Review Article
Review Article
Review Article
Review Article
Configuration Features and Calculation Mechanisms of the
Composite RC Column-Steel Beam (RCS) Joints: State of the Art
Liquan Xiong , Xingyue Pan, Zhen Jia, Zhengchao Guo, Linyan Li, and Jian He
Department of Civil Engineering, Chongqing Tree Gorges University, Chongqing 404020, China
Received 14 June 2022; Revised 17 October 2022; Accepted 2 November 2022; Published 9 November 2022
Copyright © 2022 Liquan Xiong et al. Tis is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Reinforced concrete and steel (RCS) composite moment frame structures consist of reinforced concrete (RC) columns and steel
(S) beams. Such systems combined with several advantages of the two structural members have larger structural stifness, lower
cost, and faster construction speed than the traditional concrete or steel frame system to be a particularly well viable alternative for
use in seismic risk regions. Te calculation of joint shear capacity is an essential step in seismic design. Tis study introduces the
typical confguration characteristics of the RCS connection and reviews the state of the art of the shear bearing capacity in terms of
failure models, shear distribution mechanisms, calculation mechanisms, and requirements given in the experimental and
theoretical study to provide reference and foundation for the subsequent study. Finally, the development of recommendations and
further research studies on seismic performance of RCS composite frames are provided.
the joint distortion and rigid body rotation to increase the According to those studies, the research progress of shear
capacity of shear resistance. To study the composite efects of bearing capacity formulas of the RCS joints focused on
RCS joint with the RC slab, extensive data [3, 19–25] indicate providing reference for the subsequent study.
that (1) the specimens following the strong column weak
beam criterion formed the plastic hinges at the beam ends 2. Configuration and Damage Features of the
and showed a good cyclic performance (Figure 1); (2) the
comparison of interior RCS subassemblies without the RC
RCS Joints
foor slab, the ultimate shear strength of the composite 2.1. Te Types of the RCS Joints. According to diferent
beam-slab sections was calculated, and 20% strength in- design phenomena, the RCS connections are classifed into
crease was seen in the specimen due to RC slab; (3) avoiding beam-through type and column-through type, as illustrated
the high compressive stresses by the involvement of cast in in Figure 2. For the beam-through type (Figure 2(a)), the
situ slab in the joint region resulted in the area of concrete steel beam which continuously passes through the RC
getting crushed near the corners of column, and guidelines column can eliminate welding at the maximum bending
and recommendations for the RCS connections with proper moment region or bolting the steel beam in the joint, and the
details, e.g., cover plates, band plates, and shear studs, were proper details can strengthen the RCS joint to provide very
necessary for seismic design; and (4) efective fange width of stable and ductile behavior under reversed cyclic loading
the composite beam-slab sections has a signifcant efect on (Figure 3). In general, the small steel column is encased in
the capacity of beam moment and equivalent elastic moment concrete and the face bearing plates were connected to the
of inertia values. To evaluate the behavior of the exterior RCS steel web panel. Te advantages of this RCS joint mainly
connections [17, 26–30], various details, such as end plates, include those as follows: (1) the steel beam was continuous
shear keys, and extended cover plates, and the shear strength through the RC column to mobilize the force transfer
models have been proposed. Additionally, the infuential mechanism between the steel and concrete to avoid the
factors of the RCS connections on the static performance fracture-critical joints and (2) the steel columns encased by
including the axial compression ratio, steel insert length, the reinforced concrete columns provide for an efcient vertical
thickness of end plate, and the column concrete grade was spread of the construction activity. Certainly, the details of
also studied. Tose results pointed out that RCS frames were the composite connection might cause the difculties in
suitable for getting recognized as an alternative to the high some ways of assembling reinforcement and casting the
seismic risk zones. Besides, the novel type RCS connection concrete in engineering practice. To ensure construction
weakening the extension beam end-joint was proposed to quality, the steel beam fanges can extend to the joint which
