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JUPEIS: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Sosial Vol. 2. No.

1 Januari 2023
https://jurnal.jomparnd.com/index.php/jp e-ISSN: 2809-7998 p-ISSN: 2809-8005

The Use Of Scrabble Game As A Teaching Medium To Improve Students’

Vocabulary Mastery

Supriadi1*, Jalaluddin2
STKIP Paracendekia NW Sumbawa, NTB
Email: adysquare52@gmail.com 1*


This study aims to examine the use of Scrabble game as a teaching medium to improve the
vocabulary mastery of 2nd grade students of a Junior High School in West Nusa Tenggara Province,
Indonesia. This research employed classroom action research (CAR). The subjects in this study were 27
2nd grade students. The data collection methods used in this research are observation, documentation,
and tests. The results showed that the scrabble game medium was able to improve the vocabulary
mastery of the students. This is evidenced by the increase in students' English vocabulary mastery in each
cycle. In the first cycle the average value obtained was 62.37 (enough) out of 100 (very good) with a
completeness percentage of 33% (unfinished) from 100% (completed) while in the second cycle the
average value obtained by students increased from 62.37 (enough) to 77.37 (good) from 100 (very good)
with the percentage of completeness reaching 70% (completed) from 100% (completed).

Keywords: Scrabble game, Vocabulary mastery

INTRODUCATION Ali (2010) learning media is defined as

Vocabulary is deemed as one of the everything that could be used to channel
important aspects in learning a language. This messages, stimulate the thoughts, feelings,
is one of the important aspects to help the concerns and willingness of students so that
language learner improving their language they could encourage the teaching and
skills. In addition, the mastery of vocabulary learning process. While Musfiqan (2012)
can determine the quality of students in using revealed that a more complete learning media
a language. According to Schmitt (2014), the could be used as an intermediary between
more vocabulary a person memorizes in his teachers and students in understanding
mind, the easier it is for that person to learning materials to be more effective and
communicate with others. Likewise, Yunisa efficient.
(2007) states that vocabulary mastery is a To improve the mastery of
measure of a person's understanding of the vocabulary, there are several ways that are
vocabulary in a language, and his mastery of commonly used by people who want to learn
using the vocabulary both orally and in English, for example: studying at school,
writing. taking courses or special institutions that
Regarding medium, by definition, it is teach English, and various other ways. In the
any tool that can be used as a channel for process of increasing students' vocabulary
messages to achieve goals (Djamarah, 2006). mastery; there are several factors that usually
Learning media have a main function to affect the process of increasing the
increase students' motivation. According to
JUPEIS: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Sosial Vol. 2. No. 1 Januari 2023
https://jurnal.jomparnd.com/index.php/jp e-ISSN: 2809-7998 p-ISSN: 2809-8005

vocabulary mastery. These factors are divided explained that vocabulary is part of active-
into external and internal factors. productive mastery often known as active
External factors encompass the vocabulary, namely vocabulary that a
teaching methods and the teaching employed language user can use naturally, and without
by the teacher during the learning process. much difficulty in expressing himself. On the
This is because in the teaching and learning other hand, the vocabulary that is part of the
process, to provoke students' enthusiasm in passive-receptive (passive-vocabulary) is a
learning English, teachers should have language user of another person, without
methods, media and facilities that can be being able to use it naturally in their own
applied or used in teaching. On the contrary, expressions.
internal factors are those that come from the Before conducting the research, the
students themselves. researcher did an initial observation. The
Scrabble is a type of board game that observation shows that the mastery of
can be used as a medium to support students' students was still low. It was found that the
academic activities. Scrabble can be used as a lack of facilities and media for learning
medium in developing language skills English causes the teaching and learning
(Hinebaugh, 2009). Meanwhile, according to process less effective. In addition, the lack of
Hargreaves (2012) Scrabble is an activity that student participation in teaching and learning
involves word recognition. Waite (2009:217) activities led to boring learning atmosphere,
in Voinov, V. (2010) also adds that scrabble is especially learning English vocabulary. The
a game that offers mental activities that teaching media was still traditional and and
improve cognitive skills. Then according to monotonous.
Pyatt, (2012) Scrabble takes the educational Therefore, the researcher intends to
value of crossword puzzles to the next level. conduct research on the use of the Scrabble
Scrabble players can improve their vocabulary Game medium to improve students'
every time they play, look up words in the vocabulary mastery. The main reason to
dictionary, or receive exposure to previously chose Scrabble over other media was because
unknown words used by opponents. Teachers this medium had never been used before at
can also narrow and focus the vocabulary used the school.
to fit a particular theme or rule they are
learning. In this way, memory and memory RESEARCH METHODS
also come into play. Scrabble games can This research employed classroom
increase vocabulary because of the strategy of action research (CAR). Classroom action
the game. research (CAR) is a series of action research
Djiwandono (2008) states that carried out cyclically in order to solve
vocabulary mastery can be divided into 2, problems until the problem is solved
namely. Active-productive mastery and (Mahmud, 2008). There were 27 students
passive-receptive mastery. Furthermore, he participated in this research.

