Advt Agniveer MR 02 24 English
Advt Agniveer MR 02 24 English
Advt Agniveer MR 02 24 English
2. Educational Qualifications. Candidate must have passed Matriculation Examination with (c) The question paper will comprise of two sections i.e. ‘Science & Mathematics’
minimum 50% marks in aggregate from the Boards of School Education recognised by Ministry of and General Awareness.
Education, Govt. of India.
(d) The standard of the question paper will be that of 10 th. Syllabus & sample pa-
Note: Candidates who have appeared in class 10th Board Exam and are awaiting declaration of pers for the examination are available on website
results are also eligible to apply provided they fulfill all other eligibility criteria. Such candidates,
however, shall only be selected when they produce the original marksheet during the Stage II of
recruitment process (Internet copy of marksheet not acceptable) as also such candidates should (e) Duration of examination will be 30 minutes.
secure the minimum laid down marks in aggregate as well as in individual subjects for respective
category for being eligible to participate in Stage II. (f) The candidates are required to pass in all sections as well as in aggregate. The
Indian Navy reserves the right to determine the pass marks in each Section
3. Age. Candidate should be born between 01 Nov 2003–30 Apr 2007 (Both dates inclusive).
and in aggregate.
4. Marital Status. Only unmarried Indian male and female candidates are eligible for enrolment
as Agniveer in IN. Candidates will have to give a certificate of being ‘unmarried’ at the time of (g) Penalty for Wrong Answer. Candidates should note that there will be penalty
enrolment. Agniveers shall not be permitted to marry during their entire tenure of four years in the (Negative Marking) for wrong answers given by a candidate. There are four alterna-
IN. A candidate shall be dismissed from service if he/ she marries during his/her tenure or is found tives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a wrong an-
to be already married despite giving certificate of being unmarried. swer has been given by the candidate, one fourth (0.25) of the marks assigned
to that question will be deducted as penalty.
(h) Centre Allocation for INET (online examination) will be at the discretion of the
5. Duration of Service. The Agniveers shall be enrolled in the Indian Navy under the Navy Act
Indian Navy.
1957, for a period of four years. “Agniveers would form a distinct rank, different from any other
existing rank and would be the junior most rank in the Indian Navy”. Indian Navy is not obliged to 20. Examination Fee. An examination fee of Rs. 550/- (Rupees Five hundred fifty only)
retain the Agniveers beyond the engagement period of four years. plus 18% GST has to be paid by candidate during the online application through online
mode by using net banking or by using Visa/ Master/ RuPay Credit/ Debit Card/ UPI.
6. Leave. 30 days leave per year shall be applicable for Agniveers. Additionally, sick leave Admit card will be issued for the examination only to those candidates who have
would be applicable based on medical advice of competent medical authority. successfully paid the examination fee.
7. Pay, Allowances and Allied Benefits. Agniveers will be paid a package of ₹30,000 per Note: (a) Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor can the
month with a fixed yearly increment. In addition, risk and hardship, dress and travel allowances fee be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.
will be paid.
(b) Candidates found to have registered multiple times would be rejected and
8. Seva Nidhi. Agniveers shall be given a one-time Seva Nidhi package comprising their
debarred from the examination. Re-imbursement of exam fee would not be car-
monthly contribution along with matching contribution by the Government on completion of their
ried out in such cases.
engagement period, as indicated below: -
(c) In case you have made an online payment of fees and money has been de-
Year Customised In Hand Contribution to Agniveer Contribution to ducted from your account without admit card being generated (ie unsuccessful
Package (Monthly) (70%) Corpus Fund (30%) Corpus Fund by GoI payment), please wait for 7 working days for automatic refund of money to your
All figures in Rs (Monthly Contribution) account.
1st Year 30000 21000 9000 9000
3rd Year 36500 25550 10950 10950
4th Year 40000 28000 12000 12000 21. Candidates shortlisted in Indian Navy Entrance Test (INET) examination will be
issued call-up letter for Stage II (PFT, written examination & Recruitment Medical).
