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Secondary school EFL Teacher and Students challenges of using ICT

Based Learning in New Normal


a. ICT :
 The term ICT generally refers to electronic equipment used to create, process, store, display,
transmit, and exchange information. In this context, ICT includes electronic technology and
digital devices, such as television, video, radio, DVD, telephone (whether landline or
cellular), satellite systems, computer and network hardware and software, and all equipment
and services related to these technologies, such as email and blogs and video conferencing
(UNESCO, 2007)
 Hennessy et al. (2005) stated that ICT includes a variety of technical media which includes
hardware (projection technology, laptops, desktop computers, netbooks, tablets, cell phones,
data storage, and digital audio and visual equipment), software applications, and information
systems (Intranet, Internet, cloud computing).
 ICT tools inflow into language learning and teaching has delivered an increasing
range ofpossible solutions for refining teaching and learning inputs, processes, and
outcomes (Pardede, 2012)
 ICT also provides a variety of tools for educators trying to extend learning beyond the
classroom (Haygood, Garner, & Johnson, 2012).
 Pardede’s (2011) stated that the trend of ICT use in EFL can be traced to the 1930s
when instructors used audiovisual tools to deliverncontent in the classroom, which
was followed by the use of audio recordings, television, films, video, and computers
in the trials to bring the target language and culture to students in the 1960s.
 Ahmad (2012) reported that ICT integration to the class can boost students’ participation,
promote student-centered mode, endorse create a positive atmosphere, and improve the
students' writing performance.
 ICT implementation in language teaching and learning process has been increasingly growing
(Suherdi, 2012 & Romero, 2008).
 The literature suggests that some factors affect teachers’ willingness or unwillingness to use
technology in the learning process, including ICT tools availability, support from the school
administrators, and the variables related to teachers. Various studies (Hew & Brush, 2007; Li,

b. Teachers’ Perception of ICT Integration in EFL Learning

 In the 2013 Curriculum, all subjects, including English, are indirectly insisted to use
technology-based learning tools to conform with the changing learning philosophy from
instructivism to constructivism (Hidayati, 2016).
 According to Harendita (2013), although 80% of Indonesian schools had got access to the
Internet in 2011, only 39% of teachers used ICT during the teaching and learning process.
 The studies of Hew and Brush (2007) and Li (2007) show that the variables related to
teachers are the most essential that determine teachers’ use of ICT in their teaching.
 This is in line with Atkins and Vasu (as cited in Park & Son, 2009) who accentuated that
teachers' perceptions have a crucial influence on the use of ICT in English teaching.
 Cope and Ward (2002) reported that teachers' perceptions of technology include 'how' and
'what' effects technology can bring to students. Thus, teachers' perceptions of technology
cover their ability to identify the potential of technology to motivate students Various studies
have revealed that teachers' positive perceptions tend to motivate their use of technology in
 Galanouli, Murphy, and Gardner's (2004) study reveals that teachers with positive perceptions
view training in ICT worthwhile and are prone to use it in their teaching.
 Teachers with positive perceptions are also more open toward the possible innovation
technology can bring about in learning, such as its impact on higher-order thinking skills and
language learning content acquisition (Baylor & Ritchie, 2002).
 Angers and Machtmes (2005) reported that the successful technology integration in education
is highly determined by the teachers’ personal beliefs and concerns, and those beliefs and
concerns pursue their probability to employ ICT (Russell et al., 2003).
 Angers and Machtmes (1999) affirmed that teachers who perceive ICT tools can be used to
augment lessons, motivate, and bring changes to their teaching strategies that tend to
confidently adopt the technology.

c. Advantages of Using ICT in EFL Learning and Teaching

 Cowie and Jones (2009) indicated that ICT can foster educational objectives, including
knowledge selection and creation, collaboration, and reflection.
 Uluyol and Ṣahin (2014, p. 67) reported that ICT use can make "lessons more interesting,
more enjoyable for both teachers and students, more diverse, more motivating and more
supportive of productive learning."
 According to Yang and Chang (2012, p. 128), "technology has created opportunities for
learning to become a more interactive process between instructors and learners, as well as
among learners."
 Al-Munawwarah (2014) reported that ICT use helps teachers to create interesting and
enjoyable learning activities, promoting learner autonomy, and to promote students’ learning
 Furthermore, Houcine (2011) pointed out five ICT use apparent impacts to support EFL
learning and teaching: (1) to help educators easily adapt teaching materials to meet the
circumstances, learner's needs, and responses; (2) to provide access to authentic materials on
the web; (3) to facilitate us to react upon and enables the use of recent/daily news; (4) to help
teacher combine or use alternately skills (listening and speaking, reading and writing,
speaking and writing) and media (text and images, text and audio, text, and 147 Journal of
English Teaching, (5) to enable teachers and/or students to focus on one specific aspect of the
lesson (grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, etc.).
 In line with that, Padurean and Margan (2009) listed four benefits of ICT use in the EFL
classroom: (1) ICT provides the capacity to control the presentation. Unlike books which
have a fixed presentation, computers can combine visual with listening materials, text with
graphics and pictures; (2) ICT offers novelty and creativity. ICT facilitates teachers to use
different materials for each lesson; (3) ICT provides fast feedback to students` answers
through error correction. Computers not only spot the mistake but also correct it and give the
appropriate advice; (4) ICT offers adaptability. Teachers can adapt computer programs to suit
their students` needs and levels of language knowledge. This makes computer programs more
learner-friendly, different from books which are produced in a single uniform format and
need to be taught irrespectively of students` problems.

d. Phenomenological gap:

The learning outcomes for several months during this pandemic have not been
optimal. The main factor lies in the inadequate use of ICT and teacher learning strategies,
even though various platforms and other ICTs are already advanced and there are still
some teachers who only use one or two of these platforms. There are also teachers who
only give assignments to students during this pandemic, even though the platform for
creating interesting learning content is already available.

Besides that, as students in the pandemic period that has been passed and replaced as
a new normal, students are required to be more creative. One of the main factors again is
the use of ICT which is not optimal. There are several difficulties for students to make
assignments, one of which, for example, has to upload a video assigned by the teacher,
many students do not understand how to upload or edit to make it interesting so as to
reduce student motivation in learning.

Therefore, the researcher wants to examine whether the challenge of teachers and
students is to discuss English in using ICT in this new normal because during the
pandemic period students and teachers have been using ICT for almost half a year or

The advantage of Think TaLK Write (TTW) strategy :

1. Think ,Talk, Write strategy helps to improve students’ right brain because they
express ideas spontaneously.
2. Students construct a meaningful solution in understanding the learning materials.
3. Students are boosted to enhance their critical and creative thinking skills
4. Students become actively enganged in the learning process through interaction and
discussion in groups.
5. Students get opportunity to think and communicate with peers, teacher and
6. Students learn to think about concept, share their ideas, and discussing a wording in
writing task.
7. Ideas form the other groups and corrections from the teacher an essential thing to
make learning better.

The advantages of make a match strategy:

1. The excitement will grow in the learning process

2. Cooperation among the srudentss realized the dynamic
3. The emergence of mutual cooperation dynamic are evenly distributed thoughout the
4. Being able to create an atmosphere of active learning
5. Delivered learning materials more attractive for students
6. Able to improve the students learning outcomes reached a level of completes in the
classical learning

Based on the existing problem, So here the researcher wants to try to apply two model of
learning strategies, namely Think Talk Write and make a match to find out which method is
more effective in improving student learning outcomes in descriptive text. The
researcher.Assumes that the advantages of these learning models can create a better learning
process and better results.

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