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780 IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-98, No.

3 May/June 1979
Allen Taflove, Member, IEEE John Dabkowski, Non-Member
IIT Research Institute
10 West 35th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60616

Abstract - The voltages induced on gas transmis- tools are briefly summarized in the last section of
sion pipelines by 60 Hz ac power transmission lines this paper.
sharing a joint right-of-way are predicted using elec-
trical transmission line theory. Thevenin equivalent REVIEW OF AVAILABLE ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES
circuits for pipeline sections are developed which
allow the decomposition of complex pipeline-power line For many years, concern was directed to coupling
geometries. Programmable hand calculator techniques between overhead high voltage ac power lines and adja-
are used to determine inducing fields, pipeline char- cent above-ground communication circuits. Equations
acteristics, and Thevenin circuits. presented originally by Westinghouse1 have been used
to predict the induced voltage per mile on an above-
INTRODUCTION ground conductor due to single phase and three phase
ac power lines. An equivalent approach2 used Carson's
Since January 1976, IIT Research Institute has series3 to compute the mutual impedances between the
been funded jointly by the Electric Power Research power line conductors and the affected communications
Institute and the American Gas Association to consoli- line. The International Telegraph and Telephone Con-
date known data concerning the effects of voltages sultative Committee (CCITT) has summarized available
induced on gas transmission pipelines by6OHz ac power prediction and mitigation methods for induced voltages
transmission lines sharing a joint right-of-way. The on above-ground conductors.4
goal of the study is the writing of a tutorial hand-
book that can be used by field personnel topredictthe One body of literature has attempted to apply the
induced pipeline voltages and institute measures to above-ground coupling equations directly tohthcase of
mitigate against accompanying effects. the buried pipeline. Representative papers deter-
mined the induced pipeline voltage in the following
This paper presents the prediction method devel- general way:
oped by IITRI for the induced voltages on buried pipe
lines. The approach utilizes electrical transmission Vmax = f(I,d)-L (1)
line theory to locate and quantize pipeline voltage
peaks using a programmable hand calculator. Complex where Vmax is the maximum expected voltage; f is some
ac power line features such as multiple circuits, function of power line current, I, and distance, d,
shield wires, and phase transpositions can be modeled from the pipeline; and L isthe length of the pipeline.
in a systematic way. The approach developed has proven Uniformly, the values of pipeline voltage calculated
to be more accurate than existing methods in field
tests, and i s appl i cabl e to real i sti c pi pel i ne-ac power using these methods are too high by a factor gff bout
line corridors. The methodology and results of these 10, as acknowledged by several of the workers. ,1
field tests are discussed in Part II of this paper. The application of the above-ground equations fails
This paper first reviews available analytical for the buried pipeline case simply because a buried
methods for the prediction of inductive coupling to pi pel i ne di ffers el ectri cal ly from an overhead conductor.
buried pipelines. Next, the basic elements of the new A buried pipeline, either bare or wrapped in an elec-
approach are presented. Equations and equivalent cir- trically insulating coating, hasa finite resistance to
cuits are derived to estimate inductive coupling for earth distributed over its entire length, whereas an
the following cases of pipeline construction near an overhead line has, at most, point grounds at large
ac power transmission line: intervals. To describe the distributed interaction
between a buried pipeline and its surrounding earth,
1) parallel construction; factors such as pi pel i ne di ameter, coati ng conducti vi ty,
2) non-parallel construction; earth resistivity, depth of burial , and pipe longitudi-
3) combinations of parallel and non-parallel nal resistance and inductance must be taken into account.
constructions and power line discontinuities. A second body of literature has attempted to con-
The required numerical inputs to the equations and struct such a realistic model of inductive coupling to
equivalent circuits are obtained using hand calculator a buried pipeline. The analytical approach used in
programs developed by IITRI. The capabi l i ti es of these these references considers a buried pipeline as a lossy
electrical transmission line with a distributed voltage
source function due to electromagnetic couplii. How-
ever, available published work in this area has
evidently failed to achieve accurate methods simplified
enough for widespread usage by the pipeline and power
line communities.
F 78 698-3. A paper recacuended and approved by
the ]flI Insulated Ccnductors Camiittee of the IEEE The analysis of this paper treats inductive cou-
Pcwer Engineering Society for presentatio at the pling to arbitrary buried pipelines using, a theory
IEEE PES Suimr Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, July 16- called the distributed source analysis.15"l6 Here, a
21, 1978. Manuscript submitted February 1, 1978; pipeline and its surrounding earth form a lossy elec-
made available for printing May 3, 1978. trical transmission line characterized by the propagation

0018-9510/79/0500-780$00.75 © 1979 IEEE

constant,y, and the characteristic impedance? Z The dx, is assumed to have a source voltage increment,
inductive coupling effect of a nearby ac power 7ine is Exdx, as shown in Fig. 2. Ex has the dimensions of
included by defininga distributed voltage source func- electric field strength (volts/meter) and is called
tion, Ex(s), along the pipeline, where Ex(s) is the the longitudinal driving electric field. (Ex should
longitudinal driving electric field parallel to the not be confused with the transverse, or electrostatic
path of the pipeline. field, due to ac power lines.) Except for the voltage
source, Fig. 2 is identical to the elemental circuit
As shown in Fig. 1, specific couplingproblemsare for the usual electrical transmission line, with the
treated as special cases of the general distributed same definitions of impedance per unit length, Z - R +
source theory. The general theory is first special- jwL, and admittance per unit length, Y = G + jwC.
ized with respect to the orientation of the pipeline
section relative to the adjacent ac power line:
1) parallel case (pipeline section parallel I+ d4dx dx
to the ac power line);
2) non-parallel case (pipeline section at an
angle to the ac power line).

General Theory for Single-Section Pipelines


1. Parallel Case 2. Non-Parallel Case dx

Fig. 2. Equivalent Elemental Pipeline Circuit

a. Short b. Long/ a. Short b. Long/
Lossy Lossy For harmonically varying signals (e iwt), the dif-
ferential equations for the voltage and current along
the pipeline element of Fig. 2 are:
dV -
E x - IZ
Thevenin Thevenin Thevenin Thevenin dx- (2a)
Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
Circuit Circuit Circuit Circuit dI VY.
- (2b)
Differentiation and substitution results in the follow-
ing second-order differential equations:
Node Analysis of Arbitrary Pipeline/Powerl ine Co-Locations d2V 2V x
dxJ Y

Fig. 1. Application of the Distributed Source Analysis
The theory is further specialized by grouping pipeline d2 2I = -YE
sections according to electrical length: dx x

la, 2a) Electrically short case where

y = pipeline propagation constant
L < 0.1 300Om
FT7 = Y meters
where L is the length of the pipeline
section Except for the terms containing E, Equations 2
and 3 are identical to those for the cfassical elec-
lb, 2b) Electrically long-lossy case trical transmission line. Assuming the terminating
impedances Z1 at x = xi and Z2 at x = x2 (for x2>x1),
2 the solutions to Equations 3a and 3b are
Real (y) -10
- km.

