Lab1 Powsys Sorela
Lab1 Powsys Sorela
Lab1 Powsys Sorela
Submitted by:
Ram Leoj R. Sorela
Submitted to:
Engr. Jomel Cristobal, Assoc. ASEAN Engr., REE
The study of transmission lines under no-load conditions provides insights into various
phenomena to power system operation. For instance, it enables the analysis of voltage rise, a
phenomenon wherein the voltage at the receiving end may exceed that at the sending end under
specific circumstances. Additionally, it facilitates the quantification of reactive power consumption
by the line itself, a parameter that is important for ensuring the efficient operation and stability of
power systems. This report details the experimental procedures conducted to investigate
parameters such as voltage profiles and reactive power consumption of overhead transmission
lines under no-load conditions, contributing to a deeper understanding of their operational
Table 2.0 & 2.1 Data Sheet for Transmission Lines (150 and 300 km)
Figure 2.0 Connection Diagram
Simulated first in this experiment is the operating states comprising no-load for the two-
line lengths of 150 and 300 km. Two multimeters can be used to simultaneously measure all
voltages and currents as well as active, reactive and apparent powers at both line ends. The feed
transformer's voltage at the start of the line is to be increased in steps to the specified value in each
case. In this process, the voltage level is set to 380 V.
The data gathered, which is based on the formula V line to line/sqrt3, shows that the line-
to-neutral voltage varies between 214 V and 221 V, while the line-to-sending voltage measures at
370 V along the 150 km transmission line. Differences in the wire lengths used in the experimental
setting are the cause of the observed difference in values of the line to neutral voltages.
In addition, analysis of the receiving end indicates a line-to-line voltage of 377 V, which is
elevated due to capacitance in the transmission line. surprisingly, there is a slight current flow that
may be detected at the receiving end, which is caused by the capacitors' charging current.
Underground and overhead cables both exhibit charging current, which is the current passing
through the shunt capacitance of a transmission line.
Given the experimental conditions under no load, the total active power registers at 0 W.
However, an apparent loss of -108 VAR (Reactive Power) is evident at the receiving end, stemming
from losses incurred due to inductance within the transmission line.
Lastly, data from the 300 km transmission line investigation shows that receiving power,
line currents, and line-to-line voltage have all doubled. The line's doubled length and this rise are
directly related. The capacitance and inductance increase with line length, which then raises the
transmission line losses.
In summary, this lab experiment examined how overhead transmission lines behave in the
absence of load, with a particular emphasis on 150 and 300 km of line lengths. Important
information on power characteristics and voltage variations along the transmission lines was
discovered through careful data collecting and analysis. Variations in the wire lengths used in the
experimental setup were the reason for discrepancies in the line-to-neutral voltages. Moreover, the
transmission lines' capacitance resulted in higher line-to-line voltages at the receiving end, along
with small current flows caused by capacitor charging currents.
Reactive losses have been observed because of inductive effects in the transmission line,
even though total active power remained insignificant. In the end, the study demonstrated the clear
correlation between transmission losses and line length, highlighting the significance of
comprehending and reducing these impacts in real-world transmission line design and operation.
Power losses are evident in this experiment is directly proportional to the length of the
transmission lines. As the length of the lines increase, the losses increase as well.
The findings of the laboratory experiment align with the study conducted by Wang et al.
(2012), which highlights the factors influencing electric energy loss in overhead transmission lines.
Wang et al. observed a positive correlation between the horizontal distance between overhead
ground wires and electric energy loss, implying that increased separation between these wires leads
to higher energy losses. Similarly, the laboratory experiment noted variations in voltage and power
parameters along the transmission lines, potentially influenced by factors such as wire lengths and
Furthermore, Wang et al. found a negative correlation between the vertical distance of
overhead ground wires to the ground and electric energy loss. This suggests that positioning the
ground wires closer to the ground mitigates energy losses. In the laboratory experiment, the
presence of capacitance in the transmission lines contributed to elevated voltages at the receiving
end, highlighting the importance of considering vertical distances and configurations in
transmission line design to minimize losses.
Additionally, Wang et al. observed a positive correlation between the horizontal distance
of transmission lines and electric energy loss. This is consistent with the laboratory experiment's
findings regarding the relationship between line length and transmission losses, where longer lines
exhibited increased losses. Conversely, a negative correlation was noted between the vertical
distance of transmission lines and energy loss, emphasizing the significance of vertical
configurations in reducing losses.
