ANTOMY - Comparative Anatomy
ANTOMY - Comparative Anatomy
ANTOMY - Comparative Anatomy
flexible rod located between the digestive tube and the (gill) slits.
nerve cord
All of these might have been observed in the common
- Notochord ancestor of chondrichthyans and osteichthyans, except
What is one characteristic that separates chordates from - A swim bladder
all other animals?
What is a distinctive feature of the chondrichthyans?
- Post-anal tail
- A mostly cartilaginous endoskeleton
Chordate pharyngeal slits appear to have functioned first
To which of these are the scales of chondrichthyans most
closely related in a structural sense?
- Suspension-feeding devices
- Chondrichthyans scales
Which extant chordates are postulated to be most like the
Which of these statements accurately describes a
earliest chordates in appearance?
similarity between sharks and ray-finned fishes?
- Lancelets
- They have a lateral line that is sensitive to
A new species of aquatic chordate is discovered that changes in water pressure
closely resembles an ancient form. It has the following
Which group members had (have) both lungs and gills
characteristics: external, armor of bony plates, no paired
during their adult lives?
lateral fins, and a suspension-feeding mode of nutrition.
In addition to these, it will probably have which of the - Lungfishes
following characteristics?
There is evidence that ray-finned fishes originally
- No jaws evolved
Lampreys differ from hagfishes in - In freshwater environments
- Having a notochord that is surrounded by a tube The ray-finned fishes are characterized by
of cartilage
- A bony endoskeleton, operculum, and usually a
The feeding mode of the extinct conodonts was swim bladder
- Predation The swim bladder of ray-finned fishes
Chordates with a head are known as? - Was probably modified from simple lungs of
freshwater fishes.
- Craniates
Arrange these taxonomic terms from the most inclusive
The earliest known mineralized structures in vertebrates
(i.e., most general ) to least inclusive (i.e., most specific)
are associated with which function?
1. Lobe-fins
- Feeding
2. Amphibians
The endoskeletons of most vertebrates are composed of 3. Gnathostomes
calcified 4. Osteichthyans
5. Tetrapods
- Cartilage
- 3,4,1,5,2
The lamprey species whose larvae live in fresh water
A trend first observed in the evolution of the earliest
streams, but whose adults live most of their lives in
tetrapod’s was
seawater, are similar in this respect to certain species of
- Feet with digits
- Actinopterygians
What should be true of fossils of the earliest tetrapod’s?
According to one hypothesis, the jaws of vertebrates
were derived by the modification of
- They should indicate limited adaptation to life - Reptiles and amphibians
on land
May have lungs, or gills and may use skin as a
What permits reptiles to thrive in arid environments? respiratory surface
- A large number of prey and a limited number of - Amphibians
predators are available in the desert
Which are the most abundant and diverse of the extant
Which of these is not considered anamniote? vertebrates?
- Amphibians - Ray-finned fishes
Why is the amniotic egg considered an important Which of the following statements about human
evolutionary breakthrough? evolution is correct?
- It allows incubation of eggs in a terrestrial - Fossil evidence indicates that early anthropoids
environment were arboreal, and cat sized.
Which of the following are the only extant animals that Humans and apes are presently classified in the same
descended directly from dinosaurs? category as all of the following levels except
- Birds - Genus
During chordate evolution, what is the sequence (from With which of the following statement would a biologist
earliest to most recent) in which the following structures be most inclined to agree?
- Humans and apes represent divergent lines of
1. Amniotic egg evolution from a common ancestor
2. Paired fins
Which of these statements about human evolution is
3. Jaws
4. Swimbladder
5. Four-chambered heart - Different species of the genus Homo have
- 2,3,4,1,5 coexisted at various times throughout hominin
Among extent vertebrates, a sheet of muscle called the
diaphragm is found in Which of the following phylogenetic groups within the
animal kingdom encompasses all the others in the list?
- Mammals
- Bilateria
Differentiation of teeth is observed in
Bilateral symmetry in the animal kingdom is best
- Mammals
correlated with:
Which is characteristic of all mammals, and only of
- Ventral and dorsal differentiation
Different lineages of the Class Reptilia are believed to
- Giving birth to live young (viviparous)
have given rise to which of the following animal groups?
Which of these would a paleontologist be most likely to
- Birds
do in order to determine whether a fossil represents a
reptile or a mammal? What is osmoregulation and what organ plays a large
role in osmoregulation? Osmoregulation is the balancing
- Because mammals are eutherians, look for
of the uptake and loss of water and solutes, and what
evidence of a placenta
organ plays a large role in osmoregulation?
How are primates different from all other mammals?
- The Kidneys
- Opposable thumbs in many species
Which of the following is radially symmetrical?
In which vertebrate is fertilization exclusively internal?
- A donut
Unlike other animals, sponges: Ectoderm can give rise to ____; mesoderm can give rise
to ______; endoderm can give rise to ______.
- Lack true tissues
- The lining of the digestive tube…. The central
Were slender, soft-bodied vertebrates with prominent
nervous system…… muscle.. the lining of the
eyes controlled by numerous muscles
digestive tube
- Conodonts
A pseudocoelomate animal is one in which the body
There are three major groups of mammals, categorized cavity is
on the basis of their
- Bounded partly by mesoderm
- Method of reproduction
Protostomous animals are those in which the
The innovation that freed vertebrates from being tied to
- Blastopore forms the mouth
water for reproduction and allowed them to radiate into
diverse terrestrial environments was the development of One of the two taxa that molecular studies divide the
protostomes into is called Ecdysozoa. What
- Amniotic egg
characteristic is this taxon named for?
Which of the following classifications would not apply
- The secretion of stiff external skeletons that
to both dogs and humans?
must be shed to allow for growth
- Order Primates
Sharks and rays
A child brought home a strange animal it found outside
- All of the above
under a rock. It had moist skin, a complete digestive
tract, a ventral nerve cord, and had gone through torsion. A water vascular system can be found in
It must be:
- Echinoderms
- A mollusk
Segmented earthworms belong to the
Animals are:
- Phylum Annelida
- Multicellular eukaryotic heterotrophs
What gave vertebrates an advantage to colonizing land?
Based on our current understanding of the evolutionary
- The amniotic egg
relationships among organisms, humas are most closely
related to: Which of the following is a shared characteristic of all
- Reptiles
- Dorsal, hollow nerve cord
Insects are typically characterized by all of the following
EXCEPT: Humas are _____ animals
- Chelicerata - Endothermic
Unlike placental mammals, both monotremes and Reptiles, birds, amphibians, and humans are all amniotes
- Have some embryonic development outside the
mothers uterus A tracheal system is a system used for
- Have anterior appendages modified as pincers of The body regions of an insect are
fangs - Head, thorax, abdomen
The greatest number of described species is found in Flagellated cells, which line the spongocoel in Poriferans
which of the following groups of organisms? are known as
- Phylum Arthropoda
- Choanocytes
This is an example of bilaterally symmetrical and
triploblastic animal
- Roundworms
Which of the following contains notochord in the
- All chordates
Which of the following could be considered the most
recent common ancestor of living tetrapod’s?
- A sturdy finned, shallow water lobe fin whose
appendages had skeletal supports like those of
terrestrial vertebrates.