MSCP Ansaf
MSCP Ansaf
MSCP Ansaf
• Identifying
opportunities for Y/N
performance? Y/N
• Agreeing actions?
Does the assessment decision need Y/N
Assessor signature Date
LO3. Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendations based on meaningful
drawn from the evidence findings and/or analysis.
Pass, Merit & Distinction P5 P6 M3
LO4. Reflect on the value gained from conducting the project and its usefulness to support
sustainable organisational
Grade: performance
Assessor Signature: Date:
Pass, Merit & Distinction P7 M4 D2
Descripts Feedback:
Important Points:
1. Check carefully the hand in date and the instructions given with the assignment. Late submissions
will not be accepted.
2. Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due date.
3. Don’t leave things such as printing to the last minute – excuses of this nature will not be accepted for
failure to hand in the work on time.
4. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
5. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness, you may
apply (in writing) for an extension.
6. Failure to achieve at least a PASS grade will result in a REFERRAL grade being given.
7. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic REFERRAL. You will then be
asked to complete an alternative assignment.
8. Take great care that if you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, you properly
reference them, using the HARVARD referencing system, in you text and any bibliography, otherwise
you may be guilty of plagiarism.
9. If you are caught plagiarising you could have your grade reduced to A REFERRAL or at worst you could
be excluded from the course.
Student Declaration
I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it as my
own without attributing the sources in the correct way. I further understand what it means to copy
another’s work. 28.12.2021
Student’s Signature: Date:
(Provide E-mail ID) (Provide Submission Date)
Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number M.B. Ansaf – MAT/A008093
Unit Tutor
Issue Date
Submission Date
Submission Format:
The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal
business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs
and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the
Harvard referencing system. Please also provide an end list of references using the Harvard referencing
LO2 Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection to generate knowledge to
support the project.
LO3 Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendations based on meaningful
conclusions drawn from the evidence findings and/or analysis.
LO4 Reflect on the value gained from conducting the project and its usefulness to support sustainable
organizational performance.
Management Information Systems (MIS) plays a very important role in today’s organizations; it creates an
impact on the organization’s functions, performance and productivity. A Management Information System
(MIS) ensures that an appropriate data is collected from the various sources, processed and send further to
all the needy destinations. A system is expected to fulfill the information needs of an individual, a group of
individuals, management functionaries, managers and top management to improve efficiency and
On contrary, any system can be compromised with vulnerability issues. This is mostly in area of
confidentiality, integrity and availability (security triangle).
You’re advised to provide solutions for improvements for a selected Management Information System’s in
a selected organization in the area of how to improve aspects of confidentiality, integrity and availability
(security triangle) through a vulnerability study assessment.
You should investigate the causes and impacts of vulnerabilities within computing systems and explore the
solutions to the problems presented in order to make recommendations to improve their security for
Management Information System. The expected solution of the project is a vulnerability assessment and
action plan which includes, issues of varying severity.
In general, the vulnerability assessment may focus on a test of security infrastructure devices, network
servers, operational systems (including Windows and Linux), physical security of buildings, and wireless
internet security. You have to mainly focus on how can vulnerabilities in an existing system be identified
and counteracted.
• Discover unknown entry points both physical and electronic – that is threat to the overall
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of network data and resources.
• Problem can be discovered in the areas of installing, configuring, and maintaining servers and
infrastructure equipment as well as practices of different department managers and staff tend to have
different ways of managing their IT.
• Recommendations for standardization of upcoming infrastructure installations, configurations, and
• Educate and increase user awareness on what they could change to improve their security situation
in order to build confidence of using the Management Information System
• An action plan to keep their environment secure.
Your role as a student researcher means that you are not trying to perform a specific solution to any
vulnerability problem case. You have to make expert recommendations on how to tighten security
controls, based on a proven assessment methodology, that are in the best interest of the specific project of
Management Information System which may eliminate unnecessary entry points that would greatly reduce
the threat. Introducing of a set of policies and procedures for the entire Management Information System
help eliminate threats through network entry points and infrastructure. The vulnerability trends and
recurring issues that needed careful attention. The project span 03 months in order to provide an accurate
snapshot of their current security posture.
The benefit of the project is that it provides a greater awareness among the entire staff about how any
vulnerability or weakness in any functional area affects the overall security posture of the Management
Information System at large. You are required to provide a full report on vulnerabilities you found and
how you educate the Management Information System staff on what they could change to improve their
security situation with an action plan to keep their environment secure.
TASK – 01
1.1 Describe aims and objectives for vulnerability assessment project which you’re introducing. Your
explanation should include a brief introduction about the company, the MIS and other relevant
information to the assessment project.
1.2 Produce a comprehensive project management plan, The plan should include milestone schedule
and project schedule for monitoring and completing the aims and objectives of the project that
includes cost, scope, time, quality, communication, risk and resources management.
1.3 Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt Chart to provide timeframes and stages for
TASK – 02
2.1 Explain qualitative and quantitative research methods appropriate for meeting project aims and
objectives which you produced as vulnerability assessment project.
2.2 Evaluate the project’s management process and appropriate research methodologies applied, the
accuracy and reliability of different research methods applied for the small scale research
TASK – 03
3.1 Analyze research data using appropriate tools and techniques.
3.2 Describe appropriate recommendations as a result of research and data analysis to draw valid and
meaningful conclusions.
3.3 Evaluate the selection of appropriate tools and techniques for accuracy and authenticity to support
and justify recommendations.
TASK – 04
4.1. Provide a reflection on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives with your
own learning and performance which includes a discussion of the project outcomes, its usefulness
to support sustainability of the given organization and its’ performance, the decision-making
process and changes or developments of the initial project management plan to support
justification of recommendations and learning during the project.
4.2. Evaluate the value of the project management process and use of quality research to meet stated
objectives and support own learning and performance
Grading Rubric
Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback
This task is made up of different documents. Because of the complexity of the tasks, this
task was accomplished with great difficulty. I would therefore like to begin by thanking
our lecturer, Mrs. Tharika Amali, for guiding us through the core principles and theories
that enabled me to write this assignment successfully.
