Analysis Wireless Power Supplies For Industrial Automation Systems
Analysis Wireless Power Supplies For Industrial Automation Systems
Analysis Wireless Power Supplies For Industrial Automation Systems
Novel power supplies for use in applications such as figure I - Example automation application with a robot and a
robotics, automated production machines, and applications power supply using a large air-gap transformer:
with high insulation requirements where wired energy A Secondary coils (in wireless sensor modules)
B: Communication antenna(s)
transfer is not suitable have recently been proposed [I], [2], C Wireless VO module with field bus plug
[3],[4]. These power supplies together with suitable wireless . D Primary
communication devices eliminate wires and connectors which E: Primary coil@)
were identified as one of the major causes of equipment
down-time. Alternatives, such as batteries, are not well suited 11. SYSTEM CHARACTERIZATION
for long-term, reliable operation in high volume applications
(e.g. > 10.000 units for >10 years). The coils can be represented as a system of loosely coupled
Unconventional transformers with large air-gaps are used to inductors with the self-inductances Lyy and L, of each. coil
supply energy to the load via magnetic fields over distances coupled with each other coil by kpr,y, kyxyy,and/or ksxAy(where
up to several meters and provide for the wireless supply of p represents a primary coil, s represents a secondary coil, and
power to devices such as sensors, coinmunication devices, or x and y represent the x' and y' coil). However, each time
actuators.' As an example, Figure 1 depicts the main that a coil is moved the entire set of coupling factors relating
transformer components being used. Multiple primary coils to that coil must be recalculated. The system becomes
consisting of one or several coils per plane form an extremely complicated as the number of elements is
orthogonal system. The secondary coils, each consisting of increased. The number of coupling factors Nk that must be
three coils each wound around one of the three axes of a calculated is given by
cube-shaped ferrite core are placed inside the box formed by
the primary coil(s). Both the primary and secondary
components operate in resonance, which allows power
transfer to the load to be optimized. where Cs is the number of secondary coils and Cp is the
In order to properly analyze the system, the coupling number of primary coils in the system.
between each individual primary and secondary must be Figure 2 shows a system with two primary coils and three
understood and described. Formulas describing the coupling secondary coils. Note that although each secondary shown in
between all possible coil combinations are presented in this Figure 2 is actually comprised of three coils wrapped around
paper, and a transformer equivalent circuit model is used to a ferrite core, these coils are 90 degrees apart spatially and
further explain the operation of the system. therefore are not coupled to each other in the ideal case.
load to receive constant power regardless of the orientation of (4)
the secondary with respect to the primary coil or coils. For
+ w)
the purpose of this analysis, coupling between coils on one
secondary will be neglected. The term “secondary coil” will
refer to one ferrite cube with one coil wrapped around each of
its axes.
1( I
2(1+ w ) .tq
where 1 and w are the lengths of the sides of the rectangle,
Figure 2 can be simplified by ignoring the coupling and N is the number of turns in the coil.
between secondary coils that are not located within a few
centimeters of each other as the coupling between cube Effects of flux concenrration due to the presence of a
shaped secondary coils separated spatially by a distance ferromagnetic material: Equation (4) provides a good
greater than the value of one side-length of the ferrite core approximation of the inductance of the primary coils (within
has been seen in preliminary tests and simulations to have a approximately 1.5%).‘While the secondary coils are also
negligible effect on the overall performance of the system. rectangular in shape, they are wrapped around a ferrite core.
The inherent high initial permeability of the core provides a
A. Calculation of Coil Selflnductances low reluctance path for the flux created by the primary coils,
All primary and all secondary coils are of rectangular thereby concentrating tbe flux lines within the core and
shape. Other coil shapes were discussed in 141. The self- increasing the density of the magnetic field. A concentration
inductance of a coil that is comprised of straight elements can of flux in the core (when the core material has ~ 1 will)
be described by the sum of the self-inductance of each increase the inductance of the coil wrapped around that core.
straight wire and the mutual inductances of all of the possible Equation (4) is multiplied by a flux concentration or
wire pairs. demagnetisation factor L), which accounts for this effect.
Starting with the differential form of the Biot-Savart Law, This factor is based on the permeability of the core material
[5] approximates the self-inductance of a straight round and on the geomevy of the core. Although the exact value of
conductor as D is extremely difficult to calculate, [61 shows that D for
prisms with two sides of equal length can be approximated
using the value of D for a cylinder. The demagnetisation
factors of cylinders are well known. Reference 171 shows that
S for cylinders having long: and short axes of equal length (a
good approximation of the ferrite cube used in this system)
where p is the radius and 1 is the length of the conductor. and a relative permeability in the range of a few thousands, D
is approximately equal to 3.
The effective permeability of the core is then described by
P I as
A ps = NsYps (10)
Lps =-A P S
where L,...4are one half the lengths of each of the four sides where Iy is the current in the primary.
of the rectangle, N is the number of turns in the coil, I is the
current in the wire, r is the perpendicular distance between The mutual inductance between primary and secondary
the point at which the field is being calculated and the current coils is obviously highly dependcnt on the position of the
carrying wire, and 4 is the angle between the imaginary line secondary coil in question. The mutual inductance between
of length r connecting the field point with the wire and the x- one primary and one secondary coil is found by combining
axis. (E), (9). (IO) and (11) and simplifying
secondary coil and the field intensity at the position on the
Lf +s1nm2 L2 axis of the primary coil that is closest to the actual position of
A 7
, Z m 2 m the secondary coil. The bolume in which this approximation
is accurate can be found using methods for finding the
volume of a certain field strength [41.