Total in Agniveer Corpus Fund 5.02 Lakh 5.02 Lakh Stage-II will be conducted in the designated Indian Navy’s centers. The syllabus for
Note: -There shall be no entitlement to gratuity and pensionary benefits. Stage-II written exam is available on website Aadhar Card is mandatory for Stage-II.
9. Life Insurance Cover. Agniveer will be provided non-contributory Life Insurance Cover of
Rs. 48 lakh for the duration of their engagement period. 22. Physical Standards. Qualifying in Physical Fitness Test (PFT) is mandatory for
selection. Candidates undergoing PFT will do so at their own risk. PFT standard is
10. Death Compensation. In addition to insurance cover of Rs. 48 Lakh, one-time ex-gratia of as follows:-
Rs. 44 Lakh for death attributable to service, will be provided to the NOK.
Gender 1.6 Km run Squats (Uthak Push- Bent Knee
11. Disability Compensation. One-time ex-gratia of Rs. 44/ 25/ 15 Lakh based on % of Baithak) ups Sit-ups
disability (100%/ 75%/ 50%) shall be applicable to Agniveers. Male 06 min 30 sec 20 15 15
Female 08 min 15 10 10
Note:- For further information regarding death/disability compensation visit Advisory:- Proficiency in sports, swimming and extra-curricular activities is desirable.
12. Enrolment as Sailors (Regular Cadre). On completion of four years of service, based on 23. Recruitment Medical Examination. Recruitment Medical Examination will be
organization’s requirements and policies promulgated by the Indian Navy, Agniveers will be carried out for candidates who qualify PFT. Candidates qualifying Recruitment Medical
offered an opportunity to apply for permanent enrolment in the Indian Navy. These applications Examination will be considered for merit list. Candidates who are found medically
will be considered in centralized manner based on objective criteria including performance during unfit in Recruitment Medical Examination will be advised to appeal against its
their four year engagement period and up to 25% of each specific batch of Agniveers will be findings, if they so desire, at designated military hospital (allocated by the Indian
enrolled in Indian Navy for further re-engagement as sailor (regular cadre). Agniveers will not Navy) within a maximum period of 05 days. Medical fitness certificate issued by
have any right to be selected for further enrolment in to the Indian Navy. Selection of the Ag- hospitals other than designated Military Hospitals (allocated by the Indian Navy)
niveers for further enrolment, if any, shall be at the discretion of the Indian Navy. will not be considered. No further review/ appeal is permissible.
13. Naval Pension Regulations/ Gratuity. Agniveers will not be governed by provisions 24. Merit List. Merit list will be prepared based on performance in Stage-II written
contained in the Naval Pension Regulations/ Rules (as amended from time to time). Additionally, exam, subject to qualification in Physical Fitness Test and Recruitment Medical Examina-
Agniveers will not be entitled to gratuity for engagement period. tion. Merit List for Agniveer (MR) – Male and Female will be based on all India basis.
Results will be published on candidate dashboard on website
14. Release at Own Request. Agniveers will not be permitted to get released at own request
prior to completion of engagement period. However, in most exceptional cases, personnel
enrolled under this scheme may be released, if sanctioned by the competent authority. 25. Final Recruitment Medicals. Final Recruitment Medical Examination of all
selected candidates will be conducted at INS Chilka. Induction of the candidates will be
15. Ex-servicemen Status. Agniveers will not be eligible for ex-Servicemen status. subject to qualifying in Final Medical Examination, candidates not qualifying the final
recruitment medical shall be rejected.
16. Medical & CSD Facilities. For the duration of their engagement period in the Indian Navy,
Agniveers will be entitled for Medical facilities at service hospitals as well as CSD provisions. 26. Medical Standards.
(a) Medical examination will be conducted by authorised military doctors as per
medical standard prescribed in current regulations applicable on entry.