As shown later in this paper, the terminal beha- I(x) = [K1+P(x)}eYx + [K2+Q(x )]eYx amps (4a)
vior of pipeline sections of Classes la, lb, 2a, and
2b can be described by simple Thevenin equivalent cir-
cuits. These circuits can be connected together to V( = Zo Kl+P(x)eY-xK2+Q(x)1eYx} volts (4b)
allow predictionof the inductive coupling to pipelines
of arbitrary geometry and composedof several connected where
dissimilar sections
General Analysis ZO= pipeline characteristic impedance

In this analysis, each pipeline length increment, =vZ/Y ohms

Substituting Ex(s) = Eo into Equations 5a and 5b
P(x) = 41 - eys E (s) ds (5a) results in
1 x
Ends = 2 (eX- 1) e . (8a)
Q(x) = 2ZIf eTys E (s) ds (5b) "
Q(x) = C e-ys
o 2yZ0
yx )e x2
-P(xx)e Y2-Q(x (8b)
K1 = Pie eY(X2 2)p p2e Y(X2X (6a)
Using the results of Equation 8 in Equation 6

Yx1 -Yxl P= E P2 (1-e yL ) + 1-eyL

-yx2 P1Q(x1)e -P(x2 )e (9a)
K2 p2e -- (6b) K1 2yZ0 eyL _
pe rL J
eK(x2-2x=e1 P1p2e-Y(X2-x1)
and P1,P2 are reflection coefficients given by:
K2 - P2E2ey2 [Pi ( l-eYL)+ 1-eyL
2yZ- LyeL P12y~L (9b)
P1= ,i-ZO Z2- Zo
z1 +zo p2 -
Z2+z0 (7) Substituting K1, K2, P(x), and Q(x) into Equation 4b,
the general so ution for V(x) in terms of the termina-
ting impedances, Z1 and Z2' is obtained:
Using Equations 4-7, the analysis presented per-
mits general treatmentof inductive coupling to a buried
pipeline having an arbitrary, but constant, y and ZO;
arbitrary terminations Z1 and Z2; and arbitrary driving [Z2 (-z )-Z (Z2+Z )eyJeYx_
field Ex(s). The analyses to follow will treat special
cases of the general analysis. In doing so, certain
special characteristics of inductive coupling to bur- tt l(Z2- z0)- 2(Zi+Z0)eyL]ey(x-L)
ied pipelines will become apparent. Further, the treat-
V(x) = (10)
ment of pipes having discontinuities of either y, Zo, Y [(Z1+Zo) (Z2+Z0)eyL - (Z 1-z0) (Z2-Z0)eyLJ
or Ex(s) will be discussed. Methods for computing y,
ZO, and Ex(s) are deferred to the end of this paper.
At x = O or at x = L, it can be shown that the
Application to the Parallel Pipeline dependence of V(O) and V(L) upon the terminating imped-
With Arbitrary Terminations ances, Z1 and Z2, respectively, can be modeled by
Thevenin equivalent circuits. For example, at x = 0,
In the following analysis, the driving field,
Ex(s), is assumedto equal Eo, a constant. This assump-
tion is valid for buried pipelines parallel to electric
power lines which continue beyond the region of paral-
v (o) = V0 V1 (ha)+
lelism. The pipeline is assumed to extend from x = 0
to x = L meters, as shown in Figure 3. At the end Vb is the Thevenin equivalent voltage source giv-
points, the pipeline is assumed to be connected to re- en by
mote earth through the impedances, Zl and Z2. These
terminations may be realized by installed grounding V - V(O)
systems, connected non-parallel pipeline sections, or Z1 =
insulating joints. The analysis is sufficiently gener-
al to cover all possible Z1,Z2,andLfor single section
buried, parallel pipelines _ E0 2Z2-(Z2+ZO)eyL(Z2-Z )e yL (llb)
r (Z2+Z )eYL_ (Z2 Z )eYL
Power Line
and Z0 is the Thevenin source impedance given by
x=0 x = L
z+z. )eyL_(Z
Z__ )e_ Y]
z1 Z2
Recognition of the ability to employ Thevenin de-
composition procedures is of prime importance since, in
this way, the effect of the load impedance can be sepa-
rated fromthatof the distributed voltage sources along
*Note that Z0 is exactly the input impedance of a trans-
Fig. 3. Geometry of a Single-Section Buried mission line of characteristic impedance, ZO, propaga-
Pipeline Parallel to Power Line tion constant, y, and length, L, terminated by Z2.
the pipe. Thus, the analysis of a multi-section pipe- tainable by computing representative values of Re(y)
line or a pipeline subject to sharp variations of in- using the calculator programs discussed later.
ducing field because of geometrical or electrical dis-
continuities can be treated by applying Thevenin pro- V(x)
cedures at the junctions or field discontinuities, as 4
discussed later in this paper. EoL Z2
Equations 10 and 11 will now be simplifiedforthe Z1 + Z2
two most important pipeline cases: the electrically
short pipeline; and the electrically long/lossy pipe-
The Electrically Short Pipeline For this analysis, O I
the length, L, of an electricallyshortpipeline satis- 0 LI
fies the inequality
-E( LZ
L < 01 -300m
1Y7K (12) z1+1
ol+ z1 + Z2
The l imi t of L for el ectri cal shortness can be obtai ned
by computing representative values of hyI using the (a) Potential Distribution
calculator programs described later.
Subject to the inequality of Equation 12, the Terminal At Either
first-order-correct approximations x = 0 or x = L

e+A -
1 + A for A = yx (13)
Ve =+ EoL Sign if t 0 Points Toward
The Remote Termination
can be used with the assurance that the error intro-
duced is of the order of only 10 percent. Substitu-
ting the approximations of Equation 13 into the general
solution of Equation 10 results in the following ex-
pression for the induced potential ona parallel, elec-
trically short pipeline: (b) Thevenin Equivalent Circuit for the
Terminal Behavior
V(x) = E (x - z +__ (14) Fig. 4. Electromagnetic Coupling to an
Electrically Short Parallel Pipeline
The potential is seen to vary linearly with distance Using the inequality of Equation 17, the general
from termination Z1, as shown in Figure 4a. The ter- solution of Equation 10 can be reduced to obtain the
minal values of V(x) are given by following simple result for the induced potential on a
parallel, electrically long/lossy pipeline:
V(O) -E0L
Z +Z (15a)

V (x)
* yx+ Z2
y(x-L)l (18)

V(L) E0L * Z +Z
z2 (15b) The potential is seen to vary exponentially with dis-
tance from each termination, as shown in Fig. 5a. The
terminal values of V(x) are given by
The dependence of V(O) and V(L) uponthevalues of
Z1 and Z& is modeled bytheThevenin equivalent circuit V(O) =
-E0° . +Z (19a)
of Fig. 4b. In the figure, the Thevenin source imped- V(0L
) y * Z2
ance, Z0, is shown to Equal Zr, the terminating imped-
ance remote from the observation point. The magnitude
of the Thevenin voltage source, Ve, is proportional to E z
the length of the pipeline section. Ve assumes the V(L) =y0 z+ (19b)
sign if EQ points-toward the remote termination, and 2Y
the "+" sign if Eo points toward the Thevenin observa-
tion point.
The Electrically Long/Lossy Pipeline The criteri- From Fig. 5a, V(O) and V(L) are seen to be the maximum
on for an electrically long/lossy pipeline is defined induced pipeline voltages. Thesevoltages are indepen-
as dent of pipeline length, assuming that the long/lossy
criterion is met. Further, the magnitude of each ter-
L > 2/Real (y) 10 km. (16) minal voltage is fixed by the local terminating imped-
ance and is independent of the nature of the remote
Subject to this condition, it can be stated that terminating impedance.

leyL = 0.1 << 1. (17) The dependence of V(0) and V(L) upon the values of
Z and Z2 is modeled by the Thevenin equivalent circuit
The limit of L for large electrical length/loss is ob- of Figure 5b. In the figure, the Thevenin source

impedance, Z0, is shown to equal ZO, the characteristic whei re rB

impedance of the pipeline. The magnitude of the Thevenin p2[BL +

(- +
C) (1-eTy)I +

voltage source, V0, is independent of pipeline length.

Ve assumes the "-" sign if Eo points toward the remote K1 =
termination. 1
[BL + (B C) (1-eyL)]
Y(Z2 + Zo) eY(x-L)
L fPi[-BL e-YL + (- + C).(l-e-L) +
O0 x
K2 = 2yZ° [-BL eyL + (_ B + C).(1-eyL)]f
L -(21c)
eYL pp2e -yL
Equation 21 will now be simplified for the electrically
short pipeline case and for the electrically long/lossy
pipeline case.