Figure 5.0 Electric energy loss varies with horizontal distance of transmission
Wang, H., Wang, L., Wang, Y., Xue, H., Yang, C., & Yan, T. (2012, May 1). The electric energy
loss in overhead ground wires of 110kV six-circuit transmission line on the same tower.
IEEE PES ISGT ASIA 2012 1569544899
Abstract--In order to provide theoretical guidance for rate of multi-circuit transmission line increases and higher
reducing the electric energy loss of 110kV six-circuit transmission overvoltage is caused by lightning current [3], [4]. Erecting
line on the same tower, the factors affecting electric energy loss in ground wires is the most basic and effective lightning
overhead ground wires are deeply studied. Firstly, the model of
protection measure for high-voltage and extra-high voltage
110kV six-circuit transmission line on the same tower is
established in MATLAB. Secondly, the effect of phase sequence transmission line. In order to ensure power supply reliability,
arrangements on electric energy loss is studied. Finally, the overhead ground wire should be set up along with the entire
effects on electric energy loss of varying relative position between length of 110kV transmission line, and two ground wires
two overhead ground wires, horizontal distance and vertical should be set up for 220kV, ultra-high voltage and extra-high
distance among transmission lines are studied. The results show voltage transmission line [5]-[7].
that phase sequence arrangements have a great influence on
Overhead ground wire can protect transmission lines from
power loss in overhead ground wire. The inverse phase sequence
arrangement is validated to be optimized layout. The electric lightning stroke, but it causes power loss at the same time [8],
energy loss is positively correlated with horizontal distance [9].To reduce the electric loss in overhead ground wire,
between two overhead ground wires and negatively correlated overhead ground wire is not directly grounded somewhere, but
with vertical distance from overhead ground wires to the ground. the lightning protection reliability is also reduced [10]-[12].
When the type of tower, the running current, the parameter of
Index Terms--electric energy loss in overhead ground wires, overhead ground wire and the grounding mode are fixed, the
electromagnetic induction component and electrostatic induction
component, horizontal distance of transmission lines, MATLAB,
electric energy loss in overhead ground wire of multi-circuit
phase sequence arrangement, relative position of two overhead transmission line is determined by phase sequence
ground wires, six-circuit transmission line on the same tower, the arrangements. Therefore, researching on the effect of phase
most optimized layout, vertical distance of transmission lines, sequence arrangements on the electric energy loss in overhead
110kV ground wires has important practical significance for reducing
energy loss, improving transmission efficiency and reducing
I. INTRODUCTION the transmission cost [13].
circulating current loop between two overhead ground wires per year can be calculated by (7).
through the ground is formed. In addition, induction current
loop between each overhead ground wire and the ground is A M Pm L t 2 I m 2 Rt L t 7
formed. The electric energy loss in overhead ground wires is Where L is the length of overhead ground wire and t is the
caused by these two kinds of currents. running time of the power transmission lines.
A. Calculation of Induction Electromotive force
According to the law of electromagnetic induction, the
mutual impedance Zmn and the self impedance Zmm of ground A. Model and Parameters of 110kV Six-circuit Transmission
wire can be calculated by (1) and (2) respectively. Line
Zmn 0.05 j 0.145lg( D0 / dmn ) 1 The tower of 110kV six-circuit transmission line is as
shown in Fig. 1. The main design parameters are as shown in
Z mm R t 0 . 05 j 0 .145 lg( D 0 / r ) 2 Table I.
Where dmn is the distance between two lines and r is the
radius of ground wire. Rt is the DC resistance of ground wire.
D0 =660 / f is the function of earth resistivity ρ and power
frequency f.
Then electromagnetic induction electromotive force Vu and
Vw in two overhead ground wires per kilometer can be
calculated by (3).
Vu ZuA ZuB ZuC ... Zua' Zub' Zuc'
V Z Zwc'
w wA ZwB ZwC ... Zwa' Zwb'
T 3
IA I B IC ... Ia' Ib' Ic'
Where ZuA is the mutual impedance between overhead
ground wire and power transmission line, while Zua’ is the
mutual impedance between overhead ground wire and the
image of power transmission line. And IA is the current in
Fig. 1. The tower of 110kV six-circuit transmission line.
power transmission line.