move the plastic hinge from the end of a beam to a weakened partly cuts of to keep the longitudinal reinforcement of the
point and a novel through-column type with the details of H column passing through the connection to facilitate casting
steel profle and plates in the joint which presented stable and vibrating the concrete [5]. As shown in Figure 2(a), the
seismic performance [31, 32]. major distinction of “through-beam” vs. “through-column”
To learn more about the cyclic performance of RCS type connections is that the steel fanges are interrupted at
moment frames in the building structures, a series of tests the joint to minimize the impact on construction. Trough-
have been conducted [33–39]. Te results reported that (1) column type connections combining conventional SRC
the frame structures with two joint details of through-beam concepts where encasing the end of the steel beam connected
type and through-column type had an excellent seismic to the concrete column have been the preferred detail in
performance, those of which presented the plastic hinge Japan. Additionally, the connection details include inner or
mechanisms that concentrated upon the end of steel beams outer diaphragms, cover plates, and a transverse stifener
and the bottom of RC columns to meet the strong-joint connected the steel panel zone to strengthen the strength
weak-component criterion; (2) the structure slightly dam- and ductility capacity of the RCS joints (Figure 3) [40, 41].
aged in frequent earthquake and presented the collapse However, the disadvantage of the connection with cutting
prevention level under rare earthquake to further validate the fange is that it might cause the reduction of bearing area
the reliability of this innovative system. However, the pre- in joint regions to decrease the stress transferring mecha-
viously mentioned studies clearly show that the mass of nisms [42, 43]. Te primary goal of these tests nearly focused
experimental studies for the RCS joints have been done in on validating specifc joint details instead of quantifying
comparison with the moment frames, and research studies the internal force transfer mechanisms of the joint (see
on the behavior of the overall frame structures will be Figure 4).
conducted further.
RCS connections subjected to large shear forces under
seismic loads are one of the key parts to form an efcient 2.2. Typical Joint Details. Te beam-column joints play a key
composite structure. Te objective of this study is frstly to role in a composite reinforced concrete column-to-steel
present the structural confguration features and failure beam frame system. Compared with the conventional
models of composite RCS connections. Additionally, the concrete or steel frame, the mechanical feature of RCS joints
state-of-the-art of shear bearing capacity models of the RCS shows a complex condition due to the unique connection
connections in terms of shear distribution mechanisms, between the steel beam and the reinforced concrete column.
calculation mechanisms, and requirements given in the Te previously mentioned studies clearly focused on the
experimental and theoretical study was introduced. design of the composite RCS beam-column connections,
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3
P (kN)
-100 -50 0 50 100
Δ (mm)
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Load-displacement curve (specimen 3) by Men et al. [3]: (a) specimen 3 and (b) load-displacement curve.
RC Column RC Column
(a) (b)
Figure 2: RCS connections: (a) the beam-through type and (b) the column-through type.
Drif (% radian)
–7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Beam Shear (kN)
Figure 3: Te behavior of beam-through type connections by Cheng and Chen [15]: (a) the failure mode and (b) force-displacement loops.
especially for the confgurations, to quantify the internal features of RCS connection details is shown in Figure 5. Te
force transfer mechanisms and maintain displacement details in Figures 5(a)–5(f ) are so-called “through-beam”
compatibility of the joints. 3D representation of the typical type connections. In Figure 5(a), face bearing plates (FBPs)
4 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Figure 5: Typical features of joint detail by Nishiyama et al. [43]: (a) face bearing plates, (b) transverse beam, (c) extended face bearing
plates, (d) band plates, (e) cover plates, (f ) small steel column, (g) vertical stifener, (h) horizontal stifener, and (i) diaphragm.
Concrete Gap
crushing RCSJ-2[48]
Specimen 1[5]
(a) (b)
Figure 6: Two types of joint failure models [1, 5, 46]: (a) panel shear failure and (b) vertical bearing failure.