(a) Potential Distribution we

The Electrically Short Pipeline
substitute the approximations
For L < 0.1/1lyl,

~ yL

eA A + A2 (22)
Z =Z
- 1 +1
2for A =yx
oTerminal at Either y(x-L)
x = 0 or x = L
into thegeneral solution of Equation 21. After expand-
ing,wekeep only the first-order terms (yL, yx, y(x-L))
- Sign if E0 Points Toward The to obtain
Remote Termination
V(x) (-- + Cx) -
( 2 + CL) * zlz2 (23)

The terminal values of V(x) are given by

(b) Thevenin Equivalent Circuit for the

Terminal Behavior
V(0) - (-B2 + CL)

(B-L2- CL)
Z2 (24b)
Fig. 5. Electromagnetic Coupling To a +

Long/Lossy Parallel Pipeline

Effect of a Non-Constant Driving Electric Field The dependence of V(0) and V(L) upon the values of Z1
and Z2 is m2deled by a Thevenin equivalent circuit with
The driving electric field, E (s), can depend upon VQ = + 2+CL) and Z0 = Zr, where the sign of V is
given as in Figs. 4 and 5, and Zr is the terminating
position along a pipeline which dooes not parallel a impedance remote from the observation point. The mag-
power line or is adjacent to a power line electrical nitude of Ve is seen to equal the integral of Ex(s)ds
discontinuity To explore the effects of a non-con- along the length of the pipe.
stant driving field, we postulate the existence of an
electric field having a lineardependence upon position, The Electrically Long/Lossy Pipeline For L > 2/
s, along the pipe:
Real(y), have Ie-YLI (0.1, and
we able to reduce are

Ex (s) = Bs + C; 0<s < L (20) Equation 21 to obtain

Simi l ar to the paral l el pi pel i ne (constant drivi ng fi el d)
case, the analysis of the non-constant field case begins j-2B [p+(B
+ C) ( B + C)]eyx +
by substituting E (s) of Equation 20 into Equations 5a
and 5b to obtain O(x) and Q(x). These results are then
used to derive Ki and K2 of Equation 6. The solution B
V)(BL{ + C) +
(BL + +
for V(x) is as follows:
The terminal values of V(x) are given by
V(x) =
ZO *f
[K1 -

Y ] l
V(O) (B2 +) . ZZ (26a)

K2 2yZ
C)]ex (21a)
V(L) = (BL
_ B
+ C)
Y) * ~Z2 (26b)
At x = 0, the Thevenin equivalent circuit has Ze = ,o Thevenin decomposition procedures discussed earl i er,
and V.= B( + y At x = L, the Thevenin equivalent leading to a node voltage analysis at pipeline or in-
ducing field discontinuities.
circuit has Z= ZO and V = (BL B+C). Figure 6a illustrates the connection of several
arbitrary pipeline sections adjacent to a power line
Equations 21 to 26 are seen to reduce to the re- with an electrical discontinuity (phase transposition).
spective parallel pipeline expressions if coefficient The peak induced voltages are computed by introducing
B is set equal to zero, giving Ex(s) = C, a constant. a Thevenin observation plane at each junction, M, be-
The distribution specified by Equation 25 has exponen- tween dissimilar pipeline sections or at discontinui-
tial components (eYX, ey(xL)) similar to those de- ties of the driving field, as illustrated in Fig. 6b.
rived in the parallel pipeline cases. These components This placement of the Thevenin plane is based upon the
lead to voltage peaks at the ends of a non-parallel previous analyses which showed the generation of expo-
section. However,Equation25 also has a constant term nential pipelinevoltagepeaks at all non-zero impedance
(-2B/y) not present in the parallel pipeline cases. terminations of a long/lossy pipe section.
For B 7 0, this term dominates near the middle of a Phase
long/lossy pipeline section. Thus, a pipeline exposed Power Line Transposition
to a non-constant Ex(s) can have a significant voltage
at points far from its ends, even if the pipeline is
terminated by ideal grounds Z1 = Z2 = 0 at each end.
The Long/Lossy Pipeline Approach Section Upon
entering or leaving a right-of-way jointly shared with
a power line, a pipeline is subject to a driving elec-
tric field whichis virtually zero at its remote termi- 6
nation and maximum at the jointcorridor. This behavior
of thedriving field permits simplification of Equations m0
4-7, resulting in a convenient integral expression for
the terminal characteristics of a long/lossy pipeline zm
Long/Lossy Sections: M0Ml
approach section at its entry to the corridor. 0 Electrically Short: M2M3
For a long/lossy pipeline approach section of
length, L, terminated by an arbitrary Z1 at x = 0 far
from the joint corridor, the effective remote termina- (a) Locations of Thevenin Observation Planes
tion sensed at x = L (the entry to the corridor) is
simply the pipeline characteristic impedance,ZO. This
is because the driving field falls to zero somewhere
between x = 0 and x = L along the pipeline, allowing
the portion of the pipeline subjected to zero field to
act as a characteristic impedance load for the portion
being driven. Thus, p1 of Equation 7 and K1 of Equa-
tion 6a are equal to zero.
Now, the Thevenin equivalent voltage source for eLeft ) 0Right
the pipeline approach section, as observed at x = L,
the corridor entry point, is simply the open circuit
pipe voltage at L:
Ve = V(L)|
Z2 (27a)
(b) Connected Thevenin Circuits for the Induced
With Zz = 0, p, of Equation 7 is equal to 1. After Voltage Peak at Observation Plane M
computing K2, P L), and Q(L) forthis case, V is found
to be Fig. 6. Peak-Voltage Analysis of a General
Multi-Section Pipeline
-yL L rs
= e r
E (s) e ds (27b) In Fig. 6b, V
and Za left denotes the Thevenin
source voltage and impedance, respectively, for the
This expression for Ve is directly useful in its inte- pipeline seen to the left of the observation point.
gral form for practical problems, as is shown in Part Similarly, V0 and Z0 denote the Thevenin
II of this paper. It is understood that Z, is equal right -right
to Z, the pipe characteristic impedance, because of equivalent circuit of the pipeline to the right of the
the %ong/lossy nature assumed fortheapproach section. observation point. Zm denotes the mitigating grounding
impedance (if any) at M. The voltage peak, V(M), is
This section presents a computation method for Vleft + Vright (28)
the peak induced voltages on a buried pipelin;e having zrg
multiple sections with differing orientations with re- V(M) = Zleft ori ght
spect to an adjacent power line, or subject to pro- 1 1 1
nounced variations of the driving field due to power
line discontinuities. The method is based upon the z10left YM-+ le
N ri ght
where Ve and Ze can be obtained from the Thevenin equiv- complex-valued simultaneous equations describing the
alent circuits discussed previously. interactions. The solution algorithm, the Gauss-Seidel
iterative method, allows the TI-59 to process a system
From Equation 28, JV(M)j can equal zero if either as complex as five unknown earth return conductors ad-
jacent to 25 power line phase conductors, yielding both
1) ZM = 0, or (29a) the magnitude and phase of each unknown current.
2) Ve Z0 = -V Z . (29b) Mutual Impedance Program This program computes
eleft right right left the mutual impedance between adjacent, parallel, earth
return conductors using Carson's infinite series. The
For arbitrary connected buried pipeline sections, Equa- program computes and sums as many terms of the Carson
tion 29b is virtually the same as specifying an assem- series as is required to achieve 0.1% accuracy, using
bled pipeline with constant physical and electrical the recursive algorithm of Dommel,3 regardless of earth
characteristics, spatial orientation, and driving field resistivity conditions, conductor configuration (either
distribution. In other words, an induced voltage peak aerial or buried), and conductor separation.
is expected ona buried pipel i ne whereoneof these prop-
erties changes abruptly, including the Tflowingp-oints: Pipeline Characteristics Program
1) Junction between a long/lossy parallel This program computes the propagation constant, y,
section and a long/lossy non-parallel and characteristic impedance, ZO, of a buried pipeline
section (point M1); having arbitrary characteristics. The program can take
into account the burial depth, pipe diameter, pipe wall
2) Junction between two long/lossy parallel thickness, pipe steel relative permeability, pipe steel
sections having different separations resistivity, pipe coating resistivity, and earth resis-
from the power line (points M2 and M3); tivity. The computation method employed for y is a
Newton's method solution of the Sunde complex-valued
3) Adjacent to a power line phase trans- transcendental equation; ZO is then computed using the
position or a substation where phasing result for Y.15
is altered in some way (point M4);
Thevenin Circuit Program
4) Junction between two long/lossy sections
of differing electrical characteristics, This program computes the complex-valued Thevenin
for example, at a high resistivity soil- source voltage, Ve, and source impedance, Ze for the
low resistivity soil transition (point M5); terminal behavior of an arbitrary earth return conduc-
tor subject to a constant driving electric field. The
5) Impedance termination (insulator or ground nature of the conductor is specified for the program
bed) of a long/lossy section (point M6). simply by feeding in the conductor's propagation con-
stant, y, and characteristic impedance, ZO. The compu-
Points M1, M2, M3, and M6 are illustrative of pipeline tati on method involvesthe solution of Equations llb and
orientation or termination discontinuities; point M4 llc of this paper.
is illustrativeof a discontinuity of the driving field;
and point M5 is illustrative of a discontinuity of the CONCLUSIONS
pipeline electrical characteristics. The magnitude of
the voltage peak at any of these points is computed This paper has presented a prediction approach for
simply by applying Equation 28 at the discontinuity to the voltages induced on gas transmission pipelines by
the Thevenin equivalent circuits for the pipeline sec- 60 Hz ac power lines sharinga joint right-of-way. This
tions on either side. In this way, the use of a single prediction approach is based upon electrical transmis-
node equation, along with a collection of Thevenin sion line theory and allows the characterization of
equivalent pipeline circuits, is sufficient to estimate complex features such as pipeline path changes and ter-
the voltage peaks on an arbitrary multi-section, buried minations and power line electrical discontinuities.
pipeline. Multiple phase conductors, shield wires, and adjacent
grounded conductors such as railroad tracks and other
COMPUTATION AIDS pipelines can be accounted for. Advantageous use is
made of a powerful new programmable hand calculator.
IITRI has developed four major programs for the
Texas Instruments Model TI-59 programmable hand calcu- The new approach is more accurate than the over-
lator which permit rapid computation of the driving simplified methods now in general use, and yet is still
electric field, pipeline characteristics, and Thevenin usable by technicians in the field because ofthesimple
circuits needed to implement the prediction method of Thevenin formulation of voltage peaks and the use of
this paper. This section briefly summarizes the capa- magnetic card calculator programs. Field tests, to be
bilities of each program. Precise details, including discussed in Part II of this paper, verify the accuracy
program listings and usage instructions, are available of the approach when applied to actual joint-use cor-
from EPRI and AGA in the handbook to be published, or ridors.
directly from IITRI.
Driving Electric Field
[1] Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference
Unknown Currents Program This program is used Book, Fourth Edition. Westinghouse Electric Corp.,
when the currents coupled to multiple earth return 1964.
conductors near a power line are strong enough to af-
fect the driving field of the pipeline of interest. [21 "Electromagnetic Effects of Overhead Transmission
The conductors may be either power line shield wires, Lines- Practical Problems, Safeguards, and Methods
long fence wires, telephone wires, railroad tracks, or of Calculation," by IEEE Working Group on E/M and
other buried pipelines. Since the unknown currents E/S Effectsof Transmission Lines, IEEE Trans. Pow-
influence each other through mutual coupling, the solu- er App. Systems, Vol. PAS-94, pp. 892-899,May/June
tion for the currents is obtained by solving a set of 1974.