JUPEIS: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Sosial Vol. 2. No. 1 Januari 2023
https://jurnal.jomparnd.com/index.php/jp e-ISSN: 2809-7998 p-ISSN: 2809-8005

According to Farhana (2019) there are Table 1. Observation Results of Student

2 main objectives of classroom action Activities in Cycle I
research. First of all, changing the Skor
Observed 1 2 3 4
performance or behavior of teachers in 1. Students respond to
apperception/motivation  2
teaching which is considered inefficient. This given by the teacher.
2. Students listen when the
change in performance is done by doing learning objectives are  2
reflection or self-assessment so that teachers delivered.
3. Students focus on the
are encouraged to work more effectively and learning material being  2
efficiently. Secondly, improving the morale or studied.
4. Students are
morale of teachers who are rated low. The enthusiastic when  3
principle of classroom action research requires introduced and
explained by the teacher
a commitment to improve teaching and through scrabble media
learning so that it can be useful to provide 5. Students do the work of
compiling English  3
motivation so that teachers always improve vocabulary by using
Scrabble as the media.
their work spirit. 6. Students respond when
To collect the required data, several the teacher checks  3
data collection techniques were used namely 7. Students work
observation, documentation and tests. diligently when an  3
individual written
evaluation test is carried
out by the teacher.
The data was obtained in 2 cycles. Persentage = x 100 = x 100 = 64 64%
Max Score 28
Observation cycle I
At this observation stage, the In the first cycle, based on the results
researcher observes every action or response of observations of student activities, the
given by students while in the teaching and scores are quite good, namely, the average
learning process from the beginning to the student scores 18 out of a maximum score of
end. The observation process is assisted by an 28, with a percentage success rate of 64%
observation sheet that has been provided by from 100%. In observation cycle I, there were
the researcher. The observation sheet is still some observation indicators that had not
intended for students only. The following are been met by students. So, the observations in
the results of observations obtained by cycle I were not maximized.
researcher during two meetings in cycle I; Observation Cycle II
The Results of the Observation of At the observation stage of the second
Students Activities in Cycle I is presented in cycle, the researcher observed every action or
the table below: response given by students when the teaching
and learning process took place. The
observation process used an observation
sheet. The following are the results of

JUPEIS: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Sosial Vol. 2. No. 1 Januari 2023
https://jurnal.jomparnd.com/index.php/jp e-ISSN: 2809-7998 p-ISSN: 2809-8005