B. Calculation of the Electric Energy Loss TABLE I
Circulating current between two overhead ground wires Parameters Number
and induction current between each overhead ground wire and The maximum running current (A) 744
the ground exist in normal circumstances, because the The economic running current (A) 400
induction electromotive forces on two overhead ground wires The height of the tower (m) 51
are not equal and a closed circuit is formed by two overhead The type of transmission line LGJ-400/35
ground wires on the tower. Therefore, it is required to The type of overhead ground wire LGJ -70/40
calculate the electric energy loss in overhead ground wires The radius of overhead ground wire (mm) 6.8
caused by two kinds of currents respectively. The induction The length of power transmission line (km) 6
electromotive forces VM can be calculated by (4) and the DC resistance of overhead ground wire (Ω/km) 0.4141
current IM in the ground wires can be calculated by (5). The Power factor 0.95
IV. OTHER FACTORS AFFECTING ON ELECTRIC ENERGY LOSS shown in Fig. 6. The result shows that the electric energy loss
IN OVERHEAD GROUND WIRES reduces with the decreasing of horizontal distance among
To reduce the electric energy loss in overhead ground wires, transmission lines. The horizontal distance among
the effects on electric energy loss of varying relative position transmission lines is also a main factor affecting corridor of
between two overhead ground wires, horizontal distance and the transmission lines, therefore, reducing the horizontal
vertical distance among transmission lines are studied. If the distance among transmission lines can not only reducing
relative position is varied between the ground wire and electric energy loss in overhead ground wires, but also
transmission line, the mutual impedance is also varied reducing the corridor width of the transmission lines.
between them. Then the induction electromotive forces and 7
x 10
energy loss reduces with vertical distance increasing.
The electric energy in ground wire (kW*h/year)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
The decreased number of vertical distance among lines (m)
Fig. 7. Electric energy loss varies with vertical distance of transmission lines.
Fig. 5. The effects of varying relative position between two overhead ground V. CONCLUSIONS
The electric energy loss in overhead ground wires of
B. The Effect of Varying Horizontal Distance among 110kV six-circuit transmission line on the same tower is
Transmission Lines considerable, which increases the cost of power transmission
When the horizontal distance between two transmission and decreases the efficiency of power transmission. Selecting
lines on the same horizontal reduce 6m by every 0.4m, the reasonable phase sequence arrangements can reduce the
change of electric energy loss in overhead ground wires is as electric energy loss, which does not increase extra cost at the
same time. Therefore, selecting reasonable phase sequence [7] Xiangling Zhou, "Discussion on the relation between OPGW and the loss
of power transmission line," Power System Communication, vol. 11, pp.
arrangements is a very economical and effective way to reduce 14-16, Feb. 2001.
the electric energy loss in overhead ground wires. Layout 7 is [8] Yiquang Xiong, "The measures for lowering the loss of the overhead
the optimized phase sequence arrangement, whose electric power lines with super high voltage," Inner Mongolia Electric Power,
vol. 19, pp. 33-34, Feb. 2001.
energy loss in overhead ground wires is minimum. Layout 2 is [9] Wenli Liang, Liang Chen, "The main measures for lowering the loss of
suited to be used in practical engineering. the Jiangxi power grid," Jiangxi Electric Power, vol. 12, pp. 35-36, Sep.
The electric energy loss in overhead ground wires is 2002.
positively correlated with horizontal distance between two [10] Jianguo Guo, "Lowering power loss in ground wires by arranging phase
sequence," Heilongjiang Electric Power, vol. 16, pp. 5-8, Oct. 1994.
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distance from overhead ground wires to the ground. The "Behavior of overhead transmission line parameters on the presence of
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correlated with horizontal distance of transmission lines and [12] A. Nourai, A. J. F. Keri, and C. H. Shih, "Shield wire loss reduction for
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[13] Gang Wei, Guang Chen, Ziyang Zhang, and Xiangsheng Jiang, "Study
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VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENT one tower," Electric Power Construction, vol. 26, pp. 39-44, Mar. 2005.
[14] A. J. F. Keri, A. Nourai, and J. M. Schneider, "A method of reducing
The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of power loss in ground wire of overhead transmission lines," Power
Luyang Wang and Yufei Wang for their instruction and help Apparatus and Systems, vol. 103, pp. 3615-3624, Apr. 1984.
on this paper. [15] Xuefeng Wang, Yanping Lv, "Research on reducing the power loss in
lightning shield line," High Voltage Engineering, vol. 31, pp. 28-30, Sep.
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[4] G. Filippopoulos, D. Tsanakas, "Analytical calculation of the magnetic Hui Wang was born in Shandong province in
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19, pp. 1183-1189, Jul. 2004. Shanghai University of Electric Power. His main
[6] Zhenqiang Li, Min Dai, Ying Lou and Zhijun Li, "Effects of UHV research interests are focused on high-voltage
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