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2019 IRTA1 MNDA in MZL

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AJCP / Original Article

IRTA1 and MNDA Expression in Marginal Zone Lymphoma

Utility in Differential Diagnosis and Implications for
Zhen Wang, MD, PhD, and James R. Cook, MD, PhD

From the Department of Laboratory Medicine, Robert J. Tomsich Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH.

Key Words: IRTA1; MNDA; Marginal zone lymphoma

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Am J Clin Pathol March 2019;151:337-343

DOI: 10.1093/AJCP/AQY144

ABSTRACT The diagnosis of marginal zone lymphoma (MZL)

is frequently challenging and, in some cases, remains one
Objectives: To evaluate the clinical utility of immune of exclusion.1-5 MZL is cytologically heterogeneous, with
receptor translocation-associated protein 1 (IRTA1) cases showing varying proportions of monocytoid cells,
and myeloid nuclear differentiation antigen (MNDA) marginal zone-type cells, small lymphocytes, and plasma
expression in the diagnosis and classification of marginal cells.6,7 Architecturally, MZL may show a diffuse growth
zone lymphomas (MZLs). pattern or contain varying numbers of follicular struc-
Methods: IRTA1 was examined using a novel RNA in situ tures, which sometimes may be obscured by follicular
hybridization assay and MNDA expression determined colonization by neoplastic cells.8-10 Compounding this
by immunohistochemistry in 127 small B-cell neoplasms, morphologic diversity, there are no MZL-specific pheno-
including 80 cases of MZL. typic or genotypic markers currently available for routine
workup of small B-cell neoplasms.
Results: IRTA1 expression was detected in 31 (42%) Previous studies have described potential mark-
of 74 MZLs vs one (2%) of 43 other small B-cell ers that might assist in the diagnosis of MZL, although
neoplasms (P < .001). MNDA staining was positive in none are frequently used in routine practice. Immune re-
51 (64%) of 79 MZLs vs 21 (45%) of 46 non-MZLs ceptor translocation-associated protein 1 (IRTA1), also
(P = .06). MNDA expression was particularly uncommon known as Fc receptor–like 4 (FCRL4), is a member of
in follicular lymphoma (3/14, 21%; P = .003 vs MZL). a family of immunoglobulin-like proteins that mediate
There was no association between MNDA and IRTA1 B-cell immune responses.11-13 In normal lymphoid tissues,
expression and the presence of monocytoid cytology. IRTA1 is expressed in benign monocytoid B cells, some
IRTA1 expression was less frequent in cases with a diffuse marginal zone cells, and intraepithelial B cells.11,12,14,15
growth pattern. IRTA1 expression, as determined by immunohistochem-
Conclusions: IRTA1 and MNDA are useful markers in istry (IHC), has been reported to be specific for MZL,16-18
the differential diagnosis of MZLs. but the antibodies used in prior studies are not currently
commercially available, and therefore IRTA1 immunohis-
tochemistry has not been widely adopted for routine clin-
ical use. Myeloid nuclear differentiation antigen (MNDA)
is expressed in myelomonocytic cells and is also found in
normal splenic marginal zone B cells.19,20 MNDA expres-
sion has been reported in many lymphoma subtypes, in-
cluding MZL, but MNDA is rarely expressed in follicular

© American Society for Clinical Pathology, 2018. All rights reserved. Am J Clin Pathol 2019;151:337-343 337
For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqy144
Wang and Cook / IRTA1 and MNDA in MZL

