Entrep Co 4th Q
Entrep Co 4th Q
Entrep Co 4th Q
Key Concepts / Understandings to The learner demonstrates understanding of environment and market in one’s
be Developed locality/town.
Adapted Cognitive Process
Domain Dimensions (D.O. No. 8, s. 2015) OBJECTIVES:
Knowledge Remembering
The fact or condition of
knowing something with
familiarity gained through Understanding shares research experiences and knowledge
experience or association
Skills Applying
The ability and capacity
acquired through deliberate,
systematic, and sustained
Analyzing oriented with the topics and be guided with possible performance of the course
effort to smoothly and
adaptively carryout complex Evaluating
activities or the ability, coming
from one's knowledge,
practice, aptitude, etc., to do Creating
Attitude Receiving Phenomena Highlights the importance of environmental and social responsibility.
Values Valuing Develop innovative solutions and for business growth and competitiveness
2. Content Industry Sources of Opportunities
3. Learning Resources Deped module, books, powerpoint, tv, television, marker
4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory Activity Preliminaries:
2 minutes Attendance checking
Recap of the previous lesson.
4.2 Activity
5 minutes
4.3 Analysis
5 minutes
4.4 Abstraction There are several ways of defining an industry. The most common way of defining
23 minutes an industry is according to product type or according to the functions of the product
or the services.
Another way of defining an industry is by tracing the industry from its most basic
raw materials down to its various consumer application, otherwise known as
product or value-added chain. The difference between the product and the value-
added chain is the focus of the analysis.
Product chain – focuses on the volume produced or converted at each link of the
To illustrate the tracing of the product chain, example could be the coconut
industry. The coconut tree regarded as the “tree of life”, is useful for different
purposes. Its trunk, skull, meat, husk and leaves, find their way to all types of
products such as oils, soap, handicrafts, furniture, wallboards. Looking at these
value-chain alone presents opportunities for the entrepreneur.
Value-Added Chain – focuses on the economic rather than the volume aspect of
the chain.
- follows the product chain but concentrates on the “Value”
added from one stage of the product to the other – a value that
is given by the market price differential between stages of
production. The differential would include the additional cost
of processing the product from one stage to the next and the
profit margins added on each stage by the processor (or
A cup of designer coffee
At farm gate prices, one would get a few pesos out of a bag of freshly
picked coffee bean.
The coffee will then get processed and packed by the coffee manufacturer.
(Cost and profit margin are added before selling the product to distributors.
Once it gets in the hands of distributors, the latter will have to market and
sell the finished product to coffee shops for few more pesos added to cover
for the logistics and transportation cost incurred. The coffee shop will then
proceed to concort of their own versions of designer’s coffee.
The fancier the coffee gets, the more expensive a cup of designer coffee
4.5 Application
10 minutes
4.6 Assessment
5 minutes
4.7 Assignment Enriching / inspiring the day’s
Study research process for next topic
5 minutes
4.8 Concluding Activity “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not
5 minutes depart from it”. –proverbs 22:6
5. Remarks
6. Reflections
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.
learners who have caught up with the lesson.
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for D. No. of learners who continue to require
remediation. remediation.
Prepared by:
Name: School:
Contact shellamarie.saraum@deped.gov.ph
Email address:
Number: 9352175244