In addition, I would like to declare my indulgence to the ESOFT lecture panel and other
service staff about their assistance in the prospective of my learning and to all existing
and primitive interpersonal staff who have helped me tangibly and intangibly through my
Thank you
P. S e n t h u r k u m a r a n MSRP P a g e 1 |106
Task 1 .................................................................................................................... 6
1.1..................................................................................................................................... 6
Project Management ........................................................................................................ 6
Vision ............................................................................................................................... 8
Mission ............................................................................................................................. 9
Aim................................................................................................................................... 9
Objective .......................................................................................................................... 9
Aim................................................................................................................................... 9
Research Objectives ....................................................................................................... 10
WELCOME TO BUILTAPPS ............................................................................................... 10
1.2................................................................................................................................... 14
Project Planning...................................................................................................................... 14
Communication plan............................................................................................................... 21
1.3................................................................................................................................... 23
Gannt chart ............................................................................................................................. 23
Task 2 ...................................................................................................................25
2.1................................................................................................................................... 25
Research ................................................................................................................................ 25
P. S e n t h u r k u m a r a n MSRP P a g e 2 |106
Strengths of approaching Qualitative Research ...................................................................... 27
Hypothesis ............................................................................................................................. 29
Methodology .......................................................................................................................... 29
The time frame during which the employee was affiliated with Outsmart hub...................... 31
Mobile technology and Cloud computing technology are essential for the expansion and proper
execution of the businesses functioning globally ................................................................... 32
The essentiality of the different technological improvisations for enhancing the efficiency of
the organizational activities .................................................................................................... 33
The prospect of artificial intelligence in improving the improvisation quotient and expansion
of Outsmart hub. ..................................................................................................................... 34
The contribution of social media in reaching out to the customers and communicating
effectively ............................................................................................................................... 36
How the ‘Internet of things’ helps the Road Stove company to achieve amalgamation of
services in different branches and within different departments ............................................ 37
2.2................................................................................................................................... 41
Literature review.......................................................................................................... 41
Initiation ................................................................................................................................. 45
Planning .................................................................................................................................. 45
Execution ................................................................................................................................ 47
Close ....................................................................................................................................... 48
Choosing qualitative or quantitative research methodologies for the small-scale research ... 48
P. S e n t h u r k u m a r a n MSRP P a g e 3 |106
Qualitative research methods.................................................................................................. 50
Task 3 .................................................................................................................. 54
Quantitative Analysis ........................................................................................................... 59
Qualitative analysis................................................................................................................. 61
3.2................................................................................................................................... 66
Data Analysis Technique 01: Means Statistical Testing ................................................. 66
Recommendations summery................................................................................................... 70
Task 4................................................................................................................... 78
4.1................................................................................................................................... 78
Post Implementation Survey................................................................................................ 78
Comparison of Infrastructure.................................................................................................. 81
P. S e n t h u r k u m a r a n MSRP P a g e 4 |106
References ........................................................................................................... 99
Figure 1............................................................................................................................................. 6
Figure 2............................................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 3............................................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 4........................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 5........................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 6........................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 7 Research onion ................................................................................................................. 55
Figure 8 Current MIS rating ........................................................................................................... 67
Figure 9 Annually data backup ....................................................................................................... 68
Figure 10......................................................................................................................................... 78
Figure 11......................................................................................................................................... 80
Figure 12......................................................................................................................................... 81
Figure 13......................................................................................................................................... 82
Figure 14......................................................................................................................................... 82
Figure 15......................................................................................................................................... 83
Figure 16......................................................................................................................................... 84
Figure 17......................................................................................................................................... 84
Figure 18......................................................................................................................................... 85
Figure 19......................................................................................................................................... 86
P. S e n t h u r k u m a r a n MSRP P a g e 5 |106
Task 1
Project can be simply known as temporary progress that is maintained in a step-by-step process in
order to invent a unique merchandise, get a service or to gain a result.
As mentioned above commonly a Project is a unique in that it does not maintain in a daily or regular
basis, but specific bunch of operations are developed in order to achieve a common and specific
goal. So, a Project can contain both team or an individual but often includes people from different
organizations and across multiple characteristics.
So here are some examples that includes Some Project types across various types of
All the above are some of the examples for a Project. But when executing a project, the related
organizations or group of people should focus on how well the particular Project can be
manageable. Organizing and sketching a proper plan will expertise the project as a success. So here
for the process of proper planning a tool is maintained which is named as Project Management
Project Management
Project Management can be simply defined as an application that includes knowledge, skills, tools
and techniques to progress and achieve the feat that meet the peak of a particular Project Needs.
Following are the main steps that are followed in order to maintain a proper Project Management
Figure 1
P. S e n t h u r k u m a r a n MSRP P a g e 6 |106
Project Management is planned from a Project which has a specific goal. That specific goal can be
divided into short term goal and life time goal. So, elaborating more on the types of goals will
automatically elaborate about the Aim, Objective, Mission and Vision of a Project. Here is the
detailed explanation about all the attributes of the Project which use Project Management to achieve
all the attributes.
Completion of a Project based on the Attributes of that project in Pyramid is as follows.
Figure 2
This is the way how all these attributes process to attain the peak of completion of Project.
Figure 3
P. S e n t h u r k u m a r a n MSRP P a g e 7 |106
Mental perception of the kind of Environment an individual, or an organization, aspires to create
within a broad time horizon and underlying the condition for the actualization of this perception.
P. S e n t h u r k u m a r a n MSRP P a g e 8 |106
Essential purpose of organization concerning particularly why it is in existence, the nature of business it is in,
and the customer it seeks to serve and satisfy.
Aims are short term milestones or bench marks that organizations must achieve in order for long term
objectives to be reached.
Objectives represent a managerial commitment to achieve specified results in a specified period, of time. They
clearly spell out the quantity and quality of performance to be achieved, the time period, the process and the
person who is responsible for the achievement of the objective.
Objective: To design proper User Interface Design for all the registered customer with the appropriate
software configurations.
Aim: To attract the customers and to increase the rate of customers by fulfilling the current projects as per
their like.
Mission: To increase the profit rate by 15% when compared to last two years by completing a greater number
of projects.