[3] H. W. Dommel et al, Discussion, IEEE Trans. Power [10] Technical Compatibility Factors for Joint-Use
App. Systems, Vol. PAS-94, pp. 900-904. Rights-of-Way (for Bureau of Land Management,
Contract 08550-CT5-5). Aerospace Corp., 1 Feb-
[4] Directives Concerning the Protection of Telecommu- ruary 1975.
nication Lines Against Harmful Effects from Elec-
tricity Lines. International Telegraph and Tele- [11] J. Pohl, "Influence of High-Voltage Overhead Lines
phone Consul tative Committee (CCITT), International on Covered Pipelines," Paper No. 326 presented at
Telecommunications Union, 1962 (supplemented 1965). CIGRE, Paris, France, June 1966.
[5] A. W. Peabody and A. L. Verhiel, "The Effects of [12] B. Favez and J. C. Gougeuil, "Contribution to Stud-
High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC) Transmis- ies on Problems Resulting from the Proximity of
sion Lines on Buried Pipelines," Paper No. PCI- OverheadLines with Underground Metal Pipe Lines,"
70-32 presentedat IEEE/IGA Petroleum and Chemical Paper No. 336 presented at CIGRE, Paris, France,
Industry Conference, Tul sa, Oklahoma, 15 September June 1966.
[13] D. N. Gideon et al., Final Report on Project San-
[6] C. G. Siegfried, "AC Induced Interference on Pipe- guine. Parametric Study of Costs for Interference
lines," presented at Interpipe 73 Conference, Miti gation in Pi pelines (to IIT Research Institute).
Houston, Texas, 31 October 1973. Battel le Col umbus Laboratories, Columbus, Ohio,
30 September 1971.
[7] C. A. Royce, "Alternating Current Problems of
Pipelines," presented at A.G.A. Operating Section [14] J. R. Sherbundy, The Effects of High Voltage Over-
Transmission Conference, Houston, Texas, 18 May head Transmission Lines on Underground Pipelines.
1971. M.S. Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Ohio State University, 1975.
[8] E. C. Paver, Sr., "The Effects of Induced Current
on a Pipeline," Paper No. 54 presented at NACE [15] E. D. Sunde, Earth Conduction Effects in Transmis-
26th Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Pa., 2-6 sion Systems, New York: Dover Publications, 1968,
March 1970. pp. 14-16 and pp. 146-149.
[9] M. A. Puschel, "Power Lines and Pipelines in Close [16] E. F. Vance, DNA Handbook Revision, Chapter 11,
Proximity During Construction and Operation," Ma- Coupling to Cables (for Dept. of the Army, Con-
terials Performance, Vol. 12, pp. 28-32, December tract DAAG39-74-C-0086). Stanford Research In-
1973. stitute, Menlo Park, CA., December 1974

