Insects 13 01077
Insects 13 01077
Insects 13 01077
Study of the Repellent Activity of 60 Essential Oils and Their
Main Constituents against Aedes albopictus, and
Nano-Formulation Development
Weifeng Wu 1 , Yu Yang 1 , Yingmiao Feng 2,3 , Xiaofei Ren 1 , Yuling Li 1 , Wenjiao Li 1 , Jietong Huang 1 ,
Lingjia Kong 1 , Xiaole Chen 1,4,5 , Zhongze Lin 3 , Xiaohui Hou 6 , Longlai Zhang 7 , Yajie Chen 1 ,
Zhaojun Sheng 1,5, * and Weiqian Hong 1,5,8, *
1 School of Biotechnology and Health Sciences, Wuyi University, Jiangmen 529020, China
2 The Third Clinical Medical College, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510405, China
3 Faculty of Southern Medicine, Guangdong Jiangmen Chinese Medicine College, Jiangmen 529000, China
4 Department of Chemistry, Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong SAR, China
5 International Healthcare Innovation Institute (Jiangmen), Jiangmen 529020, China
6 School of Preclinical Medicine, Zunyi Medical University, Zunyi 563003, China
7 MHOME (Guangzhou) Industrial Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510700, China
8 Department of Chemistry, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZD, UK
* Correspondence: (Z.S.); (W.H.)
Simple Summary: Due to the environment and human health concerns of synthetic repellents,
essential oils (EOs) as natural alternatives have received increased attention. In this study, the
repellent activity of 60 commercial EOs against Aedes albopictus was evaluated. In the initial screening,
8 active EOs including cinnamon, marjoram, lemongrass, bay, chamomile, jasmine, peppermint2, and
thyme were selected. Twenty-one major constituents (>5% relative area) in the 8 active EOs were
identified via gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. Cinnamaldehyde, citral
Citation: Wu, W.; Yang, Y.; Feng, Y.; and terpinene-4-ol displayed the highest repellent activity with more than 60% RR, which were more
Ren, X.; Li, Y.; Li, W.; Huang, J.; Kong, active than N,N-diethyl-3-methyl benzoyl amide (DEET). Next, their nanoemulsions were prepared
L.; Chen, X.; Lin, Z.; et al. Study of and characterized. In the arm-in-cage assay, cinnamaldehyde- and citral-based nanoemulsions have
the Repellent Activity of 60 Essential
prolonged mosquito protection time compared with their normal solutions.
Oils and Their Main Constituents
against Aedes albopictus, and
Abstract: Mosquitoes are one of the most important disease vectors from a medical viewpoint in that
Nano-Formulation Development.
they transmit several diseases such as malaria, filariasis, yellow and Dengue fever. Mosquito vector
Insects 2022, 13, 1077. https://
control and personal protection from mosquito bites are currently the most efficient ways to prevent 10.3390/insects13121077
these diseases. Several synthetic repellents such as DEET, ethyl butylacetylaminopropionate (IR3535)
Academic Editor: Lukasz L. Stelinski and 1-(1-methylpropoxycarbonyl)-2-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperidine) (Picaridin), have been widely used
Received: 12 October 2022 to prevent humans from receiving mosquito bites. However, the use of synthetic repellents has
Accepted: 17 November 2022 raised several environment and health concerns. Therefore, essential oils (EOs) as natural alternatives
Published: 22 November 2022 receive our attention. In order to discover highly effective mosquito repellents from natural sources,
the repellent activity of 60 commercial EOs against Ae. albopictus was screened in this study. Eight EOs
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
including cinnamon, marjoram, lemongrass, bay, chamomile, jasmine, peppermint2, and thyme,
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affil-
showed a suitable repellent rate (>40%) at the tested dose of 10 µg/cm2 . Then, their main constituents
iations. were analyzed by GC-MS, and the active constituents were identified. The most active compounds
including cinnamaldehyde, citral and terpinen-4-ol, exhibited an 82%, 65% and 60% repellent rate,
respectively. Moreover, the nanoemulsions of the three active compounds were prepared and
characterized. In the arm-in-cage assay, the protection times of the nanoemulsions of cinnamaldehyde
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. and citral were significantly extended compared with their normal solutions. This study provides
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
several lead compounds to develop new mosquito repellents, and it suggests that nanoemulsification
This article is an open access article
is an effective method for improving the duration of the activity of natural repellents.
