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TLT-6406 Section 8

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Institute of Communications Engineering


Section 6
UMTS configuration planning
Objectives of configuration planning
 To select an optimum configuration for base station for a planned
cell or area
 To figure out a configuration that
 Meets the network quality targets
 Takes into account the physical limitations and requirements
 Meets the given investments and operating cost limits
 To consider several factors
 Propagation environment (macro, micro, indoor cell)
 Site characteristics (indoor, outdoor, wall, mast)
 Required coverage and capacity

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 2

UMTS power budget
UMTS power budget
 Target is to maximize the path losses in DL and in UL
 In UMTS, link balance is not constant, since it varies according to
current load of the network
 In DL, cell load affects more because all users share the same base
station transmit power
 This was not problem in GSM since the maximum power is allocated totally
for a one user (one-to-one)
 Generally, using the power budget is similar to GSM, i.e.,

Max_DL_pathloss  DL_EIRP  DL_planning_threshold

Max_UL_pathloss  UL_EIRP  UL_planning_threshold

but the calculation of path losses and thresholds differs.

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 4

UMTS power budget
Frequency MHz 2100
Chip rate Mcps 3.84
Temperature K 293
Boltzmann´s constant J/K 1.38E-23


Load % 75 75 Body loss dB 3 3
Bit rate kbps 12.2 12.2 Propagation slope dB/dec 35 35
Thermal noise density dBm/Hz -173.93 -173.93 Outdoor coverage probability 95 % 95 %
Receiver noise figure dB 4.00 8.00 Outdoor slow fading STD dB 7 7
Receiver noise density dBm/Hz -169.93 -165.93 Outdoor slow fading margin dB 4.3 4.3
Noise power dBm -104.09 -100.09 Outdoor planning threshold dBm -128.75 -107.75
Interference margin dB 6.02 6.02
Total interference level dBm -98.07 -94.07 Indoor coverage probability 90 % 90 %
Processing gain dB 24.98 24.98 Indoor slow fading STD 9 9
Required Eb /N0 dB 4.00 7.00 Indoor slow fading margin 3.5 3.5
Receiver sensitivity dBm -119.05 -112.05 Building penetration loss 15 15
Indoor planning threshold -114.55 -93.55
RX antenna gain dBi 18.00 0.00
Cable loss dB 6.00 0.00
LNA gain dB 3.00 0.00 MAXIMUM PATH LOSS
Antenna diversity gain dB 3.00 0.00 Indoor dB 135.55 145.55
Soft handover diversity gain dB 2.00 3.00 Outdoor dB 149.75 159.75
Power control headroom dB 3.00 0.00
Required signal power dBm -136.05 -115.05
TX power per connection W 0.126 10
TX power dBm 21.00 40.00
Cable loss dB 0.00 6.00
TX antenna gain dBi 0.00 18.00
Peak EIRP dBm 21.00 52.00
ISOTROPIC PATH LOSS dB 157.05 167.05

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 5

Base station configuration
Base station architecture

line 1 UMTS Base Station

line 2 PA

AF TRU Base band Interface

unit unit
line 3 PA



AF – Antenna filter
TRU – Transceiver unit
O&M – Operation and maintenance

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 7

Base station architecture
 Antenna filter (AF)
 Filters out-of-band noise and interference (e.g., from other WCDMA
carriers), and spurious signals in TX
 Amplifies the received signal
 Affects the base station noise figure and sensitivity
 Power amplifier (PA)
 Characterised by
 Linearity
 Output power
 Bandwidth
 Linearity requirements set by adjacent power leakage (APL) power and
modulation requirements
 Typical output power between 5–40 W
 Single carrier (5 MHz) and multicarrier (15–20 MHz)

