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Weather Forecasting Final Project Report

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Submitted by

Sudhira Dash(2001298196)

Under the guidance of

Mrs. Sasmita Tripathy(Assistant prof. Department of CSE)

In partial fulfilment for the award of the Degree of






BATCH 2023-2024


Submitted by

Sudhira Dash(2001298196)

Under the guidance of

Mrs. Sasmita Tripathy(Assistant prof. Department of CSE)

In partial fulfilment for the award of the Degree of






BATCH 2023-2024





This is to certify that the Major project report entitled “WEATHER FORECASTING” submitted

by Satya Ranjan Pattanaik(2001298179), Sudhira Dash(2001298196) in partial

fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree Bachelor of Technology in “Computer

Science And Engineering “is a bonafide record of the work carried out under our guidance and

supervision at Gandhi Institute For Technology (GIFT).

<Name of Project Guide > <Name of Project coordinator> <Name of HOD >
<Designation> < Designation> < Designation>
<Department> <Department> <Department>


Gandhi Institute For Technology (GIFT), Bhubaneswar



We are grateful to Prof. Rajeswari Chaini, project guide, Gandhi Institute for
Technology, Bhubaneswar, for the assigning me this innovation project and
modeling both technically and morally for achieving success in life.

It is great senses of satisfaction that my first real live venture in practical

computing is in the form of project work. I extend my humble obligation
towards Dr. Sujit Kumar Panda, H.O.D, Department of Computer Science And

Above all, I thank the almighty without whose grace and blessings. I would not
have been able to complete my work successfully.

Sudhira Dash(2001298196)


1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 Motivation
1.4 Overview
1.5 Problem Statement
1.6 Objectives


2.1 Traditional Technique

2.2 Morden Advancement
4.1 Result of Weather Forecasting
4.2 Discussion on Weather Forecasting
4.3 Multiple Linear Regresstion
4.4 Decision Tree Regresstion
4.5 Random Forest Regresstion
5.1 Analysis
5.2 System Design
5.3 Model Development
5.4 Pandas


In Data science Weather forecasting is an application of time series, forecasting where we

use time series data and algorithms to make a forecast for a particular time and with respect
to location.

By using the suitable algorithms we can predict the weather condition for the next few days.
After finding the suitable data set we have to analyse by using the respective modules like
pandas, non pie, math plot lib, So that we can predict and analyse weather and forecasting.

Weather forecasting is the process of predicting atmospheric conditions at a specific

location over a given period, typically ranging from hours to days in advance.

It involves the analysis of various meteorological data, such as temperature, humidity,

wind speed, and atmospheric pressure, collected from ground-based stations,
satellites, radar systems, and numerical models.

weather forecasting remains a crucial tool for mitigating risks associated with
weather-related events and enhancing societal resilience to natural hazards.

Keywords: Temperature, Pressure, Humidity, Wind, Precipitation, Cloud cover, Visibility,

Dew point, Fronts, Forecast, Severe weather, Climate, Model.

In the world wide the major concern is the climate change, Which has many factors like
forest deforestation, Air pollution, Water pollution, Soil pollution etc. The result of climate
change comes as a unpredicting weather.


LOCATION AND TIME. IN case of our state cyclone come very often and we also found the
plot very regularly.

weather forecasting has significant implications for public safety and disaster
preparedness. Timely and accurate forecasts enable governments, emergency
responders, and communities to anticipate and mitigate the impacts of natural
disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and wildfires, thereby saving lives and
reducing property damage.

weather forecasting represents a remarkable fusion of scientific knowledge,

technological innovation, and human expertise. It serves as a vital tool for navigating
the dynamic and often unpredictable nature of the Earth's atmosphere, providing
valuable insights that help society adapt to and thrive in a world shaped by weather
and climate.

As we are in the line of equator we found heat wave, because of the climate change.
Weather forecasting is necessary to avoid the human livestock dearth.


Every Human subject to adjust themselves with respect to weather conditions for their
dressing habits to strategic organizational planning activities, since the adverse weather
conditions may cause a considerable damage to lives and properties.

We need to be on alert for these adverse weather conditions by taking some precautions
and using prediction mechanisms to detect them and provide early warning of hazardous
weather phenomena. Weather prediction is an indispensable requirement for all of us.

Weather is important for most aspects of human life. Predicting weather is very useful.

