Freedom of Press and Social Media
Freedom of Press and Social Media
Freedom of Press and Social Media
implication. It also includes the right to communicate, the right to print, and the right
to advertise the information. The right to freedom of press is also covered under
Article 19 (1) (a).
Freedom of press
The freedom of press is implicit in the right to freedom of speech and expression. It
gives rights to share and propagate their views through television, radio or through
print media. With objects and perspectives, the Preamble of the Indian Constitution
guarantees to all citizens, freedom of thought, love, expression and belief. The
established importance of the ability to speak freely comprises in the Preamble of
Constitution and is changed as a basic and human right in Article 19(1)(a) as “the
right to speak freely and to express”.
In this case, the Supreme Court held that the uneven data, disinformation, deception
democracy a joke. The right to speak freely and to express incorporates the right to
In this case, the Hon’ble Court held that the freedom of press is a part of freedom of
speech and expression. It was observed that the Freedom of Speech and of Press lay
at the foundation of all democratic organizations, for without free political discussion,
Government, is possible. In this case, the state puts a restriction on entry and
published in Bombay, which is banned by the State of Madras. The court held that to
In this case, the Court held that the press plays a very important role in the
democratic machinery. In the present free world, the opportunity of press is the core
of social and political intercourse. The press has now expected to do the job of the
are not as yet accessible for all areas of the society. The motivation behind the press
organization all the time conveys material which would not be satisfactory to
In this case, the Supreme Court struck down the validity of order for forcing pre-
and publisher of a paper to submit for scrutiny, in copy, before the production, every
single common issue, all the issues and news and perspectives about Pakistan,
including photos, and kid’s shows, on the ground that it was a limitation on the
association and gives a stage to convey through words, pictures, movies, and music.
The Internet and Social Media has become an essential specialized instrument
through which people can practice their privilege of freedom of expression and
exchange their thoughts and information. In the previous years, a growing moment of
correspondence, the responsibility of the incredible and regard for human rights. In
such developments, the Internet and Social Media have frequently assumed a key job
and by introducing a feeling of solidarity. It is seen that the right to freedom of speech
under the Constitution of India. Furthermore, in the light of the developing utilization
of web and online life as a mode of practising this right, access to this medium has
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes
freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Article 19 (1) of
the Constitution of India likewise gives to the residents of India the right to freedom
of speech and expression. This freedom implies the option to communicate one’s
other mode. It also includes the right to propagate or publish the views of other
people. Article 19(2) provides certain grounds for imposing reasonable restrictions on
this right. Only content that falls within these parameters as authorized by law could
laws and policies as they relate to freedom of expression against these standards set
by the Constitution. This would ensure that the distinction between content that is
should be.
In the case of Anuradha Bhasin v. Union of India, the petitioner challenged the
internet shutdown in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The Court held that the
Article 19 (1) (a); the freedom of speech and expression of the Indian Constitution.
The requests of suspending the internet were put on hold under the Internet
Suspension Rules were dependent upon judicial review, the court, however, avoided
free with regard to their movement, occupation, assemblies etc. But as it is said that a
right of one should not hinder the right of another. Moreover, everyone has a duty
towards the state, one should use Freedom of expression in a way that it should not
provoke any person or incite violence. Similarly, with every right so conferred has a
consequence if its domain is not circumscribed. Hence, this right is not absolute but
comes with certain restrictions. The restrictions that are in coherence with the
Security of State, Friendly relations with foreign states, Public Order, Decency and
While having an overview of these restrictions it is evident that the intention of the
highly chaotic for the courts to balance the rights amongst different entities of the
State. The rights and duties go hand in hand and never be looked through different
visions. For example, my right to freedom of speech cannot take away the dignity of
healthy democracy, it is very essential to keep a bay with people’s rights. Courts in
India have several times come into being for interpretations and reasonable
rights will lose their value and every individual or state entity will lose the boundary
Every citizen of India enjoys the rights of freedom of speech and expression
guaranteed under Article 19 (1) (a) of the Constitution of India. Expressing one’s
opinions or views through speech is the right of every individual. It is not limited to
only expressing one’s views through words but an individual has a right to circulate
Right to freedom of speech and expression also comprises the right to information,
can be imposed on the right to freedom of speech and expression under Article 19 (2)
of the Indian Constitution. The rights granted under Article 19 is not an absolute
right. They can be restricted in case of national security and in the interest of society.