6 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Concrete 180
P (kN)
-80 -40 0 40 80
Specimen 2 [5] Δ (mm)
Shear -900
Yield -1200
Story drif ratio (rad.)
Failure model
Hysteretic curves
Figure 7: Other failure features: (a) local shear failure [5] and (b) joint-beam mixed failure [1].
beam column joints were designed with the strong column- 3. Shear Mechanisms of the RCS Joints
weak beam concept. Nevertheless, the unfavorable failure
mode of those specimens reported that the beam column 3.1. Force Distribution of the RCS Joints. Force distribution
connection became severely damaged and the plastic hinges of the interior RCS joints is illustrated in Figure 8. As
were developed until the end of testing due to the absence of shown in Figure 8, the forces of the joint include the
strengthening details to mobilize the shear mechanism of the bending moments, shear forces, and axial forces trans-
outer panel. Te damage features were similar to that of mitted from the RC column ends and the right and left sides
specimens OB1-1, OBJS1-1, and OBJS2-0 conducted by of the steel beams, which caused the joint region to be
Kanno [13]. Te characteristics of joint-beam mixed failure placed in a state of compression-bending-shear composite
consisted of the yield of steel web, the oblique concrete stress. Because of the small axial force of the steel beam,
cracks, and the fange fexural yielding which penetrated the they are generally negligible to simplify the force calcula-
joint panel (Figure 7(b)). Te reason for the joint-beam tion model. For the axial pressure of the column, although
mixed failure might be that the plastic hinge zone is spread some tested results indicated that the axial force has a
over a relatively large length rather than being concentrated certain infuence on the mechanical performance of the
at the column face because the shear strength of the joint is joint [13, 50], most of the current researches did not
equivalent to that of the fexural or local buckling capacity of consider the axial force. At the same time, this study as-
the steel beam. Meanwhile, the joint-beam mixed failure sumes that the bending moment and shear force from the
model seemed to be the limit state of the plastic hinge region right and left beam ends are equal, and the bending mo-
of the steel beam and local shear failure of the joint. Nev- ment and shear force from the upper and lower column
ertheless, these specimens had good strength and defor- ends are also equal.
mation capacity (Figure 7(b)) to be used for the low to According to the force equilibrium condition of the
moderate seismic design of RCS joints. Based on the interior RCS joints (see in Figure 8), the shear capacity Vjt in
mentioned failure models, the connection details of the RCS the core area of the joint can be obtained as
joints consisted of FBPs or E-FBPs, band plates, or shear Mbl + Mbr h
keys, and cover plates should be installed to transfer of Vjt � 1 − bw , (1)
hbw hc − hb
member forces to satisfy in the design practice.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7
b h Steel beam
Nc bf
Infection point Inner bj
Vc Vbr Nbr
Mbr d tf
j bp
hc Nbl bo/2 dj
Interior joint hb Vbl
Outer element RC column
Efective joint region b
Efective joint width
Steel beam- RC column subassembly
Figure 8: Force transfer mechanisms of the interior RCS joint.
where Mbl and Mbr are the bending moments at the root of shear force is transferred horizontally from the beam fanges
the left and right beam, hb is the beam section height, hc is the into the compression feld due to the joint details of the
distance between the infection points of the upper and lower embedded small steel column, stifeners extended above and
column ends of the joint, hbw is the distance between the below the steel beam, shear studs, or reinforcements welded to
fanges of the steel beam, and hbw is equal to (hb − tf ), where tf the beam fanges. Te research results [1, 51] indicated that the
is the thickness of the steel fange. sum of the contributions of the steel web and inner concrete
strut is approximately 60% for the shear strength of RCS joints
and that of the outer concrete compression fled is approx-
3.2. Mechanisms for RCS Joint Shear Resistance imately 40%, respectively. Certainly, shear capacity of the
outer element in the joint region could decrease because the
3.2.1. Beam-Trough Type Joint. As shown in Figure 8, force diference depends on the absence of strengthening joint
transfer mechanisms of the beam-through type RCS joint details to mobilize the shear mechanism of the outer panel.