Substituting (14) and (15) into (i3) gives an approximation
Lpr = DN PN’ Ar O
(12) of the coupling factor.
Although the coupling factor kPs between the primary and
secondary coils ’ is of central importance; an accurate
representation of the system will also include coupling factors
between the primary coils, kpp, and between the secondary
coils, kAr
The mutual inductance between two primary coils can be
found using the Neumann Formula. Assuming that the
C. Calculation of coupling factors primary coils are square loops both of side length a, separated
by a distance don the same axis
The coupling factor kP.”between the primary and secondary
coils is defined as
k p s = Lpp Lss
where Lppand L,, are the self-inductances of the primary and IT
secondary coils and Lp, is the mutual inductance between the
primary and secondary coils.
Substituting (4) and (12) into (13) gives an expression for
the coupling factor between the primary and secondary coil The coupling factor between two primary coils can then be
which is obviously quite cumbersome. Some simplifications approximated by substituting (4) and (16) into (13).
can be made to make the equation easier to use. Primary coil systems generally consist of sets of coils
placed at 90 degrees of spatial separation. If the ideal case
D. Simplifications and approximations of inductance and (exactly 90 degrees of separation) is assumed, coupling
coupling factor calculorioris between coils must be calculated only between coils lying on
For primary coils of square shape equation (4) describing the same axis, as coils xparated by 90 degrees have zero
the self-inductance of rectangular coils can be simplified. The coupling between them.
inductance of a square coil where s is the length of one side Although flux density can normally be considered constant
of the coil is approximated by [5]as over the relatively small area bounded by the secondary coil,
this is not the case when two secondary coils are placed in
close proximity to each other. As the case of two secondary
L = 0.8sN
t) 1
- -0.5240
A classic single-phase equivalent transformer model can be
used to represent the energy transfer between one primary 30
and one secondary coil in a wireless power system. R,=IOkR
A wireless power system with its inherent large air-gap is
characterized by a small magnetizing inductance and large 20
leakage inductances. The core loss resistance, r,, can be Vd, RL=4kCl
neglected as the core losses are small enough to be 15
considered negligible for the core selected in this case. RL=2kR
The conventional transformer model can be simplified and 10
applied to the wireless power system by referring all values to R,=lkR
the secondary side of the transformer and replacing the
primary voltage, leakage inductance, and resistance with an 0
0 0.5m 1.h 1.5m 2 . h
ideal current source representing the.current flowing in the
Time (s)
primary coils. The equivalent circuit model extended by the
resonant capacitor, rectifier, dc-filter, and load, is shown in Figure 5 - Simulation results showing rectified secondary
Figure 4. voltage for a range of load values
Winding resistances can be calculated with conventional
equations using wire diameter, copper characteristics, number
of turns, and the dimensions of the system, taking into
account the skin and proximity effects.
Figure 5 shows simulation results using the model shown in
Figure 4 for several values of load resistance. Figure 6 shows
the current in the primary coil, the magnetic field at the
position of the secondary coil, and'the dc side voltage for a
load of 2kC. The simulation model and the practical results
confirm the fact that the power available to the load is highly
dependant on the coupling between the primary and
secondary coils. Figures 7 show the test set-up used in
obtaining Figure 6.
Only one set of primary coils was energized during this test
and the secondary was aligned along the same axis so that
voltage was induced on only one of the coils comprising the
secondary. For the multi-dimensional systems used in
practical set-ups, Figure 4 must be expanded into a multi-, Figure 6 - Primary terminal voltage (V,),,primary current(l,,).
winding transformer model. magnetic field intensity at secondary coil position (HJ,dc
voltage ( V d at Rr=2kn.
h =mutual inductance
R, = secondary side winding resistance
h' =secondary side leakage inductance
C , = Secondary side resonant capacitance
C~E = dc-side capacitance
I, = Primary side current
a = Tums ratio (Nd").
RI& = h a d resistance
37 1
Hrns:>21.43 Aln Hrms:>21.43 Aln
Hrns:13.29 --
Hrns:17.14 - 15.88 Alm Hrms:17.14 --
15.88 A h
Hrns:12.86 --
A h
Hrl~s:15.88 12.86
Hrms:lZ.86 -
Hrns:18.71 - 8.57 Alm Hrns:18.71 --
8.57 Aln
Hrns: 8.57 - 6.43 Rlm Hrms: 8.57 6.43 Bin
Hrns: 6.43 -4.29 A/. Hrms: 6.43 --
4.29 Rln
Hrns: q.29 -2.14
Hrns: 2.14 - 1.94
R/m Hrns: t.29
Hrms: 2.14
Hrms:< 1.94 film
Figure 8 - Field distribution around one set of primary coils 3m Figure 9 -Field dislributi,onaround one set of primary coils 3m
x 3m in area, separated by 2.8 m, and carrying 24A. The field x 3m in area, separated by 2.8 m, carrying 24A, and positioned
strength at the center of the system is 6.4 Alm.. to the left of a conducting surface. The field strength at the
center of the system is 3.4 Nm.