Humans have attempted to make predictions about the weather, many early religions used
gods to explain the weather. Only relatively recently have humans developed reasonably
accurate weather predictions.

We decided to collect weather data and measured the accuracy of predictions made using
linear regression. The Weather prediction model designed by us would be of great use to
the farmers and for normal being as well.

This model basically uses historical weather data to predict the weather on a specific day of
and year in the future. Initially the aim is to teach the model with large historical data set
and then use it for weather prediction. The observations include:

Temperature - the measure of warmth or coldness

Humidity - the amount of moisture in the atmosphere

Precipitation - the amount of moisture (usually rain or snow) which falls on the ground

Wind Speed - the speed at which air flows through the environment

Wind Direction -

the direction in which the wind is moving

Pressure - the force the atmosphere applies on the environment


There is a general and increasing interest on weather information, since every day we
habitually give an ear to weather forecast news for local and large-scale longterm or short-
term weather predictions. Leading weather research institutions and companies have been
developing weather prediction systems capable of detecting, predicting and forecasting
weather phenomena and hazards by utilizing state-of-thescience technologies. Thus
weather prediction utilization fields and prediction accuracy increases monotonically by the

Weather Forecasting is crucial since it helps to determine future climate
changes. With the use of latitude, we can determine the probability of snow and
hail reaching the surface.


Weather forecasting is the science and art of predicting atmospheric conditions

at a specific location and time in the future. It involves analyzing current weather
data, understanding atmospheric processes, and using mathematical models to
forecast future weather patterns. Weather forecasts provide valuable information
about temperature, precipitation, wind, humidity, and other meteorological
parameters, helping individuals, businesses, and governments make informed
decisions and take appropriate actions to mitigate risks and optimize operations.

Heavy rainfall can lead to numerous hazards, for instance: flooding, including danger to
human life, harm to structures and framework, and loss of products and domesticated
animals. avalanches, which can compromise human life, upset transport and
interchanges, and cause harm to structures and foundation.
Where overwhelming precipitation happens with high breezes, hazard to ranger service
crops is high.. In the case of initial treatment of patients, the probability of survival has
increased significantly with early diagnosis of breast cancer. With proper tumor
classification, unnecessary treatment can be avoided. Each volume should be treated
Therefore, if there is no proper diagnosis then there is a high risk of death for the
patient. Correct diagnosis of breast cancer and classification of tumors in benign and
malignant tumors is an area of investigation. For example if we consider an area
affected by tropical cyclone the fundamental impacts of tropical cyclone incorporate
heavy rain, strong wind, huge tempest floods close landfall, and tornadoes.
The devastation from a tropical cyclone, for example, a sea tempest or hurricane,
depends for the most part on its power, its size, and its area.
Tropical tornados act to evacuate woods shade and additionally change the scene close
beach front zones, by moving and reshaping sand ridges and causing broad

disintegration along the drift. Indeed, even well inland, overwhelming precipitation can
prompt mudslides and avalanches in rugged regions.

Their belongings can be detected after some time by concentrate the convergence of
the Oxygen-18 isotope inside caverns inside the region of typhoons' ways. So we are
providing a better way to get accurate predictions. As mentioned above, the benefits of
identifying important features of mechanical learning, complex data sets, play an
important role in forecasting of weather. Since the best results can be achieved with
engineering learning algorithms, we should use these techniques to aware people from
natural disasters. This is because learning engineering algorithms can provide more
accurate results. Apart from this, the results are achieved at a short time and people get
enough time to do preparations or to escape from that place
Our project aims to predict the Weather and Atmosphere conditions using the previous
dataset of the weather forecasting with a focus on improving the accuracy of
prediction. This will increase the accuracy of the weather prediction and we will get
accurate results than the traditional methods. Our dataset consists of max and min.
temperature of everyday from the specific location.
Classifications: When gathering datasets to give to the models there are sure
parameters which are called as ordered information which incorporates: snow,
rainstorm, rain, mist, cloudy, for the most part overcast, halfway shady, scattered mists,
and clear. These can be additionally ordered into four classes.
1. Rain, tempest, and snow into precipitation
2. For the most part shady, foggy, and cloudy into exceptionally shady
3. Scattered mists and somewhat shady into modestly shady
4. Clear as clear Thus our aim is to provide accurate result in order to provide correct
prediction of weather for future so in critical conditions people can be aware of
upcoming natural calamities.