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
Keywords: essential oil; repellent; Aedes albopictus; nanoemulsion
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
1. Introduction
Mosquito bites not only cause several allergic reactions including itching and swelling,
but are also a mechanism to transmit pathogens between people and animals [1].
Ae. albopictus (Skuse), also known as Asian tiger mosquito, is a key carrier of dengue,
Zika and yellow fever viruses [2]. Mosquito control and personal protection from mosquito
bites are currently the most important measures to prevent these diseases [3]. One of the
most common approaches is to use insect repellents. Insect repellents can be classified into
two categories: spatial and contact repellents. Their action modes are different. Spatial
repellents, such as some synthetic pyrethroids and botanical compounds, are generally
highly volatile and capable of diffusing through the air in treated regions [4]. The repellent
vapors from spatial repellents lead to the aversive behavior and deleterious physiological
response of host-seeking mosquitoes [5,6]. Contact repellents such as DEET, picaridin, and
IR3535, are capable of attenuating the antennal responses of mosquitoes to various human
and veterinary attractive odorants via direct inhibition or attenuation of action potential
amplitudes or frequencies emanating from olfactory receptor neurons [6]. Nowadays, the
most used synthetic repellents represented by DEET are contact repellents, which need to
be applied directly on the human skin. The use of synthetic repellents to control mosquitoes
raises several concerns related to the environment and human health [7]. On the contrary,
natural essential oils (EOs) have advantages such as the wide spectrum of efficacy against
mosquitoes, multiple mode of actions, low residue and low toxicity [8,9], thereby they have
received our attention.
EOs are defined as volatile oils that have strong aromatic components and give a
distinctive odor, flavor or scent to an aromatic plant [10]. Many natural EOs with the
function of repelling mosquitoes have been discovered and exploited [7,11]. Among
them, citronella oil was the most widely used before the 1940s, and is still used today in
many formulations [12]. Others include eucalyptus, clove, lavender and lemon oils [3,13].
In modern times, the development of natural repellents was neglected after the appearance
and rapid development of synthetic repellents. However, with increasing attention and
demand for healthy and environmentally friendly mosquito repellents, the research and
development of natural EOs as mosquito repellents have begun to speed up again [14].
In our previous study, the larvicidal activity and synergistic effect with deltamethrin of
53 commercial EOs were screened and studied [15]. In order to discover highly effec-
tive mosquito repellents from natural sources and to investigate the further applications
of EOs in mosquito-vector control, the repellent activity of 60 commercial EOs against
Ae. albopictus was evaluated in this study. The active constituents of the active EOs
were identified. Moreover, the nanoformulation was used to improve the duration of
natural repellents.
When the bioassay began, 20 to 30 female mosquitoes were put in a disposable cup
without a bottom. The cup was sealed with a movable plastic baffle, which controlled the
exposure status of mosquitoes to repellent and blood. Female mosquitoes were exposed for
30 min. After that, the test mosquitoes were immobilized using CO2 , and transferred to
the fridge to freeze. Then, the numbers of blood-fed and unfed mosquitoes were recorded.
The repelling rate (RR) was calculated using Equation (1) [17]. Three replicates were carried
out for each sample, and the average RR was calculated.
F0 /T0 − F/T
RR (%) = × 100% (1)
F0 /T0
Insects 2022, 13, 1077 4 of 13
where F0 and T0 are the numbers of fed mosquitoes and all mosquitoes in the control group,
respectively. F and T are those in the test group.
3. Results
3.1. Screen of Repellent Activity of 60 EOs Using Membrane Feeding Device
The repellent activities of 60 EOs at the dosage of 10 µg/cm2 exposed for 30 min
against female adults were screened. Results are shown in Table 1 and Table S2. The most
effective EO was cinnamon with 77% RR, which was even higher than DEET in our assays.
Seven other EOs such as marjoram, lemongrass, bay, chamomile, jasmine, peppermint2,
and thyme resulted in more than 40% RR, indicating high repellent activity. Eighteen
EOs including osmanthus, myrrh and melissa, displayed moderate repellent activity with
20–36% RR. Fourteen EOs including clove, michelia alba flower, and basil, showed poor
repellent activity with 10–19% RR. Twenty other EOs showed very low or no repellent
activity, and some EOs even had attractive action to Ae. Albopictus. DEET as a positive
control showed 59 ± 3% RR under the same conditions.