Vision: To become the largest Software Developing Company in the Region of Asia.
Mission, Aim and Objective. And the very important thing is that the Management Information System will
also be explained in the report by mentioning the importance of it. By analyzing the MIS of Outsmart Hub
we as an organized team declared us
Aim and Objective for the above - mentioned purpose
a. Guiding for the Allocation of security cameras with advanced monitoring system on server and the
surrounding area of the room.
b. Protecting the server with implementing a high secured system using finger print scanner or a retina
c. Having the proper configured server and the system which are suitable for all kind of software.
d. Getting the needed software from the various sources with immediate purpose.
e. Maintaining the server by servicing them once in two months.
f. Maintaining a backup server in the surrounding area of the company MIS Server room and having an
advanced server of the luxury named as cloud server.
g. Protecting the server and configuring it with high network measures by allocating proper wireless
and wired network connecting as per the MIS server demand.
h. Maintain the firewall by updating when needed and protecting the firewall using DMZ and other
relevant networking protection tools.
Builtapps Business Solutions is a Digital Marketing Company, which you can trust. Any business
that is looking for ideal digital marketing related services can get in touch with us. We provide a
variety of digital marketing services to the clients in need. We have been able to prove our
expertise throughout the past as well. The positive reputation that we have earned bear
testimonials for the level of service that we offer.
Outsmart Hub is located in New Zealand and its’ sri Lankan branch located in Kaduwela.
Builtapps and Outsmart Hub are business partners and Outsmart Hub getting projects from its’
New Zealand branch and some of them are completing by Builtapps and delivering them to the
Headquarters in New Zealand.
Builtapps Business Solutions was established ed back in 2012 by a group of enthusiasts digital
We were able to contribute towards the development of the company by providing a quality
service to all the clients. The company has been raising its standard every single year. Therefore,
we hav e been able to establish our company as a reliable entity for getting digital marketing
Project Planning
The planning phase involves completing the following 10 key steps.
Project schedule
Activities Stating Duration End
date date
Project management plan that covers aspects of cost, scope, time, quality, communication, risk
and resources.
Scope – Identifying technical problems, reasons for technical inefficiency and introducing
technical improvements of Outsmart hub company that will change the work module and
customer service to some positive extend and give recommendations to improve the productivity
of the company
Communication ways - Telephone calls, Skype calls, Letters, face to face discussion, internet,
emails, telephone calls, meetings.
Project scope
The technological upgrade of the Outsmart hub would change the working module and the
customer service to some degree. This move offers an immense opportunity to increase the
efficiency of the organization. Since these goals have been met, the company will have a large
space to take on new workloads more than ever. Outsmart should have more chances to draw new
customers and to maintain a positive relationship with current customers. It will also help to track
employee performance management and skills development.
Outsmart hub technological progress will improve the job module and customer service to some
degree that is optimistic.
• To connect more easily with the customers.
• To increase the efficiency of the employees and their management team along
with other associated departments.
• To provide better security of the confidential data and information of the company
and clients.
Communication plan
In order to incorporate these emerging technologies efficiently and effectively into the work
environment, an outsmart hub would be more aware of the need to maintain departmental unity,
which could be accomplished by closely understanding communication within organizational
This good communication will improve the accuracy of learning and prediction that helps avoid
negative outcomes. During this development process, the organization will maintain frequent
contact with each department and staff without any kind of misinterpretation.
Date that Responsibl Risk Probabilit Impact Effect on the Reducing the
identified e Person y project risks involved
25/02/2020 Department Work out Medium High It will not allow the The department
manager from the (50%) project to follow manager should
proposed predetermined path develop new
project and achieve the training
plan goals of the programs and will working module
a great trouble to that follows the
improvisation of the predetermined
project plan
Quality planning
Quality preparation refers directly to the activities of the project management team and/or the
project management team leader to take part in the process of developing and implementing a
process for the purpose of defining and deciding precisely the quality requirements are actually
applicable to the project as a whole, and also to make an appropriate decision as to how to achieve
them. The definition of quality refers primarily to the degree or quantity to which an inherent or
an embedded number of features meets a set of specified criteria that have been deemed
Quality preparation focuses on taking all the knowledge available to you at the beginning of the
project and on working out how to assess quality and avoid defects. Your business should have a
quality policy that lays out how it evaluates quality across the organization. You will make sure
that your project meets client policy and any government guidelines or legislation about how to
schedule output for your project.
Gannt chart
Gantt graphics is a visual representation of the functions that are shown against time. They
represent the required details, such as who is assigned, the length of the tasks and the conflicting
activities of the project. Overall, Gantt Maps is the best employee for project preparation,
planning and management.
Gantt graphics are useful because they're simple to build, use, and monitor. The Gantt table in its
simplest form is a timeline that demonstrates how the project will advance through the project
management process.
This timeline is very useful for the planning and execution of projects. It allows project managers
and project teams decide how much time a project will take to define resources, consider the
connection between tasks, and schedule the order in which each task is completed if the entire
project is to be completed on time.
The simple way explain about Research is, it is an organized investigation that investigates
hypotheses, suggests new interpretations of data or texts, and poses new questions for future
research to explore.
Figure 5
Gall, Borg and Gall (1996) proposed four types of knowledge that research contributed to education
as follows:
2. Prediction: Prediction research is intended to predict a phenomenon that will occur at time
Y from information at an earlier time X. In educational research, researchers have been
engaged in:
3. Improvement: This type of research is mainly concerned with the effectiveness of
intervention. The research approach includes experimental design and evaluation research.
4. Explanation: This type research subsumes the other three: if the researchers can explain an
educational phenomenon, it means that they can describe, can predict its consequences, and
know how to intervene to change those consequences.
The research methodologies can be categorized into many types but there are two main types that
has been used often.
1. Qualitative Research
2. Quantitative
Qualitative Research
Quantitative researchers aim is to establish general laws of behavior and phenomenon across
different settings or circumstances. Research is used to test a theory and the ultimate peak goal is
choose whether to support it or reject it. (Patzer, G. (1996))
Experimental methods bound the possible ways in which a research participant can react to and
express appropriate social behavior. Findings are therefore likely to be context bound and simply
a reflection of the assumptions which the researcher brings to the investigation. So, in this manner
these are the following methods used in the approach of Quantitative Research.