with the proper details indicated that the efective joint region
consisted of the inner element and outer element to meet the
bearing capacity and compatibility of deformation. Te width 3.2.2. Column-Trough Type Joint. As mentioned before (see
of FBPs, E-FBPs, steel fange, and studs determined that of in Figure 5), the details of column-through type joint gen-
inner element and the details of band plates, cover plates, and erally include cover plates, orthogonal steel web, and dia-
small steel column afected the outer element width in the phragm to keep the longitudinal reinforcement through the
joint, respectively. Based on the damage features of the ex- connection to simplify constructability; at the same time, the
perimental and fnite element models results [1, 2, 7, 16, 18], joint details also guarantee stress transferring mechanisms for
the load resistance mechanisms for joint shear capacity in the composite reinforced concrete and steel joint. According to
beam-through RCS joints is generally provided by three the experimental results by Kuramoto and Nishiyama [41],
mechanisms: steel web panel, inner concrete diagonal strut, four mechanisms for beam-through type joint shear resis-
and outer concrete compression feld, as shown in Figure 9. In tance are shown in Figures 10(a)–10(d). From Figures 10(a)
the RCS joints, the behavior of the steel web panel similar to and 10(b), the stress transferring mechanisms consisted of
that, in the steel frames is idealized as carrying pure shear steel web panel, concrete diagonal strut, and concrete hori-
stress over a portion of the joint region, as shown in zontal strut in the joint. Te steel web panel mechanism and
Figure 9(a), which is dependent on the location and distri- concrete diagonal strut mechanism formed in the inner el-
bution of vertical bearing stresses. Te inner concrete diag- ement are similar with those of the beam-through type joint.
onal strut in the inner element region is activated by Te concrete horizontal strut mechanism which transferred
squeezing the concrete between the steel beam fanges and the concrete compressive stresses through the inner element
FBPs or E-FBPs welded the steel beam fanges, as shown in to the outer element included concrete horizontal strut-1 and
Figure 9(b), which is similar to the mechanism model to resist concrete horizontal strut-2. Te frst one formed the concrete
shear in reinforced concrete connections. In general, the outer horizontal struts to mobilize compressive stresses from steel
concrete compression feld is composed of several com- beam fanges to FBPs in the outer panel (Figure 10(c)).
pression struts since horizontal reinforcements which welded Additionally, the second concrete horizontal strut mechanism
the steel web form a truss mechanism in the joint region was developed between the intersection point of the web
(Figure 9(c)), which was often used for establishing the panels in the core area of joints and the corner of cover plates
shear model in reinforced concrete beams. In addition, the and then mobilized the outer diagonal concrete struts, cover
concrete horizontal strut is developed in the region of column plates, and the bond stresses between reinforcing bars in the
concrete outside the steel beam fanges (Figure 9(d)). Since joint to contribute the shear capacity.
8 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Figure 9: Mechanisms for beam-through type joint shear resistance: (a) steel web panel, (b) inner concrete diagonal strut, (c) outer concrete
compression feld, and (d) concrete horizontal strut.
4. Calculation Mechanism of the RCS Joint analysis, the shear capacity calculation formulas were
Shear Capacity recommended from the diferent countries standards and
many researchers, e.g., the American standard of ASCE, the
Te RCS joints subjected to large shear forces under seismic Japanese standard of AIJ, and the Chinese standard of JGJ
loads usually play a major role in the ultimate limit state of 138-2016, those of which indicated a noticeable diference
the capacity of whole frame structure. Terefore, the cal- to apply the seismic design. Te design guidelines of the
culation of joint shear capacity is an essential step in shear model were derived from two alternative seismic
seismic design. Based on experimental and theoretical design approaches, namely, the strength-based capacity
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 9
Cc Cc
Cb Tb Cb
C Cb
Tb C
Cb C
Tb Cb Cb
Cc Cc
(a) (b)
Cb Cr Tr Tcp Tcp
Cb Tb
Cb Tb C
Tr Cr Tcp Tcp
(c) (d)
Figure 10: Mechanisms for beam-through type joint shear resistance [41]: (a) steel web panel, (b) concrete diagonal strut, (c) concrete
horizontal strut-1, and (d) concrete horizontal strut-2.