RR (%) RR (%)
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD
Cinnamon 77 ± 4% Cedarwood 16 ± 9%
Marjoram 57 ± 2% Palmarosa 15 ± 2%
Lemongrass 54 ± 3% Michelia alba leaf 15 ± 5%
Bay 51 ± 1% Lime 14 ± 3%
Chamomile 47 ± 3% Rosemary 13 ± 2%
Jasmine 44 ± 4% Parsley 13 ± 8%
Peppermint2 42 ± 10% Juniper 12 ± 6%
Thyme 41 ± 2% Lemon eucalyptus 11 ± 2%
Osmanthus 36 ± 5% Capsicum 10 ± 5%
Myrrh 33 ± 1% Angelica 9 ± 4%
Melissa 33 ± 5% Cajeput 9 ± 4%
Grapefruit 31 ± 3% Orange sweet 8 ± 3%
Sandalwood 31 ± 4% Carrot seed 8 ± 5%
May Chang 30 ± 2% Eucalyptus 6 ± 6%
Citronella ceylon 29 ± 3% Tangerine 5 ± 0%
Nutmeg 29 ± 3% Violet 3 ± 3%
Vetiver 28 ± 3% Fennel 3 ± 3%
Ay tsao 26 ± 5% Rose 3 ± 10%
Bergamot 25 ± 8% Ginger 2 ± 4%
Clary sage 25 ± 8% Ylang ylang 1 ± 2%
Petitgrain 24 ± 2% Chinese ilex 1 ± 5%
Green tea 23 ± 4% Cypress 0 ± 1%
Geranium 23 ± 4% Black pepper −1 ± 10%
Verbena 22 ± 6% Cumin −2 ± 3%
Benzoin 21 ± 2% Pine fir −5 ± 6%
Peppermint1 20 ± 3% Mandarin −6 ± 1%
Clove 19 ± 3% Rosewood −7 ± 2%
Michelia alba flower 19 ± 4% Frankincense −10 ± 10%
Basil 18 ± 7% Lemon −12 ± 7%
Patchouli 17 ± 3% DEET
59 ± 3%
Neroli 17 ± 5% (positive control)
Component a
No RI b RI lit. c
CZ d Oma d CC d [15] LN d OMi d JS d MHB d TV d [15]
Name CAS No.
1 13475-82-6 991 995 22.4
2 p-cymene 99-87-6 1025 1026 7.1 17.1
3 limonene 138-86-3 1029 1031 9.4 10.7 12.6 6.8 12.1
4 γ-terpinene 99-85-4 1059 1062 10.9
5 linalool 78-70-6 1101 1101 30.2 6.9
6 trans-p-menthone 89-80-5 1156 1154 15.9
7 benzyl acetate 140-11-4 1166 1165 17.1
8 cis-p-menthone 491-07-6 1167 1165 10.9
9 menthol 89-78-1 1175 1173 30.9
10 terpinen-4-ol 562-74-3 1179 1182 32.6
11 α-terpineol 98-55-5 1192 1189 12.4 6.9
12 neral 106-26-3 1242 1242 34.2
13 geranial 141-27-5 1271 1273 35.4
14 cinnamaldehyde 104-55-2 1272 1278 82.6 6.4
15 thymol 89-83-8 1294 1292 30.6
16 carvacrol 499-75-2 1303 1300 8.7
17 eugenol 97-53-0 1359 1356 36.3
18 β-caryophyllene 87-44-5 1426 1428 36.7
19 diethyl phthalate 84-66-2 1598 1594 43.0
20 101-86-0 1759 1749 25.3
21 diisobutyl phthalate 84-69-5 1875 1877 5.6
Other components 17.4 27.6 19.7 15.0 44.4 27.4 13.1 17.7
a Components are listed in the order of RI value. Only major components (RA > 5%) are listed in the table.
b Linear retention index on TG-5MS column, experimentally determined using homologous series of C -C
8 30
alkanes. c Linear retention index taken from (accessed on 18 July 2022).
d CZ: Cinnamomum zeylanicum (cinnamon); OMa: Origanum marjorana (marjoram); CC: Cymbopogon citratus
(lemongrass); LN: Laurus nobilis (bay); OMi: Ormenis mixta (Chamomile); JS: Jasminum sambac (Jasmine); MHB:
Mentha haplocalyx Briq (peppermint); TV: Thymus vulgaris (thyme).
