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Long Quiz Reviewer (Group 1-4) -Integrates HOTS,

multiple intelligence,
technology and
 21st Century Education- multimedia, multiple
education that responds to the literacies, authentic
economical, technological, and assessments.
societal shifts that are happening
at an ever – increasing pace.
 Learning Environment-
 st
21 Century School focuses on students are encouraged to
Project- based curriculum. have collaborative and
Schools will go from building to cooperative learning w/ peers.
nerve centers.
-Should be
-Creates culture of inquiry environmental- friendly,
energy efficient, and
-Teachers are the facilitator of green school
knowledge rather than
dispenser -Ideal learning
environment have plenty
 Implication for teachers wall space displaying
students work and
1. Teacher must discover performance.
student interest
 Technology in the 21st
2. They must be still curious Century Pedagogy

3. They must be flexible in Technologies are tools

teaching students use to create
knowledge for personal
4. They must excite learners and social change.
to become more
resourceful Pros
- Access to
 21st Century Curriculum- had Information
critical attributes that are - Enhanced
interdisciplinary, project- Collaboration
based, and research driven. - Individualized
-it is connected to local, - Preparation for
national and global Future Careers
communities. - Global Connectivity
• Initiative Leadership
• Social skills
• According to Partnership for
- Digital Distraction 21st Century Skills (p21),
- Inequality in Access various industries look for
- Privacy Concerns employees who can think
- Dependence on Screens critically, solve problems
- Technological Obsolescence creatively, innovate,
collaborate and communicate.

 Understanding 21st Century  Paradigm Shift for 21st Century

Learners Education

Digital Natives = Students Before- Time-based

Digital Immigrants = Educators Memorization of discrete facts,
LOT skills in Bloom’s Taxonomy,
Textbook-driven, Passive
Henry J. Kaiser Family Learning, Isolation and walled
Foundation- 8-18yrs old screen classroom, Teacher-centered,
time 6hrs a day. Little to no student freedom,
Discipline problems, Fragmented
Dr. Michael Wesch students curriculum, Formal assessment,
only utilize tech-tools for Assessment for marking
entertainment purposes. purposes, Low expectations,
Teacher is judge, Curriculum is
irrelevant and meaningless, print
 21st Century Skills Outcome as primary vehicle of learning and
and the Demand in the Job assessment, Student diversity is
Market ignored, Students just follow
orders and instructions, Literacy
Learning Skills is the 3R’s (reading, writing, and
critical thinking ‘rithmetic, Factory model.
creative thinking
collaborating  After Outcome-based What
communicating students Know, Can Do, and Are
Like after all the details are
Literacy Skills forgotten, Higher order thinking
Information literacy skills, Research-driven, Active
Media literacy Learning. Collaboration and
Technology literacy global classroom, Student-
centered, Great deal of student
Life Skills freedom, No “discipline
• Flexibility Productivity problems”, Integrated and
Interdisciplinary curriculum, Curriculum should adhere
Student’s performance to learning even outside
Assessment for instruction to premises.
gauge learning outcome, high Student- Centered
expectations, Self, peer and Differentiated instruction to
others serve as evaluator, address diversity, learning style,
Curriculum is connected to interests, needs and abilities of
student’s interest, experiences, students.
talents and the real world,
Performances, projects and 21st Century Skills
multiple forms of media, Address Develop life and work
student diversity, Students are skills, such as critical and
empowered to lead and initiate creative thinking, problem-
creating solutions, Multiple solving, and decision-making and
literacies of the 21st Century, ICT literacy and skills.
Global model
Project-Based and Research-
 Critical Attributes of 21 st
Century Education Need for knowledge and
skills in research, such as self-
Integrated and Interdisciplinary directed activities, learning
Interfacing various projects, investigatory projects,
disciplines in an integrated capstones and other research-
manner. It needs curriculum to be based output.
reviewed to create strategies and
infuse different subjects. Relevant, Rigorous and Real
Technologies & Media The use of current and
Need to acquire and use relevant information linked to
computer and multimedia real-life situations and contexts.
equipment to enhance learning.
Learning and Innovation Skills
Global Classroom
Include current global issues/ Critical Thinking and Problem
concerns such as cultural Solving
diversity, climate change, global
warming 1. Work together effectively in
Creating/Adapting to Constant 2. Reason effectively
Personal and Social Change 3. Make judgement & Decisions
and Lifelong Learning 4. Solve Problems
Teacher must facilitate
even beyond academics. Communication
Non- Cognitive Skills-
1. Communicate clearly personality and attitude
Soft skills- communication,
Collaboration collaboration, empathy

