Hohlfeld Paper
Hohlfeld Paper
Hohlfeld Paper
In 2014, a full recharging system was reported for Figure 5. WPT equivalent circuit.
EVs [7]. The system consisted of a pair of The resonance frequencies of both RLC-circuits,
rectangular coils each attached to a ferrite layer, can be formulated as:
which magnetically shields the car (see Figure 4).
Aluminum plates have been used as well, and it 1 1
reaches a power efficiency of over 90%. , (1)
If the circuit is designed such that primary and
secondary side are matched to ,
only two solutions exist for (4):
where , , ∈ , ∈ , , ∈
, (5) , ∈ , ∈ is the input vector, ∈
is the state vector, and ∈ is the output
The power transfer efficiency yields a maximum vector.
between and and since the coupling
coefficient ≫ 0, and are shifted away The system matrices in (7) can be extracted by
from . This phenomena is well known for using Livelink™ for Matlab.
coupled oscillators and is known as frequency
splitting in the field of WPT. 4. Model Order Reduction
In the following we will explain how this The enormous computational effort for the
phenomena can be analyzed based on the more solution of a full-scale model (7), prevents its co-
accurate numerical model of the coils. simulation with an electrical circuitry and thus the
efficient optimization of power transfer
3. Numerical Modelling efficiency. Luckily, it turns out that model order
reduction can yield a system of the same form as
A 3D geometry (Figure 7) was built in COMSOL (7) but with only 20 DOFs, which is still highly
Multiphysics ® following the specifications accurate. It focuses on reducing the number of
given in [9]. The design goal was to maximize the equations, while preserving the input-output
mutual inductance, while avoiding its sensitivity behavior of the dynamical system. In the
to winding misalignment. following, we explain how MOR works.
0 0 0
Figure 7. 3D model of a pair of disc coils, showing
ferrite and aluminum discs next to the windings.