PR2 Las 042924
PR2 Las 042924
PR2 Las 042924
Quarter 4
I. Learning Competency
• Plans data analysis using statistics and hypothesis testing (if appropriate) (CS_RS12-IIa-c-6)
• Presents written research methodology (CS_RS12-IIa-c-7)
• Presents and interprets data in tabular or graphical forms (CS_RS12-IId-g-2)
II. Introduction
Part of the research paper is discussing the methods you used in accomplishing your study. It
discusses the type of research you used, the process of collecting and analyzing the data, the materials you
used, and the rationale for doing those methods.
III. Discussion
Experiments. Give full details of the tools, techniques, and procedures you used to conduct
the experiment. It is especially important to give enough detail for another researcher to
replicate your study.
3. Describe your method of analysis. Discuss the process of analyzing data. However, avoid
discussing any of the results of the study. In quantitative research, the analysis of data is based
on numbers. It might include the software you used to analyze the data (e.g. SPSS or Excel)
and the statistical methods you used (e.g. t-test).
4. Evaluate and justify your methodological choices. Justification is more needed if your
approach used is not based on standard knowledge. Discuss why the methods were suitable for
your objectives and show that this approach might contribute to the body of knowledge.
However, we will be using our own format for Chapter 3 with almost the same components.
B. Data Analysis
1. Descriptive Data Analysis
Once you have collected the needed data from your respondents, it is now ready for analysis. But
take note that as a researcher, you should always ensure that the data are complete, accurate, valid, and
organized properly for the ease of the analyzation process. Quantitative data analysis can be descriptive or
inferential. But for this module you are going to learn descriptive data analysis.
Descriptive data analysis provides simple summaries about the sample and the measures. It is used
to simply describe what is or what the data shows. Different statistical measures are used to analyze data
and draw conclusions under descriptive data analysis (Trochim, 2020). This type of data analysis does not
attempt to test hypothesis. The following statistical measures of descriptive analysis are used to compute
further statistical testing (Prieto, Naval, and Carey 2017; Florida State University 2005):
a) Frequency
It refers to the number of times each data occurs. Frequency table is used to record the
occurrence of each data. The table contains the list of collected data on the left column and its
number of occurrences on the right column. Frequency just helps you organize your data. It does
not provide a great deal of descriptive information about the data. But frequency is the starting
point for many other statistical methods.
For example, Ms. Static wants to examine the
general performance trend of her students in Research
class in order to evaluate students’ learning. She gives 50
items final term exam to her 20 students. In the frequency
table, you can easily identify the number of students per
score recorded.
b.1. Mean. This is the average of a set of data. It is the most widely used measure of central
tendency. It is frequently used for interval or ratio variables. The mean is calculated by getting the
summation of all observations (data) divided by the number of observations.
b.2. Median. The median is the middle value of a given set of measurements, provided that the
values are arranged in increasing or decreasing order. It is also the most appropriate measure of
central tendency for ordinal data.
b.3. Mode. This is the most appropriate measure of central tendency when data are on nominal
scale. It is also the quick approximation of average but the weakest measure of central tendency.
In cases where there is more than one observation, which is the highest but with equal frequency,
the distribution is called bimodal (with 2 highest observations) or multimodal with more than two
highest observations. In cases where every item has equal number of observations, there is no mode.
c) Measures of Dispersion
Dispersion is a way of describing how spread out a set of data is. It is important for
describing the spread of the data, or its variation around a central value. It is also called measure of
variability. The measures to be considered are the range, standard deviation and the variance.
c.1. The Range. The range is the difference between the largest and the smallest values in a set of
data. However, it only gives us knowledge of the spread of data, but it does not tell us about the
dispersion of values from central tendency.
c.2. Standard Deviation. The standard deviation (SD) is a measure of spread or variation of each
data from the mean. A more useful statistic than simply knowing the range of scores would be to
see how widely dispersed different scores are from the mean. The standard deviation is defined as
the numeric index that describes how far away from the mean the scores in the distribution are
The formula for standard deviation is 𝑆𝐷 = 𝑁
where X = value from the population, M = mean, and N = the size of population.
c.3. Variance. It is the average of the squared differences from the Mean. Variance could be easily
calculated along with the standard deviation because variance is the square value of the standard
1. The data should follow a continuous or ordinal scale (for example is the IQ test scores of
2. The observations in the data should be randomly selected.
3. Large sample size should be taken for the data to approach a normal distribution (although t-
test is essential for small samples as their distributions are non-normal).