H1; New Technology in a company can improve the business and resolve the issues at the
H0; New Technology in a company cannot improve the business and resolve the issues at the
The work is carried out using a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis. The analysis
included a total of 40 workers and 2 managers of the outsmart hub.
Regarding ethics
Total Work was therefore carried out taking into account universal ethical standards. Ethics are
moral rules or values that differentiate between right and wrong. We help to make a distinction
between reasonable and unacceptable behavior.
1. The time frame during which the employee was affiliated with Outsmart hub.
2. Cloud computing technology and Mobile technology are essential for the expansion and
proper execution of the businesses functioning globally.
3. The essentiality of the different technological improvisations for enhancing the efficiency
of the organizational activities.
4. The prospect of artificial intelligence in improving the improvisation quotient and
expansion of Outsmart hub.
5. The contribution of social media in reaching out to the customers and communicating
6. How the 'Internet of Things' lets the Outsmart hub merge services in different branches and
Figure 7: graph 1
The essentiality of the different technological improvisations for enhancing the efficiency of the
organizational activities
The prospect of artificial intelligence in improving the improvisation quotient and expansion of
Outsmart hub.
The contribution of social media in reaching out to the customers and communicating effectively
How the ‘Internet of things’ helps the Road Stove company to achieve amalgamation of services
in different branches and within different departments
What will be the benefits of implementing Artificial Intelligence in the operational processes of
Outsmart hub?
• Manager 2: The 2nd manager said that that the artificial intelligence method will help the
organization in cutting down unnecessary utilization of workforce and helps in securing
the funds for future use.
What are the probable benefits that the Mobile technology and cloud computing technology will
render to the executive department of Outsmart hub?
• Manager 1: 1st manager assured that the execution of the tasks would become more
simplified since the staffs would have access to similar kind of jobs.
• Manager 2: He commented that often, the staffs tend to leave the jobs suddenly. In this
case, retrieving the files and the assignments s/he was working on becomes a hectic task
due to the presence of passwords in the systems and various other security concerns.
• Manager 1: The 1st manager replied that the social media would definitely help in
spreading the news of the services offered by the bank among maximum number of clients.
• Manager 2: He said that the social media would help in collecting the valuable feedbacks
of the customers and would assist Outsmart hub in addressing their grievances
• Manager 2: The second manager was of the view that the T technologies would help in
mechanization of the marketing processes involved in the Organization and reaching out
of all the functional zones.
Literature review
The author divides his research into four thematic sections. They are as follows.
• Confidentiality
• Integrity
• Availability
• Information system security
Information system security
Information system security, commonly referred to as INFOSEC, is the procedures and
methods used to keep information confidential, available, and ensure its integrity.
(Techopedia, 2020) INFOSEC focuses on protecting computers, networks and their uses.
Modern companies as well as many families and individuals have justified their concerns
about digital risks to their well-being. These threats come in all shapes and sizes, including
stealing database personal information, installing malware on a machine, and deliberately
disrupting services. (Computersciencedegreehub, 2020)
TPS, MIS and EIS are generally the most important information systems to protect a
company. TPS can be described as an information system that deals closely with most
customers. Therefore, its security needs are very important. Disruption of its operations due
to security issues allows unauthorized and hostile parties to obtain information about the
transactions and business activities of the company. There are many adverse effects on the
The five stages of the project are project life cycle management, which coincidentally is the title
of a book by CEO Jason Westland. His in-depth book goes into great detail,
which we don't have time to cover, but we can send you a brief overview so that you can
understand how to make the phases of the project work for you and your team.
This is where all the projects are off. The worth of the project as well as its viability shall be
calculated. Before the project is accepted or denied, these two documents shall be drawn up in
order to market the research to stakeholders or sponsors:
• Business Case: Here is where you justify the need of the project, which includes analyzing
return on investment.
• Feasibility Study: You need to evaluate what the project’s goals are, the timeline to
completion and how much the whole endeavor will cost. You also note what resources will
be required to fulfill the project, and if it makes financial and business sense.
If the project is approved, the next step is to set up a project team and start preparing how to
execute the project so that it can meet its objectives within the budget and on schedule. The
project plan should determine what personnel, funding and supplies are required. The program
also provides guidance to the team and the following:
• Scope: There will be a written scope statement that reiterates the need for the project, and
• Tasks: Identify what tasks are necessary to produce the deliverables, figure out if any tasks
• Schedule: Determine the duration of the tasks and set dates for their completion.
• Cost: Estimate the costs involved across the project and formulate a budget.
• Quality: Make sure the quality objectives are met throughout the project.
• Organization: Note how the project will be organized, including reporting on progress.
• Communications: Decide how information will be disseminated, to whom and with what
• Risk: Determine what risks are likely, how they’ll impact the project and then plan how to
resolve them. Try our free risk register template if you need help getting started with risk
• Procurement: Decide what work or materials will be contracted. Define those contracts and
they’ll go to.
Now that you've already done your preparation, it's time to start the project. This is where the
rubber hits the road, but it doesn't mean you're just cruising. This phase consists of the following
comprehensive processes:
• Executing the Plan: Follow the plan you created, assign the tasks to team members and
manage and monitor their progress with project management tools, like a project dashboard.
In order to ensure that the project plan is revised, all aspects of the project must be controlled and
changed as appropriate. Employ these procedures to do this:
• Reporting: Have a metric to measure project progress and an instrument to deliver this
• Schedule: Keep track of delays or blocks that impact the timeline of the project and adjust to
stay on track.
• Risk: Note changes in risk throughout the project and respond accordingly.
The project is not finished until the goals and aims of the project have been achieved. The final
phase of the project is to close it. This includes a particular set of processes:
• Scope: Make sure the project deliverables have been completed as planned.
• Administration: Close out all outstanding contracts and administrative matters, archive the
Your analysis should define the types of research methodologies that you use to help your work
and data collection methods. If you want to collect reliable results, you might be analyzing
variables and checking or questioning existing theories or hypotheses. Data is often used to
construct new hypotheses based on data derived from various variables.