1. Work together effectively in Seven Survival Skills by Tony

team Wagner (2010) book from “the
global achievement gap”
Creativity and Innovation
1. Critical thinking and
1. think creatively problem-solving
2.work creatively w/ others 2. Collaboration across
3. implement innovations networks and leading by
21st Century Skills 3. Agility and adaptability
4. Initiative and
Broad set of knowledge, skills, entrepreneurialism
work habits, and character traits 5. Effective oral and written
Can be applied generally across 6. Accessing and analyzing
discipline information
7. Curiosity and imagination
Abilities to survive information
Knowledge and Skills
Applied Skills- put into real-life DIGITAL LITERACY
setting knowledge CRITICAL THINKING
Cross-Curricular Skill- essential PROBLEM SOLVING
abilities across different subject
and areas. Characteristics of a 21st
Cross-Disciplinary Skill- same Century Teacher
w/ CCS but in higher education
and professional context Multiliterate, Multi-specialist,
Interdisciplinary Skill- uses multi-skilled, self-directed, lifelong
knowledge & skills to solve learner, flexible and creative,
complex problems and gain new problem solver, Critical thinker,
insight. passion for excellent teaching,
Transferable skills/ Portable High Emotional Quotient
skills- abilities that developed
across disciplines Tools for Learning
1. Affinity Groups- unite 18. WebQuest Page- array of
individuals with common topics with a template for creating
interests. own.
2.Blogs- interactive websites 20. Literacy Web- online portal
3. E-Portfolio- documentation of for new literary sources.
outputs for reflective learning
4. Hypertext- electronic text that
has links embedded like
5. Podcasts- audio files on the TECHNOLOGY SKILLS
6. Web 2.0- 2nd Generation web- Media Literacy- underscores
based communities that understanding both how and why
demonstrate participatory media messages are
literacies constructed; creating media
7. Myspace- interactive products by understanding and
networking site for personal utilizing the most appropriate
profiles, blogs, and multimedia. media creation tools,
8. Second Life- 3d virtual word characteristics and conventions.
uses avatar to socialize.
9. Semantic Web- single Technology Literacy- It pertains
mechanism search engine to the use of technology as a tool
10. Webkinz- internet simulation to research, organize, evaluate
wherein children learn pet care and communicate information.
and other skills
11. Wiki- software for Information Literacy- It refers to
collaboration and communication. accessing and evaluating
12. Youtube- video streaming information critically and
platform. competently and managing the flow
13.Google docs- collaborative of information from a wide variety of
14. Prezi- pre-made, creative
D. Life and Career Skills-
presentation templates Cultivating the ability to navigate the
15. Easybib- citation generator in complex life requires students to
any format develop the following life and career
16. Smartboards and Audio skills:
response system- digital
chalkboard People in the 21st century live
17. Read Write Think.org.- in a technology and media-
teachers instructional ideas for saturated environment marked
internet integration. by the following:
(1) Access to an abundance of Computer
information Technology
(2) Rapid changes in technology Internet
tools Media
(3) (3) The ability to collaborate and
mark individual contribution on an Later on, (based on lifestyle of
unprecedented scale. the society)
Information, Culture, and
universal literacy

Coding System
Life and Career Skills Literacies= Letteracies
1. Flexibility and adaptability Exploring New Literacies
2. Initiative and self-direction
3. Social and cross-cultural skill Multicultural Literacy-
4. Productivity and accountability Understanding ethnic groups and
5. Leadership and Responsibility focuses on complex issue of
identity, diversity, and citizenship.
21st Century Support Systems
Social Literacy
• 21 Century Standards the development of social skills,
• 21st Century knowledge and values to act
Assessments accordingly.
• 21st Century Curriculum
and Instruction Media Literacy- is the ability to
• 21st Century Professional access, analyze, evaluate, and
Development create media.
• 21st Century Learning
Environments Financial Literacy- is the ability to
make judgements in the use and
• To be continued
management of money.

New Literacy Definitions Digital Literacy- the ability to

effectively use digital devices for
Old Definition- reading and communication, expression,
writing collaboration, and advocacy

Beyond 1990’s Tech. Ecological Literacy- understanding

Advancement, change of living the principle of ecosystem towards
patterns, and new necessities sustainability.
create a new definition of
Literacy. Creative Literacy- is the ability to
make ideas and solve problems by
imagining that has value and
1990’s set of New Literacy
Functional Literacy Second Level of Functional
An adult training to meet Literacy
independently the reading and
writing demands placed on an The Second Level of
individual. It stresses Verbal, Functional Literacy is to apply
cognitive and Computation literacy, mathematical
skills. information, skills in one’s
personal, social, economic, and
It is dubbed as survival literacy, cultural endeavors.
or reductionist Literacy

UNESCO defines Functional

Literacy as the ability of an
individual to take part in the
significant activities in
professional, social, political, and
cultural aspects in the society
that uses his/her literacy skills.

Literary Materials


and NUMERACY concepts
using words and ideas needed
for learners to enhance sufficient
literacy skills and continue
independent learning.

Functional literary programs in

the Philippines

Agriculture, Health, Industry,

Family Planning

Specific Literacy
The job of the student is to
analyze, and to see what is
exactly needed and those that
are only taught.

this is to prevent job-skill


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