Educ 10
Educ 10
Educ 10
multiple intelligence,
technology and
21st Century Education- multimedia, multiple
education that responds to the literacies, authentic
economical, technological, and assessments.
societal shifts that are happening
at an ever – increasing pace.
Learning Environment-
21 Century School focuses on students are encouraged to
Project- based curriculum. have collaborative and
Schools will go from building to cooperative learning w/ peers.
nerve centers.
-Should be
-Creates culture of inquiry environmental- friendly,
energy efficient, and
-Teachers are the facilitator of green school
knowledge rather than
dispenser -Ideal learning
environment have plenty
Implication for teachers wall space displaying
students work and
1. Teacher must discover performance.
student interest
Technology in the 21st
2. They must be still curious Century Pedagogy
Coding System
Life and Career Skills Literacies= Letteracies
1. Flexibility and adaptability Exploring New Literacies
2. Initiative and self-direction
3. Social and cross-cultural skill Multicultural Literacy-
4. Productivity and accountability Understanding ethnic groups and
5. Leadership and Responsibility focuses on complex issue of
identity, diversity, and citizenship.
21st Century Support Systems
Social Literacy
• 21 Century Standards the development of social skills,
• 21st Century knowledge and values to act
Assessments accordingly.
• 21st Century Curriculum
and Instruction Media Literacy- is the ability to
• 21st Century Professional access, analyze, evaluate, and
Development create media.
• 21st Century Learning
Environments Financial Literacy- is the ability to
make judgements in the use and
• To be continued
management of money.
Literary Materials
Specific Literacy
The job of the student is to
analyze, and to see what is
exactly needed and those that
are only taught.