Using a mixture of qualitative and quantitative data, the assessment can be enhanced by ensuring
that the shortcomings of one type of data are balanced by the strengths of another. This will ensure
that understanding is strengthened through the incorporation of various ways of learning. Many
assessments will collect both quantitative (number) and qualitative (text, images) data, but it is
important to prepare ahead of time how these data will be mixed.
• Enriching: using qualitative work to identify issues or obtain information on variables not
obtained by quantitative surveys.
• Examining: generating hypotheses from qualitative work to be tested through the
quantitative approach.
• Explaining: using qualitative data to understand unanticipated results from quantitative
• Triangulation (Confirming/reinforcing; Rejecting): verifying or rejecting results from
quantitative data using qualitative data
Qualitative research methods are structured in such a way as to help expose the actions and
interpretation of the target audience in relation to a particular topic. Various types of qualitative
research techniques, such as in-depth interviews, focus groups, ethnographic research, content
analysis, case study research, are widely used.
The findings of qualitative methods are more concise and the inferences can easily be derived from
the data collected.
Qualitative research methods have emerged in the social and behavioral sciences. Today, our world
is more complex, so it's hard to grasp what people think and see. Qualitative research approaches
make it easier to understand this because it is more communicative and concise.
The following are the qualitative analysis methods that are widely used:
1. One-on-one interview: performing in-depth interviews is one of the most popular forms of
qualitative study. This is a informal interview with one respondent at a time. This is a strictly
conversational tool, and it encourages the respondent to have the opportunity to get in-depth
One of the benefits of this method is a perfect opportunity to collect reliable information about
what people believe and what their motives are. If the researcher is well trained in asking the right
questions, he / she can be assisted to collect useful data. If more information is needed, researchers
should ask these follow-up questions to help them gather more information.
The key goal of the focus group is to find answers to why and how to ask questions. One benefit
of focus groups is that you don't actually need to communicate with the audience in person. Focus
groups are an expensive approach relative to other qualitative research methods. They are generally
used to describe complex processes.
3. Case study research: The case study approach has developed over the last few years and
has become a valuable qualitative research tool. As the name indicates, it is used to describe an
organization or entity.
This type of research method is used in a variety of fields, such as education, social sciences and
the like. This approach may seem difficult to operate; however, it is one of the easiest ways of
conducting research, as it requires a deep and detailed understanding of data collection techniques
and inferring data.
4. Record keeping: This method uses already existing accurate records and related sources of
information as the data base. These data can be used for new research purposes. It's close to going
to a library. One that go over books and other reference material to collect the relevant data that
may be used in the study.
• Surveys: whether conducted online, by phone or in person. These rely on the same
questions being asked in the same way to a large number of people.
• Observations: which may either involve counting the number of times that a particular
phenomenon occurs, such as how often a particular word is used in interviews, or coding
observational data to translate it into numbers.
• Secondary data: such as company accounts.
• Questionnaires: often seem a logical and easy option as a way of collecting information
from people. They are actually rather difficult to design and because of the frequency of
their use in
all contexts in the modern world, the response rate is nearly always going to be a problem
(low) unless you have ways of making people complete them and hand them in on the spot
Research Methodology
A research methodology is a specific methodology or technology used to identify, select,
process, and analyze information on a topic. In a research paper, the methodology division
critically evaluates the overall validity and reliability of the study. (Libguids, 2020)
The research onion was created in 2007 in collaboration with Saunders and several others.
It demonstrates the stages that need to be covered in developing research. The same
methodology is used for this research project.
The research onion model consists of 06 main parts. They can be pointed out as follows.
• Philosophy
• Approach
• Strategies
• Choices of Methods
• Time horizons
• Data Collection and Analysis
Once a suitable methodology has been selected, research onion suggests that an appropriate
research methodology should be selected. The reduction approach begins with a specific
hypothetical development based on the on the literature critique observed by the researcher,
and gradually seeks to examine this hypothesis and seek if it exists in specific contexts. In
Research onion suggests that strategies may include active research, experimental research,
interviews, surveys, case studies, or systematic literature reviews. The strategy is chosen
based on the data required for the research and the purpose of the study. (,
The author hopes that this research project will identify and address security issues and
vulnerabilities in the information system of the OUTSMART HUB services and Production
Company’s production department. The author selects a questionnaire paper to collect data
on the departmental system of this company. This belongs to the case study strategy.
Therefore, none of the strategies in the above match. With the covide19 epidemic in the
country, the author and his team realized that data collection through interviews was
Choices of Methods
Research onions suggest mono-method, mixed-method and multi-method as possible
choices for conducting research. The mono-method consists of only one method for study.
The hybrid method is based on the use of two or more research methods, and usually refers
to the use of qualitative and quantitative methods. Multiple methods use a wide range of
methods. (, 2020)
The mono-method is used for this. Data collection for this research report uses one strategy.
That is, a questionnaire is used to identify system vulnerabilities in OUTSMART HUB ’s
manufacturing department.
If refers to the time frame of the research. There can be two types based on observation
times. That is, cross- sectional and durable. Like most surveys, cross-sectional data are used
when all the same time. Durable data, by contrast, means observations for a specific variable
that can be obtained from years, quarters, months, or days. (, 2020)
This research project has a duration of three months. A cross- sectional period is used when
all observations are made at the same time.
This is the final layer of research onions. It consists of the techniques and procedures used.
It is used to clearly explain the methods and objectives of the research conducted. In this
case, it is expected to choose between the primary and secondary data the qualities and
quantitative data collected from different sources. This is considered to be the data- centric
part of the research onion framework. (, 2020)
OUTSMART HUB’s employs more than 250 people in the production department, and the
research department, and the research project employs 20 people to collect data. A fifth
volume questionnaire was used. There are some questions in the questionnaire. Five
questions about system integrity, overall security, and availability. It also includes seven
questions of confidentiality. The questionnaires submitted are as below.
• According to the research carried out 25% of employees were associated with the Outsmart
Hub for a time span of less than 1 year. 95% employees were associated for 3 to 5 years.
75% were associated for 5-7 years and 37.5% were associated for more than 7years.