Figure 2. Repellency
Figure 2. rate of the main
Repellency rate constituents of the 8 mostofactive
of the main constituents the 8 EOs.
most active EOs.
Figure 4. Droplet size distribution of three nanoemulsions ((A) cinnamaldehyde; (B) citral;
(C) terpinen-4-ol).
Insects 2022, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEWFigure 5. Particle size changes of three nanoemulsions ((A) cinnamaldehyde; (B) citral; (C) terpinen-
9 of 14
4-ol) for 28 days at 4 ◦ C and 25 ◦ C (compared with 0 day, ** means p ≤ 0.01; *** means p ≤ 0.001; ****
means p ≤ 0.0001).
Moreover, the structure and morphology of the nanoemulsion of cinnamaldehyde
Moreover, the structure and morphology of the nanoemulsion of cinnamaldehyde were
were analyzed by TEM. As shown in Figure 6, phosphotungstic acid-stained
analyzed by TEM. As shown in Figure 6, phosphotungstic acid-stained cinnamaldehyde
cinnamaldehyde droplets were clearly visible and spherical. The droplet size in TEM was
droplets were clearly visible and spherical. The droplet size in TEM was similar to that
measuredto that measured by DLS.
by DLS.
Figure 6.
6. Droplet
cinnamaldehyde nanoemulsion
cinnamaldehyde under
nanoemulsion TEM.
under × 20,000
((A) ((A)
TEM. magnification;
× 20,000 (B) ×
40,000 magnification)
(B) × 40,000 magnification).
3.5. Repellent
3.5. Repellent Longevity
Longevity Comparison
The protection
The protectiontimes
timesof three nanoemulsions
of three at the at
nanoemulsions dosage
the of 500 µgofactive
dosage 500 constituent
μg active
per cm 2 against Ae. albopictus were evaluated, and compared with the same dosage of their
constituent per cm against Ae. albopictus were evaluated, and compared with the same
normal solutions.
dosage As shown
of their normal in TableAs
solutions. 3, except
shownforin terpinen-4-ol,
Table 3, exceptthe for
repellent longevitythe
terpinen-4-ol, of
other two nanoemulsions was significantly extended (p < 0.05). For example, the
repellent longevity of other two nanoemulsions was significantly extended (p < 0.05). For protection
time of the
example, thenanoemulsion
protection timeof of
the nanoemulsionwasof146 min, which was
cinnamaldehyde wasnearly 1 h longer
146 min, which
than its normal solution.
was nearly 1 h longer than its normal solution.
Table 3. Comparison between the protection times of EO nanoemulsion and its normal solution.
Table 3. Comparison between the protection times of EO nanoemulsion and its normal solution.
4. Discussion
4.1. Screening of Repellent Activity of 60 EOs
Nowadays, EOs have been widely used for bactericidal [21], fungicidal [22], acarici-
dal [23,24], insecticidal [25–28], medicinal and cosmetic applications [10]. Moreover, EOs
as natural insect repellents have a long usage history in China and Arab countries, thereby
being an ideal resource to discover new natural repellents [7,14,29,30]. Normally, the re-
pellent activity of EOs against mosquitoes is evaluated using an arm-in-cage assay [31,32],
which needs a certain number of qualified volunteers. Thus, extensive screening is difficult
and of low efficiency. Thanks to our modified Hemotek membrane feeding system, the
repellent activity of up to 60 EOs against Ae. albopictus was screened in this study. As
shown in Table 1, the RRs of cinnamon, marjoram and lemongrass EOs at 10 µg/cm2
exposed for 30 min were 77 ± 4%, 57 ± 2%, and 54 ± 3%, which were comparable to
that of DEET. The application of cinnamon and lemongrass EOs in the mosquito-vector
control have been widely reported [33]. Pohlit et al. [34] reviewed the patent literatures on
mosquito repellent inventions which contain plant essential oils. Cinnamon and lemon-
grass EOs were each cited in >10% of patents. Peach et al. [35] reported cinnamon bark and
lemongrass EOs are effective at spatially repelling Ae. aegypti in field settings. Our resutlts
suggested that the two EOs also had strong contact repellent activity against mosquitoes.
The reports on the repellent activity of marjoram EO against mosquitoes were relatively
few, except Kang et al. [36] reported that majoram EO showed good repellency (repellent
efficacy > 60%) at a concentration of 5 µg/cm2 against Culex pipiens pallens. Our re-
sults also supported that majoram EO had potent repellent activity against Ae. albopictus.