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 8

Base station architecture
 Transceiver unit (TRU)
 Interface between analog RF and digital signal processing
 Down-conversion, filtering, A/D-conversion (D/A-conversion) etc.
 Base band unit (BBU)
 Common signal channel processing
 Random access channel (RACH) detection
 Common pilot channel (CPICH) generation
 L1 signal processing for common and dedicated physical channels
 Error detection
 Channel coding/error correction
 Interleaving
 Transport channel multiplexing
 Spreading/despreading
 Channel estimation for phase correction and RAKE receiver configuration
 RAKE receiver
 Modulation
 Filtering
 Fast closed-loop power control
 Load estimation for all carriers

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 9

Base station architecture
 Interface unit
 Connects the base station to the Radio Network Controller (RNC)
 Operation and maintenance (O&M) unit
 Interface to network management system for network supervising and
 Vendor-specific solutions
 E.g., usage of combiners

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 10

Base station performance
 BS performance depends on
 Transmit power
 PA performance
 Sensitivity
 base station RF and base band performance (also service type, data rate, propagation
environment, but not related to BS itself)
 Processing capacity
 BBU performance
 number of HW units installed

 3GPP defines performance requirements as Eb/N0 levels in

different propagation environments

Eb E Lchip Ec RcTframe Ec Rc
 c  
N 0 N 0 Linf N 0 RbTframe N 0 Rb

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 11

Base station performance
 Eb/N0 requirements for BS in different environments [1]
Static Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
Receivered Required Receivered Required Receivered Required Receivered Required
Bit rate Eb/N0 BLER Eb/N0 BLER Eb/N0 BLER Eb/N0 BLER
12,2 n.a. 0,1 n.a. 0,1 n.a. 0,1 n.a. 0,1
5,1 0,01 11,9 0,01 9,0 0,01 6,7 0,01
7,5 0,001
64 1,5 0,1 6,2 0,1 4,3 0,1 2,9 0,1
1,7 0,01 9,2 0,01 6,4 0,01 3,3 0,01
3,6 0,001
144 0,8 0,1 5,4 0,1 3,7 0,1 2,3 0,1
0,9 0,01 8,4 0,01 5,6 0,01 2,7 0,01
3,1 0,001
384 0,9 0,1 5,8 0,1 4,1 0,1 2,7 0,1
1,0 0,01 8,8 0,01 6,1 0,01 3,1 0,01
3,7 0,001

Case 1, speed 3 km/h Case 2, speed 3 km/h Case 3, speed 120 km/h
Relative Average Relative Average Relative Average
delay [ns] Power [dB] delay [ns] Power [dB] delay [ns] Power [dB]
0 0 0 0 0 0
976 -10 976 0 260 -3
20000 0 521 -6
781 -9

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 12

Eb/N0 requirements

0 dB
Case 1 -10 dB

0 ns 250 ns 500 ns 750 ns 1000 ns

0m 75 m 150 m 225 m 300 m

0 dB 0 dB 0 dB
Case 2

0 ns 5 000 ns 10 000 ns 15 000 ns 20 000 ns

0m 1.5 km 3.0 km 4.5 km 6.0 km

0 dB -3 dB
Case 3 -6 dB
-9 dB

0 ns 250 ns 500 ns 750 ns 1000 ns

0m 75 m 150 m 225 m 300 m

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 13

Mobile station configuration
Mobile station
 Transmit power and sensitivity are the main parameters in
configuration planning
 Specifications [6] set requirements for mobiles; can be used as
baseline for planning
 Transmit power classes

UE power classes.

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 15

MS performance requirements
 UE performance in Case 1 multipath environment (indoor or small
micro cell) [6]

 Performance given as a ratio of the dedicated physical channel

transmitted chip energy DPCH_Ec and the total transmit power
spectral density Ior

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 16

MS performance requirements
This requirement can be projected from the transmit end to the receiver antenna
 DPCH _ Ec   Ec 
  ˆ 
 I or  TX  I or  RX

where Ec is the received chip energy and Iˆor is the power spectral density of
the transmitted signal. The specified test conditions must be understood in
order to use these requirements in power budget calculations.
The received total interference power density N0 is derived in order to find out
the relation of the total interference power density and the used in the
specifications. N0 is the sum of the own-cell interference, other-cell
interference, and thermal noise spectral densities:
N 0  Iˆor 1     I oc  Nth 0  Iˆor 1     Iˆor i  Nth 0

where Iˆor is the total own-cell received signal power, α is the orthogonality, Ioc
is the power spectral of a band-limited white noise source as measured at the
UE antenna connector (simulating interference from cells), little i is commonly