lymphoma (FL).21,22 MNDA therefore may be useful in for RNA integrity. The bacterial gene DapB (cat 312039;
the differential diagnosis of MZL vs FL. The relation- Advanced Cell Diagnostics) served as a negative con-
ship, if any, between MNDA and IRTA1 expression and trol in each run. Cases with RNA in situ hybridization
correlations of MNDA and IRTA1 expression with mor- (RISH) signal for IRTA1 associated with more than 20%
phologic features have not been previously characterized. of neoplastic cells were classified as positive.
In this study, we examine the expression of MNDA
and IRTA1 in 127 lymphomas, including 80 MZLs and 47 IHC
other small B-cell neoplasms. MNDA was examined by
IHX was performed using antibodies for MNDA
IHC, while IRTA1, due to a lack of commercially avail-
(anti-MNDA, clone ab188566, 1:40; Abcam) and CD21
able antibodies for IHC, was studied using a novel RNA
(anti-CD21, mouse monoclone 1F8; Abcam) on a
in situ hybridization assay.23 In lymph node samples in-
Ventana BenchMark XT with an OptiView Amplification
volved by MZL, results of MNDA and IRTA1 studies
Kit and an OptiView DAB IHC Detection Kit (Roche
were correlated with the architectural growth pattern and
Ventana Medical Systems). Nuclear staining for MNDA

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with the cytologic features.
associated with more than 20% of neoplastic cells was
classified as positive.

Materials and Methods Statistics

Categorical variables were compared using the Fisher
Case Selection and Morphologic Evaluation exact test or χ2 test, as appropriate, with Prism 7.0 soft-
This study was approved by the Cleveland Clinic ware (GraphPad Software).
Institutional Review Board. In total, 127 small B-cell neo-
plasms from 127 patients were identified from the Cleveland
Clinic archives, including 15 bone marrows, 21 spleens,
and 91 lymph node or tissue biopsy specimens. The cases In reactive lymph node specimens ❚Image 1❚, IRTA1
examined included 80 MZLs (23 nodal MZL [NMZLs], ISH showed consistent staining in monocytoid B cells with
31 mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues [MALTs], and approximately 30% to 50% of monocytoid cells staining
26 splenic MZLs [SMZLs]) and 47 other small B-cell neo- positively. Only rare scattered positive cells were noted in
plasms: nine MYD88 L265P–mutated lymphoplasmacytic the mantle/perifollicular zones. In tonsil controls, IRTA1
lymphomas (LPLs; five nodal, four bone marrow), 14 FLs, staining was also identified in intraepithelial lymphocytes.
15 chronic lymphocytic leukemias (CLLs; 11 bone marrow, Benign spleens showed 0% to 20% of marginal zone cells
four nodal), and nine mantle cell lymphomas (MCLs). Ten to show weak to moderately intense IRTA1 staining, with
reactive lymph nodes, selected to contain areas of monocy- fewer positive cells in the mantle zones and only rare posi-
toid B cells, two benign tonsils, and 10 benign spleens, were tive cells within germinal centers. IHC for MNDA showed
also examined. In 36 lymph nodes involved by MZL, phe- consistent staining in the mantle/perifollicular zone of re-
notypic results were correlated with the cytologic features active follicles of reactive lymph nodes, with 10% to 50% of
and architectural growth pattern. The percentage of tumor cells showing nuclear staining, as well as scattered interfol-
cells showing moderate to abundant cytoplasm, consistent licular lymphocytes. MNDA expression was also present
with a monocytoid appearance, was recorded. The archi- in granulocytes and macrophages, with only occasional
tectural growth pattern was classified as nodular, mixed, or staining noted in monocytoid B-cell areas, likely repre-
diffuse based on the presence of nodular structures iden- senting admixed neutrophils. In normal spleens, MNDA
tified on routine H&E stains (>75%, 25%-75%, or <25% staining was present in marginal zone cells (weaker than
nodular, respectively). granulocytes/macrophages), while the inner mantle zone
and germinal center lymphocytes were negative.
IRTA1 and MNDA expression was examined in 127
IRTA1 Messenger RNA In Situ Hybridization small B-cell neoplasms, including 80 MZLs (23 NMZLs,
IRTA1 messenger RNA in situ hybridization 31 MALTs, and 26 SMZL), 15 CLLs, 14 FLs, nine MCLs,
(ISH) was performed on 4-μm paraffin sections on the and nine LPLs. Demographic information for the MZL
BenchMark XT platform with open probe software cases examined is shown in ❚Table 1❚. In 10 samples,
(Roche Ventana Medical Systems) using probes for IRTA1 MNDA expression was successfully determined by IHC,
(cat 433309; Advanced Cell Diagnostics) and UBC (cat but inadequate RNA preservation precluded evaluation
312029; Advanced Cell Diagnostics) as a positive control of IRTA1 by ISH. Conversely, two cases were successfully