17. Selection process of Agniveer (MR) - 02/2024 batch will include two stages i.e. Stage I - (b) Gender. Any candidate, if found to have predominant characteristics of the
Shortlisting (Indian Navy Entrance Test - INET), Stage II - ‘PFT, Written Examination and opposite gender as evidenced on external physical examination, will be rejected as
Recruitment Medical Examination. UNFIT. Any candidate having undergone gender reassignment surgery will be de-
clared UNFIT.
(c) Pregnancy. Any female candidate, if found to be pregnant shall be
18. Shortlisting. Indian Navy Entrance Test - INET would be conduct for Shortlisting of candi- disqualified and her candidature will be rejected. A candidate should not have con-
dates. Shortlisting would be based on marks obtained in the Indian Navy Entrance Test. Shortlist- ceived at the time of reporting or till conclusion of four years tenure. If found to be
ing will be carried out in state wise manner. The cut off marks for shortlisting for next stage of pregnant later during the training or engagement period of four years, suitable action
selection process may vary from state to state. for dismissal/ removal will be undertaken.
(d) Minimum Height Standards. Minimum height standards for male and female is their respective jurisdiction. Candidates should be in possession of Police Verification
157 cms. Form from either place of domicile or place of residence. Candidates without the
verified Police Verification Reports and Reports with adverse comments will not
(e) Tattoos. Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearms i.e from be eligible for enrolment. The format for the police verification form can also be
inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reversed side of palm/ back (dorsal) side of hand. downloaded from the website
Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body is not acceptable and candidate will
be barred from recruitment.
(m) No enquiry will be entertained regarding this recruitment/ enrolment after a
(f) The candidate must be in good physical and mental health, free from any disease/ period of six months.
disability likely to interfere with the efficient performance of duties both ashore and afloat
under peace as well as war conditions. HOW TO APPLY
Note:- (i) Candidates are advised to get their ears cleaned for wax, and tartar removed 31. For this entry, the candidates can apply ONLINE ONLY on the official website
from teeth prior to medical examination. from 13 May 2024 to 27 May 2024. The procedure is
available on website Candidates are advised to fill up
(ii) Regulations regarding Height relaxation are available in website correct details while filling the online application. Incorrect declaration of infor- mation by candidates, identified at any stage would result in cancellation of
candidature. The application may be uploaded from Common Service Centres
27. Visual Standards. (CSC) across the country, fee of Rs 60 + GST. This facility is entirely optional.
(a) Passport size recent color photograph (taken not before April 2024) of size 10
6/12, 6/12 6/6, 6/6 II KB to 50 KB (front portrait in light background without head gear except for Sikhs).
Photograph is to be taken with candidate holding a black slate in front of his/her
chest with his/her name and date of photograph taken, clearly written on it with white
TRAINING chalk in capital letters. Change in appearance like growing beard, head gear, etc in
comparison to the photograph may result in cancellation of candidature.
28. Training. Training for the course will tentatively commence in Nov 2024, at INS Chilka,
Odisha. (b) Live photograph will be captured through the webcam during filling of applica-
tion form. Candidates are advised to capture good quality photograph at the time of
29. Discharge as Unsuitable. Agniveers are liable to be discharged as “UNSUITABLE” due application form. Photograph which are not clearly visible, blurr, black shade etc.
to unsatisfactory performance at any time during the training or service tenure. may result in cancellation of candidature.
30. The applications are to be filled online only on website and
all required documents in original are to be scanned and uploaded. The general instructions (a) Mobile phones or any other communication devices are not allowed inside the
regarding recruitment process are as follows: - premises where the examination is being conducted. Any infringement of these instruc-
tions shall entail disciplinary action including ban from future examinations.
