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First Aid

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Sto. Nino, South Cotabato
S.Y. 2023-2024

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan


I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
a. Define the First Aid Basics
b. Understand how to apply the necessary, immediate and
appropriate action of First Aid
c. Develop sense of responsibility to help others through the
knowledge and application of First Aid

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: First Aid Basics

Reference: Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material 9
Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint presentation, TV

III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities:
 Greetings
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
B. Review
The teacher will ask about their previous lesson and discussion.

C. Motivation

“Video Presentation”

D. Activity

The teacher will show images of people involved in accidents.

Students will describe or identify the images that are displayed on
the board.

E. Analysis

The teacher will ask a question about the activity.

1. What do the pictures talk about?
2. How can these accidents be prevented?
F. Abstraction
The teacher will start the lesson.
Discuss the basics of the first aid

 Roles of fist aid

 Objectives of first aid
 Characteristics of a good first aider
 Principle of first aid

G. Application

Activity: "Act it Out"

The class will be divided into groups. Each group will choose a
situation and do the necessary, immediate and appropriate action. You will
have 1 minute preparation, and present it in front of the class.

Criteria: Identify the Situation - 35%

Performance - 25%
Teamwork - 20%
Overall Performance - 15%
Total -100%

H. Generalization
 What are the values of First Aid?
 What are the good characteristics of first aider?

IV. Evaluation

Write your answer in a 1/2 sheet of paper.

1. What is Firs Aid?
2. What are the objectives of first Aider?
3. What are the objectives of first aid?
4. What are the principles of first aid?
5. What are the role of first Aid?

V. Assignment
Bring atleast one of the needed materials for first aid kit. For
example, bandages.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Resource Teacher Pre-service Teacher

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