design procedure and deformation-based capacity design where Vj is suitable for calculating the shear capacity of
procedure. Tis section systematically reviews the state of interior composite joint, Fysp and tsp are the yield strength
the art in the calculation formula and discusses the con- and thickness of the steel panel, jh is the efective web panel
tribution of the various components of the joint region to length associated with the external load imposed on the
the shear capacity of the RCS joint. Additionally, a com- joint, fc′ is the concrete compressive strength (MPa), bp and
parison between the outputs of the models was also bo are the FBPs width (inner element) and the efective width
conducted. of outer concrete panel (out element), h is the depth of
concrete column measured parallel to beam, Ash is the cross-
sectional area of reinforcing bars in each layer spaced at sh
4.1. American Calculation Methods. To learn about the be- through the beam depth, and Fysh is the yield strength of the
havior of the RCS joint, Sheikh et al. [7] performed a series of stirrups. In addition, to achieve the strong-joint weak-
tests on 15 two-thirds scale specimens under monotonic and component criterion, the details of E-FBPs or band plates
cyclic loading. Te results have shown that the internal shear rather than only installing the FBPs in the joints should be
mechanisms and modes of failure governed the joint used to attain the full plastic hinge of the steel beam ends
strength, and signifcant strength increases were achieved since the local concrete crushing would cause the unex-
using straightforward details, such as FBPs, small steel pected joint-beam mixed failure [1]. However, the shear
column, and shear studs. Based on the tested results, Dei- model was primarily based on experimental results obtained
erlein et al. [46] recommended a design model to calculate from testing of interior connections, and the accuracy of
the nominal strength of the interior composite beam-col- such design to calculate the strength of exterior and top RCS
umn joints. It is worth mentioning that the model provides subassemblies still remained skeptical. Te design provisions
the calculated nominal joint strength corresponding to of connections in RCS frames was only suitable for use in
measure values at 1% joint distortion. Based on the distinct low to moderate seismic risk zones.
failure modes and stress transfer mechanisms between an Kanno [13] performed tests on composite RCS subas-
inner and outer elements of the RCS joint, the model rec- semblies to evaluate the failure models, the detail features,
ognized that the joint behavior is characterized. Addition- and bearing strength. Based on those tested datum and the
ally, the American standard of ASCE [47] presented the ASCE specifcation [14], the shear model conducted by
guidelines for composite beam-column connection design Kanno and Deierlein [51] were used for those as follows: (1)
according to the joint shear strength mechanic model mainly address unique failure modes and stress transfer mecha-
proposed by Deierlein et al. [46], as shown in Figure 9. Te nisms in the interior joints and (2) extend the precious
shear resistance model consists of steel web panel, inner model to consider a broader set of connection details. To
diagonal concrete strut, and outer strut concrete compres- recognize the possibility of shear failure and bond failure in
sion fled, and the model for calculating the horizontal shear the outer element simultaneously with vertical bearing
strength of the interior joint is given as follows: failure in the inner panel, the revised strength model for the
�� �� through-beam joints was proposed. Tis shear model pre-
Vj � 0.6Fysp tsp jh + 1.7 fc′bp h + 0.4 fc′bo h + 0.9Ash Fysh , (2) sented the signifcant diference between the failure of the
10 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
inner element and the overall joint. Te shear calculation vertical column reinforcement. Compared with that of the
model consisting of the strength of inner and outer elements ASCE guidelines [47], the revised shear model modifed to
is calculated as follows: be better account for the joint failure model was applicable
for joint details, such as transverse beams and tie rein-
Vj � minVswe , Vbe + minVscf , Vb0 , forcement within the joint. Te minimum requirements of
�� the tie reinforcement might be relaxed to reduce the con-
Fysp tribution of shear strength. To ensure adequate deformation
Vswe � √� tsp 0.8h + 1.65 fc′bi h,
3 capability and toughness necessary for seismic design, the tie
requirements, joint geometries, and strength resistance
Vbe � 0.47fc′bi h + Fy Ay , (3) factors of the composite RCS joints were needed to further
be studied.