338 Am J Clin Pathol 2019;151:337-343 © American Society for Clinical Pathology

DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqy144
AJCP / Original Article

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❚Image 1❚ Expression of myeloid nuclear differentiation antigen (MNDA) and immune receptor translocation-associated pro-
tein 1 (IRTA1) in benign lymph nodes. Monocytoid B cells (top row) are negative for MNDA but show strong staining for
IRTA1. The mantle/perifollicular region surrounding reactive germinal centers contains scattered MNDA-positive cells with only
rare scattered IRTA1-positive cells. (All images ×400.)

❚Table 1❚
Demographics of MZL Cases
Diagnosis Age, Median (Range), y Sex, F/M, No. (%)
NMZL, n = 23
Conventional (adult) type, n = 22 66 (52-89) 10 (45)/12 (55)
Pediatric type, n = 1 15 1F
MALT, n = 31 68 (42-85) 16 (52)/15 (48)
SMZL, n = 26 64 (43-84) 18 (69)/8 (31)

MALT, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue; NMZL, nodal marginal zone lymphoma; SMZL, splenic marginal zone lymphoma.

examined by IRTA1 ISH, but insufficient tissue remained expression was similar in NMZL (12/22, 54%), MALT
for evaluation of MNDA staining. (21/31, 68%), and SMZL (18/26, 69%) (P = .51, χ2 test).
Results of IRTA1 and MNDA studies are detailed Expression of either IRTA1 or MNDA was found in 64
in ❚Table 2❚ and illustrated in ❚Image 2❚ and ❚Image 3❚. (84%) of 76 MZLs, while coexpression of both markers
Overall, IRTA1 expression was identified in 31 (42%) of was less frequently seen (22/73, 30%).
74 MZLs vs one (2%) of 43 non-MZL cases (P < .001, In 36 lymph node samples involved by MZL (four
Fisher exact test). Within MZL, IRTA1 expression was SMZLs, 10 MALTs, and 22 NMZLs), the expression of
similar in NMZL (10/23, 43%) and MALT (16/31, 52%) MNDA and IRTA1 was assessed in relationship to the
and slightly lower in SMZL (5/20, 25%) (P = .17, χ2 test). morphologic features. IRTA1 expression showed no cor-
The single non-MZL case positive for IRTA1 ISH was a relation with predominantly monocytoid cytology (6/15
grade 1 to 2 FL with staining in approximately 20% of [40%] cases with >50% monocytoid cells vs 12/21 [57%]
cells, located predominantly within the neoplastic folli- with <50% monocytoid cells; P = .50, Fisher exact test).
cles. This case of FL contained CD10-positive monotypic IRTA1 expression was observed less commonly in cases
B cells by flow cytometry, coexpressed CD10 and BCL2 with a diffuse pattern (4/16, 25%) vs cases with a nondif-
by IHC, and was morphologically typical for a low-grade fuse growth pattern (14/20, 70%) (P = .018, Fisher exact
FL. MNDA expression was observed in 51 (64%) of 79 test). CD21 stains, available in 15 of the 16 cases with a
MZLs vs 21 (45%) of 46 non-MZL cases (P = .06, Fisher diffuse growth pattern on routine H&E stains, showed
exact test). Notably, however, MNDA expression was sig- background residual dendritic cell meshworks in three
nificantly less common in FL (3/14, 21%) compared with (75%) of four cases positive for IRTA1 and six (54%) of
MZL (P = .003, Fisher exact test).Within MZL, MNDA 11 cases negative for IRTA1 (P = .60, Fisher exact test).

