Module 8
Module 8
Module 8
I will use the website Toy theater. Since I want to teach kindergarten I will go to the
kindergarten math section and choose the subitizing seeds game. Each child will have
their own computer where they play. Here they will see a number in a pot and have to
pick which seed package represents that number. Then they will go and plant the seed
and watch the flowers grow. They will continue to play the game until the timer is up.
Games like this are fun and interactive. I can use websites like this to create lessons
that play into all students' senses. It is important to know activities like this so at times I
can be able to engage every type of learner. Hamilton writies about this website and
says, “tap into all students’ potentials for stretching their creativity and problem-solving
skills.'' (Hamiltion pg 300). Websites like this are very good for students and getting
them to open up their mind to more ideas. The objective is to get students to understand
subitizing and more about patterns. It should help them become stronger on their
number recognition. My desired outcome is that all students are involved and engaged
in the activity. I want to walk around and make sure every child is getting at least some
of them right. By continuously walking around my classroom I can gauge if they are
struggling or doing well. I can also pinpoint what students might be ahead or which ones
may need the extra help. As I played the game I found it was a little bit diffucult to drag
the seeds to the pot and they had to be put in a specific area. That could be a
misunderstanding a child has where they think they might have got it wrong when in
reality it was correct. I just will have to show them very clearly where the game expects
us to drop our seeds. This assignment can tie into the ISTE standard of, 2.5.a
Accommodate Learner Differences: Use technology to create, adapt and personalize
learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner
differences and needs. This assignment doesnt just accommodate a visual or auditory
learner. It can engage multiple types which makes it a learning experience all can enjoy.