CH1 Functions
CH1 Functions
CH1 Functions
Course Notes
Chapter 1 – Introduction to
We will learn
the meaning of the term Function and how to use function notation to
calculate and represent functions
the meanings of the terms domain and range, and how a function’s
structure affects domain and range
how to use transformations to represent and sketch graphs
how to determine the inverse of a function
Chapter 2 – Polynomial & Rational
Contents with suggested problems from the Nelson Textbook. These problems are
not going to be checked, but you can ask me any questions about them that you
Section 1.1
Pg. 10 – 12 #1, 2 (no ruler needed…), 6, 7, (no need for the VLT, but do sketch graphs
even if you use Desmos to do the sketching!), 9, 11, 12 (think carefully about the idea that
the domain and range are “limited”)
Section 1.2
Page 23 #1-2, 5, 8b, 10, 11cd, 15, 16, challenge #17
Section 1.3/1.4
READ Examples 3 and 4 on pages 32 – 34 in your text
Section 1.5
Pg. 47 – 49 #1, 8, 10, 16, 17
Also, determine the inverse (your method of choice) of:
1 1 2
a) f x 2 x 3 5 b) g x c) h x x 3 1
x3 2
Section 1.6-1.8
Handout (which will be handed in) and Pg. 70 #18
Pg. 70 – 73 #4 (state the transformations), 5bd, 6 (state the transformations), 7b, 8c, 9a,
10 (state the transformations), 16, 17, 18, 19ac
This course is called FUNCTIONS, so it seems rather important that you know what a function
actually is. Thus you need to know, very well, the following (algebraic) definition:
Definition 1.1.1
A FUNCTION is an algebraic
We can visualize what a function is (and isn’t) by using so-called “arrow diagrams”:
Df : Dg :
Rf : Rg :
We need a few more definitions before moving on, so that we can “speak the language” of
functions (and that language is mathematics!)
Definition 1.1.2
A SET is
Definition 1.1.3
Definition 1.1.4
The DOMAIN of a function (or a relation) is
Definition 1.1.5
The RANGE of a function (or a relation) is
Success Criteria:
I can determine the domain of a relation or function as the set of all values of the
independent variable
I can determine the range of a relation or function as the set of all values of the dependent
I can apply the vertical line test to determine if a graph is a function
I can recognize whether a relation is a function from its equation
Learning Goal: We are learning to use function notation to represent linear and quadratic
Here we learn a NEW AND IMPROVED WAY for describing a function, algebraically. You have
been using the following form for functions (in this example, for a quadratic):
y 3( x 2) 2 1
A much more useful way of writing function is to use FUNCTION NOTATION. The above
quadratic (which we call a “function of x” because the domain is given as x-values) can be
written as:
shows BOTH the DOMAIN and the RANGE values. Because of that, the function notation
shows us points on the graph of the function.
Example 1.2.1
Example 1.2.2
Example 1.2.3
Example 1.2.4
Example 1.2.5
Success Criteria:
I can evaluate functions using function notation, by substituting a given value for x in the
equation for f(x)
I can recognize that f(x) = y corresponds to the coordinate (x, y)
I can, given y = f(x), determine the value of x
Learning Goal: We are learning the graphs and equations of five basic functions; and using
their tables, graphs, or equations to find their domains and ranges.
We will be closely studying 5 TYPES OF FUNCTIONS (Actually we’ll study more than the following five,
but for now….the big five are: )
Example 1.4.1
Given the SKETCH OF THE GRAPH of the RELATION determine: the domain, the range of
the relation, and whether the relation is, or is not, a function.
a) b)
Together we will explore (graphically) basic properties of the five parent functions:
a) Linear
b) Quadratic
c) Square Root
d) Reciprocal e) Absolute Value
Example 1.4.4
Success Criteria:
I can identify the unique characteristics of five basic types of functions
I can identify the domain and ranges of five basic types of functions
I can identify when there are restrictions given real-world situations
Learning Goal: We are learning to determine inverses of functions and investigate their
Example 1.5.1
Given the graph of f ( x ) determine: D f , R f , f 1 ( x), D f 1 , R f 1
f ( x ) (2,3), (4, 2), (5, 6), (6, 2) . Is f 1 ( x) a function?
Function Inverses Algebraically
Determining algebraic representations of inverse relations for given functions can be done in (at
least) two ways:
1) Use algebra in a “brute force” manner (keeping in mind the Big Idea)
2) Use Transformations (keeping in mind “inverse operations”)
Example 1.5.2
Determine the inverse of
a) f ( x) 2 x 5 b) g ( x)
x 1 2 .
2 Here we will use “brute force”.
State the domain and range of both
the function and its inverse. Method:
1) Switch x and f ( x) , and
call "f ( x )", f 1 ( x).
2) Solve for f 1 ( x)
Example 1.5.3
Using transformations determine the inverse of f ( x ) 2 x 1 2 .
Success Criteria:
I can determine the inverse of a function using various techniques
I can determine the inverse of a coordinate (a , b) by switching the variables: (b , a)
I can recognize that the domain of an inverse is the range of the original function
I can recognize that the range of an inverse is the domain of the original function
I can understand that the inverse of a function is a reflection along the line y = x
To TRANSFORM something is to
But before we do, we need to remember that the GRAPH OF A FUNCTION, f ( x ) , is given by:
f ( x) x, f ( x) | x D f
So, for functions we have two things (NUMBERS!) to “transform”. We can apply
transformations to
1) Domain values (which we call HORIZONTAL TRANSFORMATIONS)
2) Range values (which we call VERTICAL TRANSFORMATIONS)
So, we can have Horizontal flips, stretches and/or shifts, and Vertical flips, stretches and/or
shifts. Now let’s take a look at how transformations can be applied to functions.
Note: We’ll (mostly) be applying transformations to our so-called “parent functions” (although
applying transformations to linear functions can seem pretty silly!)
Example 1.8.1
Consider, and make observations concerning the sketch of the graph of the parent
function f ( x) x and the transformed function g ( x) 2 x 2 1.
Note: In the above example we can algebraically describe g ( x ) as a transformed f ( x ) with the
functional equation g ( x) 2 f x 2 1
Example 1.8.2
Consider, and make observations concerning the sketch of the graph of the parent
1 2
function f x x2 and the transformed function
g ( x) x 2 1
Note: In the above example we can algebraically describe g ( x ) as a transformed f ( x ) with the
functional equation
Definition 1.8.1
Given a function f ( x ) we can obtain a related function through functional
transformations as
g ( x) af k ( x d ) c , where
Example 1.8.3
Consider the given function. State its parent function, and all transformations.
f ( x) 3 x 2 1
Example 1.8.4
The basic absolute value function f ( x) x has the following transformations applied to
it: Vertical Stretch 3 , Vertical Shift 1 up, Horizontal Shift 5 right.
Determine the equation of the transformed function.
Note: Given a point on some parent function which has transformations applied to it is called an
IMAGE POINT on the transformed function.
Example 1.8.5
Given the sketch of the function f ( x ) determine the image points of the transformed
function 2 f x 1 3 and sketch the graph of the transformed function.
Example 1.8.6
On the same set of axes sketch the graphs of f ( x ) x and g ( x) 2 x 1 2 .
Determine three points on the parent function and state the image points for each.
Success Criteria:
I can use the value of a to determine if there is a vertical stretch/reflection in the x-axis
I can use the value of k to determine if there is a horizontal stretch/reflection in the y-axis
I can use the value of d to determine if there is a horizontal translation
I can use the value of c to determine if there is a vertical translation
I can transform x coordinates by using the expression +
I can transform y coordinates by using the expression +