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Personal Statement MBA

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You just have to write a 500 wards document about -what do you believe you will benefit from

program at this stage of your career. How would you like to see your career develop over the next 5
years? What are your career objectives?

Personal Statement on Leadership

Writing a personal statement on any topic is a process which can help you to develop a stronger
sense of what the topic means to you. In this case, creating and describing what leadership is
and what it means to you will help to develop an understanding of why you participate in
leadership. Your statement can include: your definition of leadership, a description of
leadership qualities, or what you think is the most important thing about leadership. Feel free
to use this worksheet to help you create your own statement.

What is What made What are Of those How does a

leadership? your ‘best’ important leadership good leader
(define with a leader the leadership qualities, what motivate you or
few words or a best? qualities? are the top two make you feel?
statement) or three?

Leadership is

Leaders are
Leaders motivate others by

Similar to a Mission And Vision Statement, a leadership statement is an

assertion of a person’s personal or professional commitment as a leader.
Regardless of field, a leadership statement can help the individual stay
true to their values, especially during trials and tribulations.

According to the Center for Creative Leadership, leadership is neither a

destination nor a solo achievement. It is not so much about a single,
charismatic individual; but more of a group of people putting together
collective effort to bring about progress and results. The online article
further summarizes the Top Ten Essential Leadership Skills . These are
integrity, ability to delegate, communication, self-awareness, gratitude,
learning agility, influence, empathy, courage, and respect.

Qualities of a True Leader

What makes a good leader? This has been a favorite topic of countless
discussions. Aside from being someone who is able to pool the right
resources and get the job done, a leader carries much more responsibility
than that. People tend to praise leaders on the usual characteristics like
being a visionary or being able to motivate others. The examples listed
below are other key traits a leader ought to possess too.

Fair: A true leader is a vehicle for justice and equality. It may sound like a tall order;
because it really is. Exercising fairness and objectivity is challenging. But a leader is
able to set aside personal biases and suspend unnecessary judgment. Throughout
history, leaders have been known to challenge oppressive systems and fight for what is
fair to all.Openminded: Many people are familiar with the image of a boss who loves
barking orders. But a boss is not always a leader. A lesser known portrayal of a leader
is that of a leader who listens. Listening and understanding are important components
for anyone who wants to lead. A good leader hears both sides of the story and practices
sound reason and principled judgment when calling the shots.Honest: Honesty is vastly
underrated in today’s world. It is one of the most basic human virtues yet there are still a
lot of people who struggle with telling the truth. Integrity is an essential trait for any
person; more so a leader. It is so important that the word integrity is almost synonymous
with character. A person with unquestionable character is usually considered someone
with high integrity. But of course, honesty and integrity are traits that are not achieved
overnight. It is a constant process that a leader must consistently work
on.Generous: Generosity is a trait many people admire. And it is especially important
for leaders. This does not only mean material or economic generosity. But it also means
when one is generous and giving when it comes to time, knowledge, effort, and skills.
Everyone loathes a micromanager yet there are so many bosses who nitpick at
everything. A good leader is generous enough and understands how to delegate tasks.
A true leader is not only an exceptional mentor, but he or she is genuinely interested in
seeing their subordinates grow and mature in the workplace. Emotionally Mature: The
mark of a true leader is his or her emotional maturity. They actually care for their team
members and people under their supervision. They also provide a nurturing office
environment. This entails going beyond the tasks and functions. A good leader takes
the time to assess each individual member’s qualities, strengths and
weaknesses.Competent: Obviously, leaders should not only rely on sentiment or
interpersonal skills. Competence is a required trait in all leaders. He or she must be
diligent and responsible enough to get the job done. Team members must be able to
rely on their leaders for support, guidance, and expertise.Level-headed: They say a
person’s true nature is revealed in times of adversity. One true test of leadership is
being able to remain calm and collected amidst turmoil. Weak and poor leaders
abandon ship or wash their hands of accountability when things go awry. Only the
strong and capable ones stay level-headed and face the challenges head on.

Tips in Crafting a Leadership Statement

Every leadership statement is different and depends entirely on the
individual’s ideals and beliefs. Keep in mind the following tips below to craft
a more impactful statement:

Be Bold: People who want to change the world and make a difference do not get to do
that by settling for mediocrity. If you want to challenge norms and draw people to your
vision, use bold and impactful language. However, it is important to note that being bold
does not mean being arrogant or full of yourself. It is wanting to change and improve a
situation or system for the better. It comes from a place of dreaming boldly to achieve a
common good, not self-serving ends.Be Realistic: Leadership statements must also be
grounded in reality. It is not enough to have big dreams and goals yet have no concrete
plan to execute those dreams. It is perfectly fine to aim high but the tone of your
statement should at the same time, also be realistic and attainable.Keep it Brief: No
one wants a long, drawn out statement that contains nothing more than flowery words.
Keep your leadership statement brief and straight to the point. This delivers more
impact compared to lengthy ones that drag on. If it helps, your statement can also be
divided into bullet points or key agenda items.Be Action-oriented: Similar to a mission-
vision statement, your leadership statement should be action-oriented. Use active verbs
or descriptive language for a more effective and provoking statement. Words like affirm,
recognize, or commit are good examples of action-oriented language.Make it Value-
laden: In any leadership statement, it is important to express your values and principles
clearly. It is not enough to use action words or make promises; you also need to
communicate what ideals and standards you are willing to stand up for and uphold. For
instance, if your leadership statement vows to promote greater transparency within an
organization; your values would naturally involve honesty and integrity.

How to Create a Leadership Statement

Whether you are a head of a small startup company, CEO of a
multinational conglomerate, or even president of a country, a leadership
statement should speak to your beliefs and values. Follow the steps below
to begin making your statement:

Step 1: Reflect on Your Values

What is the one thing that matters to you? Everyone values something or
finds importance in something; it could be relationships, Professional
Development Plans and growth, or even causes or advocacies. Values are
an essential part of a leadership statement and should therefore be
reflected accordingly. A good way to get the ball rolling is to actually sit
down and take the time to reflect on what values matter to you most. Most
of us have more than a single value or principle that we adhere to. In cases
like these, it is important to prioritize. It helps to list your values down
according to importance.

Step 2: Use Personal Pronouns

A leadership statement is personal in a way that it is an individual’s ideals

and standards that are projected onto the statement. No two leaders are
exactly the same; and a generic-sounding statement may not come across
as authentic. Using personal pronouns or a first person voice will make
your statement seem more sincere.

Step 3: Be Direct and Concrete

Make sure to establish your Smart Goals and objectives clearly. Brief
statements are more effective than long paragraphs. Also, use verbs and
descriptive language to promote concrete action and plans. Avoid
peppering your statement with fancy or flowery words. In other words, it is
still best to be direct and straightforward when crafting leadership

Step 4: Refine the Statement

Lastly, ensure that you review the statement before publishing it. Like all
written work, it is always good practice to refine and rewrite as needed.
You can have your leadership statement proofread by a trusted aide,
friend, or colleague. A second set of eyes can work twice as well than just

How do you start a leadership statement?
Like any regular essay, a leadership statement can contain an introduction, a body,
and a conclusion. You can start a leadership statement with an impactful opening
line. Use personal pronouns like “I”.

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