Cot2 2024
Cot2 2024
Cot2 2024
Checking of the classroom environments.
Checking of Attendance
A. Reviewing Elicit: Let the students recall the concepts transpired in the former lesson.
previous (The activities in
Why is it said that geothermal energy is a form of green energy?
this section will
lesson or
evoke or draw out
prior concepts or
Why is the Philippines an ideal country for the development of
the new
prior experiences
from the
geothermal power?
lesson students)
purpose for
jumpstart to the and,
present lesson.)
the lesson explain how ocean surface and circulation directly affect the pattern
of climate around the world.
Climate Vs Weather
Weather and climate are two different but related terms one must comprehend. Most
of us have seen the weather report on the news dictated by the weather forecaster,
speaking about the temperature, cloudiness, humidity, and whether a storm is likely to
hit in the next few days and more. This is the day-to-day state of the atmosphere at a
particular place.
Weather refers to atmospheric conditions that occur locally over short periods of time
—from minutes to hours or days. Familiar examples include rain, snow, clouds, winds,
floods, or thunderstorms.
D. Discussing
Climate, on the other hand, refers to the long-term (usually at least 30 years) regional
concepts &
Explore: or even global average of temperature, humidity, and rainfall patterns over seasons,
practicing (In this section,
new skills students will be years, or decades.
given time to
#1 think, plan,
investigate, and
organize collected
Both weather and climate are the result of the interaction of several Earth
information; or systems; 1) the movement of moisture in the water cycle that evaporates ocean water
the performance
of the into the air where it condenses into travelling clouds or storms that eventually cause
activities from the rain or snow; 2) the movement of heat that begins at the sun-soaked equator and
students’ manual
with data moves warm air toward the north and south poles; and 3) the movement of the
gathering with
Guide Questions)
oceans that takes icy-cold water from the poles to the tropics, warming or cooling the
air above the water. These factors, including the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere,
combine to form the high- and low-pressure systems and the climate of the location
you live in. To understand the complex interactions and patterns of weather and
climate, scientists collect as much observational data as they can on precipitation,
temperatures, humidity, and other atmospheric conditions.
E. Discussing Different Factors that Affect Climate
concepts &
new skills
F. Developing Explain:
(In this section,
students will be
involved in an
analysis of their
exploration. Their
understanding is
clarified and
modified because
of reflective
of the gathered
data and results
and be able to
answer the Guide
Questions leading
to the focus
concept or topic
for the day.)
How can you participate in activities that reduce risks and lessen effects of
G. Finding climate change in your community.
and skills in
daily living
Identify the word that correctly completes each statement. Write your answer
on a separate sheet of paper.
(This section will
give students the A short-term variation in atmospheric phenomena which interact and affect the
opportunity to
expand and environment and living things on Earth are called __________.
their __________is the long-term average of variations in weather for a particular area.
understanding of
the concept The equator and tropical areas get more ___________ than areas in the north or
and/or apply it to
a real-world
south. The more direct sunlight received the __________the climate, which is why the
H. Making situation) poles are colder than the equator. The higher the elevation of a region, the
generalizati ___________ it is. The driving force for surface ocean currents to move is the
ons and __________.
abstraction __________ is a water or other liquid diffused in a small quantity as vapor, within
a solid, or condensed on a surface. ___________ cause differences in density of ocean
water. The air compresses and warms when it ___________.
__________ a process that occurs when gasses in Earth’s atmosphere trap the
Sun’s heat. The type of climate of an area primarily depends on its__________,
precipitation, and wind system. __________ can affect the climate of nearby lands. In
some areas, mountains block rain, so that one side of a mountain range may be rainy
and the other side may be a desert.
I. Evaluating Evaluation Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
Learning : separate sheet of paper.
(This section will 1. Which statement BEST describes topography?
provide A. It is the total distance above sea level.
opportunities for
concept check test B. It is the side of the mountain that experiences floods.
items and answer C. It is the curve of the earth and the distance from equator.
key which are
aligned to the
D. It is the physical attribute, surface shapes and features of an area.
learning objectives 2. Which part of the mountain has more vegetation?
– content and A. top B. leeward
standards and C. sideward D. windward
address 3. Which BEST describes the leeward side of a mountain?
misconceptions- if
A. The side of the mountain that experiences floods.
B. The side of the mountain that receives less precipitate.
C. The side of the mountain that receives more precipitate.
D. The side of the mountain that experiences more vegetation.
4. How do oceans affect the climate of an area?
A. The solar radiation is absorbed by ocean.
B. Ocean currents act much like a conveyor belt.
C. The ocean helps to distribute heat around the globe.
D. All of the above
5. In a theory, Earth’s surface was covered by vast sheets of ice. What do
you call these vast sheets of ice?
A. glaciers B. haze
C. ice D. snow
6. Which refers to the angular distance from the equator that greatly affects
the climate and weather of an area?
A. altitude B. elevation
C. height D. latitude
7. Why do mountainous areas have generally colder climate than the
surrounding land? Because of …
A. higher altitude B. higher elevation
C. far from the ocean D. far from the lowland
8. What happens to the temperature as you go to the top of a mountain?
A. does not change B. temperature increases
C. temperature decreases D. temperature goes up and down
9. How does higher altitude affect the climate of an area?
A. The closer you get to the equator, the hotter it gets.
B. The higher you go above sea level, the colder it gets.
C. The farther you get from the equator, the colder it gets.
D. The process by which heat from the sun is trapped near Earth's surface.
10. What region receives the least amount of solar radiation?
A. equatorial B. polar
C. temperate D. tropical
J. Additional Extend:
(This section gives
activities situation that
for explains the topic
in a new context,
application or integrate it to
and another
remediatio concern)
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on
the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
Prepared by:
Teacher I
Checked by:
Head Teacher II
Noted by:
Principal IV
Answer to Evaluation
Test I. True or False
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True
Test II.