Ash Fysh 0.9h �� �� To accurately predict the shear strength of exterior joints
Vscf � + 1.05 fc′bi h ≤ 1.65 fc′bi h, using the ASCE design guidelines, a new model to predict
the shear force and stirrup and concrete strains at any level
�� of shear distortion in the beam-through RCS joints was
Vbo � 1.16 fc′φb xmr , presented by Parra-Montesinos and Wight [52]. Based on
the joint shear deformation level of 1.2% corresponding to
where Vswe and Vbe are the panel shear and vertical bearing
moderate damage and signifcant damage, the ultimate shear
strengths of the inner element, Vbo and Vscf are the strengths
strength of exterior and interior RCS connections would be
of the outer elements failing in bond and shear, respectively,
calculated for use in zones of high seismicity. Te model
bi is equal to the width of the inner element corresponding to
presented herein all the three mechanisms discussed pre-
the maximum widths of FBPs (bp) and steel fange (bf ) in
viously (see in Figure 9) according to diferent details and
Figure 9, Fy and Ay is the yield strength and total area of
contribution of the inner and outer concrete strut in the
vertical reinforcements welded the steel beam fanges, re-
joint. Te mechanic model of shear capacity similarly to that
spectively, φb is the total perimeter length of one set of the
of ASCE [47] is given as
reinforcing bars in the joint, and xmr is the center distance of
Vj � kw Fysp tsp √� + ki fc′ −0.0048fc′ + 1.13k1 k2 h bf − tsp + ko fc′ −0.0048fc′ + 1.13k1 k2 k3 hbo , (4)
where kw is 0.9 and 0.8 for interior and exterior joints, According to the tested results of the beam-through RCS
respectively; ki and ko are strength factors of 0.21, 0.34, 0.32, roof level T-connections with details of FBPs and steel band
and 0.16 for interior and exterior joints, respectively; bf is the plates, ultimate horizontal joint shear strength was given by
width of the beam fange. k1, k2, and k3 listed in Table 1 are the contributions from the steel web panel and the inner and
strength factors. However, the three types of confnement outer diagonal strut [29]. Te shear force versus shear
which consisted of U-shaped stirrups, steel band plate, and distortion envelope responses of the RCS roof T-connections
cover plate were considered in this model and other details referred to that of Parra-Montesinos et al. [22]. Te shear
in the joint, such as small column and shear studs, were not strength equation can be can be determined as follows:
Vj � 0.8 √� tsp h + 0.29fc′ −0.0048fc′ + 1.13h bf − tw + 0.5fc′ −0.0048fc′ + 1.13hbo , (5)
where bf is the width of steel beam fange, bo is the outer 4.2. Japanese Calculation Method. Based on a large number
panel width, bo � 12tbp, and tbp is the thickness of the steel of the interior beam-through type and column-through
band plate. However, it should be pointed out that the type joints from the analytical studies and the Japanese
applicable scope of this shear design equation is small as it standard of AIJ [53], the proposed shear design equation of
depends on the scope of the experimental data, and the RCS joints is given by Nishiyama et al. [43]. A comparison
predicted shear strength of the joint is questionable due to of the shear resistance mechanisms in the joint between the
severe bond stress degradation experienced by the column ASCE [47] and Nishiyama et al. [43] indicates that the
longitudinal bars. ultimate shear strength consisted of steel web panel, cover
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 11
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