Remote Solar Water Pump Efficient Irrigation Solution
Remote Solar Water Pump Efficient Irrigation Solution
Remote Solar Water Pump Efficient Irrigation Solution
Ormoc City
Major in Electronics
Technology Department
Orteza, Jericho
Compa, Reynard
Nuez, Jeric
Evalaroza, Hazekiah
Magallanes, Mark
Villarmino, Joemarie
Research Instructor
Definition of Terms
Research Design
System Flowchart
Sampling Procedure
Research Environment
The innovative solution—a remote-controlled solar-powered water pump created especially for
methods and alternative energy sources are more important than ever because of the rising
demand for sustainable agriculture practices. This water pump provides a clean, renewable
energy source that lessens reliance on fossil fuels and reduces environmental impact by utilizing
The research delves deep into the intricacies of designing and optimizing the remote-control
integrating advanced sensors and automation technology, the system ensures precise and
optimized water delivery to crops, promoting water efficiency and sustainable agricultural
The results highlight significant advantages over traditional irrigation methods. The remote-
controlled solar water pump improves water management, reduces energy costs, and enhances
convenience for farmers. Its contribution to carbon emissions reduction establishes it as an eco-
Overall, this thesis provides insights and practical guidance for implementing remote-controlled
conservation, and environmental sustainability, the research promotes efficient and eco-
The need for sustainable agriculture techniques has never been greater than it is today,
with an expanding population and rising food consumption. Among the many difficulties the
agricultural industry faces, effective irrigation stands out as a key factor in guaranteeing the
best crop development and output. However, as energy saving and water shortage become
pressing issues, it is clearer than ever that creative irrigation methods are needed. The use of
solar power in irrigation systems has gained a lot of traction as a possible way to confront these
The research focuses on optimizing the remote control mechanism, enabling farmers to
ensure precise water delivery to crops, promoting water efficiency and sustainable agricultural
Key aspects include selecting suitable solar panels and their optimal positioning for
integrating intelligent algorithms for regulating water flow based on crop requirements and
environmental conditions. Field testing and performance evaluations validate the system's
including improved water management, reduced energy costs, and enhanced convenience for
farmers. The remote-controlled solar water pump offers a viable and eco-friendly solution for
sustainable agriculture.
powered water pumps in irrigation systems. By addressing water scarcity, energy conservation,
agricultural practices.
Irrigation plays an important role in our agriculture especially on farmers in rural areas.
Using solar powered water pumping system gives convenient, efficient output, and cheaper
expenses. Solar panels convert solar energy to electrical power through sun's rays converting
into electricity by exciting electrons in silicon cells using the photons of light from the sun. This
electricity can then be used to supply renewable energy to irrigation areas in the Philippines.
The use of this system in modern day technology cannot be overemphasized. It will
contribute a great help in solving the problems in irrigation systems. It will lessen the burden of
However, this system may have some drawbacks which are: its installation cost is much
higher. It will always depend on sunlight, because solar panels generate power through
But this study will find solutions and ways to eliminate or lessen the problems that this
The overall objective of this research was to determine the feasibility of using solar
powered water pump for a small irrigation system in the rural areas in our country Philippines.
a.) To help farmers insuring their planted plants, vegetables, rice grains, and etc. to get
b.) Lesser expenses in the irrigation system of the farmers for the farms they own.
c.) Farmers in rural areas or areas where electricity is not present can continue their
d.) Environment friendly system and may preserve fossil fuel in avoiding using fuelled
Helping our mother nature in preserving its beauty and uses, instead of using those
diesel or fuel water pumps that helps in destroying earth. A solar powered water pump is an
environment friendly system that converts solar energy to electrical power that is useful in the
Solar-powered photovoltaic (PV) panels convert the sun's rays into electricity by exciting
electrons in silicon cells using the photons of light from the sun. The DC (direct current)
electricity produced by the solar panels is stored in the battery and automatically stops the
charging when the battery is already full. Using inverter the power stored in the battery will be
inverted into AC (alternating current) and can now supply the 220V water pump.
A simple diagram of the concept of the study is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework Diagram
This project is more efficient on the areas where electricity was not introduced,
especially in rural areas where the installation of electricity is impossible or not yet done. The
solar panels will be there source of power for their irrigation in the farms. The power that these
panels produced will be stored in battery and let it is the supply to start the water pump.
