside individual cell. Branched structures form inside the plant cell but the
plant's cell membrane remains intact and forms around the arbuscule. Thus, expanding the
exchange zone between plants and fungi. The fungus provides the plant with nutrients obtained
from its fine network of mycelium in the soil while the plant provides sugar for the fungus to
exchange. The mycelium can be seen growing intracellularly in the roots up to the appresoria,
where it leaves the roots and spreads into the soil. A large network of mycelium forms around the
plant's roots. This network of mycelium can absorb nutrients from soil particles much more
efficiently than plant roots alone. This is mainly because the diameter of the mycelium is very
small compared to the root hairs. Other mycorrhizal structures include vesicles that are the
storage organs of mycorrhizae. Here energy can be stored before being used by mycorrhiza. At
the end of the growing season of the annual plant, the energy stored in the vesicles is used to
form spores. These spores ensure the survival of mycorrhizae in the soil (91).
Phosphate is an essential nutrient and limits PG in many environment (91, 103-116). Phosphate
exists in soil in the form of inorganic orthophosphate (Pi), which readily binds with cations,
especially under acidic conditions. Of the cations, iron, aluminum and calcium are the most
common. The mobility of sequestered phosphate is reduced, resulting in a rapid depletion of
available phosphate near the root system upon plant uptake, creating a local depletion zone (115).
In modern agriculture, the problem of phosphate limitation is addressed through the widespread
use of phosphate additives, with over 4,000,000 tons per year in the US alone (
However, as reserves dwindle, phosphate extraction becomes increasingly difficult and costly. In
addition, phosphate uptake efficiency may be as low as 20% (91), and much of the added
phosphate will leach into adjacent waterways, adversely affecting the environment. increase.
Plants in wild ecosystems have been shown to derive much of their phosphate from mycorrhizal
fungi (117). Investigating the current importance and potential future benefits of mycorrhizal
colonization on phosphate uptake by crops remains a major focus of current mycorrhizal
Population growth, urban sprawl, and growing interest in using biofuels are putting significant
pressure on a portion of high-quality agricultural soils in many countries. Growing cereals and
oilseeds such as barley, corn, soybean and wheat has been an important part of the agricultural
economy for many years, and the continued rise in demand and prices has led farmers to grow
high-intensity crops to: began to adopt agricultural management. Increased production increases
crop productivity. Tillage, crop rotation, fallow, varietal rotation, and pesticide application are
common practices in large-scale crops, and all these practices have environmental impact (103-
114). Fertilizer use is a common agricultural management practice, but there is growing evidence
that fertilizer use has many adverse effects on ecosystems. Regardless of the type of fertilizer
applied (organic or mineral), conventional agriculture produces large excesses of nitrogen and
phosphorus that can lead to phosphorus losses through nitrogen leaching and leaching from the
soil profile (121). Not only does this loss result in high economic costs for farmers, this
phenomenon also leads to soil contamination. Furthermore, excessive fertilizer application can
pose a significant threat to aquatic ecosystems through surface water and groundwater
degradation (122). Recently, it has been noted that fertilizer runoff from agricultural lands is one
of the causes of cyanobacterial overgrowth and potentially harmful bloom growth, resulting in
restricted access to lakes. Low-input farming systems are gaining traction in many developed
countries due to growing concerns about conserving natural resources, reducing environmental
degradation, and rising fertilizer costs. Conventional cropping systems with reduced fertilizer and
pesticide application rates have been developed, but are rarely used in North American cereal
production, probably due to a lack of understanding of agricultural soil dynamics (123). Many
biological, chemical and physical factors affect soil quality. Among them, the rhizosphere
microbial community (RMC) has been shown to directly affect soil fertility by contributing to
nutrient cycling (NC) and performing essential processes that improve soil structure and PG and
health. (124). Therefore, the extent to which these communities interact is of great importance,
and this includes phenomena such as hormone production (HP), enhanced nutrient availability,
and reduced root disease. Mycorrhizal symbiosis (MS) has been shown to favor the growth of
many crops, mainly due to extensive development of mycelial networks in the soil, more efficient
use of nutrients, and improved plant uptake. (117). MS also increases resilience to biotic and
Life Sciences: an International Journal (LSIJ) Vol. 1, No. 1, 2023
abiotic stresses and reduces disease incidence, a key component of sustainable agriculture (124).