4. Variances among the groups should be equal (for independent two-sample t-test).
Types of T-test
Table 1. Types of T-test
Types Purpose Example
It is used to know whether the mean of a
One Sample T- single population is equal to a target value. Is the mean height of female college
test This target value can be any theoretical students greater than 5.5 feet?
value (or it can be the population mean).
Does the mean height of female college
Independent Two It is used to compare the means of two
students significantly differ from the
Sample T-test different samples.
mean height of male college students?
The paired sample t-test is quite If you measure the weight of male college
Paired Sample T- interesting. Here, we measure one group at students before and after each subject
test or Dependent two different times. We compare separate takes a weight-loss pill, is the mean
Sample Test means for a group at two different times or weight loss significant enough to
under two different conditions. conclude that the pill works?
a.2. Z-test
A z-test is also a type of inferential statistics used to determine if there is a significant
difference between the means of two comparing groups. The difference between z-test to t-test is
the number of sample participants. If you are finding a significant difference between the means of
two groups but your samples in each comparing group are more than 30, then the z-test is the
appropriate test to use.
According to Glen (2020), below are needed to be noticed before performing the z-test.
1. Your sample size must be greater than 30. Otherwise, use a t-test.
2. Your data should be normally distributed. However, for large sample sizes (over 30) this
doesn’t always matter.
3. Your data should be randomly selected from a population, where each item has an equal chance
of being selected.
4. The sample sizes should be equal if possible.
b.3. Chi-Square Test
It is used when data expressed in terms of frequencies or percentages (nominal variables).
A chi-square test measures how expectations are related to actual observed data. The data used in
calculating a chi-square test must be random, raw, mutually exclusive, drawn from independent
variables, and drawn from a large enough sample (Hayes 2020).
C. Hypothesis Testing
• A hypothesis is an educated guess about something and a tentative solution to a research problem.
It should be testable, either by experiment or observation (Glen 2020). For example, (a) a new
medicine you think might work and (b) a way of teaching you think might be better.
• Hypothesis is a preconceived idea, assumed to be true, and must be tested for its truth or falsity.
To test the hypothesis, inferential statistics are used.
• Hypothesis is used by the researchers to place a temporary answer to their research questions
aiming to find the difference between variables, a significant relationship between the variables, or
interaction. Hypothesis has two types namely: null hypothesis; and alternative hypothesis.
Types of Hypothesis
• Null hypothesis (Ho) is one that is always tested by the researcher. It always indicates that there is
no significant relationship or difference between the variables.
• Alternative hypothesis (Ha) indicates that there is a true relationship or difference between the
• Results will show that:
1. There is a meaningful relationship or difference between two groups, thus reject the null
2. The difference or relationship between the two groups is not large enough to conclude that the
groups are different or correlated, thus you fail to reject the null hypothesis.
Research Question: Is there a significant relationship between students’ anxiety in Mathematics and their
class performance in Math?
Ho: There is no significant relationship between students’ anxiety in Mathematics and their class performance
in Math.
Ha: There is a significant relationship between students’ anxiety in Mathematics and their class performance
in Math
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis testing is a process in statistics by testing an assumption regarding a population
parameter. It is the use of statistics to determine the probability that a given hypothesis is true (Majaski
2019). The goal of hypothesis testing is whether to reject or accept the null hypothesis that the researcher
formulated in the study.
