Network Installation Proposal Template
Network Installation Proposal Template
Network Installation Proposal Template
[Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName]
Subtotal $0.00
Total $0.00
Subtotal $0.00
Total $0.00
Disclaimer: The prices in the tables on this page are intended as estimates only. They in no way constitute a guarantee of final project costs.
Project costs are subject to change if specifications or product availability change prior to a binding contract being signed.
Phase Duration
Testing 3 days
Disclaimer: The schedule above assumes that [Client.Company] is able to provide [Sender.Company] with full access to the facility located
at [Client.Address] for the duration of the project, and that all existing hardware be made available at the completion of cable installation.
[Sender.Company] is committed to carrying out installation of hardware and network testing as quickly as possible in order to minimize any
Please sign and date this proposal to indicate your acceptance of the hardware, pricing, and
installation indicated above. This is not a legally binding contract. Once this signed proposal is
received, [Sender.Company] will draft a contract for signature by both parties.
[Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName]