CH 2
CH 2
CH 2
An organized, systematic, data-based
critical scientific inquiry or investigation
into a specific problem, undertaken with
the objective of finding answers or
solutions to it.
Information that enables managers to make
decisions to rectify problems.
Primary (first-hand) or Secondary (readily
available); Quantitative or Qualitative
The Research Process consists of eight steps, which
are given below:
Phase I:
1. Formulating a research problem
Phase II:
2. Conceptualizing a research design
3. Constructing an instrument for data collection
4. Selecting a sample
5. Writing a research proposal
Phase III:
6. Collecting data
7. Processing data
8. Writing a research report
1. Formulating a research problem
A research problem is a definite or clear expression [statement] about
an area of concern, a condition to be improved upon, a difficulty
to be eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in scholarly
literature, in theory, or within existing practice that points to a
need for meaningful understanding and deliberate investigation.
The main function of a research design is to explain how the researcher will
find answers to the research questions. The research design sets out the
specific details of the enquiry. A research design is a framework that has
been created to find answers to research questions.
random/non-random/mixed sampling
5. Writing A Research Proposal
A Research Proposal is a document that is typically written by a researcher
which describes the ideas for an investigation on a certain topic. The research
proposal outlines the process from beginning to end of the study. This is
prepared for the research supervisor and others.
For example, depending upon the plans, the researcher might commence
interviews, mail out a questionnaire, conduct nominal/ focus group
discussions or make observations.
At a glance
--in research design, the researcher decided upon the procedure he/she
wanted to adopt to collect the data.
--at this stage, the researcher actually collects the data.
7. Processing Data
The 7th step focuses on two things, which are given below:
a) the type of information (descriptive, quantitative, qualitative or
attitudinal); and
b) the way the researcher want to communicate the researcher’s findings to
the readers.
It is important for data analysis that the researcher consider whether the data is to
be analyzed manually or by a computer. Moreover, depends on the type of
information, the data can be processed by descriptive, quantitative, qualitative, or
attitudinal research design.
8. Writing A Research Report
There are two broad categories of reports: quantitative and qualitative.
As mentioned earlier, the distinction is more academic than real as in most
studies the researcher need to combine quantitative and qualitative skills.
Nevertheless, there are some solely qualitative and some solely
quantitative studies.
There are two broad categories of reports: quantitative and qualitative. As
mentioned earlier, the difference is more academic than real as in most
studies you need to combine quantitative and qualitative skills.
Nevertheless, there are some solely qualitative and some solely
quantitative studies. Your report should be written in an academic style
and be divided into different chapters and/or sections based upon the main
themes of your study.
It includes findings, recommendations, conclusion, future direction,
implications to policy makers, etc.