The researchers prepare letters
addressed to the specific sections. A survey checklist will use wherein
Will also provide questionnaires the respondents will provide the
which are based on uses and effects information of what is being asked
of blended learning. Upon the on the questionnaire prepared by the
approval, researchers will distribute researchers. Quantitative method of
the survey questionnaires to the research will also use to determine
Grade 6 students. After answering, the number of respondents who will
researchers will be retrieving the respond on the survey that will be
questionnaires. The answers of the conducted. In terms of selection of
respondents to the questionnaires the respondents, researchers use
will be tallied, analyzed, and random sampling – a method of
interpreted. choosing samples in which all the
members of the population are given
an equal chance of being selected. It
is an unbiased of selection as
RESPONDENTS samples are drawn by chance. There
The key respondents of the study are various ways of getting the
must be the students in all sections samples through the simple random
of Grade 6 students at Esperanza sampling but this study will only use
Elementary School. The number of the fishbowl technique.
students were as follows: 30- 40,
Grade 6 students.
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