For Combined Discussion, see page 791

788 IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-98, No. 3 May/June 1979
John Dabkowski Allen Taflove, Member, IEEE
IIT Research Institute
10 West 35th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60616
Abstract- The results of field tests on a buried, was assumed for the pipeline coating resistivity, based
34-inch diameter gas pipeline adjacent to a 525 kV ac upon furnished data.
power transmission line for 54 miles are discussed.
Comparison is made between measured inductive coupling Power line currents were obtained at the time of
data and predictions obtained using the theory devel- the field tests by a two-way radio link with the appro-
oped in part I of this paper. An excellent agreement priate Edison substation. An average loading of 700
of the predicted and measured results is shown for the amperes was reported during the duration of the tests.
location and magnitude of all induced voltage peaks on Hence, all experimental and calculated data discussed
the pipeline. in this paper are normalized to, or based upon, an as-
sumed 700-amperes balanced current loading.
A clockwise-phase-sense transposition is used on
In order to examine the accuracyand usefulness of the power line. West of the transposition, the phase
the inductive coupling prediction method discussed in currents are IA' IC, and IB in a south-to-north direc-
Part I of this paper, IITRI recently conducted field tion, respectively. East of the transposition, the
testsonan existing buried pipeline/ac power line cor- corresponding phase currents are IB, IA, and IC. All
ridor. Specifically, during April, 1977, tests were measured and predicted electric fields and voltages in
conducted in the Mojave Desert on Southern California this paper are phase-referenced to IA, which is as-
Gas Company Line 235, a 34-inch diameter gas trans- signed a phase of 00.
mission pipeline extending from Newberry to Needles,
California. This pipeline shares a right-of-way with LONGITUDINAL ELECTRIC FIELD STUDIES
a Southern California Edison 525 kV power transmission
line for 54 miles and is subject to considerable elec- Prediction Method
tromagnetic induction. Two objectives of the tests were:
In order to apply the results of Part I of this
1. Measurement of the longitudinal electric paper, the longitudinal driving electric field, Ex(s),
field to determine the accuracy of the at the pipeline must be known along the entire route.
electric field predictionmethod employing Since the only contributors to Ex were the known power
Carson's infinite series; and line phase currents, IA, I$, and IC (theshieldwire)
2. Measurement of the pipeline voltage dis- currents were zero due to their single-point grounding),
tribution to determine the accuracy of the driving field was computed simply as
the inductive coupling prediction method (1)
i n l ocati ng and quanti zi ng pi pel i ne vol t- Ex(s) = IAZA(S) + IBZB(s) + ICZC(s)
age peaks. where ZA(s), ZB(s), and Zc(s) represent the
Carson mu-
The experiments indicated an excellent agreement tual impedances between the respective phase lines and
of the predicted and measured distributions of electric the pipeline at location, s, along the pipeline. ZAS
field and pipeline voltage. The experiments also ZB, and ZC were computed using the Carson's infinite
showed the utility of the hand calculator programs for series program, developed for the programmable calcula-
computing key data inputs under field conditions. This tor, reviewed in Part I.
paper summarizes important results of these field tests. Had the shield wires been multiply-grounded, or
TEST SITE had other long earth return conductors been present in
the joint right-of-way, the programmable calculator un-
The electric power transmission line meets the known currents program discussed in Part I would have
gas pipeline at pipeline milepost 47.9 (47.9 miles been used to determine the magnitude and phase of the
west of Needles, California) and leaves it at milepost current in each conductor in the presence of the pipe-
101.7, as shown in Figure 1. The power line is in a line. Then, the driving field would have been computed
horizontal configuration with a transposition at mile- as
post 69 and with single-point grounded shield wires. Ex(s) = IAZA(s) + IBZB(S) + ICZC(s) (2)
No other conductors or pipelines share the right-of-way.
Average earth resistivity in the test site was m
measured at 40 kQ-cm. An average value of 700 ko-ft2
+ z I.Z.(s)
j=1 J J
where Ij is the current in the jth earth-return con-
ductor in the ROW, and Zj(s) is the Carson mutual im-
pedance between the jth earth-return conductor and the
pipeline at location, s, along the pipeline. If addi-
F 78 699-1. A paper recamnended and approved by tional electric circuits had been present on the ROW,
then the effects of each extra phase conductor current
the IEEInsulated Ccnductors Canmittee of the IEEE would haveto be taken into account in both the unknown
Power Engineering Society for presentation at the currents program and the final summation for EX(s).
IEEE PES Summer Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, July 16-
21, 1978. Manuscript submitted February 1, 1978;
made available for printing April 26, 1978.
0018-9510/79/0500-788$00.75 0 1979 IEEE


-101.7- 89 47.9

Field Test Procedures directly under the power line. Again, IA serves as the
phase reference (4= 00).
Readings for the magnitude and relative phase of
Ex(s) were obtained using instrumentation developed by It was not possible to measure the absolute values
IITRI. The key elements of the instrumentation are of the electric field phase relative to the reference
separate reference-point and test-point grounded probe phase current, IA. However, phase measurements relative
wires, used with a Hewlett-Packard Model HP 3575 gain- to two ground locations were possible, and hence dif-
phase meter. The probe wires andthemeter are shielded ferences of the absolute values listed in Table II were
in a manner so as to eliminate measurement error due to measurable. For example, confirmation of the phase re-
spurious pickup of the power line's transverse (elec- versal occurringon opposite sides of the power line was
trostatic) field and stray radio frequencyfields. Fur- readily obtained
ther, to avoid error due to coupling by the induced
pipeline current, free electric field measurements were Table II
made at a location of large separation between the pipe- Electric Field Phase
line and the power line (i.e., west of milepost 101.7).
Resul ts West of East of
Table I lists the predicted and measured results Transposi tion Transposition
for |EXI at varying distances from the power line. All -1200 00
computations and data are normalized to the case of + 600 1800
700 ampere balanced current loading of the power line.
Longitudinal Electric Field Results Prediction Method
The node analysis discussed in Part I of this paper
Distance from Predicted Measured predicts the appearance of separably-calculable pipe-
Power Line Field Field line voltage peaks atall discontinuities of a pipeline-
(feet) (volts/km) (volts/km) power line geometry spaced by more than 2/Real (y) me-
0 10.2 10.4 ters along the pipeline. Using the pipeline character-
20 18.3 14.3 istics program reviewed in Part I, a value ofy= (0.115
40 27.3 24.5 + j 0.096) km-1 = 0.15 /400 km- 1 was computed for the
60 29.0 27.0 Mojave pipeline. Thus, all geometry discontinuities
80 27.2 22.2 spaced by more than (2/0.115) km = 17.4 km 10 miles
100 24.2 22.2 were assumed to be locations of separable induced volt-
200 14.0 14.0 age peaks. These discontinuities include:
300 9.5 8.5
600 4.8 4.0 1. Milepost 101.7 (near end of pipeline
1000 2.9 1.6 approach section);
5000 0.4 2. Milepost 89 (abrupt separation change);
10,000 i 0.1
3. Milepost 78 (abrupt separation change );
For the balanced current case, lExl was found to be the 4. Milepost 69 (power line phase trans-
same for equal distances both north and south of the position);
power line and also on both sides of the power line
transposition. 5. Mi l epost 55 (abrupt separation change);
6. Milepost 47.9 (pipeline intersecting
Table II lists the predicted phase of E at dis- the power line).
tances between 60 feet and 2000 feet from tAe power
line. The phase tended to remain relatively constant The voltages at these mileposts were predicted by
at the tabulated values except for rapid variations applying Equation 28 of Part I to the Thevenin equiva-
lent pipeline circuits observed at each point. Assum- the power line occurs at a fixed pipeline-power line
ing that the pipeline characteristics y and ZO were separation of 300 feet. From Tables I and II, Eleft
constant with position along the pipeline, Zeleft and 9.5/-1200 vol ts/km and Eright 9.5 /00 volts/km, glving
ZOHriht observed at each Thevenin plane were set con-
stant at the value ZO (due to the long/lossy nature of
the adjacent pipe sections). Further, ZM was assumed to
IV(69)I1 3.33 *1(9.5 /-1200)- (9.5 /00)1
equal infinity at each Thevenin plane because no ac - 54,8 vol ts (7)
mitigation grounds were connected at the time to the Milepost 55: By a few miles west of milepost 55,
pipeline. Equation 28 was thus simplified to the lateral separation has gradually increased to ap-
proximately 500 feet. At Milepost 55 there isan abrupt
discontinuity wherethe lateral separation becomes about
V(M) = V 2left Veright (3a) 1200 feet. From Tables I and II,