The duration of this project was in this 1st semester of school year 2016 to 2017. This 1st
semester of school year 2016 to 2017 was dedicated to the design and installation of the
The significance of this project is giving a great opportunity to the farmers in rural areas,
especially those areas where electricity is not yet installed. Using the solar powered water
pump lessens the problems encountered by the farmers for their irrigation system. Instead of
using fuel that is not always available in rural areas, solar powered water pump gives an
This research project has the advantages that benefit both humans and nature. Here are
a) Even if installation of solar powered water pump is dealing with high expenses,
but its maintenance and operating cost were much cheaper than any powered
water pumps.
effects on nature.
c) Solar powered water pump is dependent from solar energy, and it is unlimited
source of energy so it’s easy and more effective system for irrigation.
The said advantages above are proofs that this system is more efficient, effective and
a) Alternating Current (AC) – the flow of electric charge periodically reverses direction.
Whereas in direct current (DC) the flow of electric charge is only in one direction. The
abbreviations AC & DC are often use to mean simply alternating and direct, as when
c) Fossil Fuel – is a general term for buried combustible geologic deposits of organic
materials, formed from decade plants & animals that have been converted to crude oil,
coal, natural gas, or heavy oils by exposure to heat and pressure in earth’s crust over
d) Inverter – converts the variable DC current output of photovoltaic (PV) solar panel into a
utility frequency AC current that can be fed into a commercial electrical grid or use by a
allowing the use of ordinary AC-powered equipment. Solar inverters have special
functions adapted for use of photovoltaic arrays, including maximum power point
e) Irrigation System – is the artificial application of water to the land or soil. It is use to
disturbed soils in dry areas and during periods of inadequate rainfall. Additionally,
irrigation also has a few other uses in crop production, which include protecting plants
against frost, suppressing weed growth in grain fields and preventing soil consolidation.
In contrast, agriculture that relies only on direct rainfall is referred to as rain-field or dry
land farming.
f) Photovoltaic (PV) – is a method of converting solar energy into DC current electricity
system employs solar panels compose of a number of solar cells to supply usable power.
g) Solar Energy – is a radiant light and heat from the sun harnessed using a range of ever-
evolving technologies such as solar heating, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal energy,
i) Charge Controller – it is a charge regulator or battery regulator limits the rate ta which
electric current is added to or drawn from electric batteries. It prevents over charging
and may protect against overvoltage, which can reduce battery performance or lifespan,
Historical Development
Long before our measurement of time, they dug wells to collect rain water,
surface water or ground water. Initially water was always collected by hand, but we
knew that in ancient Egypt they knew of wells and water wheels.
Even 2200 years ago, the Greek mathematician and physicist Archimedes,
invented an apparatus that could raise water from rivers, so it can be used for irrigation.
The apparatus is called Archimedes Screw, and it is still used in many places in the
a) Jet Pumps – a jet pump can be installed at a couple of different depths below the
ground. The shallow and deep well jet pumps will pull water out of the ground between
25 feet and 100 feet. Both types of jet pumps use vacuum effect to pull water out of the
b) Submersible Well Pumps – it perform the opposite job to retrieve water from the well,
pushing water up from the well instead of using the machinery to pull the water out of
the hole. These types of pumps are lowered deeper into the ground, according to the
c) Manual Pumps – manual water pumps are a throwback to the past because the
consumer has to manually perform an action to pump water out of the ground. For
example, you can obtain water by turning a crank or pumping a lever up and down.
d) Sewer Sum pumps – sewer pumps are needed to pump sewage water from the house
into the sceptic system. Inside the sceptic tank, the water will breakdown and return to
the soil through the soil absorption system. The sewer sum pump is a pump submersed
into the ground. Pumping the sceptic tank every few years will help to improve the life
e) Circulation Pumps – circulation pumps are needed to circulate water around the house.
Two examples are pumps that pump water from the water purifier tanks outside into
the house and the water pumps that send water from the hot water heater into the
bathroom, kitchen and laundry room. The water circulation pump may use centrifugal
On April 2012 Mahir Dursun & Semih Ozden studied an automatic drip irrigation
of dwarf cherry trees system with solar powered BRUSHLESS DC Motors (BLDC) has
been designed and implemented in Zile District of Tokat Province of Turkey. One of the
motor was used for driving deep well pump which has been utilized for the purpose of
water storing to a pool. The other one was used for driving centrifugal pump which has
been utilized for the purposed of transferring of water waited in pool to drip irrigation.
consumption of motors. The need of energy of BLDC motors has been provided from
solar panels and batteries. Sun tracking system was used for increasing efficiency of
system. A DC-DC buck converter has been developed for feed motor and charges the
batteries safely. Automation of system was provided with RF modules, soil moisture
On 2015 Niclas Bengtsson & Johan Nilsson conducted their case study that
focuses on solar water pumping for small-scale farmers in the Kilimanjaro Region of
Tanzania. The purpose is to investigate the possibilities for rural farmers to operate their
irrigation with solar power instead of their current option, fossil fuels, primarily petrol.