• According to the research carried out 62.5% of the employees strongly agreed out of which
82.5% agreed for incorporating mobile technology and cloud computing technology for
expansion and execution of the business to function globally. 37.5% employees disagreed
from idea of incorporating the cloud computing system and 37.5% strongly disagree to the
• The prospect of artificial intelligence in raising the quotient and growth of Outsmart hub
has been endorsed by 25% employees, as it helps to save cost. About 37.5% employee
supported the decision as it helped in reduction in the time required for providing the
services. 12.5% employees were in favor of the decision as it helped in reduction in the
error percentage and 25% employee supported the decision as it helped in mechanization
of the process.
• According to the research carried out 20% employee was in favor of incorporating
Artificial Intelligence. About 37.5 wanted to incorporate cloud computing. The idea of
• Way of using social media in order to communicate with the customers were supported by
12.5% employee as it helped in advertising about the services offered. 37.5% employees
supported the ideas as it helped in collecting feedback from the customers. 25% employee
agreed to the idea as it helps in addressing the quarries of the customers and 25% employee
supported the idea as it helps in reaching out to new customers.
• The idea of achieving amalgamation of services in different branches and within different
department was supported by 25% employee as it increased the efficiency of the company.
37.5% employees supported the idea as it helps in connecting the various branches and
department. 12.5% agreed as it helps in computation of the marketing processes. 25%
agreed as it helps in reaching out to all functional zones.
Managers are in favor of the introduction of an artificial intelligence program, which would help
minimize the risk of duplication and minimize the various troublesome circumstances of
employees. But the 2nd manager was of the view that it would help to cut expenses and save
money for the future.
Manager 1 of Outsmart chose to use the Cloud Management Framework and Mobile Application
approach to simplify the execution of tasks for workers and to make it easier for customers. But
Manager 2 was worried that if the employee leaves the job, it will be difficult to access files due
to the protection of the cloud storage system's password.
Both managers of Outsmart have agreed on the use of social media as it will help to speed up the
message of the various services offered and will help the organization to get feedback that could
be useful for improvisation.
The managers of the Outsmart center have been interested in the internet because it will help to
connect all the organization's divisions and help mechanize the marketing process involved in the
Hypothesis testing is used to determine the plausibility of a hypothesis using sample data. These
data may derive from a larger population or from a data-generating method. In each of these
instances, the term "population" will be used in the following definitions.
• Hypothesis testing is used to assess the plausibility of a hypothesis by using sample data.
• The test provides evidence concerning the plausibility of the hypothesis, given the data.
• Statistical analysts test a hypothesis by measuring and examining a random sample of the
population being analyzed.
As a student researcher my duty is to analyze about the MIS that was in use by the Outsmart
Hub. For the purpose of analyzing the data regarding MIS a proposed method of Data Analysis
Preparation was followed. In order to follow this method of technique Microsoft Excel was used
as a platform. Here are the techniques that are implemented in the analysis of Quantitative
Analysis from the Survey that was taken as MIS Pre – Implementation Survey of Outsmart Hub.
The main purpose of validating research is to identify the vulnerabilities of the current MIS of
Outsmart Hub and to get the statistical report on what the staffs, lecturer and others consider and
rank about the MIS. Specifically, Quantitative Survey was taken among staff, lecturer and other
to get the statistical review of the current MIS of Outsmart Hub. Following are the conclusive
evidences that were taken for the progression of the Survey from 13 members who includes and
participate in the function of Current MIS;
The research promoted an interpretation of the ideas of the Outsmart Center workers. The
employees of the Outsmart hub were in favor of introducing modern technical innovations in the
service of the Outsmart hub in order to improve the business of the organization. In order to
secure the network, the company would need to maintain very strict cyber security. Employees
must be qualified to be able to use emerging technology without any difficulties.
Social media is giving a voice to who their company name is. When buying from an unknown
business, people check the company's social media accounts to see if consumers are pleased with
it. Social networking can be a website or a small secured network where the Outsmart hub can
communicate with employees and customers if appropriate. It also enables workers to engage in
decision-making and in the growth of the working management structure. The management of
any business should have a simpler and more effective way of launching some new goods and
interacting with customers.
Mobile apps have proven to be fast and successful in attracting consumer interest and
communicating product releases, new programs, promotional deals, updated features and
discounted Outsmart hub prices. Such direct communications also provide useful information,
such as demographics, geographic locations and consumer habits for your goods and services,
allowing Outsmart hub to understand customer demand and develop your sales and marketing
• It would help the organization in managing the staff efficiently and effectively
• Updated Web page and Social Media Network can help is attracting a number of customers
and help the management is managing customer base. It would also give a great advantage
of e marketing.
Choosing the right testing approach helps you to effectively answer a research question or check
a hypothesis. Missteps at the beginning of the research process could lead to the derailment of an
otherwise promising project. Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of quantitative and
qualitative approaches will allow you to make an informed decision. Both approaches are very
useful depending on the type of analysis. Some dissertations and research studies adopt a mixed
method approach that incorporates qualitative and quantitative methods in different phases in
order to obtain a broader perspective.
You may be well acquainted with quantitative analysis in your science classes where you have
studied and practiced using the scientific method. The problem or question is investigated by
deductively creating a theory-based hypothesis. Controlled, unbiased research and analysis
generally supports or denies the conclusions. Each step is standardized to reduce bias in the
From this method ability to study a larger sample size for any hypothesis, it is easier to reach a
valid generalized conclusion. The additional data that you obtain from this work gives the result
greater legitimacy as the statistical analysis is more in-depth. A larger sample makes it less likely
that outliers in the study community will adversely affect the outcomes that you want to achieve
Researchers collect information for the quantitative testing phase in real-time environments so
that statistical analysis can take place almost instantly. Experiments, surveys and interviews offer
When research participants suspect that a study wants to achieve a specific result, their personal
bias may be reflected in the data spectrum. The answers given on the included materials are partial
truths or outright lies as a way to manipulate the job. That's why the quantitative method is so
effective when attempting to test a particular theory within a broad demographic population.
