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variation of rainfall.

temperature is around 20°C- 30°C
(68°F- 86°F). It has 2 distinct
seasons which are wet and dry
season. In wet season it last 3-5
months , most annual rainfall occur
It is derived from a Carib
during this season. While in dry
Amerindian word meaning "treeless
season , it last 5-8 season and there
plain". According to G.F. de Oviedo
is just a small chance of rainfall,
y Valdes (1535) "this name “sabana"
but it depends on savanna's location.
us applied to a land without trees
It is common for Savanna to be
but with much grass either tall or
found near the equator, where it is
expected to have a higher
Savanna is a huge grassland
temperature compared to other
area where it is mostly known as
regions since it receives direct
dry region. However, in order for a
sunlight. Fun fact, there are
grassland to survive, just like in
savannas in all continents except
Savanna, it must have a long dry
for Antarctica.
period that prevent trees and other
tall vegetation from over taking.
Moreover, there are two
The savanna is home to many
distinct seasons: wet season and dry
large land mammals, including
season. The wet season is a period
elephants, giraffes, zebras,
of growth. Savanna experiences
rhinoceroses, buffalo, lions,
heavy rainfall that cause trees and
leopards, and cheetahs and many
other vegetation to flourish. The
more. Savanna animals adapt in
dry season on the other season is
their environment through the ways
characterize by minimal to no
rainfall and high temperature. It
1. Camouflage - a defense or
increases the risk of wildfire
tactic that organisms use to disguise
their appearance that usually blend
in with their surroundings.
Savanna exists in an areas having a
warm climate with a seasonal
ex.Many animals, like lions and 6. Nocturnal Behavior - animals
cheetahs have fur patterns that that are active at nighttime.
help them blend into the grassy ex. Some predators, like lions and
landscape that aiding in hunting and hyenas, are nocturnal because of
avoiding predators. avoiding the heat of the day and
2. Speed and Agility - it is an increasing their chances of
ability of an animals to move the successful hunting at nighttime.
body in one direction as fast as
ex. Animals like zebras can run fast 1. Baobab Tree - this tree
up to 40 mph and some are great at produced only leaves during the wet
zigzagging while running, making season. They are tiny finger-like
them even harder to catch. clusters. This helps them limit
3. Water conservation - some water loss. Its large trunk serves as
Animals like elephant and giraffe a water storage. This enables the
have psychology adaptation to tree to survive long months of
conserve water by digging the land drought.
and also gazelles where they can 2. Elephant Grass - this plant
live with drinking water that make has shallow roots meaning it allows
them survive in the dry season. the elephant grass to absorb water
4. Burrowing - to dig a hole in really quickly. Regarding its leaves,
the ground, especially to live in. it has a hairy course blades and
ex. small mammals like meerkats shard edges where this keeps the
and rodents dig burrows to escape predators from eating the plant.
heat and predators, utilizing the 3. Acacia Tree - it has long
cooler underground environment in taproots where it helps the tree to
the dry season. reach deep, ground water sources.
5. Migration - the movement of It is also a fire resistant tree since
animals from one place to another. fire is common problem in dry
ex. certain species, like wildebeests, Savanna, when the tree is damaged
undertake long-distance migrations by fire only the parts of the tree
to follow the seasonal availability of above the ground are damaged. And
food and water. later on, It can resprout from the
root crown. Moreover, it has a long, destroys the natural habitat of the
sharp thorns and symbolic animals. It causes less vegetation
relationship with ants. The thorns and can lead to desertification.
serves as a protection against 3. Poaching - it is an illegal
animals and it discourages them hunting or catching animals on land.
from feeding on it. Ants also live in They hunt for elephant, rhinoceros,
this acacia thorns that they have zebras, lions and tigers where they
hollowed out and feed on the remove the skin and tusks. This act
nectar produced by the tree. The is a serious crime where it can lead
ant defend their homes from other to one’s imprisonment or s/he can
animals and insects, thus protecting pay expensive fines. If it cannot be
the acacia tree. This type of stopped, this leads to an animal
relationship is symbiotic extinction. However , some legal
relationship where they benefit hunts are good as this is effective in
from each other. population control and it can
generate funds for anti-poaching
1. Climate Change - climate 1. Proper segration - where in
change is a human cause where all trashes cannot be throw
they emit too much carbon dioxide. Everywhere and
This climate change causes the dry anywhere,especially in the bodies
season in Savanna to experience an of water in Savanna so that
extreme drought. it can avoid water pollution
2. Overgrazing - it is defined as and to conserve clean water that
a method of people to use cattle, they can use for farming, for
cows, goats in trimming the animals and for they every day life.
grassland for land uses: crops Avoid burning and cutting trees -to
(lemon grass, red oats grass, and leseen the amount of Co2 produce
elephant grass). If this could not be by the smoke and also to avoid
stopped, certain kinds of plant global warming.
species can be extinct and that it
2. Imporve security - security
that can monitor the place in
savanna and rules that indicates the
no over grazing no poaching and no
3. Concervation area - if they
have conservation areas, there is a
higher chance that they can
save these animals that are being
poached and plants that are over
grazing they can also save the
wildlife from the hunters.
4. Educate the people - educate
people about the consequences
they will face if ever they do such
things,where in not only their life
will be affected but also all wildlife
in savanna.

Joana Tamayo
Juvy Comilang
Merlyn Sotelo
Sharrymagne Garcia
McEncharles Solis
Angeliena Toralba

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