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 17

MS performance requirements
used for describing the level of other-cell interference, and Nth0 is the received
thermal noise power density (in a real environment, includes external
interference from other carriers and systems).
The equation can be reformatted to a correction factor (CF), which can be
used to calculate the Eb/N0 requirement for different services.
N0 Nth 0 Nth 0
CF   1  i   1  i   1  i
ˆI ˆI I oc i
or or

Specifications define the external interference level Ioc −60 dBm/3.84 MHz,
and i 9dB (CF −6.5 dB and α 0.9)
Ec E 1 E b Ec Rc
 c , 
N 0 Iˆor CF N 0 N 0 Rb

For example, a −15 dB requirement (in Table) corresponds to Ec/N0 level of

−8.5 dB and Eb/N0 of 16.4 dB.

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 18

Relevant WCDMA parameters for
radio network planning
Power budget parameters

 Thermal noise density

 Generated by the environment
N 0  kT  1.38 10  23  293K  4.04 10  21 W/Hz
 4.04 10  21 W 
 10  log10  dBm/Hz  173.93 dBm/Hz

 0 . 001 W 

where N0 is thermal noise density, k is the Boltzmann´s

constant, and T is temperature in degrees of Kelvin
 Noise power PN
PN  kTBF  1.38 10  23  293K  3.84MHz  2
 3.105 14 W  105.08 dBm

where F is the noise figure.

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 20
Power budget parameters

 Processing gain [in dB]

 Rc   3.84 Mcps 
PG  10  log10    10  log10 
   24.98 dB
 Rb   12.2 kcps 

where Rc is chip rate and Rb is the information bit rate.

 Interference margin (noise rise)

1 NI
IM  
1  N
where IM is the cell interference margin, η is the load of the
cell (0..1) compared to the pole capacity, N is the noise level,
and I is the total interference level in the cell.
TLT-6406 Radio network planning 21
Power budget parameters
 Interference margin vs. load

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 22

Link level parameters
 Orthogonality, α
 In downlink, orthogonality is preserved because the timing of the transmission from
one BS can be controlled which decreases DL Eb/N0
 In uplink, the channelisation codes of different MS´s are not orthogonal because the
timing of the transmission of different MS´s cannot be controlled
 Orthogonality is a measure of how well different code signals are uncorrelated
 If orthogonality is 1, the signals are totally uncorrelated and do not interfere each
other. In a real network environment, multipath propagation destroys the
orthogonality and increases Eb/N0
 Orthogonality varies according to mobile location
 According to simulations, following values of orthogonality can be used
 with TX diversity
 macro cell 60%
 micro cell 90%
 without TX diversity
 macro cell 50%
 micro cell 85%
 The higher orthogonality for microcells is due to LOS situations (small cells, less
multipath propagation)

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 23

Link level parameters
 Ec/I0
 Received chip energy relative to total power spectral density
 Typically used as a link performance indicator for the signals, which carry
no information
 CPICH Ec/I0 used, e.g., when comparing different link strengths in handover

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 24

Link level parameters
 Average power rise
 When the MS speed is low, the fast power control is able to compensate the
fast fading (lower Eb/N0 values for a certain BLER)
 This increases the average transmitted power
 The average power rise has to be measured from simulations as the
difference between average transmitted power and the average received
power when the average channel gain is 1
 In uplink, increases the average interference to adjacent cells
 Has to be taken into account in dimensioning
 In downlink, the average power rise affects the total increase in BS transmit
 Taken into account in downlink Eb/N0 values