The study was conducted in three phrases, starting with pre-study in Sweden, followed
by field study in Tanzania from January to March 2015 and finishing with summarizing
The researcher designed a solar powered water pumping system. This system is
consisting of solar panels, charge controller, battery, inverter, switch, water pump, and
water supply. The solar panels are the main source of electricity. These panels will
provide electricity for the charging of battery. The charging will automatically stop if the
battery is already full because of the presence of the charge controller. This charge
controller will act as a protection and it will prevent the overcharging of the battery.
Next to battery is an inverter, it will invert the DC power to an AC power, because our
Figure 2: circuit diagram of inverter
Figure 4: battery
Solar Panel
Solar energy is created using the energy which has been generated by the sun. A
solar power panel is able to function using the solar energy which is derived from the
sun. Every solar power panel contains many different silicon cells or solar cells. They are
building blocks of solar panels. The energy from the sun is absorbed by these solar cells.
The solar energy derived from the sun is converted into electricity with the help of a
solar panel.
Charge Controller
A basic charge controller simply performs the necessary function of ensuring that
the batteries cannot be damaged by over-charging, effectively cutting off the current
from the photovoltaic solar panels or reducing its pulse when the battery reaches a
certain level.
Solar Battery
It is the artery of any efficient solar panel system. In some cases, they are like
kryptonite is to superman, without a battery the system is powerless. Battery stores the
energy produced by the sun and solar panels, allowing the energy to be used as needed
alternating current (DC). The input voltage, output voltage and frequency, and overall
Water Pump
classified into three major groups according to the method they use to move the fluid,
Water Container/Supply
It is where the water pump will get its source to deliver to the irrigation areas.
Solar panels
PANEL 1 PANEL2 electricity
The charge
controller is
controlling the CHARGE
charging of CONTROLLER
the battery
Battery is
Press the on
button to operate
the water pump
The water is now
flowing to the
irrigation site
2.) Install the solar panels in a 45 degrees angle facing the sun for efficient result.
3.) Connect the output of the solar panel to the charge controller that is connected to the
battery. Connect the battery to the inverter. The inverter to the switch, all the way to
5.) Fill the water container of enough water to supply the irrigation.
6.) Connect the pipes from the container to the pump & from the pump to the site.
7.) Press the “ON” button to start operating the solar powered water pump system.
We had a series of test of the materials and its system. First test done is putting
the solar panels in an area where sunlight is much expose, and in the opposite side we also
Next test is using the battery to operate the water pump even if it’s not yet full.
And the final test is filling the water tank with less water, and still letting the water pump to
The installation cost of this system is higher than the fuelled machineries, but
the advantages of this system are its operating and maintenance costs are much cheaper than
any fuelled machineries. This system is an environment friendly system. This information is
Courtesy of
BATTERY 1 P 4,000.00
INVERTER 1 P 2,500.00
SWITCH 1 P 100.00
P 15,700.00
vacuum pump
Farm irrigation electric water pump US $ 2000- $ 3600/ set
The following table are the result from the tests made by the researcher.
Placing the solar panels in the place where The charging of battery is more efficient
Placing the solar panels in the opposite area Battery is still charging but it was so slow.
Starting to operate the water pump even if The water pump will still operate but in
Instead of using the water container as The water pump, pumps water efficiently
supply, we use the water pump in the river. because the supply is not that limited.