For the important special case where the driving Eleft -

EX15001 =
5.8 /00 volts/km, and
electric field had a step discontinuity at M, that is,
Ex(M+) = Elet and ExYM-)= Eright, Equation 3a can be
further simplified to Eright - Ex11200' 2.4 /00 volts/km, giving
IV(55)1 3.33 1(5.8 /0°) - (2.4 /00)1
V 2(M)
= [ r ) + E y )] (3b) 11.3 volts (8)
giving Milepost 47.9; The power line and pipeline ap-
IV(M)l = eft Erightl = E l proach this point from the west at a separation of ap-
21y I~ proximately 300 feet. At mile 47.9, the power line
crosses the pipeline at an angle of about 220, and con-
tinues onward. Similar to the case at Milepost 101.7,
In Equations 3a - 3c, the definition and sign of V f the drop-off in electric field strength with increasing
and VQrioht were taken from Figure 5b of Part I, er distance from the power line is sufficiently fast so
substituting the computed value of IyI = 0.15 km1, the that the contribution to the observation point voltage
final form of the peak voltage prediction equation was from the departing leg is small. Hence, E ht 0 and
Eleft E1300 = 9.5 /00volts/km (from Table r and II,
IV(M) I =
0.3 = 3.331AE(M)I. (3d) giving 3.300
To illustrate this computational approach, the pre-
IV(47.9)1 3.33 1(9.5 /00) - 01
dicted voltage peaks are calculated using Equation 3d, -
31.6 volts (9)
starting at the west end of the shared right-of-way.
Field Test Results
Milepost 101.7: The first discontinuity occurs
here because the power line approaches the pipeline to Figure 2 plotsboththe measured ac voltage profile
a distance of 200 feet. The angle of approach is 450 of the Mojave pipeline and the computed voltage peaks.
and, in general, it will be found that for angles great- The solid curve represents voltages measured by IITRI;
er than 15° to 200 that the drop-off in electric field the dashed curve is a set of data (normalized to 700
strength with increasing distance from the power line amperes power line current) obtained by a Southern
is sufficiently fast so that the contribution to the California Gas Company survey in December 1976.
observation point voltage from the approaching leg is
small, as may be verified by performing a trapezoidal From Figure 2, it is apparent that the prediction
integrationof Equation 27b Qf Part I. Hence, Eleft 0 method of this paper succeeded in locating and quantiz-
and Eright EX1200' = 14.0 /-1200 Volts/km (from Ta-
bles I and II), giving
ing each of the pipeline voltage peaks with an error of
less than + 20%. Considering the effects of finely-
detailed ground resistivity non-uniformities and cou-
IV(101.7)1 = 3.33 * 114.0 /-1200) - 01 pling between adjacent discontinuities (not accounted
for when using the Thevenin node analysis of long/lossy
46.6 volts (4) sections), this level of accuracy is sufficient for many
engineering purposes and greatly exceeds that of pre-
Milepost 89: The next discontinuity is a result vious available approaches.
of the pipeline-power line separation increasing to
about 3500 feet in the 78 to 89 mile region. From Ta- CONCLUSIONS
bles I and II, E1 ExI200' 14.0 /-1200 volts/km
and Eright Ex 1356t 0.6 /-1200 volts/km, giving Experimental verification has been obtained for the
peak-inductive-coupling prediction method of Part I of
IV(89)I 3.33 * 1(14.0 /-1200) - (0.6 /-.1200)I this paper. Locations of induced voltage peaks on bur-
ied pipelines are readily identifiable and their magni-
44.6 volts (5) tudes calculable with an accuracy not obtainable pre-
Milepost 78: At this point, the pipeline-power
line separation decreases to about 300 feet. From Ta- As shown, the peak-voltage calculations for the
bles I and II, Eleft E 13500' 0.6 /-1200 volts/km Mojave pipeline are quite simple. This is due to the
and Eright - Ex13001 9.9 /-1200 volts/km, giving fact that successive pipeline/powerlinediscontinuities
were spaced far enough apart to minimize their inter-
IV(78)I1 3.33 1(0.6 /-1200) - (9.5 /-1200)1 action. Ina dense urban environment, this would not be
the case. Here, the cal cul ations would become more com-
= 29.6 volts (6) plex, but voltage prediction in this situation would
still be within the scope of the distributed source
Milepost 69: At this point, a transposition of theory and programmable calculator programs developed
in Part I of this paper.

70 r
Measured During Tests
--- Previous Survey Extrapolation
> 50
0 Calculated Peak Values
Ol 40 I
> 30

30 _-

I^V/ t!

4 10
\- IV

oj I I I -
100 90 80 70 60 50 40

Miles - Measured West From Needles, Ca.


REFERENCE Allen Taflove (M'75) was born in Chicago, II, on June

14, 1949. He received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. de-
[1] Work reported in Parts I and II of this paper was grees from Northwestern University, Evanston, II, in
done under EPRI Contract No. RP742-1 and PRC/AGA 1971, 1972, and 1975, respectively all in electrical
Contract No. PR132-80. engineering.
In 1975 he joined the IIT Research Institute,
John Dabkowski was born in Chicago, IL, on February 15, Chicago, IL. His work has been in the area of the in-
1933. He received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D degrees in teraction of electromagnetic fields with complex scat-
electrical engineering from Illinois Instituteof Tech- terers or Systems. Currently he is a Research Engineer
nology, in 1955, 1960, and 1969, respectively. and is responsible for microwave interaction studies
and i nnovati ve fuel recovery techni ques. He has appl i ed
He is a Senior Engineer with IIT Research Insti- for two U. S. patents and has authored five published
tute, Chicago, IL, and presently is the project engi- papers.
neer for a program concerned with the evaluation and
mitigationof the effects of induced ac voltages on Dr. Taflove is a member of the IEEE Antennas and
natural gas transmission pipelines. Propagation and Microwave Theory and Techniques Soci-
eties, Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, and AAAS.
Dr. Dabkowski is a member of Sigma Xi.