This approach uses a randomized method to gather information. This excludes bias from being
present in most situations. It also offers an benefit in that the data can then be generalized
systematically to the rest of the population being studied. There is always a chance of error to
remember, but it is this approach that generally provides the most accurate results.
When opinions are a valid substitute for facts, anything becomes possible. Quantitative analysis
avoids this issue because it focuses only on real data. The work validates itself, since the results
still point to the same data, even if random conditions exist. Minor variations may be found over
time, but the general conclusions that researchers draw when using this process remain accurate.
This is why this knowledge is valuable when looking at the need for concrete potential outcomes.
The facts include figures that are necessary to remember when tough decisions have to be made.
Researchers may use the quantitative method to concentrate on a particular reality they want to
study in the general population. This approach is also useful when a number of data points are
highly desirable within a particular demographic. It is a mechanism that helps us to consider the
reasons behind our choices, attitudes or acts from a social point of view.
When we can understand the context behind the choices that people make, it is easier to uncover
the pressure points or particular desires that need resolution. The data analysis can then be applied
to the rest of the population so that everybody can benefit from this research.
As long as researchers are able to verify that individuals fit into the demographic profile of their
sample group, there is no need to include personal information. The anonymous nature of
quantitative research makes it useful for data collection because people are more likely to share
an honest perspective when there are assurances that their feedback will not come back to haunt
them. Except when interviews or surveys are part of this work, personal information is a screening
tool rather than a brand recognition tool.
Researchers must follow unique guidelines while using the quantitative approach, but there is no
obligation to observe each participant directly. This ensures that a study can submit surveys to
individuals without the need to get others in the room while they provide answers. This benefit
There are also time constraints on the methods of study. The aim of time restriction is to produce
a tangible outcome so that the metrics can be in place. Qualitative research focuses less on the
metrics of the data being collected and more on the subtleties of what can be found in that
information. It helps the data to provide an increased level of information, and can offer more
opportunities to gain knowledge from it during the analysis.
Humans have two very different systems of operation. One is the subconscious method of action,
which is the simple and instinctive perception that happens when data is present. The other
operating system is slower and more methodological, wanting to evaluate all data sources before
making a decision.
Many types of research rely on the second operating system while ignoring the instinctive
existence of the human mind. Qualitative work should not neglect the feeling of the heart. It
supports it, and the data that can be obtained is also best suited to it.
One of the main mistakes made in qualitative research is the belief that a personal viewpoint can
be extrapolated into a group viewpoint. This is only possible when individuals grow up in similar
circumstances, have similar perspectives on the world, and operate with similar goals.
Nevertheless, as these groups can be identified, the individualistic data obtained may have a
Because the data collected through this type of research is based on observations and experience,
an experienced researcher may follow up interesting answers with additional questions. Unlike
other types of analysis that involve a particular zero-deviation structure, researchers may track any
data tangent that is made public and improve the overall collection of information that is being
Even though our industrial society appears to favor statistics and verifiable data, we can not
completely exclude human experience from the equation. Different people would have strikingly
different interpretations of any statistic, fact, or event. This is because our individual experiences
give us a clear viewpoint on the data we see. Such nuances, when assembled into a single
database, will draw conclusions with greater depth and precision, which is of benefit to everyone.
When a researcher is adequately trained, the open-ended mechanisms of qualitative research make
it possible to collect information from an individual's emotional response under shallow reactions
and logical thoughts. This is important to this type of researcher as it is an emotional reaction that
often drives a person's decisions or affects their actions.
It can be difficult to evaluate data collected from individual sources, since often people react
subconsciously in a way that they think someone wants. This ability to "please" another decreases
data quality and suppresses individual creativity. By adopting the qualitative research approach,
it is possible to promote the imagination of the respondent, enabling people to express themselves
authentically. In return, the data collected becomes more accurate and can lead to predictable
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis testing is a statistical procedure that uses survey data to compare two mutually
incompatible population properties hypotheses. Statistics call these hypotheses the null hypothesis
and the alternative hypothesis. The hypothesis test tests the statistical data of the sample and the
variables in the calculation of the error of the sample to decide the conclusion is confirmed by the
In all the experiments, the researchers are measuring an effect of some kind. The effect may be the
efficacy of the new vaccine, the reliability of the new drug, the proportion of the defect in the
manufacturing process, and so on. There is some benefit or difference that the researchers are
hoping to identify.
Following the pre-research methods that were taken from the MIS Unit a Post-research method
was taken regarding the review of the newly built MIS of Outsmart Hub. The newly built MIS was
infrastructure under my analysis as a student researcher and analyzer. After analyzing all the
vulnerabilities, the MIS was remade from the older version using proper execution methods. So,
this Statistical and Constructive Research method is used for the purpose reviewing newly built
MIS of Outsmart Hub.
Figure 10
Comparison of Handling
When asked to comment on the infrastructure of New MIS from the options of Excellent, Good,
Better, Bad, Worse the average Standard Deviation results among Responses is where 85% have
opted Excellent, 8% have opted Good and 8% have opted Bad which depicts the infrastructure
position of the Newly built MIS of Outsmart Hub is at its peak and it possess a level of high
Figure 12
When asked to choose on the Confidentiality and the Configuration of New MIS from the
options of Yes and No the overall results among Responses for Confidentiality and the
Figure 13
Figure 14
When asked to choose on the Network Accessibility of New MIS from the options of Yes
and No the overall results among 13 Responses for Confidentiality and the Configuration are
100% Yes. So here the data is distributed among choices and as a result it concludes the
Network Accessibility of Newly Built MIS of Outsmart Hub is at the level of its peak.
Figure 16
Figure 17
Project Management
Project management tackles cost, schedule and output goals while delivering a client-satisfied
result. The level of quality associated with the completed project is an indicator of the importance
of the project to the client. It follows that important management decisions relate to the degree of
quality obtained for each of the tasks of the project, since the quality of the tasks determines the
quality of the project.
Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives and own learning and
• The main purpose of the research in this project was to examine the value of digital
technology and how it enhances the efficiency of the organization. This project helps to
explain the changes that are taking place within the company on the introduction of
emerging technology into the Outsmart center.
• In particular, please discuss any reviews and tests performed. Yes, the project was
successful as workers and managers committed to the introduction of digital technology.