Operating the pump even if the water The water pump still pumps water but it is
container was not having enough water not efficient and continuing to this action,
the desired results. We surely encounter many problems in the process but there will always be
a solution to that. To achieve efficient results in charging the battery using the solar panels we
provided, we have to consider many options and procedures. Facing the solar panels 45
degrees towards the sunlight is a great help in enhancing the capability of the solar panels to
produce power in charging the battery. When placing the solar panels, avoid the areas where
In using PVC pipes, select the exact diameter of the pipe that is suitable for the
water pump. The pipe plays a vital role in the water pumping system because it will act as a
passage way of the water. In maintaining the system there are also many procedures to be
considered. A daily checking of equipment is needed for the longer life of the system. Charge
controller must be checked to know if it’s functioning well. The charge controller is the one
Solar powered water pump is more efficient when sunlight is always present.
water pumping system. The system depends on sunlight because it source of electricity is from
solar panels. This system is more efficient in the areas where sunlight is a big factor. In addition,
the water pump is effective when the supply of electricity and water is much greater.
Moreover, this system can provide a reliable result in helping farmers in their irrigation
problems. Lastly, the solar powered water pump plays an important role in improving the
irrigation system in the areas where electricity is not yet present, especially in rural areas.
After the research had been successfully done, we would like to recommend to
conducted. The solar powered water pumping system is a great help in the agriculture aspects.
But improving this research will be a greater help. Now a days technology is highly recognize.
Using our modern technology, researchers can now create a new and improve systems that will
Challenges related to storage and distribution: In a distant solar water pump system,
extra water produced during prime sunshine hours needs to be stored for later use. This
necessitates the building of storage tanks or reservoirs, which can increase system
complexity and expense. In addition, it might be difficult to distribute water effectively
and efficiently to various fields, especially in bigger agricultural settings.
Durability and maintenance: For solar water pump systems to operate at their best,
frequent maintenance is necessary. Solar panels, pumps, and controllers, for example,
may need to be repaired or replaced on occasion. This might be more difficult in isolated
locations with little access to technical support or spare parts.
Technical training: Setting up and running a remote solar water pump system involves
specific knowledge and technical expertise. On how to operate, maintain, and
troubleshoot the system, farmers or users must be trained. In rural or remote areas in
particular, it can be difficult to find such knowledge.
System scalability: Increasing the capability or coverage area of a remote solar water
pump system can be difficult and expensive. Scalability may be a drawback because it
may necessitate major improvements or alterations to the current infrastructure in
order to add more panels, pumps, or storage space.
It's crucial to remember that while these drawbacks do exist, they are frequently able to
be reduced or eliminated with careful planning, system design, and maintenance.
Additionally, the benefits of remote solar water pump efficient irrigation systems, such
as less dependency on fossil fuels and environmental benefits, may often exceed these
Solar energy is a clean, renewable source of energy. You may run your irrigation system
without utilizing fossil fuels or conventional electricity by installing a solar water pump
to capture the energy of the sun. Thus, carbon emissions are decreased, aiding in the
fight against global warming.
Savings: Once built, solar water pumps use the free energy from the sun to function,
which greatly lowers electricity expenses as compared to conventional pumps that
depend on grid power or fuel. In rural or off-grid locations where connecting to the
electrical grid might be expensive, this is especially advantageous.
Reliability and independence: Remote solar water pumps provide freedom from the
power grid. In remote areas or places without reliable electricity access, this is very
helpful. Farmers can cultivate crops even in remote areas thanks to solar water pumps,
which provide a reliable water supply for irrigation.
Low Maintenance: Compared to traditional pumps, solar water pumps require less
maintenance because they have fewer moving parts. They require less maintenance and
replacement because they are typically more enduring and last longer.
Flexible and Scalable: Remote solar water pumps are simple to install and move as
needed. These irrigation systems are modular so they may be modified to meet a farm's
expanding irrigation needs. They are appropriate for both small-scale and extensive
agricultural enterprises due to their flexibility.
The use of solar-powered irrigation systems lessens the need for diesel- or
groundwater-powered pumps, which can deplete water supplies and increase air
pollution. The environmental impact of irrigation can be reduced while water resources
are preserved by using solar energy.
Noise reduction: Solar water pumps work quietly, in contrast to conventional pumps
that may cause noise pollution. This is crucial in regions where noise pollution might
affect the environment, such as in residential areas or areas near to wildlife habitats.
Government incentives: In some areas, the government offers discounts, rebates, or tax
advantages to encourage the use of solar energy equipment, including solar water
pumps. Solar-powered irrigation is more financially feasible when these incentives are
used to partially offset the expenses of initial installation.
Overall, remote solar water pumps provide many benefits for effective irrigation
systems, including cost savings, environmental sustainability, dependability, and
flexibility. They enhance water management techniques while delivering a greener,
more sustainable approach to agriculture.