Proper management of mycorrhizal fungi in agriculture should ultimately lead to significant
reductions in chemical consumption and production costs. Soils generally contain natural AM
fungi that colonize plant roots (91). Growth promotion and phosphorus uptake in plants colonized
by AM fungi are well-known processes (29, 31, 103-114). With the current trend to reduce
pesticide use, research is focused on improving crop yield and yield sustainability. This is a
promising approach to achieve high yields with low fertilizer use and support sustainable
agricultural systems.
Sustainable agricultural systems (SASs) use natural processes (NPs) to achieve acceptable levels
of productivity and food quality (FQ) with minimal negative environmental impact (118). By
definitivo, sustainable agriculture (SA) must be ecologically sound, economically viable and
socially responsible. Similarly, sustainable forest management (SFM) refers to a holistic
approach to environmental protection (EP) that combines the production and planting of trees for
useful products, the protection of soil, air, water quality, wildlife and aesthetics. Sustainable
agriculture relies on long-term solutions that use proactive rather than reactive system-level
measures. Mycorrhizal fungi, especially AM fungi, are ubiquitous in soil and form symbiotic
relationships with most terrestrial plants, including agricultural crops, cereals, vegetables and
horticultural crops (91). In agriculture, several factors, such as the host plant's dependence on
mycorrhizal root colonization (MRC), tillage system, fertilization, and mycorrhizal inoculation
(MI) potential, influence plant response and the benefits of mycorrhizae to the plant. Due to their
role in promoting plant health and improving soil fertility and soil assemblage stability, there is
increasing interest in propagating AM fungi for sustainable agriculture (SA). Effective utilization
of these fungi can increase yields while minimizing the use of pesticides and inorganic fertilizers
(103-114). The intensive use of CFs, the introduction of organic matter, the use of soil
management techniques such as fallow cultivation and the cultivation of legumes can improve
soil conditions, improve soil bioactivity and avoid external influences. It has been used to
improve crop production in poor soils to optimize nutrient cycling. Minimize input and maximize
utilization (125-126). This approach was developed for soil biota management using earthworms
and microsymbionts. These soil organisms account for over 90% of soil biological activity and
contribute to nutrient cycling, soil fertility, and symbiotic processes in the rhizosphere. The
diversity and activity of soil fungi is poorly studied and understood (127). Mycorrhizae constitute
an important group as they are widespread and potentially important contributors to plant
microbial biomass and soil nutrient cycling processes (128). Mycorrhizal association has
beneficial effects on plants and thus on crop productivity for SA (129). These improve the
absorption of nutrients, especially P, and also improve the absorption of micronutrients such as
zinc and copper. They can stimulate the production of PG substances and reduce stress, disease,
or pest infestations (130 -131) Proper use of this technique requires the selection of optimal
inoculum cultures adapted to the specific environmental factors that limit plant productivity.
Mycorrhizal fungi (MF) facilitate interactions between plants and soil microbiota, which in turn
helps promote PG, improve nutrient uptake, and increase resilience to pathogens to biotic and
abiotic stresses. Factors that contribute to the increased ability of plants invaded by AM fungi to
resist abiotic stresses such as drought and salinity include a. Depletes osmotic pressure by
creating accumulation of proline and soluble sugars. b. Increases photosynthetic efficiency by
increasing stomatal conductivity and chlorophyll concentration. c. Compared to increase root
length and sucker hair density to increase water absorption as well as strigolactone secretion to
promote AM symbiosis under water stress conditions. d. Prevent excessive Na+ absorption to
Life Sciences: an International Journal (LSIJ) Vol. 1, No. 1, 2023
maintain ionic homeostasis under the influence of salt. e. Combats oxidative stress by increasing
the activity of antioxidant enzymes (AOE) such as CAT, SOD and POD to eliminate ROS. Under
biological stress condition (BSC), AM fungi protect host plants against pathogen infection by
increasing the systemic defense response (SDR) of the host plant and induces PR gene
expression. Increases biosynthesis and secretion of phenols and citrates that repel pathogens and
formation of deposits on the cell wall to limit the invasion of mycelium. Expression of ENOD11
and several defense-related genes, as well as root remodeling genes, are upregulated during
invasion. This then allows the formation of a pre-permeabilization device or PPA (115). The
biology behind the development of arbuscules is unknown, but turning off a gene called vapillin
reduces arbuscule growth (132). Many other genes are known to be involved in tree formation,
including subtilisin protease 65, phosphate transporter 66, or two ABC transporters 67 (133-134).