© American Society for Clinical Pathology Am J Clin Pathol 2019;151:337-343 339

DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqy144
Wang and Cook / IRTA1 and MNDA in MZL

❚Table 2❚
IRTA1 and MNDA Expression in MZL and Other Small B-Cell Neoplasmsa
No./Total No. (%)
Characteristic IRTA1 MNDA Either Both
All MZLs (n = 80) 31/74 (42) 51/79 (64) 64/76 (84) 22/73 (30)
NMZL (n = 23) 10/23 (43) 12/22 (54) 18/22 (82) 7/22 (32)
MALT (n = 31) 16/31 (52) 21/31 (68) 26/31 (84) 12/31 (39)
SMZL (n = 26) 5/20 (25) 18/26 (69) 20/23 (87) 3/20 (15)
LPL (n = 9) P vs all MZLs 0/7 (0) .040 3/8 (37) .25 3/7(43) .02 0/8 (0) .10
FL (n = 14) P vs all MZLs 1/14 (7) .015 3/14 (21) .003 3/14 (21) <.001 1/14 (7) .10
CLL (n = 15) P vs all MZLs 0/13 (0) .003 8/15 (53) .56 8/13 (61) .12 0/14 (0) .017
MCL (n = 9) P vs all MZLs 0/9 (0) .023 7/9 (78) .72 7/9 (78) .64 0/9 (0) .10

CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia; FL, follicular lymphoma; IRTA1, immune receptor translocation-associated protein 1; LPL, lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma;
MALT, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue; MCL, mantle cell lymphoma; MNDA, myeloid nuclear differentiation antigen; MZL, marginal zone lymphoma; NMZL,
nodal marginal zone lymphoma; SMZL, splenic marginal zone lymphoma.

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P value determined using Fisher exact test.

❚Image 2❚ Examples of myeloid nuclear differentiation antigen (MNDA) and immune receptor translocation-associated pro-
tein 1 (IRTA1) staining in selected marginal zone lymphoma (MZL) cases. A case of nodal MZL (NMZL) is negative for MNDA
but shows staining for IRTA1. A case of splenic MZL (SMZL) involving a hilar lymph node shows staining for both MNDA and
IRTA1. A case of gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma shows staining for both MNDA and IRTA1. (All
images ×400.)

MNDA expression was also similar in cases with (9/15, Discussion

60%) and without (10/21, 48%) more than 50% monocy-
toid cells (P = .5, Fisher exact test). No significant differ- In routine clinical practice, phenotypic and/or molec-
ence was observed in MNDA expression between cases ular markers are available to facilitate the recognition of
with a diffuse (11/16, 69%) or nondiffuse (8/20, 40%) most small B-cell neoplasms.5,24,25 FLs express germinal
growth pattern (P = .11, Fisher exact test). center antigens (CD10, BCL6, HGAL, MEF2B, GCET1,

340 Am J Clin Pathol 2019;151:337-343 © American Society for Clinical Pathology

DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqy144
AJCP / Original Article

LMO2) and are associated with BCL2 or BCL6 transloca- marginal zones are reportedly negative.11,12,14,15,17 Previous
tions. MCL expresses CD5 and cyclin D1 and/or SOX11, studies have reported IRTA1 expression in 67% to 73% of
while CLL/small lymphocytic lymphoma expresses CD5 NMZLs and 93% of extranodal MALT lymphomas,17,18
and LEF1. LPL lacks specific phenotypic markers but is but antibodies used in these prior studies are not commer-
highly associated with the MYD88 L265P point mutation cially available, limiting the utility of this potential marker.
detectable by molecular studies.26-29 MZLs, in contrast, In this study, we designed a novel RNA ISH method23 to
often remain a diagnosis of exclusion. Translocations evaluate IRTA1 expression. Using RISH, IRTA1 stain-
involving the MALT1 gene are highly specific for extran- ing was found in 43% of NMZLs, 52% of extranodal
odal MALT lymphomas, but these rearrangements are MALT lymphomas, and 25% of SMZLs. The cause of
found in only a subset of cases, are predominantly re- the lower incidence of IRTA1 staining noted by RISH in
stricted to cases arising at specific anatomic sites, and do this study compared with prior IHC reports is uncertain,
not occur in cases of nodal MZL or SMZL.5,30 For these but this might reflect differential stability of IRTA1 RNA
reasons, there remains a pressing need for biomarkers that vs protein or perhaps staining by IHC that is not com-