Inferential statistics requires that the sample be drawn by random sampling because bias sampling
tends to give wrong inferences. Testing statistical significance is very important to determine if the
inference is valid.
Statistical Significance
1. Statistical Significance refers to the relationship of variables caused by something.
2. Significance means probably true (not due to chance).
3. Level of significance means that there is a chance that the finding is true.
4. Statistical hypothesis testing is used to determine whether the result of a data set is statistically
Type I and Type II Errors
• Type I error is committed when the researcher rejected the null hypothesis when in fact it is true.
• Type II error is committed when the data produce a result that fails to reject the null hypothesis
when in fact the null hypothesis is false and needs to be rejected.
From the table above, we can determine the computed value of:
• T- value: 5.144 (disregard the negative sign)
• P-value: 0.001 (as you can see in the SPSS table, the p-value is already rounded off
to 0.000)
5. Decide whether to reject or accept the null hypothesis.
For us to decide whether to reject the null hypothesis or not to reject, we must understand
first the conditions set for our chosen statistical method before making a decision.
Since the researcher used t-test for independent sample, the condition set for this method
• Condition 1: If the computed p-value is less than the chosen level of significance,
then reject the null hypothesis; or
• Condition 2: If the computed t-value is greater than the p-value, then reject the null
In our example,
• Using the first condition, the researchers computed p-value of 0.001 is less than the
level of significance of 0.05, then the null hypothesis shall be rejected.
• Using the second condition, the researchers computed t-value of 5.144 is greater
than the p-value of 0.001, then the null hypothesis shall be rejected.
Since the null hypothesis is rejected, then it means that there is a significant difference
between the posttest of both groups. It indicates that the learning module help the students enhance
their learning competency in Practical Research 2.
i. Tabular Form
a. Presenting Data
A table facilitates representation of even large amounts of data in an attractive,
easy to read and organized manner. The data is organized in rows and columns. This is
one of the most widely used forms of presentation of data since data tables are easy to
construct and read.
Construction of Data Tables
There are many ways for construction of a good table. However, some basic ideas
• The title should be in accordance with the objective of study: The title of a table
should provide a quick insight into the table.
• Comparison: If there might a need to compare any two rows or columns then these
might be kept close to each other.
• Alternative location of stubs: If the rows in a data table are lengthy, then the stubs
can be placed on the right-hand side of the table.
• Headings: Headings should be written in a singular form. For example, ‘good’
must be used instead of ‘goods’.
• Footnote: A footnote should be given only if needed. • Size of columns: Size of
columns must be uniform and symmetrical.
• Use of abbreviations: Headings and sub-headings should be free of abbreviations.
• Units: There should be a clear specification of units above the columns.
b. Interpreting Data
Interpreting a table means converting a table into prose form.
Table Interpretation
Table 1. Tourist Arrivals in May 2004. Table 1 shows that there were
thirteen kinds of tourists that arrived in May
Tourists No. of Arrival 2004 and all were 40,310. These tourists in
Japanese 7045 their respective numbers were the
Americans 5435 Americans, 5,435; Englishmen, 2,006;
German 5234 Frenchmen, 1,890; Spaniards, 2,072;
Taiwanese 4674 Germans, 5,234; Puerto Ricans, 1,351;
Koreans 3216 Japanese, 7,045; Taiwanese, 4,674;
Malaysian 3004 Koreans, 3,216; Malaysian, 3,004;
Spaniards 2072 Indonesians, 2,008; Pakistanis,1352; and
Indonesians 2008 Jordanians, 1,023. It turned out that among
Englishmen 2006 all these tourists, Japanese were the greatest
Frenchmen 1890 in number while the Jordanians were the
Pakistanis 1352
Puerto Ricans 1351
Jordanians 1023
Grand Total 40310
Types of Graphs and Charts
1. Bar graph. It is composed of discrete bars that represent different categories of
data. The length or height of the bar is equal to the quantity within that category of
data. Bar graphs are best used to compare values across categories.