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 25

Link level parameters
 Uplink other-to-own-cell interference i
 Total power received from the own cell per total power received from surrounding
 Gives the isolation of the cell, i.e., how well the cell is isolated from its adjacent cells
 In microcells i ≈ 0.2
 Good isolation because of surrounding buildings  good spectral density  good capacity
 In macrocells i ≈ 0.6–0.8
 Worse isolation, cells are overlapping more  worse capacity

Uplink transmission power =

interference to other cells, Iother

Uplink received power =

Interference to other users in the
same cell, Iown

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 26

Power budget parameters
 Eb/N0 requirements
 Energy per bit divided by the total interference power density requirement (also I0 used)
 The relation between Eb/N0 and signal quality C/I is a function of processing gain
𝐸b 𝐶/𝑅b 𝐶
= = 𝑃𝐺
𝑁0 𝐼/𝑅c 𝐼

 In practice, Eb/N0 requirement depends on a large number of variables

 Service QoS profile (bit rate, BLER target, RLC mode..)
 Layer 1 channel configuration (channel estimation)
 Propagation conditions
 Receiver speed
 Power control efficiency
 Antenna diversity reception/transmission
 SHO conditions (number of links, relative powers of the links)
 Due to the complex nature of Eb/N0 requirement, it is impossible to give any ´right´ value
for it  reasonable estimates has to be used (or even measurements after network launch)

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 27

Link level parameters
 Eb/N0 requirement
 Defines the quality of the radio link (‘bit-energy over noise spectral density
 Related to respective quality target (e.g., BER/FER)
 The target of the power control is to keep Eb/N0 constant
 Uplink and downlink

 Eb  pRX R W pRX
   
 N0 UL IW R I  pRX
 Eb  W pRX
  
 N 0  DL R I own 1     I other  PN
where pRX is the received power, W is the chip rate, R is the user bit
rate, I is the total received interference (including noise), Iown is own
cell interference, Iother is other-cell interference, and PN is noise power.

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 28

Base station antenna line
BS antenna line configuration
 First considerations
 Systems and frequencies supported I
 Main site characteristic I
 Antenna height I Antenna
 BS location (roof, basement..) I
 After that, antenna line equipment LNA
configuration Jumpers
Base station
 Antenna type antenna line

 Feeder cables
 LNA/MHA cable
 Diversity
 Tilting Bias - T

 Antenna installation equipment

setup BTS

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 30

Base station antenna
 Direct impact on the shape and size of the cell coverage area and on the
interference level outside coverage area
 Antenna selection is important!
 Considerations when selecting the antenna
 Physical size
 Frequency band
 Single and multiple carriers
 Broadband antenna (GSM1800&UMTS)
 Multiband antenna (GSM900, GSM1800, and UMTS)
 Antenna vertical beamwidth
 Inversely proportional to vertical size
 Horizontal beamwidth
 Set by the number of sectors selected
 Polarization
 Vertical single polarization antennas
 Diversity antenna (±45°)
 Downtilting method
 Mechanical
 Electrical (fixed or tunable)

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 31

Base station antenna
Some antenna configurations for UMTS.

Typical cable attenuations at different frequencies.

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 32

 Important element in UMTS UL coverage (and capacity)
 Network moves closer to becoming DL limited since LNA
introduces insertion loss (~0.5 dB)

7 14
Sys tem nois e figure improvement / dB

6 .
6 12
. 11
5 10
4 8

3 7
3 6
2 4
1 2
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 2 4 6 8 10
LNA gain / dB Cable loss / dB
L_C = 3 dB System noise figure, no LNA
L_C = 6 dB System noise figure with LNA (gain 12 dB)
System noise figure improvement

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 33

Impact of LNA on system performance [2]
 Usability of masthead amplifier (MHA, also LNA) demonstrated in
WCDMA network
 UL performance improves
 Coverage provided for new locations
 DL performance deteriorates
 The ´new´ UL connections (also SHO) require additional DL power
 Is not problem if lower loads (e.g., rural environment)