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can serve as positive markers of MZL. In this study, we pletely specific for IRTA1. Nevertheless, IRTA1 staining
have examined a large series of MZLs for expression of was highly specific for MZL, with staining observed in
two potential markers of MZL, IRTA1 and MNDA. 31 (42%) of 74 MZLs vs one (2%) of 43 non-MZL cases.
The IRTA1 protein, also known as FCRL4, is a Importantly, IRTA1 was negative in each of seven cases
member of the immunoglobulin superfamily first iden- of LPL tested, showing potential value in the differential
tified in a t(1;14)(q21;q32) translocation with IGH in a diagnosis of these small B-cell neoplasms, which exhibit
multiple myeloma cell line.12 IRTA1 has been shown to similar CD5-negative, CD10-negative phenotypes.
be expressed in normal, nodal monocytoid B cells and in MNDA is an interferon-responsive protein expressed
the intraepithelial lymphocytes and some marginal zone in benign and neoplastic myelomonocytic cells, as well as
cells of normal MALT tissue, while nodal perifollicular/ subsets of B cells.20,31-33 An expression microarray study

❚Image 3❚ Examples of myeloid nuclear differentiation antigen (MNDA) and immune receptor translocation-associated protein
1 (IRTA1) staining in selected non–marginal zone lymphoma cases. Cases of follicular lymphoma (FL) and lymphoplasmacytic
lymphoma (LPL) are negative for both MNDA and IRTA1. A case of mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is positive for MNDA and
negative for IRTA1. (Top left panel ×100, all other images ×400.)

© American Society for Clinical Pathology Am J Clin Pathol 2019;151:337-343 341

DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqy144
Wang and Cook / IRTA1 and MNDA in MZL

comparing FL and MZL identified MNDA as strongly elucidate the factors promoting IRTA1 expression in
differentiating between these two entities.22 In this study, MZL with or without a diffuse growth pattern.
we confirmed that MNDA expression is seen in normal Overall, these results demonstrate frequent expres-
splenic marginal zone B cells and is absent in normal sion of IRTA1 and MNDA in a variety of MZLs. MNDA
monocytoid B cells. Within small B-cell neoplasms, expression is particularly useful in cases with a differential
MNDA positivity was frequent in MZL and uncommon diagnosis with FL. IRTA1 offers particular advantages in
in FL (51/79 [64%] vs 3/14 [21%], respectively; P = .003). differential diagnosis as it appears to be highly specific
MNDA expression was frequent in other small B-cell for MZL, being rarely expressed in other lymphomas
neoplasms, such that the utility of MNDA IHC staining examined. The RISH assay employed in this study can
appears limited to the specific differential diagnosis of FL be adopted for routine clinical use on commercially avail-
vs MZL. This result is consistent with prior reports show- able IHC platforms and provides a practical alternative to
ing MNDA expression in most cases of small B-cell lym- IHC given that suitable IRTA1 antibodies remain com-
phomas other than FL.21,22 MNDA expression was seen mercially unavailable. These additional markers there-

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in three (37%) of eight LPLs (P = .25 vs MZL), indicating fore represent suitable additions to an IHC panel for the
that MNDA staining offers little utility in the differential workup of small B-cell neoplasms.
diagnosis between LPL and MZL.
MZLs expressing either MNDA or IRTA1 were more
common (54%) than cases coexpressing both markers
Corresponding author: James R. Cook, MD, PhD; cookj2@ccf.
(30%), and neither marker showed a significant associa- org.
tion with monocytoid morphology. This latter observation Acknowledgments: We thank Advanced Cell Diagnostics for
has implications for the classification of MZL. Normal providing the ISH probes used in this study.
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© American Society for Clinical Pathology Am J Clin Pathol 2019;151:337-343 343

DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqy144

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