116 2 nos.
Hammer smith 2 kg. With handle.
117 Tongs roving 350mm. 2 nos.
118 Tongs fiat 350mm. 2 nos.
119 Smith's square 45 cm x 30 cm. 1 no.
120 Cold set rodded 25X200mm. 2 nos.
121 Hot set rodded 25X200mm. 1 no.
122 1 each
Swages top & bottom 12 mm /19
123 Swage block 35 x 35 x 12 cm. 1 no.
124 2 nos.
Flatters (rodded) 55 mm square.
125 2 nos.
Fuller top & bottom 6 mm 9 mm (Pair).
126 Anvil 50 kg. 2 nos.
127 Anvil stand 2 nos.
128 Shovel. 2 nos.
129 Trammel 30cm. 1 no.
130 Rake. 2 nos.
131 1 no.
Quenching tank (To be made in the Institute).
132 Pocker. 2 nos.
133 Hardle. 2 nos.
134 Leather apron. 2 nos.
135 Prick punch 2 nos.
136 Mallet. 2 nos.
137 Snips straight 25 cm. 2 nos.
138 Setting hammers with handle. 2 nos.
139 Planishing hammer. 2 nos.
140 Snip bent 25 cm. 2 nos.
141 Stake hatchet. 2 nos.
142 Stake grooving. 2 nos.
143 Gauge imperial sheet. 1 no.
D : Modified list of tools for the 3rd and 4th semester for
fitter trade.
1 1 Set
Slip Gauge as Johnson metric set.
2 2 each
Carbide Wear Block 1 mm – 2 mm.
3 1 Set