Combined Discussion" 2

H. W. Dommel (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada) deriving Thevenin equivalent circuits which depend on the two ter-
and J. E. Drakos, P. S. Wong, R. M. Shier, and J. H. Sawada (British minating impedances Z, and Z2, we derived a termination-inde-pendent
Columbia Hydro and Power Authority, Vancouver, Canada): We are equivalent n-circuit. The impedances of this n-circuit are identical with
particularly interested in these two papers, because, as one part of a those of the equivalent n-circuit for long overhead lines familiar to
study which we are just completing for the Canadian Electrical Associa- power engineers. The only difference is a current source + I across one
tion (Research Project 75-02), we have also developed methods for terminal and another current source - I across the other terminal,
predicting induced voltages and currents in pipelines paralleling ac which are a function of the longitudinal driving electric field E.. A
transmission lines. Our methods are similar in principle with the general multi-section pipeline, as in Fig. 6(a) of the authors' paper, is
authors' method, but differ somewhat in detail because our goal was then modelled as a cascade connection of such active n-circuits. While
not the development of simple hand calculator techniques, for which not as simple as the authors' method, it does not require a knowledge of
the authors are to be congratulated. the terminating impedances Z, and Z2.
Our first approach was based on work done by Boecker and In our second approach we used multi-conductor n-circuits, which
Oeding [1]. This is an excellent, though not well known reference, are the generalization of the well-known single-phase n-circuit. A three-
which discusses the influence of earth resistivity and coating conductivi- phase power line with two shield wires and two parallel pipelines is sim-
ty (which can vary greatly) and shows good agreement between ply modelled as a 7-conductor system with a 7 x 7 series impedance
calculated and measured pipeline voltages and currents. Instead of matrix per unit length and a 7 x 7 shunt admittance matrix per unit
length. The equivalent multiconductor n-circuit is found from these per
unit length matrices either through eigenvalue/eigenvector analysis or
'A. Taflove and J. Dabkowski, Prediction Method For Buried Pipeline through a cascade connection of short "nominal" n-circuits [2]. To
Voltages Due to 60 Hz AC Inductive Coupling, Pt. I: Analysis, this issue, pp. complete the model, three-phase Thevenin equivalent circuits must be
780. added to both ends of the power line which will produce correct power
flow and short-circuit currents (similar to Thevenin equivalent circuits
2J. Dabkowski and A. Taflove, Prediction Method For Buried Pipeline used in switching surge studies). The network solution will then produce
Voltages Due to 60 Hz AC Inductive Coupling, Pt. Il: Field Test Verification, voltages and currents on the pipelines as well as in the power line and
this issue, pp. 788. shield wires. This approach is unnecessarily complicated for routine
studies, but it is well suited for analyzing transient conditions. should take the pipeline as a part of the whole electrical system in the
Preliminary studies have shown that fairly high voltages may be induc- analysis as well as A.C. power lines because they are electrically in-
ed in the pipeline during power line switching (e.g., during normal terlinked and form a complete system. All the unknowns should be
energization). Since frequencies up to a few kHz are involved in swit- solved simultaneously. The authors' comments are appreciated.
ching surges, the equivalent n-circuit must be replaced by cascade con-
nections of short nominal multiconductor n-circuits in this case, with Manuscript received August 14, 1978.
the section length typically in the order of 0.08 km. Approximate
modelling of the frequency dependence of line parameters did not
change the switching-surge-induced overvoltages significantly. Donald C. Anderson (Southern California Gas Company, Los Angeles,
Would it be easy for the authors to calculate currents in the CA): Figure 1 showing the Mohave Desert pipeline-power line geometry
pipeline as well? Currents in the pipe may be of concern if a single- is a simplified depiction of the actual spatial relationships between the
line-to-ground fault occurs on the power line, where 30% or more of facilities. At Milepost 89 the power line actually recedes from the
the fault current may return through the pipe. Do the authors foresee pipeline at an angle of approximately 4°. This is not the same as the
any convergence difficulties in the "Unknown Currents Program" if abrupt separation change depicted in Figure 1 and treated as such
the number of unknown currents gets close to the upper limit of 5? mathematically in equation (5), i.e., Eright EX13500' - 0.6 L - 1200
Gauss elimination would be direct, of course, but may no longer fit into volts/km (from Table 1). Recognition of the shallow angle at which the
programmable hand calculators. power line recedes from the pipeline beginning at Milepost 89 would ap-
One of the key parameters affecting pipeline induced voltages is the pear to result in a lower predicted voltage at Milepost 89 but a
pipeline shunt conductance per unit length, which has two series com- significantly higher voltage easterly of Milepost 89. This seems to be
ponents-the coating conductance per unit length and the earth con- consistent with the voltage pattern measured during the tests, as shown
ductance per unit length. The authors refer to a "coating resistivity" of in Figure 2. Assistance in how to treat less than abrupt separation
700 kQ * ft2. Does this mean that the resistance through one square foot changes in the context of the prediction method would be appreciated.
of coating is 700kQ, or is this actually the resistivity value of the coating At Milepost 78, E,,f, is shown as approximately equal to E.j3500' -
but with units of kQ ft?. If the former applies, the coating conduc- 0.6 L - 120° volts/km. Since the approach angle at the point of obser-
tance per unit length of pipeline turns out to be about 0.04 mS/m. vation is 900 (Figure 1) and a lesser but still significant angle in the field,
Could the authors give more details on the test procedure used to deter- I wonder why E,,f, is not shown as equal to zero. This would result in a
mine the value of 700 kQ ft2, and also give a description of the slightly higher predicted voltage at Milepost 78, which again appears to
coating? be consistent with the voltages measured during the tests. Further, for
Inserting the value of earth resistivity of 400 Q m and the dc com-
- Milepost 101. 7 and Milepost 47.9, E,ft and E,ight respectively are shown
ponent of the author's value of y into Sunde's expression for the earth as zero because "the drop-off in electrical field strength with increasing
conductance per unit length yields a value of about 0.8 mS/m. The distance from the power line is sufficiently fast so that the contribution
relative magnitudes of coating and earth conductances per unit length to the observation point voltage from the approaching/departing leg is
indicate a well coated pipeline. However, in some cases the coating con- small". A reason for the different treatment of essentially similar ap-
ductance per unit length may be large with respect to the earth conduc- proach angles would be appreciated.
tance per unit length, e.g. where the coating is poor or the earth
resistivity is high. In these cases only a portion of the total ac voltage Manuscript received August 14. 1978.
from pipeline to remote earth appears across the coating. The expected
voltage from pipeline to near earth should then be obtained by taking R. E. Aker (Southern California Edison Co., Rosemead, CA): The
the total calculated voltage and apportioning it across the coating and authors are commended for their contributions to the distributed source
earth conductances. Have the authors made field tests where this analysis approach to the prediction of induced voltages on buried
modification was required? pipelines.
Perhaps the derivation of Equation I Ic would be clearer if it was
REFERENCES noted that Equations 10 and 1 lb are substituted into Equation 1 la to
get Equation 1 lc. This derivation also leads to the determination of the
[1 H. Boecker and D. Oeding, "Induced voltages in pipelines on the load current through the terminating impedance:
right-of-way of high voltage lines (in German), "Elektrizitatswirt- I(0) = V(0)/Z, = Eo/y [2Z2 - (Z2 + ZO)eYL - (Z2 - Zo)evL]/
schaft", vol. 65, pp. 157-170, 1966. [(Z1 + ZJ) (Z2 + ZJ)eYL (Z, - ZJ) (Z2 Zo)e-yl.
[21 User's manual for program "Line Constants of Overhead Lines",
- -

