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Alex lives in the savannah

Savannas are comprised mostly of grasses and a few scattered trees. They cover half the surface of Africa,
large areas of Australia, South America, and India. That is a lot of the earth’s surface!

The savannah is dominated by

grasses and some shrubs. In most
The climate in a savannah is usually savannas the grass is thick and rough
warm with temperatures ranging and grows in patches surrounded by
from 20 to 30°C. (That means that bare ground. You won’t see many
every day in a savannah is as hot as a trees in the savannah because of
hot summer’s day in the UK.) little rainfall. The most you will find is
individual trees or small clusters of
them mostly living live near streams
The annual rainfall is from 25 - 75 cm and ponds.
per year which isn’t very much at all!
Most of this rain falls within the few
months of the wet season but for the There are lots of different types of
rest of the year, the savannah is very animals that live in the savannah
dry. During the dry season, lightning including elephants, zebras, horses,
often strikes the ground, sets fire to the and giraffes. Many animals in the
bone dry grass and quickly spreads savannah are herbivores, which
across the plains. means they only eat plants.

Extra fact- Lots of insects die in forest

fires but bigger animals can run or fly away
to safety. Some birds though choose not to
fly away, they actually fly towards the fires
to feed on the flame-roasted insects! Extra fact- During the rainy months
animals have plenty to eat and
drink but the rainy season is only half
the year. During the dry season
animals have to compete for water
and may have to move elsewhere to
find enough to drink. If the water
shortages are very bad then animals
Extra fact- Humans can create savannas by burning grasslands and cutting down trees may have to migrate a long way to
so they can plant crops. Large animals, like elephants, can also turn a forest into a find water.
savannah by knocking trees down, stripping the bark from the trees, and tramping on
tree seedlings.

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