• Consider all facets of the project (e.g., start-up, project tasks and project outcomes) from a
range of viewpoints. Initial start-up ware gathering information on technical advancement;
in this phase, I have introduced potential implementation techniques; most of the objectives
have been achieved.
What problems emerged during the project and how were they tackled?
• During the project process, was there a timely recognition and resolution of issues? The
issue I faced during this project was the lack of funds and the challenge of getting an
appointment with the company's managers. Yeah, the issues have been found on time.
• The project undertaken helps to recognize the value of digital technologies in the growth
of the Outsmart hub.
How would you rate your performance as a management consultant leading the project?
• During the project, my communication skills helped me. My decision-making skills helped
me to complete this project.
How will this inform and support your continuous professional development?
• This information will help me gain awareness about the latest technology that could help
me gain a successful career in this area.
Project Management
Project management is essential for the achievement of the final results of the project, for the
management of its contributors and outcomes, as well as for the development and evaluation of
alternatives in order to meet the different organizational needs.
It points out that project management is a method that aims to help companies solve complex
problems. It draws our attention to the importance of project management in the development of
proper preparation, coordination and control of organizational resources for the achievement of
short-term goals, the achievement of particular goals or even broader objectives.
The research method adopted for this project can best be represented as a single case study
approach. This research collected data in the form of semi-structured questionnaires and a record
analysis so that the results could be triangulated.
It is a large-scale company, leader in the field of software & web development side. The main
difficulty found by managers was the absence of digital information, much of it still in the paper
form. This unorganized knowledge prevented the timely decision-making process based on an
adequate technical support.
The biggest benefit of project management is that it lets you handle your tasks efficiently,
allowing you to solve issues more quickly. It takes time and money to plan a project, however
good practice will help:
1. Service delivery efficiency: A project management plan serves as a map or a guide that a
team can easily follow. At the end of the map lies successful project completion. The fact
that project management allows for the identification of any risks or bottlenecks makes the
work done smarter and to an increase in success, essential for satisfied clients.
3. Service delivery effectiveness: The benefits of good project management allow for
consistency. The ability to complete one project successfully will increase your chances of
completing the next projects you undertake successfully also.
4. Team growth and development: Working in a supportive and collaborative environment
stimulates team member motivation and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of work
5. Competitive advantage: Project management benefits realization lies deeply in the fact that
not only does project management advantage how you manage your project, but also how
your skill in project management is perceived and can secure you a dignified position in the
project management marketplace.
6. Opportunities for expansion: The fact that project management allows for the completion
of more successful projects means that more opportunities for further success are created.
7. Improved flexibility: Thanks to the fact that project management is centered around
planning, all those involved receive a clear understanding of what will be before they begin
any work. This allows for flexibility in decision-making and time management.
9. Increase in quality outcomes: Due to the effectives that the benefits of project management
methodology bring about, the quality of outcomes will be improved and evident.
10. Increased quantity: Due to the increased efficiency that the benefits of project management
process create, the quantity of projects completed is increased as a result of the improved
The ultimate goal and need are to prepare a solution through a Project Management Plan for
Management Information System (MIS) of Outsmart Hub. I’m a student researcher who is
investigating the causes and impacts of vulnerabilities within computing systems and explore the
solutions to the problems presented in order to make recommendations to improve the security for
Management Information System of Outsmart Hub.
For each of the above descriptions the answers were negative and more importantly the
respondents also mentioned the difficulties they were facing due to the misalignment of MIS
on each category. All those misalignments are summarized as below;
Problem can be discovered in the areas of installing, configuring, and maintaining servers
and infrastructure equipment as well as practices of different department managers and staff
tend to have different ways of managing their IT.
a. Unknown Entry Points: Physical Downfalls (e.g., Lack of Security Cameras and
No High Security Measures on Server Room)
b. Issues in Installing: Technical Fails in Installing Relevant Software and
Unavailability of Certain Software
c. Threat to the overall confidentiality: No Proper maintenance of The Server which
affects Whole System
d. Threat to data integrity: Unavailability of Proper Backup Server.
e. Threat to MIS availability of network data and resources: Non – Suitable Network
Measures with poor Network Allocations.
All these results were takes prior to the implantation of Project Management Process.
a. Initiation
b. Planning
c. Execution
d. Closure
In the phase of Initiation, I personally interviewed all 13 members of MIS unit I got the
verbal consideration about the MIS along with results of Survey. From that method of
interview, I gathered and analyzed all the positive and the negative impacts of current MIS
of Outsmart Hub. The analyzed impacts tally to the misalignment impacts of that were taken
from the research is well.
After the process of Interview, I subcategorized Initiation into four types of feasibility
analysis parts namely;
a. Operational Feasibility
b. Technical Feasibility
c. Economic Feasibility
d. Schedule Feasibility
I prepared a project management document with all these sub types including the completion
of Initiation step. In that document I have mentioned all the elements that are researched prior
to the Initiation process. So, these are the key points as a constructive summary that are
attached in in the Project Management Plan Document.
In the phase of planning, fixed and finalized schedule which is also known as Gantt Chart
of the MIS Project was prepared for the span of 90 days. And all the planned facts and
applications were executed according to the finalized schedule.
MIS are made for a fast access to precise information and to help the administrators to
accomplish their objectives. Making this point as a worry our task group has unmistakably
ventured up with parcel of upgrades by improving the MIS of the Outsmart Hub. The
Management Information System (MIS) is so helpful in the association which it makes an
effect on the association's execution, capacities, and obviously efficiency. To accomplish all
these positive effects following are the executions made in improving the MIS.
a. Guiding and making mindfulness about the physical and specialized security of the
MIS Server.
1. Guiding for the Allocation of surveillance cameras with cutting edge checking
framework on server and the encompassing zone of the room.
2. Protecting the server with actualizing a high verified framework utilizing
unique mark scanner or a retina scanner.
b. Making arrangements and establishments effectively and reasonably with identified
with the reason.
(Anon., 2018)
(Malsam, 2016)
(anagement-homework, 2018)
(, 2015)
(/, 2018)
(, 2018)
(Anon., 2016)