It is worth noting that citronella ceylon and lemon eucalyptus EOs are well-known spatial
mosquito repellents [34,37]. They repel mosquitoes via diffusing volatile odors that can
affect mosquitoes’ behavior in human host detection. However, in our assay, their con-
tact RRs were only 29% and 11%, respectively. The results suggest that there were some
differences between the contact and spatial repellent activities of the same EO, and this
difference maybe come from different action modes [38].
the potent activity of thyme EO. In addition, carvacrol, linalool, and limonene also had
some contributions. Peppermint2 EO performed potent repellent activity in the initial
screening. However, its main constituents including p-menthone, menthol, and limonene,
only showed moderate or low repellent activity. It indicated that some minor constituents
(<5% RA) might have an important effect on the repellent activity; that is to say, a synergis-
tic phenomenon among these constituents may result in a higher bioactivity compared to
the isolated components [7].
The chemical structures of 9 active compounds with more than 30% RR are depicted
in Figure 3. Their structures were diverse, thereby it was difficult to find some common
features among them. However, their RI values were relatively big in the GC-MS analysis.
Conversely, the compounds with lower RI values such as 2,2,4,6,6-pentamethyl-heptane,
p-cymene, and γ-terpinene, displayed low repellent activity. It indicated that the physico-
chemical properties like volatility greatly affected the repellent activity [7].
5. Conclusions
In conclusion, the mosquito repellent activity of up to 60 commercial EOs at the dosage
of 10 µg/cm2 exposed for 30 min were screened. Eight EOs including cinnamon, marjoram,
Insects 2022, 13, 1077 11 of 13
lemongrass, bay, chamomile, jasmine, peppermint2, and thyme, displayed potent repellent
activity with more than 40% RR. Twenty-one major constituents (>5% RA) in the 8 active
EOs were identified via GC-MS analysis. Cinnamaldehyde, citral and terpinen-4-ol dis-
played the highest repellent activity with more than 60% RR. Their nanoemulsions were
prepared and characterized. In the arm-in-cage assay, cinnamaldehyde- and citral-based
nanoemulsions have a prolonged mosquito protection time compared with their normal so-
lutions. This study not only discovered several leading compounds from which to develop
novel plant-derived mosquito repellents, but also suggested that the nano-formulations
could improve the duration of natural repellents. However, the repellent mechanism study
is lacking. More in-depth studies on the action mode and chemical structural modifications
remain to be explored in the future. Meanwhile, the combination of different plant-derived
repellents together will be investigated to improve their efficacies against mosquitoes.
Moreover, the nano-formulation needs to be further optimized to improve the stability of
the nanoemulsions stored at room temperature. These works are in progress in our lab, and
will be reported in due course.
Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https:
//, Table S1: information of 60 EOs; Table S2:
repelling rate of 60 EOs at 10 µg/cm2 exposed for 30 min; Table S3: repelling rate of the main
constituents from 8 active EOs.
Author Contributions: W.W.: methodology, investigation, data curation, writing—original draft; Y.Y.:
investigation, data curation; Y.F.: investigation, data curation; X.R.: investigation; Y.L.: investigation;
W.L.: investigation; J.H.: investigation; L.K.: investigation; X.C.: investigation; Z.L.: data curation;
X.H.: conceptualization, writing—review & editing; L.Z.: methodology; Y.C.: methodology; Z.S.:
conceptualization, project administration, supervision, writing—review & editing. W.H.: conceptu-
alization, supervision, funding acquisition, writing—review & editing. All authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The authors gratefully acknowledge Wuyi University-Hong Kong and Macao Joint Re-
search Fund (No. 2021WGALH10, Wuyi University), the Start-up Foundation for High-level Talents
of Wuyi University (No. 2017RC04, Wuyi University), Special Fund Project of Science and Tech-
nology Innovation Strategy in Guangdong Province (No. Jiangke(2018)352, Department of Science
and Technology of Guangdong Province), Jiangmen Science and Technology Project of Basic and
Theoretical Science Research (No. 2021030101400004873, Jiangmen Science and Technology Bu-
reau), and the Project of Innovative and Entrepreneurship for College Students in Wuyi University
(No. 202111349298, Wuyi University) for the financial support.
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the
study. Written informed consent for publication was obtained from participating subjects.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interest or
personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
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