Unidad Trimestral English TPRS FIFHT GRADE
Unidad Trimestral English TPRS FIFHT GRADE
Unidad Trimestral English TPRS FIFHT GRADE
Trimester Unit
Subject: ENGLISH
First Trimester
pág. 1
Colegio Bilingüe John Locke
GOAL: Identify the level of knowledge of students. Assess speaking and reading-writing skills. Growth in the conversation level of the students.
GOAL: Development meaning: Present vocabulary: Homophones, Suffixed words, and sight words. Grammar: Noun Review, Singular –
plural – common – proper, Possessive, Appositive, Read and ask the story –circling questions. Literacy: Structures going to + verb,
cannot + verb, have – doesn’t have, have – doesn´t have + verb, want – wants to +´verb. Retelling, Sequency, and Dramatization:
describe pictures, wheel of questions, complete missing ideas, complete story map, build storyboard, scramble students, use puppets
and change the story
GOAL: Development meaning: Present vocabulary: Prefixes, Synonyms, and sight words. Grammar: Verb tenses – present – past -
future, Subject–verb agreement. Read and ask the story: circling questions. Structures: need – needs to + verb, want – wants to + verb,
prefer – prefers to + verb, like – likes to + verb. Retelling, Sequency, and Dramatization: describe pictures, wheel of questions, complete
missing ideas, complete story map, build storyboard, scramble students, use puppets and change the story.
GOAL: Present vocabulary: numbers review, Synonyms, sight words. Grammar: Helping verbs, Irregular verbs, Present and Past, and
Perfect Tenses. Read and ask the story–circling questions. Structures: prefer – prefers to + verb, want – wants to + verb, like – likes to +
verb, going to + verb. Retelling, Sequency, and Dramatization: describe pictures, wheel of questions, complete missing ideas, complete
story map, build storyboard, scramble students, use puppets and change the story.
GOAL: Help to students write sentences that are components of paragraph. The students comprehend and have mastered the basic
concepts of sentence writing.
pág. 2
Colegio Bilingüe John Locke
Identify reading, Complete practice exercises, Is interested in identifying and Reads a single text successfully. Read and analyze a story:
writing, and develop them oral first, then known the content of new characters, problem, resolution,
conversational skills. have the student fill out the year. Understands a dialog with final.
notebook. routine basis.
Diagnose Presents the vocabulary using Appreciate knowing how to Writes a single dictation. Share their own opinion orally
deficiencies. picture cards, gestures, or improve their vocabulary. related to new final.
drawings. Listens and identify
Is interested in identifying homophones words according Writes a text with conclusion.
CHAPTER 1 Practices through reading homophones and suffix words to context. Completes vocabulary activities.
Story: A CONFUSING analysis to recognize the appropriately.
EXPERIENCE given structures. Identifies root words trough Reads the story paragraph by
Values to understand how to suffixes. paragraph understanding all new
Learn homophones Read the story and identify use Possessives and vocabulary and structures.
and suffix words. verb tenses, the given Appositive Identifies types of nouns
vocabulary, grammar, and Appreciate understanding the Answers circling questions.
Review Nouns and structures. structures. Uses possessives properly and
types identifies appositives Describes illustrations and
Proceed with circling Integrate words families into sentences. creates a new ending to the
Learn Possessives questions and PQA the personal lexicon. Identifies all structures during story.
and Appositive reading story sessions.
sentences. Explains how to use structures Identifies verb tenses. Explains
Learn how to use the through images get charts, Builds properly sentences using briefly given questions.
structures: and games. structures.
going to + verb Discuss about attitudes and what
cannot + verb learning from this story .
have – doesn’t have.
have – don´t have + Noun review practice.
want – wants to + Appositive and sight words
´verb. practice.
pág. 3
Colegio Bilingüe John Locke
pág. 4
Colegio Bilingüe John Locke
Practice vocabulary .
pág. 5
Colegio Bilingüe John Locke
pág. 6