Indicators 2
Indicators 2
Indicators 2
In most health care systems, a consensus is emerging that Each of these steps is discussed below. SpeciWc examples
there is a need for quality measures. Various audiences may wish of how they apply to clinical indicators for different diseases
to use them to document the quality of care, make comparisons are provided to make the concepts more concrete, to illustrate
(benchmarking), make judgments and determine priorities, some of the choices faced by developers of clinical indicators,
support accountability, support quality improvement, and and to facilitate understanding of the process of developing
provide transparency in health care [1,2]. clinical indicators.
Using clinical indicators for performance and outcome
measurement is one way of measuring and monitoring the qual-
Choosing the clinical area to evaluate
ity of care and services. In a companion paper in this journal,
clinical indicators have been deWned and characterized [3]. There are many potential users of clinical indicators (clinicians,
It is imperative that clinical indicators are meaningful, administrators, purchasers, regulators, and patients). Each
scientiWcally sound, generalizable, and interpretable. To achieve user must clarify the purpose of the quality measurement
this, clinical indicators must be developed, tested, and imple- effort. Several purposes may motivate quality measurement,
mented with scientiWc rigor [4]. such as regulation, purchasing, or quality improvement.
This paper focuses on the development and testing of clinical Administrative quality improvement may arise from an organ-
indicators. ization’s mission, values, and commitment, in response to
patient complaints, or in response to payer or regulatory
demands. The purposes will dictate the focus on particular
Steps in developing and testing indicators clinical areas. Prioritizing among clinical areas for assessment
may be based on various criteria, including the importance of
The different steps required to develop and test clinical indicators the health care problem or disease and the opportunity for
are summarized in Table 1. clinical interventions [2,4–6].
Address reprint requests to J. Mainz, Lyseng Allé 1, 8270 Hoejbjerg, Denmark. E-mail:
The importance of the health care problem. McGlynn and others actions are available to improve the quality of care. Conditions
have suggested that a health care problem or a disease is with high volumes might be chosen for indicator monitoring.
important if it has a high volume, and is associated with high Rare conditions have often not had many clinical trials for
morbidity and mortality and is costly to treat. logistical reasons, and do not have evidence-based guidelines
Local or national epidemiological data can be used to developed. Therefore, it is difWcult to know which processes
determine the prevalence of disease in a population. Mortality might be improved by monitoring. In the Danish National
rates, signiWcant use of health services, and costly treatment Indicator Project, stroke and lung cancer were selected, partly
are other criteria that have been cited to support a focus on a because evidence-based clinical guidelines were available.
particular condition for quality measurement [2,4–6]. Disease- Greater priority should be given to clinical areas where there is
speciWc mortality rates for a variety of conditions are available evidence that the quality of care is either variable or substandard,
in most countries [1,5,6]. For example, in Denmark, such data so that areas with a substantial potential for quality improvement
are available from the Central Patient Registry [6]. Health are chosen. In the Danish National Indicator Project, lung cancer
services utilization rates for a particular condition and costs of was included because mortality rates indicated that Denmark
treatment have also been cited by McGlynn and others as had a high mortality rate compared with other countries [6].
important indicators of importance and, when available, may
be used as additional criteria for choosing conditions for quality
Organize the measurement team
measurement [1,5,6].
The higher the prevalence and incidence of a condition or Select team members. The measurement team may be stronger if it
frequencies of procedures or outcomes, the more likely it is represents different perspectives. Clinicians can ensure that
that it will be possible to identify an adequate number of cases appropriate clinical indicators are selected together with stand-
for quality measurement. ards to evaluate whether desirable performance or outcome rates
are obtained. Often it may be relevant to select a multidisciplinary
Opportunities for clinical interventions. Another important criterion for team of clinicians, including, for example, doctors from different
choosing the clinical area for review is the opportunity for specialties, nurses, physiotherapists, and occupational therapists.
interventions related to the health care problem or disease. Clinicians being evaluated will have more conWdence in the
Clinical indicators are most useful if the processes and out- indicators developed if measurement team members include
comes being assessed can be inXuenced by clinical interventions clinicians who are widely recognized and respected. Relevant
in terms of quality improvements efforts. For each health credentials include appropriate professional training and an
problem or disease it is therefore important to consider what active role in professional societies.
Evidence-based clinical indicators
For instance, when selecting clinicians for a multidiscipli- evidence is obtained by meta-analysis of randomized controlled
nary team to develop clinical indicators for lung cancer, it trials and evidence from at least one randomized controlled
might be relevant to include thoracic surgeons, internists trial (‘A’-evidence). ‘B’-evidence is obtained for controlled
specializing in pulmonary diseases, oncologists, nurses, physi- studies without randomization or quasi-experimental studies.
otherapists, and psychologists [6]. When clinical indicators for ‘C’-evidence relates to different epidemiological studies such
schizophrenia are developed, psychiatrists, nurses specializing as case-control studies. Finally, ‘D’-evidence refers to evidence
in psychiatry, psychologists, and social workers might be relevant based on different expert opinions. Using a rating scheme to
to include in the measurement team [6]. summarize the strength of evidence enables the measurement
If the quality measurement is conducted in a nation, a team to describe the evidence of clinical indicators [9].
region, state, or county, it might be best to draw the team Literature databases such as the Cochrane Collaboration or
members from different geographical areas, from urban and Medline, and the compendium ‘Clinical Evidence’ are impor-
rural locales, and from different types and sizes of organization. tant sources for determining the strength of evidence for
The size of the team, however, should be kept small, so clinical indicators (available online at,
J. Mainz
Organization of Proportion of Process More than 90% of patients <24 hours after A
treatment (stroke) patients treated/ with acute stroke should admission
rehabilitated in be treated and rehabilitated in
stroke units a stroke unit
Treatment (lung cancer) Proportion of Process Treatment rate ≥70% Discharge B
patients treated
Resection (lung cancer) Proportion of Process Resection rate ≥25% Discharge B
A, evidence from at least one randomized controlled trial; B, evidence from quasi-experimental or non-randomized controlled studies.