Nitrogen-fixing genes (NFG) are now commonly used by scientists to create genetically
engineered plants that can fix atmospheric nitrogen (FAN). Induction of the nif gene occurs in
NFB with low nitrogen and oxygen concentrations in the rhizosphere. Interestingly, sugarcane
seedlings inoculated with wild strains of G. diazotrophicus showed radioactive N2 fixation
compared to G. diazotrophicus mutants with nif-D gene mutations, proving the importance of the
nif gene. The efficiency of nitrogen fixation depends on the use of carbon (135-136). Bacteria
such as Bacillus subtilis (UFLA285) can differentially induce 247 genes in cotton plants
compared to controls that did not receive PGPR (137). A few disease resistance genes that act
through osmotic regulation via jasmonate/ethylene signaling and proline synthesis genes were
differentially expressed upon UFLA285 induction (137). Several differentially expressed genes,
including metallothionein-like protein type 1, NOD26-like integral membrane protein, ZmNIP2-
1, thionin family proteins, oryzalin gamma chain precursor, stress-associated protein 1
(OsISAP1), and probenazole has been identified. Inducible protein PBZ1, auxin- and ethylene-
responsive genes (138). The expression of the defense-associated proteins PBZ1 and thionine was
found to be repressed in rice H-seropedicae association, suggesting regulation of plant defense
responses during establishment (138).
Environmental constraints are a major problem for declining productivity. Our reliance on CFs
and CPs has fueled the growth of industries that produce potentially lethal chemicals that are not
only dangerous to humans, but also dangerous to soil ecology, environmentand upset the
ecological balance. BFs can help to solve the problem of feeding a growing world population at a
time when the agricultural sector is facing a lot of environmental pressures. It is important to
recognize the useful aspects of BFs and to implement their uses in modern agricultural practices
(MAP). Cutting-edge innovation creates utilizing effective tools of molecular biotechnology can
improve biological pathways of phytohormone production. Beneficial PGPRs, mycorrhizae and
other microbes can help alleviate environmental stress. However, the lack of awareness of
improved protocols for field biofertilizer applications (FBFA) is one of the few reasons to
manyeffective PGPRs and microbes remain beyond the reach of conservationists and farmers.
Nevertheless, recent technology related to microbiology, plant-pathogen interactions, and
genomics can help optimize the required protocols. The success of BFs depends on the invention
of innovative strategies regarding the function of PGPRs, other microbes and their appropriate
application in the agricultural. The major challenge in this area of research lies in the fact that, in
addition to identifying the PGPR strains and their characteristics, dissecting the actual mechanism
of action of PGPR to reach the extraction efficiency in agriculture sustainability is essential.
Microbes that promote PG in vegetable production (VP) have received little attention from the
scientific community. However, several lines of evidence suggest that PGPM can improve crop
yields in anthropogenically degraded environments. Overall, they can help reduce the burden of
soil nutrient loss in arable land, counteract some of the negative effects of water and salt pressure
on crop growth, and help PG and productivity and avoid or minimize the absorption of
Life Sciences: an International Journal (LSIJ) Vol. 1, No. 1, 2023
contaminants along with CFs. In addition, common practices in VP are soil sun drying,
transplanting, sample seeding, drip irrigation combined with fertilizing and the use of soilless
supports. All of this can be improved by using PGPM. New evidence has elucidated the
mechanism of PG promotion induced by useful bacterium and fungi. Research needs to be
conducted in different localities in different parts of the world and with different soil types to
validate the beneficial impact of PGPR and AM fungi on soil fertility, PG, productivity and
develop fact-based recommendations for its use in worldwide. Additionally field trials on other
plant species and soil types are also needed to fully understand the benefits of this microbial
technology. Lastly, carbon flow in soil plant systems treated with PGPR and AM fungi are
needed to fully determine their effect on the physico-chemical properties of soils and
SH plays an important role in the ability of plants to produce food, fuel and fiber for the growing
world population. The efficient and diverse adoption of soil microbiota supported by these new
technologies can facilitate and promote sustainable agriculture and can effectively contribute to
meet the triple requirements of economic, social and environmental sustainability.
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Dr. Kamal Prasad, PhD., FBS, Director- Xenesis, Xenesis Institute, CAAR,
Absolute Bioscience, Delhi NCR, Plot No. 68, Sector-44, Gurugram-122002,
Haryana, India.
Dr. Prasad has extensive experience in high-tech bio-formulation, cultivation and Agronomy of various
crops for commercial use. His core competencies in developing commercial agriculture projects for long-
term sustainability include project planning, feasibility studies, resource contracts, field layout based on
crop suitability, timely implementation of the project at the field through experienced field staff. He has
advised many leading organizations on various agricultural projects in India and as well as abroad.