Weather forecasting has come a long way from simply observing red sunsets and predicting
fair weather. Today, it's a complex field that integrates various methodologies to provide
increasingly accurate predictions. Here's a look at what the literature reveals:

2.1 Traditional Techniques

 Statistical Methods: These methods, like ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated

Moving Average) models, analyse historical data to identify patterns and trends for
future predictions.
 Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP): This approach relies on powerful computer
models that solve complex equations governing atmospheric behaviour, providing
detailed forecasts.

2.2 Modern Advancements

 Machine Learning (ML): ML algorithms like Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)

are trained on vast weather datasets to learn complex relationships and improve
forecast accuracy.
 Data Assimilation: This technique incorporates real-time observations from
satellites, weather stations, and balloons into NWP models for more up-to-date

A literature survey of weather forecasting involves reviewing relevant research

articles, academic papers, books, and other scholarly sources to understand
the current state of knowledge, recent advancements, and ongoing research
trends in the field. Here's an overview of key topics and areas typically covered
in a literature survey of weather forecasting.

 Historical Development: Explore the historical evolution of weather

forecasting, from early empirical methods to modern numerical
weather prediction techniques. Identify seminal works and milestones
that have shaped the field over time.
 Observational Techniques: Review the principles and technologies
used for weather observations, including ground-based weather
stations, satellites, radar systems, weather balloons, and unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAVs). Examine recent advancements in observational
capabilities and their impact on forecast accuracy.

 Model Evaluation And Modification: Discuss methods for evaluating
the performance of weather forecast models, including verification
scores, skill metrics, and case studies. Analyse recent studies assessing
the strengths and limitations of NWP models under different weather
scenarios and geographical regions.
 Predictability and Uncertainty: Explore the factors influencing
weather predictability, such as atmospheric dynamics, boundary
conditions, model resolution, and initial condition uncertainties.
Review research on quantifying and reducing forecast uncertainty
through ensemble forecasting, probabilistic methods, and model post-
processing techniques.
 Extreme Weather Events: Investigate the prediction and impacts of
extreme weather phenomena, including hurricanes, tornadoes,
heatwaves, droughts, floods, and severe storms. Examine studies on
the predictability, intensity, and frequency of extreme events under
changing climate conditions.
 Climate Change and Weather Forecasting: Review literature on the
interactions between weather forecasting and climate change,
including the influence of climate variability on weather patterns, long-
term trends in extreme weather, and the role of weather forecasts in
climate adaptation and mitigation strategies.

 Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Explore the
applications of machine learning, neural networks, and other artificial
intelligence techniques in weather forecasting. Survey recent research
on data-driven approaches for improving forecast skill, enhancing
model performance, and addressing computational challenges in

 Communication and Decision Support: Examine studies on effective

communication strategies for conveying weather forecast information
to end users, including the general public, emergency managers,
policymakers, and industry stakeholders. Discuss the role of decision
support systems, visualization tools, and user-centric design principles
in enhancing weather-related decision-making and risk management.
 Future Directions and Challenges: Identify emerging research areas,
unresolved questions, and future challenges in weather forecasting,
such as improving forecast lead times, enhancing regional and local-
scale predictions, integrating socio-economic factors into forecast
models, and addressing ethical and equity considerations in weather-
related decision support.

The dataset utilized in this arrangement has been gathered from Kaggle which is “Historical
Weather Data for Indian Cities” from which we have chosen the data for “Kanpur City”.

The dataset was created by keeping in mind the necessity of such historical weather data in
the community. The datasets for the top 8 Indian cities as per the population. The dataset
was used with the help of the worldweatheronline.com API and the wwo_hist package.

The datasets contain hourly weather data from 01-01-2009 to 01-01-2020. The data of each
city is for more than 10 years. This data can be used to visualize the change in data due to
global warming or can be used to predict the weather for upcoming days, weeks, months,
seasons, etc.

Note: The data was extracted with the help of worldweatheronline.com API and we cannot
guarantee the accuracy of the data. The main target of this dataset can be used to predict
the weather for the next day or week with huge amounts of data provided in the dataset.

Furthermore, this data can also be used to make visualization which would help to
understand the impact of global warming over the various aspects of the weather like
precipitation, humidity, temperature, etc.

In this project, we are concentrating on the temperature prediction of Kanpur city with the
help of various machine learning algorithms and various regressions.