process indicators based on A-evidence are most credible, but Although the presented indicators for lung cancer are asso-
there might be arguments for selecting indicators with a lower ciated with B- and C-evidence, they might be regarded as impor-
strength of evidence. tant by a measurement team when evaluating the treatment
Initially, when evidence links a process to better outcomes for lung cancer, because it is important from a clinical
it may appear that the standard for a proportion of patients so perspective to evaluate this clinical practice even though no
treated should be 100%. However, there are reasons why this randomized controlled studies have been conducted [6].
is not always the case, depending on how well the denominator For most process indicators, risk adjustment plays a
of eligible patients can be deWned. smaller role than it does for outcome measurement. For some
Table 2 illustrates an example of a clinical process indicator process measures, however, risk adjustment may reveal that
for stroke. The indicator measures the proportion of patients patient factors are inXuencing a measure. The more closely an
treated and rehabilitated in a stroke unit [6]. The evidence indicator measures the actual process of care delivered rather
supporting this indicator is strong (A-evidence), since meta- than patient adherence or other factors, the less risk adjustment
analyses of randomized controlled trials have demonstrated the will be needed [4].
effects of stroke units on outcomes of care [10,11]. Compared
with treatment in departments of internal medicine, treatment Clinical outcome indicators. Multiple factors contribute to
in stroke units was associated with lower mortality [odds health care outcomes [3]. When evaluating outcome indica-
Ratio (OR)=0.83; 95% conWdence interval (CI) 0.71–0.97]. tors, the adequacy of controls for differences in case mix
On the basis of this evidence it has been recommended that and the adequacy of controls for other covariates are impor-
all patients with acute stroke be treated at specialized stroke tant criteria.
units [10,11]. Table 2 illustrates, however, that the selected Case mix or severity-of-illness adjustment allow for a ‘fair’
standard suggests that >90% of patients with acute stroke comparison of health outcomes to ensure that any observed dif-
should be treated at stroke units. The reason for this discrepancy ferences can be attributed to the health care interventions and
is that a smaller subgroup of patients (∼10%) with acute stroke not to differences between the populations included [5]. Patients
will not beneWt from treatment at specialized stroke units who die or recover more slowly may not have received poorer
because they are deceased by the time of admittance to hospi- quality care, but have been at higher risk for the outcomes before
tal or intensive care unit [6]. treatment.
Table 2 also illustrates two clinical process indicators for Table 3 lists different outcome indicators. Intermediate
lung cancer: proportion of patients who are actively treated outcome indicators reXect changes in biological status that
and proportion of patients who are resected. The active treat- affect subsequent health outcomes, and can be regarded as
ment rate expresses the proportion of patients who were short-term outcomes [3]. For example, large RCTs in people
offered a concrete treatment (e.g. resection, chemotherapy, or with type 1 and type 2 diabetes have found that risk of devel-
radiation therapy). opment or progression of complications increases progressively
The scientiWc literature indicates that active treatment for as hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) increases above the non-diabetic
all patients with lung cancer is important with regard to survival range (≥7.0 mmol/l) (A-evidence) [15]. HbA1c therefore reX-
and the patients’ quality of life (B-evidence) [12–14]. According ects important health outcomes that can only be measured
to the literature, >70% of patients with primary lung cancer after years. It is considered desirable for most diabetics
should be offered an active treatment (C-evidence). (≥90%) to have a HbA1c <7.0 mmol/l [15].
Cohort studies have shown that a high resection rate is The last outcome indicator presented in Table 3 refers to
associated with high survival (B-evidence) [12–14]. The studies 30-day mortality for stroke patients. Stroke is associated with
indicate that >25% of patients should be resected. high mortality. The literature suggests that case fatality should
Evidence-based clinical indicators
Blood glucose Proportion of diabetics with Intermediate ≥90% should have Every third A
control HbA1c <7.0 mmol/l outcome HbA1c <7.0 mmol/l month
Mortality (stroke) 30-day and 3-, 6- and Outcome <20% should have 30 days after B
12-month mortality a 30-day mortality stroke
A, evidence from at least one randomized controlled trial; B, evidence from quasi-experimental or non-randomized controlled studies.
J. Mainz
databases are often valid and reliable, if such databases are aspect of quality of care, are compared. Measuring inter-rater
available in the chosen clinical area. Primary data, in terms of reliability, internal consistency, and test–re-test reliability
prospectively collected clinical data that are collected for a allows users to determine if the data collection methods are
particular quality measurement purpose, are the most speciWc precise enough to provide reproducible results. These meth-
and can deWne exactly what data are required. Primary data ods assess data quality powerfully and identify whether the
can also include survey data, from patients to access attitudes, measure and data collection procedures are well speciWed.
behavior, knowledge, and outcome. Since primary data represent Validity determines the degree to which an indicator measures
data that are not readily available, such data are expensive to what it is intended to measure, that is whether the results of a
collect, but are often a valid and reliable information source. measurement corresponds to the true state of the phenomenon
In quality measurement, data collection can be made part of being measured [2–4]. Validity can be tested by conWrming that
routine care by standardizing the documentation of patient char- the scores of a measure are linked to speciWc outcomes, and that
acteristics and care delivery that clinicians and administrators are the measure can reXect good and bad quality.
already recording while delivering care and services. Rubin et al.
Evidence-based clinical indicators
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