UL interfernce i Served users in UL Served users in DL UL coverage probability for 8/64/144 kbit/s
no MHA 0.60 1038 807 93/78/78
with MHA 0.61 1064 746 95/82/82
no MHA 0.73 1089 884 96/86/85
with MHA 0.73 1107 846 98/89/89
no MHA 0.88 1124 1052 97/87/86
with MHA 0.90 1132 1021 98/90/90

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 34

Diversity configurations
 Space and polarization diversity
used to enhance UL coverage and
 Space diversity X I I X I I
 In UMTS, multipath diversity X I I X I I
affects the achievable gain; e.g., in X I I X I I
indoor and microcells, the antenna
diversity gain is higher than in
macrocells [3]
 Polarization diversity
 Multipath diversity affects the
achievable gain
 Higher order diversity reception RX/TX RX RX/TX RX RX/TX RX RX/TX RX

also possible (4-branch diversity)

 Gain about 1–2 dB more compared Examples of RX diversity
to 2-branch diversity [4] configurations in UMTS,
with and without LNA

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 35

Diversity configurations
 UMTS specifications support also DL transmit diversity
 DL often more critical in high capacity cells (e.g., asymmetric data)
 Support of DL transmit diversity is mandatory feature for mobile terminals
 Operator can decide whether to use it or not
 The user data is transmitted via two different antennas
 The channel impulse responses estimated by the UE
 Two different methods
 Open-loop TX diversity
 Closed-loop TX diversity (two modes)
 Informs the base station about channel
 Achievable gain depends on channel conditions (orthogonality and terminal
 Receiver Eb/N0 gains 0–3.5 dB reported [5]
 Macrocell capacity improvement 25–35%
 Microcell capacity improvement 50–75%

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 36

Multi system antenna configurations
 GSM and WCDMA support essential in order to support co-siting
 Separate and shared antenna lines

Separate Shared

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 37

Multi system antenna configurations
 Co-siting with broadband and multiband antennas with common
antenna cables
antenna antenna




GSM base station WCDMA base station GSM base station WCDMA base station

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 38

Planning thresholds
Planning threshold
 Planning threshold is affected by
 Equipment performance and configuration
 Cell interference level
 Service quality requirements (affect by propagation environment, MS mobility…)
 Since UMTS system supports the implementation of multiple services, the power budget
has to be calculated for each service separately using selected QoS levels
 If all services are intended to offer, the cell range is limited by the service that allows the
lowest maximum path loss

Average signal level at

cell edge = Planning Threshold
Coverage quality, margins
Signal level at antenna
Antenna line parameters
Signal level at reveiver
C/I requirement
Total interference
Amount of interference

Thermal noise at receiver

Receiver noise figure
Background noise

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 40

Power budget margins
 Soft handover diversity gain (macro diversity gain, MDC)
 Defined as the macro diversity gain against fast fading
 Soft and softer handovers
 In downlink, signals from different base stations (SHO) or sectors (softer
HO) are combined in the MS RAKE receiver (maximal ratio combining)
 In uplink, selection combining at RNC for soft handover and maximal ratio
combining at BS for softer handover
 Achievable gain depends on the relative power of the handover links and the
level of diversity from other diversity types (antenna diversities, multipath
 UL gains 0–1.6 dB reported [7]
 In downlink, the gain varies between 0–2 dB

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 41

Power budget margins
 Soft(er) handover gain
 Gain against shadow fading (MS always connected best server)
 Different for outdoor and indoor locations (due to different likelihood of
multiple servers)
 In practice, the slow fading of the radio links in the soft handover is partly
correlated (lower gain)
 The gain is defined as the different of the difference of the slow fading
margin with one link and the slow fading margin with multiple links with a
certain correlation

M SF 

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 42

Power budget margins
 Power control headroom (fast fading margin)
 Margin that has to be taken into account in UL power budget because a
mobile at the cell edge transmits continuously at full power, and thus cannot
follow the fading according the power control commands
 Depends heavily on the mobile speed and the level of diversity
 At low speed and low level diversity, the mobile PC is able to follow the
fading, the headroom is larger (6–8 dB)
 At higher speed and higher level of diversity, it is close to 0 dB

