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Past Simple

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Past Simple

Pasado simple y verbo to be en pasado

SENA CEDEAGRO Duitama Boyaca
Tabla de contenido

• Pasado simple…………………………………….2-3

• Verb to be……………………………………………..3-5

• Ejercicios……………………………………………..6-7

• Respuestas…………………………………………..8-9

Past simple


• Positive: sujeto + verbo * + complemento

• Negative: sujeto + auxiliar en negativo + verbo + complemento

• Question: auxiliar + sujeto + verbo + complemento ? *solo el signo final

Auxiliar past simple = Did (con todos) DID NOT / DIDN’T

* El verbo solo se modifica, cuando estamos creando frases positivas.

Verbos regulares

1. Si el verbo termina en Y, y antes hay una consonante, se quita la Y, se agrega


FRY (termina en Y, antes esta la R, una consonante) = FRIED;


2. Si el verbo termina en E, tan solo se le agrega la -D



3. Si el verbo termina en una vocal y una consonante (excepto y, x o w), doblamos

la consonante final y agregamos -ED

STOP (La O que es una vocal y la P una consonante)= STOPPED


4. Si el verbo no está dentro de las reglas le agregas -ED



Verbos irregulares

En inglés, hay aproximadamente 200 verbos irregulares. Estos verbos se desvían del

patrón estándar de conjugación en una o más formas. A diferencia de los verbos

regulares, que forman su pasado y participio pasado añadiendo "-ed" a la forma base,

los verbos irregulares tienen formas únicas para su pasado y participio pasado.

Algunos verbos irregulares comunes incluyen "go" (went, gone), "eat" (ate, eaten) y

"come" (came, come). Aprender verbos irregulares puede ser desafiante porque sus

formas no siguen un patrón consistente, por lo que a menudo requiere



1. Completed Actions in the Past:

o Use the past simple to describe actions that occurred and were

completed at a specific point in the past.

▪ Example: "She finished her project yesterday."

2. Past Habits or Routines:

o Use the past simple to describe habits or routines that were regular

occurrences in the past.

▪ Example: "He always walked to school when he was young."

3. Past Facts or Generalizations:

o Use the past simple to state facts or general truths about the past.

▪ Example: "Shakespeare wrote many famous plays."


Al contrario del verbo to be en presente donde usamos 3 conjugaciones (am, are, is),

en pasado simple se usan 2:

• Los que usaban am (I) y los que usaban is (He, She, It) ahora usaran WAS o su

versión en negativo WAS NOT O WASN’T

• Los que usaban are (You, We, They) ahora usaran WERE o su versión en

negativo WERE NOT o WEREN’T


1. Describing Identity or Characteristics in the Past:

o Use the past simple of "to be" to describe who or what someone or

something was in the past.

▪ Example: "She was a doctor."

2. Describing States or Conditions in the Past:

o Use the past simple of "to be" to describe temporary or permanent

states or conditions in the past.

▪ Example: "They were happy."

3. Describing Occupations or Roles in the Past:

o Use the past simple of "to be" to indicate someone's occupation, role,

or relationship in the past.

▪ Example: "He was my teacher."

Example Sentences:

• "I wasn’t at home yesterday."

• "They were not in class last week."

• "Were you at the party on Saturday?"

• "She was very tired after the trip."

• "We were friends in high school."

Ejercicios para Pasado Simple:

Ejercicio 1: Completa las Oraciones con la Forma Correcta del Pasado Simple de

los Verbos.

1. She __________ (go) to the store yesterday.

2. They __________ (visit) their grandparents last weekend.

3. He __________ (study) English when he was in college.

4. We __________ (watch) a movie at home last night.

5. I __________ (eat) lunch at 12 PM.

Ejercicio 2: Cambia las Oraciones a la Forma Negativa.

1. She went to the party.

2. They visited the museum last month.

3. He studied mathematics in school.

4. We watched the football game on TV.

5. I ate sushi for dinner.

Ejercicio 3: Forma Preguntas con las Siguientes Oraciones.

1. She went to the beach.

2. They visited Paris last summer.

3. He studied French for two years.

4. We watched the sunset at the beach.

5. I ate pizza for lunch.

Ejercicios para Verbo "to Be" en Pasado Simple:

Ejercicio 4: Completa las Oraciones con la Forma Correcta del Verbo "to Be" en

Pasado Simple.

1. She __________ at home yesterday.

2. They __________ in London last month.

3. He __________ my best friend when we were kids.

4. We __________ not ready for the test.

5. I __________ happy with the result.

Ejercicio 5: Cambia las Oraciones a la Forma Negativa.

1. She was at the party.

2. They were in Spain last summer.

3. He was my roommate in college.

4. We were excited about the trip.

5. I was late for work.

Ejercicio 6: Forma Preguntas con las Siguientes Oraciones.

1. She was at the concert.

2. They were in New York last week.

3. He was a great student.

4. We were at the park.

5. I was tired after the long day.

Respuestas ejercicios para Pasado Simple:

Ejercicio 1:

1. went

2. visited

3. studied

4. watched

5. ate

Ejercicio 2:

1. She didn't go to the party.

2. They didn't visit the museum last month.

3. He didn't study mathematics in school.

4. We didn't watch the football game on TV.

5. I didn't eat sushi for dinner.

Ejercicio 3:

1. Did she go to the beach?

2. Did they visit Paris last summer?

3. Did he study French for two years?

4. Did we watch the sunset at the beach?

5. Did I eat pizza for lunch?

Ejercicios para Verbo "to Be" en Pasado Simple:

Ejercicio 4:

1. was

2. were

3. was

4. were

5. was

Ejercicio 5:

1. She wasn't at the party.

2. They weren't in Spain last summer.

3. He wasn't my roommate in college.

4. We weren't excited about the trip.

5. I wasn't late for work.

Ejercicio 6:

1. Was she at the concert?

2. Were they in New York last week?

3. Was he a great student?

4. Were we at the park?

5. Was I tired after the long day?

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