2. Pie chart. It is a circular chart used to compare parts of the whole. It is divided into
sectors that are equal in size to the quantity represented.
3. Histogram. It has connected bars that display the frequency or proportion of cases
that fall within defined intervals or columns. The bars on the histogram can be of
varying width and typically display continuous data.
4. Line graph. It displays the relationship between two types of information. Line
graphs are most effective in presenting five or more data points over a period of
5. Pictogram. It is a special type of bar graph. Instead of using an axis with numbers,
it uses pictures to represent a particular number of items. For example, you could
use a pictogram for the data above about ages, with an image of a person to show
the number of people in each category:
6. Scatter plot. It is a graph in which the values of two variables are plotted along
two axes, the pattern of the resulting points revealing any correlation present.
Analyzing graphs
When analyzing graphs, it is important to determine what the graph is displaying and why such
information is pertinent to the experiment or to the context of the question.
Guidelines on how to analyze graphs
1. Distinguish between the various types of graphs.
2. Read the title and axes of the graphs in order to determine which type of data is being represented.
The x-axis is the independent variable or that which can be changed. The y-axis is the dependent
variable or that which depends on the independent variable.
3. Determine the general trend of the graph. In a picture graph, look for the line with the highest
amount of pictures. For a bar graph, look for the highest bar. For a line graph and a scatter plot,
look at the slope of the line. If the line is pointing to the upper right corner, then the slope is positive.
If the line is pointing to the lower right corner, then the slope is negative.
4. Look for data points that do not seem to fit the general trend. Not all sets of data display a perfect
trend. Examine such points, and record them. If there is one bar, dot, or part of the line that is out
of place, then this may not be significant enough to affect the entire conclusion.
5. Use the graph to make predictions about future sets of data.
IV. Activities
Activity 1. Identify it!
Read the following statements carefully. Identify the word/s being described in each statement.
1. It is a type of observation where the respondents are not aware that they are being observed.
2. It refers to a data collection method which is used to assess the knowledge of the respondents.
3. It is a type of interview that requires the researcher to have a laptop during the data collection process.
4. It refers to a method of collecting data that involves the presentation of verbal responses from the
5. It is a type of test that determines if a certain skill is achieved or not.
6. It is a type of interview that includes the telephone directory.
7. It is a type of survey questionnaire that is internet-based.
8. It refers to the sources of data from published articles and literature.
9. It refers to the section in a questionnaire that contains the purpose of the study.
10. It refers to the process of collecting data from the respondents.
Activity 3. Chapter 3
Finish writing your Chapter 3 – Methodology and make sure to follow the same formatting guidelines.
It should contain the following: Research Design, Sample/Population, Instruments, Data Collection
Procedure, and Statistical Tool. The deadline for this chapter is on May 6, 2024.
V. References
Ballera, Charlene B., Gungon J., Dalisay, M.J., and Reyes R.R.. 2019. Practical Research 2: Learning
Module for Senior High School. Unpublished.
Bhandari, Pritha. 2020. A step-by-step guide to data collection. Scribbr.
Faltado III, Ruben E., Medardo B. Bombita, Helen B. Boholano and Angeline Pogoy. 2017. Practical
Research 2: Quantitative Research for Senior High School). Cubao, Quezon City: Lorimar
Publishing Inc. Jerusalem, V.L. et al. 2017. Practical Research 2: Exploring Quantitative Research.
1st edition.
Florida State University and North East FL Educational Consortium. 2005. Data analysis: Descriptive
%20statistics%2C%20the%20term%20%E2%80%9Cfreque ncy,each%20score%20on%20a%20test.
Prieto, Nelia.G., Victoria.C. Naval, & Teresita.G. Carey. Practical Research 2: Quantitative. Cubao, Quezon
City. Lorimar Publishing Inc. 2017.
Trochim, William M.K. 2020. Descriptive Statistics. Knowledge Base., Sydney, Australia. ABN
56 616 169 021.