By applying various regressions on the historical weather dataset of Kanpur city we are
predicting the temperature like first we are applying Multiple Linear regression, then
Decision Tree regression, and after that, we are applying Random Forest Regression.

Table 3.1: Historical Weather Dataset of Kanpur City

Figure 3.1: Plot for each factor for 10 years

Figure 3.2: Plot for each factor for 1 year


4.1 Result of Weather Forecasting

Weather forecasting has become a vital tool for societies around the world. Here are some
key results:

 Improved Accuracy: Modern weather forecasts are significantly more accurate than
ever before, thanks to advancements in data collection, computer modeling, and
meteorological science.
 Informed Decisions: Accurate forecasts empower individuals and businesses to
make informed decisions about daily activities, travel plans, agricultural practices,
and many other areas.
 Economic Benefits: Weather forecasts contribute significantly to economic well-
being by reducing risks and optimizing operations in various sectors.
 Safety and Preparedness: Weather forecasts play a crucial role in warnings and
advisories for severe weather events, helping communities prepare and mitigate
potential damage.

4.2 Discussion on Weather Forecasting

There are also ongoing discussions and areas for improvement in weather forecasting:

 Accuracy Limitations: While forecasts have improved, there are still limitations,
especially for long-term predictions and highly localized events.
 Climate Change Impact: The complexity of climate change introduces new
challenges for forecasting models, requiring ongoing research and adaptation.
 Communication and Public Understanding: Effectively communicating forecast
uncertainties and probabilities to the public remains an important area of focus.

Overall, weather forecasting is a success story in scientific advancement with significant

societal benefits. However, researchers and forecasters continue to strive for better accuracy,
especially in the face of a changing climate.

The results of the implementation of the project are demonstrated below.

4.3 Multiple Linear Regression:

This regression model has high mean absolute error, hence turned out to be the least accurate
model. Given below is a snapshot of the actual result from the project implementation of
multiple linear regression.

Table 4.1:

4.4 Decision Tree Regression:

This regression model has medium mean absolute error, hence turned out to be the little
accurate model. Given below is a snapshot of the actual result from the project
implementation of multiple linear regression.

Table 4.2:

4.5 Random Forest Regression:

This regression model has low mean absolute error, hence turned out to be the more accurate
model. Given below is a snapshot of the actual result from the project implementation of
multiple linear regression.

Table 4.3:

5.1 Analysis
The learning procedure starts with the perception of information, so examples
can be discovered in information and prevalent choices can be taken later on
which depend on the precedents gave. The principle point is to enable PCs to
learn without human help or collaboration and modify their activities as needs

The amount and size of malignant growth databases are expanding quickly, yet
most are not dissected to discover covered up and profitable learning.
Machine learning procedures can be utilized to find shrouded connections and
examples. Models created utilizing machine learning systems enable specialists
to settle on exact choices.

Accordingly, we utilize programmed learning strategies, for example, random

forests, linear regression, polynomial regression, and so on to prepare our
machine. The gadget adjusts to the predefined information record and gains
from the predetermined parameters. From that point forward, machine
learning strategies have turned out to be precise in a few fields before. Along
these lines, the utilization of machine learning is helpful for the conclusion of
malignant growth.
Collapsing neural systems work surprisingly better than linear regression,
polynomial regression and Random Forests. This is on the grounds that, at
every one of the dimensions, the weights proceed to return and attempt to
diminish the mistake.

The most critical piece of our task is the examination of data when
programmed learning methods are utilized. To dissect the pictures, we utilize a
few descriptors, for example, nearby double examples, ORB, edge nearness
measurements without parameters (PFTAS), GLCM. These element extractors
help remove the usefulness of each picture. Subsequent to seeing these
element vectors, we can at long last train our machine in like manner. At last,
this will enable us to get an exact determination of the forecast.

The most extreme exactness was accomplished when Parameter Free

Adjacency Statistics was utilized as the component extractor and SVM was
utilized as the Machine Learning Algorithm. The best outcome was
accomplished when parameters were tuned in like manner. With the end goal
to tune parameters and gets quick outcomes, Grid Search technique was
utilized. In network seek strategy, a scope of parameters is given to the
classifier and the calculation at long last takes up the best blend of all the given
parameters. The best arrangement of parameters is taken with the end goal
that it gives the most extreme exactness.

5.2 System Design

The record has just been separated into train set and test set. Each information
has just been labeled. First we take the trainset organizer.