observations obtained during two meetings in Test Cycle I

cycle II: As stated in the previous chapter, the
Table 2. Observation Results of Student data collection technique apart from using
Activities in Cycle II observation sheets, the researchers also used
No Observed 1 2 3 4 Skor tests to see how far the students' vocabulary
1. Students respond to had increased at the Lunyuk Islamic Junior
apperception/motivation  3
given by the teacher. High School. So, here is the test results
2. Students listen when the
learning objectives are  2
obtained by students during cycle I.
delivered. Table 3. Cycle I Students Test Results
3. Students focus on the No. Student's Name Gender Test Score
learning material being  3 1. BDI M 80
studied. 2. DJL W 65
4. Students are 3. DJL W 65
enthusiastic when  3 4. ED W 50
introduced and 5. FA M 80
explained by the teacher 6. ISL W 76
through scrabble media 7. Jul. W 80
5. Students do the work of 8. LSU W 80
compiling English  3 9. M.S M 60
vocabulary by using 10. MI W 70
Scrabble as the media. 11. M.A M 70
6. Students respond when 12. MIS M 50
the teacher checks  3 13. MISY M 90
understanding. 14. MR M 60
7. Students work 15. NA W 65
diligently when an  4 16. NLT W 60
individual written 17. PK M 60
evaluation test is carried 18 RS W 75
out by the teacher. 19. RAW M 80
Earning score 21 20. SM M 55
Persentage x 100 = x 100 = 77 77%
Maximum Score 28 21. SA W 65
22. Sup M 58
23. Sur. W 60
Based on the results of observations of 24. TRA W 70
25. TA W 80
student activities in cycle II, the results are 26. ZM M 70
considered as good, seen from the acquisition 27. ZM W 90
Total Value 1.684
of a score of 21 with a maximum score of 28. Class Average 62,37
Thus, the percentage score obtained is 77%. In Completeness Presentation 33%
the learning process, students are more active,
The formula for calculating the class
and calmer in listening to the teacher's
average is as follows;
explanations, and carrying out many activities
that are directed. In cycle II, student activities
experienced an increase in the assessment of
indicators achieved well. So, it can be
concluded that the results of observing student
X = 62,37 (enough)
activities in cycle II showed results that were
what the researchers expected.

JUPEIS: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Sosial Vol. 2. No. 1 Januari 2023
https://jurnal.jomparnd.com/index.php/jp e-ISSN: 2809-7998 p-ISSN: 2809-8005

The formula for calculating the

percentage of student learning completeness;
X = 77,37 (Good)

P = 33% (Incomplete) The formula for calculating the

percentage of student learning completeness;
The results of data analysis in cycle I
shows that the average score of the class in
cycle 1 is quite good with the number 62.37
P = 70% (Complete)
and the percentage of completeness is 33%
(unfinished) from 70-100% (completed). Based on the test results obtained by
Test Cycle II students in table above, most of the students
The following are the test results scored above the minimum completeness
obtained by students in cycle II: criteria (KKM) of 75. Out of the 27 students,
Table 4. Cycle II Students Test Results only 8 students scored below the KKM that
No Student’s Name Gender Test Score had been determined. These results indicate a
1. BDI M 80 significant increase in students' vocabulary
2. DJL W 76
3. DJL W 78 mastery in this second cycle. When compared
4. ED W 70 with the results obtained in the first cycle,
5. FA M 80
6. ISL W 78 students who scored above the KKM 75 were
7. Jul. W 80
8. LSU W 80
only 9 out of 27 students. While in the second
9. M.S M 78 cycle, students who scored above the KKM
10. MI W 60
11. M.A M 80 increased to 19 from 27. Furthermore,
12. MIS M 65 regarding the average grade, the average
13. MISY M 90
14. MR M 75 number of classes in the second cycle
15. NA W 85 increased from 62.37 to 77.37. In addition,
16. NLT W 78
17. PK M 80 when viewed from the percentage of success,
18 RS W 75
in the first cycle the percentage of success is
19. RAW M 80
20. SM M 65 only 33% and is still below the expected
21. SA W 80
22. Sup M 76 percentage. While in cycle II the number of
23. Sur. W 75 success percentages increased to 70% and
24. TRA W 70
25. TA W 80 included a high percentage of what the
26. ZM M 80 researchers expected.
27. ZM W 95
Total Value 2.089
Class Average 77,37 CONCLUSION
Completeness 70%
Based on the result of the study, it was
found that there was an increase in terms of
The formula for calculating the class the students’ score in the even semester after
average is as follows; applying the learning method using the

JUPEIS: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Sosial Vol. 2. No. 1 Januari 2023
https://jurnal.jomparnd.com/index.php/jp e-ISSN: 2809-7998 p-ISSN: 2809-8005

scrabble game medium. In addition, in terms Bahasa Indonesia siswa Kelas VII
of absenteeism, the number of students who Depok. FBS-UNY, Sleman
did not enter either by neglect, illness, or
permission decreased in the even semester
after applying the learning method using the
scrabble game medium. This shows the
interest or desire of students to learn the
English Language has increased compared to

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