Bonneville Power Administration, June 1972. A transposition in a power line adjacent to a pipeline is an in-
teresting case where the transposition could induce a peak voltage onto
Manuscript received August 15, 1978. the pipeline. This paper indicates that even a mere phase shift in the
driving electric field, due to the transposition, induces a peak voltage
Luke Yu (The Ralph M. Parsons Company, Pasadena, CA): The where one might expect a nullifying effect.
authors are to be commended for presenting two fine articles regarding The Southern California Edison Company is applying this
the induced voltage in buried pipeline from a nearby A.C. power distributed source analysis approach to various transmission line pro-
transmission line. This phenomena became more significant at the ad- jects. Edison's proposed 240 mile long Devers-Palo Verde 525kV
vent of EHV or UHV power transmissions. Upon having gone with Transmission Line is expected to parallel approximately 100 miles of
great interest through the papers, I would like to express my viewpoints several sections of buried pipeline. The analysis presently indicates that
and raise some queries: a peak voltage of up to 300 volts could be induced at the insulated ter-
1. In order to determine the interference between an overhead A.C. minals of some of these sections.
power line and an adjacent above-ground communication circuit, a
rigorous method should take into account the distributed inductive and Manuscript received August 1, 1978.
capacitive couplings as well as the line terminations of both systems. I
found that a hugh discrepancy exists between the computed results bas-
ed on a rigorous approach and on a simple method which takes into
consideration the mutual inductive coupling only for a sample study. Adrian L. Verhiel (Trans Mountain Pipe Line Company Ltd., Van-
2. Ex(s), the driving field appears to be the governing factor in couver, B.C.): I commend the authors for this interesting and signifi-
determining the induced pipeline voltage. However, as shown in Equa- cant research on the methods developed to predict the potentials that
tion (1) of Part II, Ex(s) is simply computed from the products of line may result from 60 Hz-A.C. induction coupling in buried pipelines.
currents and mutual impedances. It appears to me a more precise ap- For over 10 years, we have carried out tests and measurements on these
proach should be adopted in determining Ex(s). In fact, the line cur- problems with very marginal results due to inadequate basic research.
rents vary along the lines especially for long EHV or UHV power The induced potential, being a function of the pipeline propaga-
transmission lines. tion constant y and the characteristic impedance Zo are both dependent
3. As shown in Table I of Part II, the predicted field values and the on pipeline resistance. The methods of induced potential calculations
measured field data appear in general to be pretty close. However, there apply to gas pipelines, normally of constant wall thickness. What would
are certain degrees of discrepancy between them with respect to dif- be the effect if applied to liquid pipelines with large varying wall
ferent distances. In my opinion the study of induced pipeline voltage thicknesses in relative short distances?
In remote areas where commercial electric power is not The following comments are provided to the discussion of Messrs.
economically available, cathodic protection for the pipelines may be Dommel, Drakos, Wong, Shier, and Sawada.
supplied by sacrificial anode systems. The latter may be of the 1) Unless one is at a large distance (> 2/Rey) from an end, it is not
distributed anode type or of the concentrated anode bed variety. What clear how the discussors can dispense with knowledge of the pipeline
would be the effect of the various point grounds on the induced poten- terminating impedances, Z, and Z2, in determining induced pipeline
tial? voltages using the approach of Boecker and Oeding. Z1 and Z2 can
In determining the pipeline characteristics, it appears that only range from very high values (for insulator terminations) to very low
single pipeline cases have been considered. What would be the effect on values (for ground-bed terminations) and are shown by the distributed
multiple pipelines in the same right-of-way? The electrical constants of source analysis approach to definitely affect the position and magnitude
the pipeline characteristics could vary considerably due to the pipelines' of pipeline voltage peaks.
mutual impedance and it is wondered if future consideration will be 2) Currents in a pipeline are computed using Equation 4a of Part I.
given to this part of the problem. Table I under "Results" may require The simplification of this equation was not pursued in the paper
some clarification as to the distance from the powerline. because the emphasis was on induced pipeline voltages. The authors
The authors have laid a very important foundation for calculating acknowledge that pipeline currents may be of concern during fault con-
induced potential effects on buried pipelines and it is hoped that further ditions. An approximate value of the maximum induced pipeline cur-
research will be carried out to enable the pipeline industry to calculate rent can be obtained by applying the Unknown Currents Program,
the effects mentioned above and to develop the necessary mitigation discussed in the section Computation Aids.
methods. 3) The authors foresee no convergence difficulties in the Unknown
It is now up to the industry to apply the suggested methods and Currents Program if the number of unknown currents gets close to the
report the findings for varification. upper limit of 5. The upper limit here is determined solely by the
memory limits of the calculator used. The basic Gauss-Seidel solution
Manuscript received June 26, 1978. algorithm is well known and has been used successfully to solve
much larger systems of equations.
4) The pipeline coating resistivity means the resistance observed
Allen Taflove and John Dabkowski: The authors thank the discussors through one square foot of coating. The coating resistance was not
for their comments and interest in the companion papers. The questions directly measured by the authors. The value given is estimated from a
for each of the prepared discussions will be addressed in turn. value measured at the time of pipe installation which was adjusted to
In reply to the question from Mr. A. L. Verhiel, the following take into account subsequent deterioration. This latter factor was
comments are offered. estimated on the basis of the increase in time of the impressed cathodic
1) If the wall-thickness variations of liquid-carrying pipelines occur protection current required to maintain a constant pipe-to-soil poten-
in short distances relative to 2/Real (y), the effect of the variations upon tial. Details of the coating composition are unknown to the authors.
the induced pipeline potential is greatly smoothed. In effect, for this 5) For a good coating, as in this case, the total ac voltage from the
case, choosing an average value of pipe thickness is sufficiently ac- pipeline to remote earth appears essentially across the coating. Situa-
curate. If, however, variations in wall thickness occurs at much longer tions have been encountered on other pipelines where current leakage
intervals [comparable to or greater than 2/Real (y)], the node analysis from the pipe was significant and care had to be taken in obtaining a
should be applied using the particular value of wall thickness to deter- true remote earth termination for the measurement voltmeter.
mine the induced voltage peak at that point. The analysis is valid for The following comments are provided to the discussion of Mr.
both liquid and natural gas transmission and distribution pipelines. D.C. Anderson.
2) Point grounds located at large intervals [comparable to 2/Real
(y)] can be accounted for by applying the node analysis at the location 1) The authors have found that a pipeline section receding from an
of each point ground, using as a value of ZM of Figure 6 and Equation ac power line at virtually any angle greater than 00 develops only a small
28 the value of the ac grounding impedance of the ground bed. In value of Thevenin source voltage, Vy, observed at the point of closest
general, if ZM is small compared to ZO of the pipeline, mitigation of in- approach to the power line. A good rule of thumb is that VO can be set
duced pipeline voltages will be achieved within an interval of 2/Real (y) to zero for pipe sections having recession angles exceeding Real (y) x
of the ground bed. Now, if a distributed anode system is installed, i.e., 100, where y is the pipeline propagation constant taken in units of km-1.
if point grounds are connected at very small intervals relative to 2/Real Essentially, at angles larger than this, only an electrically short section
(y), the principal effect of the grounds is to increase the effective of the receding pipeline is subject to an appreciable driving electric
average admittance of the pipeline coating and thus increase the field, resulting in a relatively small voltage contribution of the entire
magnitude of y. Here, the relative increase in pipeline mitigation, ob- receding section. Thus, in the paper, all angled pipeline sections were
tained for the entire length of the distributed anode system, can be considered to essentially develop a zero voltage contribution since all
determined by computing the magnitude of y before and after the in- had recession angles exceeding Real (y) x 100 = 0.115 x 10° = 10.
stallation, and forming the ratio of the computed magnitudes. 2) Use of this assumption is relatively obvious for the calculations
3) Although this paper deals only with the single pipeline case (for made at Mileposts 101.7 and 47.9. At both locations the pipeline com-
simplicity), multiple pipelines in the same right-of-way can be accom- pletely receded from the power line. At Mileposts 89 and 78, the
modated by the analysis. For most cases of pipeline coating quality, pipeline receded from the power line a large but still finite distance.
earth resistivity, and separation between adjacent pipelines, it can be Hence, a small but larger than zero contribution to the induced voltage
shown that the mutual impedance between pipelines is dominated by could be expected from the receding sections. An approximate method
the inductive component, calculable by Carson's series, rather than the to take this into account, as used in the paper, thus yielded non-zero
resistive component, due to the direct interchange of pipe currents values for Er,gh, at Milepost 89 and E,f, at Milepost 78, respectively. A
through the earth. Thus, the Unknown Currents Program, discussed more detailed and rigorous discussion of the treatment of the Thevenin
under the heading Computation Aids, can be used with accuracy to characterization of pipeline departure and approach sections is contain-
compute the mutual effects between as many as five pipelines in the ed in the reference book to be published. The main attempt of the
same right-of-way. A more detailed description of this case is contained material presented in this paper was to establish the concept that a
in the reference book to be published. voltage peak on the pipeline can be expected at a location of an electric
4) In Table I of Part II, the distance from the power line is field discontinuity.
measured from the center phase conductor. The following comments are provided to the discussion of Mr. L.
The following comments are provided to the discussion of Mr. R. Yu.
E. Aker. 1) The paper dealt only with inductive coupling to buried pipelines,
1) Equations I1 a, 1 lb, and 1 lc of Part I are in fact a direct decom- and not to above-ground communications circuits. Capacitive coupling
position of Equation 10 for the case x = 0. The purpose of performing to buried pipelines is negligible.
this decomposition is to prove that the terminal behavior of a pipeline 2) Part II of the paper dealt only with a single verification case in-
can be represented by a Thevenin equivalent-circuit where the effects of volving a simple right-of-way containing one ac power line and one
inducing field, pipeline characteristics, and load impedances can be pipeline. Here, E. (s) can be taken simply as a summation of the pro-
conveniently separated. ducts of line currents and mutual impedances. However, as explained in
2) As noted, a key consequence of the theory is the importance of Part I, the analysis is sufficiently general to take into account the
the phase of the inducing field. In particular, rapid shifts of the phase presence of multiple conductors in the right-of-way, such as pipelines,
with distance along the pipeline lead to pronounced induced pipeline shield wires, and railroad tracks. The Unknown Currents Program,
voltge peaks. summarized in the section Computation Aids, can account for the
mutual interaction between up to five long earth-return conductors in Another way of looking at this situation is that the phase currents are
the right-of-way. This program has been used successfully in a number provided by a voltage source with a very low source impedance relative
of other case history tests involving much more complicated rights-of- to the Carson mutual impedance between the phase conductors and the
way than that discussed in Part 11. Full description of these case pipeline. The authors believe that solving for the phase currents
histories and the usage of all of the computation aids is contained in the simultaneously with the pipe current introduces needless complication
reference book to be published. in this situation, given the added work involved and the marginal in-
3) Under the non-fault conditions discussed in the paper, the authors crease in accuray. However, this is not the case during power line fault
have found that the induced current in pipelines buried near ac power conditions when 30% or more of the fault current may return through
lines has a limit of about 5% of the typical phase conductor current. the pipe due to earth current effects as well as Carson-type coupling.
The reaction of this pipeline current back to the phase conductor cur- Here, accuracy demands a simultaneous solution of all currents.
rents is typically small enough so that, for all practical purposes, the
phase currents can be treated as being unaffected by the pipe current. Manuscript received October 16, 1978.

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