(a) Candidates have to choose any three locations for Indian Naval Entrance Test (INET),
as per their convenience. Candidates can be allotted any other location view administrative (b) Candidates are strongly advised to apply online well in time without waiting for
reasons. Choice of examination Centre cannot be changed once selected by the candidate the last date for submission of Online application.
or allotted by the Indian Navy. Call up Letters cum Admit Card for online examination indicat-
ing date, time and place, would be required to be downloaded from the website (c) No candidate should misbehave in any manner or create disorderly scene in tentatively one week before online examination. The INET will examination premises. This will entail disqualification.
be conduct in June/ July 2024 firm date would be indicated in call-up letters issued to candi-
dates. (d) While filling his online Application Form, the candidate should carefully decide
about his choice for the location of the Examination.
(b) Call up Letters cum Admit Card for PFT, written examination & Recruitment Medical
Examination would be required to be downloaded from the registration portal: (e) Candidates should avoid submitting multiple applications. If more than one No call-up letter cum admit card will be sent by post. application is received from a candidate, his candidature will be cancelled.
(c) Only Electronic mode of communication will be used while contacting the candidates (f) The decision of the Indian Navy as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate at
and no documents would be sent by post at any stage of recruitment. every stage of recruitment shall be final.
(d) The original documents uploaded by the candidates during online filling of application (g) Wrong information about domicile certificate will result in cancellation of
viz original certificates, mark sheets, Domicile certificate and NCC certificate (if held) candidature at any stage of recruitment, training and thereafter.
are to be brought by the candidate at all stages of recruitment (Written Examination, PFT and
Recruitment Medical Examination and Recruitment at INS Chilka). Original documents will be (h) Candidates will be provided a window of 03 days post-closing of the
verified at every stage of recruitment. If the details provided in ‘online application’ are not application window for corrections of details submitted during the application
matching with original documents at any stage, the candidature will be cancelled. process. No further corrections/ amendments will be entertained thereafter.
Warning. (j) Verification of documents including NCC certificates and photographs would be
undertaken during the application process. Candidates found to declare counterfeit
(e) Candidates declaring incorrect Domicile/ Gender and other details shall not be documents and/ or incorrect details shall be liable for disqualification.
permitted to appear in the recruitment and their candidature would be cancelled.
(f) Results of the Indian Navy Entrance Test (INET) will be announced tentatively after 30 LAST DATE OF ONLINE APPLICATION – 27 MAY 2024
days. Shortlisted candidates will be called for Stage II (PFT, Written Examination & Recruit-
ment Medical Examination).
(g) Centre Allocation for written exam, PFT& Recruitment Medical Examination will be at
(h) The selection of a candidate will stand cancelled and he/ she will have no claim for Persons claiming rapport with the officials of the Naval Recruitment Organisation
enrolment in the Indian Navy in case the candidate fails to report on the date and time men- may promise to get a candidate recruited and on that pretext may collect money. WE
tioned in call letter. Candidates reporting 30 minutes after the reporting time for stage I - INET WOULD LIKE TO ASSERT THAT SUCH A THING IS NOT POSSIBLE. Approach
shall not be allowed to appear in the examination. the Police and lodge a FIR in case of any harassment by touts. All short-listed
applicants are issued Call-up letter cum Admit Card. Before succumbing to the
(j) The candidate’s selection pertaining to a particular batch is valid for that batch only. promises of any agent think twice! If you think that you can get the things done
Qualified candidates whose names do not appear in the merit list cannot claim admission for unlawfully, you are bound to lose! You are advised to conduct yourself as a
the next batch. law-abiding citizen of the country and refrain from using unfair means.
(k) All selected candidates, are to produce the self-attested certificates submitted at the
time of filling online application, along with the all original certificates, at INS Chilka. If the
details provided during online application are not matching with the original certificates pro-
duced at INS Chilka, the candidature will be cancelled.
The terms and conditions given in the advertisement are guidelines only and
(l) All selected candidates will be required to download Police Verification Form and other are subject to change without notice. Further, orders issued by the Govern-
associated forms along with the Call-up letter for Recruitment at INS Chilka. The candidates ment, as amended from time to time will apply for the selected candidates.
will be required to submit the same to INS Chilka after getting their antecedents verified on
Police Verification Form/ Online Police Verification Form from the Superintendent of Police of