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 43

Power budget margins
 Soft handover (SHO) diversity gain (macro diversity)
 Reduction in Eb/N0 (lower required peak power at the cell edges) due to
multiple simultaneous connections
 Uplink
 The gain in received Eb/N0 values is relatively small
 The gain in transmitted power is significant (cell edge)
 Downlink
 Reduction in TX powers per BS, but more BS needed if multiple connections
 SHO gain
 Against slow fading
 Gain observed because MS is always connected to the best server
 This could be done also with very fast hard handover
 SHO gain ≠ SHO diversity gain (MDC gain)

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 44

Corresponding cell ranges
 With example path losses

Indoor 135.55 dB 145.55 dB
Outdoor 149.75 dB 159.75 dB

using OH model with 25 m BS antenna height and −2 dB area

correction factor (urban), the cell ranges would correspond to

Indoor 1.02 km 1.98 km
Outdoor 2.61 km 5.06 km

* only SFM and indoor BPL loss taken into account

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 45

DL and UL in WCDMA
Differences between UL and DL
 In UL, one transmitter per connection and in DL all connections
share one transmitter
 For two UL connections using same service simultaneously, the
received power at the serving BTS is approximately the same, in
DL it depends on the distance of the MS´s to the serving BTS
 Orthogonal codes reduce own-cell interference only in DL
 Common control channels transmitted with constant power exist
only in DL
 Link performance (Eb/N0) is different in UL and DL
 Noise figure is typically higher in MS than in BTS

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 47

Uplink load equation
 Uplink load can be defined, e.g., as follows [5]

 k 1  iUL 
 UL  
k 1
 k Rk

where K is the number of all mobiles in a cell, W is the system chip rate
(3.84 Mcps in UMTS system), ρk is the Eb/N0 requirement of kth user, Rk is the
bit rate of the kth user, and νk is the service activity of the kth user.
 The uplink load factor defines the needed uplink interference margin (IMUL) in
the power budget in order to be able to tolerate the impact of cell breathing.

N  I UL 1
IM UL  
N 1   UL

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 48

Downlink load equation
 Downlink load can be defined, e.g., as follows [5]

I   R  N L 
 DL   i i i  1   i    m,i 
i 1 
 
 W  n 1, n  m Ln , i 

where I is the number of all active mobiles in a cell, W is the

system chip rate, ρk is the Eb/N0 requirement of ith user, Rk is the bit
rate of the ith user, and νk is the service activity of the kth user, αi is
the orthogonality of ith user, and Lm,i and Ln,i are the path losses
from the serving base station m and from the another base station n,
respectively, to the mobile i.

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 49

DL and UL load
3 10
N1  1  600 R  20 10   67% EbN0  10 i  55% iav  55%  av  60%
Noise rise

NmaxUL( R    EbN0 i  W)

Interference margin (dB)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Number of us ers (20 kbit/s )

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 50

Behavior of UL and DL path losses vs. load
 The power requirement and maximum path loss for ith mobile in
the uplink can be written as follows
 Eb 
  Ri
 0 i
N i Li
P UL TX ,i , max
TX , i  W  Li , max  1   UL 
1   UL  Eb 
  Ri
 0 i
N i
 And in the downlink for kth BS
 Eb 
  Ri
 N 0 i
NL W   i
P DL TX , k , max
TX , k  i 1 W
 Lmax  1   DL 
1   DL  Eb 
  Ri
 0 i
NW  i
i 1 W

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 51

Coverage and capacity limitations
 UMTS uplink is coverage limited
 UMTS downlink is capacity limited
UL Eb/No 2 DL Max. Power 20 W Uplink Cable Loss Path Loss UL
DL Eb/No 4 DL Max. Power per connection 33 dBm Path Loss DL


Path loss [dB]


































Throughput [kbps]

TLT-6406 Radio network planning 52

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TLT-6406 Radio network planning 53

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