We will train our model with the help of histograms. The feature so extracted
is stored in a histogram. This process is done for every data in the train set.
Now we will build the model of our classifiers. The classifiers which we will
take into account are Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression, Random
Forest and Neural Networks. With the help of our histogram, we will train our
model. The most important thing to in this process is to tune thee parameters
the accordingly, such that we get the most accurate results.

Once the training is complete, we will take the test set. Now for each data
variable of test set, we will extract the features using feature extraction
techniques and then compare its values with the values present in the
histogram formed by train set. The output is then predicted for each test day.
Now in order to calculate accuracy, we will compare the predicted value with
the labeled value. The different metrics that we will use are confusion matrix,
accuracy score, f1 score etc.

5.3 Model Development

Our strategy for model improvement is exploratory. The objective of our

undertaking is to ensure the conclusion of malignancy with greatest accuracy.
This must be accomplished by exploring different avenues regarding distinctive
systems from a specific field. We have considered the programmed learning
descriptors and algorithms.

The Machine Learning Algorithms that we are using are:

● Linear Regression
● Polynomial Regression
● Random Forest
● Neural Networks
Subsequently our point is to locate the best mix which will furnish us with
greatest precision. Along these lines this task is absolutely test based. In
addition parameter tuning is a noteworthy piece of any Machine Learning
Algorithm. Regardless of whether the calculation works exceptionally solid in
specific conditions, at that point too because of terrible determination of
parameters, the precision could be low. In this manner we likewise need to
center around the right arrangement of parameters. Hence parameter tuning
must be done in whichever show we pick.

Parameter tuning should either be possible physically or by utilizing the lattice
seek technique.

Network looking is the procedure in which information is checked with the end
goal to discover ideal parameters for some random model. Contingent upon
the kind of model that we are utilizing, tuning of specific parameters is vital.
Framework seeking applies to a solitary model sort as well as number of

Network looking can be connected in machine learning with the end goal to
ascertain the best parameters for its utilization in some random model. It very
well may be computationally greatly costly and may set aside a long
opportunity to keep running on the machine.

Matrix Search constructs a model on every conceivable parameter mix. At that

point it repeats through every parameter blend lastly stores a model for each


Pandas is an open source, BSD-authorized library giving superior, simple to-utilize information
structures and information investigation apparatuses for the Python programming language. Pandas
has been heavily utilized in the development of this project. Given below are a few snapshots from
the code.

Figure 5.1: Pandas being imported to be used in the code

Figure 5.2: Using the Pandas object to import the dataset

Data Data

Data Preprocessing

Splitting into Training and

Test sets

Examining outcomes after

applying Multiple Linear

for weather Prediction

Visualizing the
relationsusing graphs

Calculating Squared Deriving Perfect Match

error Line

Fig. 5.1 Flow Chart

All the machine learning models: linear regression, various linear regression, decision tree
regression, random forest regression were beaten by expert climate determining
apparatuses, even though the error in their execution reduced significantly for later days,
demonstrating that over longer timeframes, our models may beat genius professional ones.
Linear regression demonstrated to be a low predisposition, high fluctuation model though
polynomial regression demonstrated to be a high predisposition, low difference model.
Linear regression is naturally a high difference model as it is unsteady to outliers, so one
approach to improve the linear regression model is by gathering more information.

Practical regression, however, was high predisposition, demonstrating that the decision of
the model was poor and that its predictions can't be improved by the further accumulation
of information. This predisposition could be expected to the structure decision to estimate
temperature dependent on the climate of the previous two days, which might be too short
to even think about capturing slants in a climate that practical regression requires.

On the off chance that the figure was rather founded on the climate of the past four or five
days, the predisposition of the practical regression model could probably be decreased.

In any case, this would require significantly more calculation time alongside retraining of
the weight vector w, so this will be conceded to future work. Talking about Random Forest
Regression, it proves to be the most accurate regression model. Likely so, it is the most
popular regression model used, since it is highly accurate and versatile.

Below is a snapshot of the implementation of Random Forest in the project. Weather

Forecasting has a major test of foreseeing the precise outcomes which are utilized in
numerous ongoing frameworks like power offices, air terminals, the travel industry focuses,
and so forth. The trouble of this determining is the mind-boggling nature of parameters.
Every parameter has an alternate arrangement of scopes of qualities.


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