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PTB 9th Physics Solved MCQs

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Punjab Text Book

9th Class
English Medium

Physical Quantities and Measurement
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1. What is the knowledge called, that is gained c. Philosophy
through observations and experimentations? d. Knowledge
a. Technology 9. What was the subject under which various
b. Philosophy aspects of material objects were studied?
c. Education a. Natural philosophy
d. Science b. Mechanics
2. When you can measure what you are c. Science
speaking about and express it in numbers, d. Electricity
you know something about it. Who said this? 10. Into how many streams natural philosophy is
a. Albert Einstein divided?
b. Abdul Salam a. Two
c. Lord Kevin b. Four
d. Isaac Newton a. Three
3. When you cannot measure what you are b. Five
speaking about or you cannot express it in 11. Which of the following is the stream of
numbers, your knowledge is of__________? natural philosophy?
a. Unsatisfactory kind a. Physical sciences
b. Meagre b. Biological sciences
c. Satisfactory kind c. Science
d. Both b and c d. Both a and b
4. What is Andromeda? 12. Which of the following deals with the study
a. A moon of non-living things?
b. A planet a. Embryology
c. A star b. Biological sciences
d. A galaxy c. Taxonomy
5. Which of the following is one of the billions d. Physical sciences
of galaxies of known universe? 13. Which of the following deals with the study
a. Star pro of living things?
b. Sall galaxy a. Sound
c. Black hole b. Physical sciences
d. Andromeda c. Biological sciences
6. From which language, the word science is d. Mechanics
derived? 14. Which of the following are not confined to
a. French science?
b. British a. Heat
c. Greek b. Measurements
d. Latin c. Light
7. Scientia is the word of__________language? d. Electricity
a. British 15. Which of the following plays an important
b. Latin role in describing and understanding the
c. Greek physical world?
d. French a. Light
8. What is meant by 'Scientia'? b. Measurements
a. Technology c. Heat
b. Education d. Electricity
16. Which of the following is the branch of a. Heat
physics that deals with the study of the b. Electricity and Magnetism
motion of objects? c. Sound
a. Mechanics d. Mechanics
b. Sound 24. Which of the following is the branch of
c. Heat physics that deals with the effects and
d. Light (optics) relationship of electricity with magnetism?
17. Which of the following is the branch of a. Sound
physics that deals with the nature of heat? b. Mechanics
a. Sound c. Heat
b. Mechanics d. Electricity and Magnetism
c. Light (optics) 25. Which of the following is the branch of
d. Heat physics that deals with the study of the
18. Which of the following is the branch of structure and properties of atoms?
physics that deals with the modes of transfer a. Heat
and effects of heat? b. Sound
a. Mechanics c. Mechanics
b. Sound d. Atomic physics
c. Heat 26. Which of the following is the branch of
d. Light (optics) physics that deals with the study of the
19. Which of the following is the branch of properties and behavior of nuclei?
physics that deals with the physical aspects a. Heat
of sound waves? b. Nuclear physics
a. Mechanics c. Mechanics
b. Light (optics) d. Sound
c. Sound 27. Which of the following is the branch of
d. Heat physics that deals with the study of the
20. Which of the following is the branch of plasma?
physics that deals with the production, a. Plasma physics
properties, and applications of sound waves? b. Geophysics
a. Heat c. Nuclear physics
b. Sound d. Atomic physics
c. Mechanics 28. What is the fourth state of matter called?
d. Light (optics) a. Solid
21. Which of the following is the branch of b. Gas
physics that deals with the study of physical c. Liquid
aspects of light? d. Plasma
a. Mechanics 29. What is the ionic state of matter called?
b. Heat a. Solid
c. Sound b. Plasma
d. Light (optics) c. Gas
22. Which of the following is the branch of d. Liquid
physics that deals with the use of optical 30. Which of the following is the branch of
instruments? physics that deals with the study of the
a. Mechanics internal structure of the earth?
b. Light (optics) a. Nuclear physics
c. Heat b. Plasma physics
d. Sound c. Atomic physics
23. Which of the following is the branch of d. Geophysics
physics that deals with the study of the
charges at rest and in motion?

1. Into how many disciplines, physical sciences b. Light

were divided in the nineteenth century? c. Mechanical energy
a. Six d. All are correct
b. Five 10. Which of the following energy drives fans
c. Eight and electric motors?
d. Seven a. Potential energy
2. Which of the following is the most b. Kinetic energy
fundamental discipline of physical sciences? c. Mechanical energy
a. Physics d. None of these
b. Astronomy 11. Which of the following is the means of
c. Chemistry transportation?
d. Geology a. Car
3. In which of the following disciplines, do we b. TV
study matter, energy, and their interaction? c. Telephone
a. Geology d. Radio
b. Astronomy 12. Which of the following is the means of
c. Physics communication?
d. Chemistry a. Radio
4. The rapid progress in science has become b. Telephone
possible due to the discoveries and c. TV
inventions in the field of__________? d. All of these
a. Chemistry 13. Radio, TV, and computer are the results of
b. Astronomy applications of?
c. Geology a. Chemistry
d. Physics b. Geology Physics
5. The___________is/are the application(s) of c. Physics
scientific principles? d. Astronomy
a. Natural philosophy 14. What a mobile phone can do for us?
b. Science a. To lift heavy loads
c. Technologies b. To get latest worldwide information
d. All are correct c. Allows us to contact people anywhere
6. On which of the following principles, a car is d. Both b and c
made? 15. Which of the following are the uses of mobile
a. Mechanics phones?
b. Sound a. We can send and receive messages
c. Light (optics) b. We can use it as a calculator
d. Thermodynamics c. We can take and save pictures
7. On which of the following principles, a d. All of these
refrigerator is made? 16. What is the harmful effect of physics on us?
a. Mechanics a. Wind turbines
b. Sound b. Deadly weapons
c. Thermodynamics c. Environmental pollution
d. Light (optics) d. Both b and c
8. Which of the following makes it easy to lift 17. Which turbine is used to produce pollution-
heavy objects? free electricity?
a. Electricity a. Steam turbine
b. Vacuum-cleaners b. Wind turbine
c. Pulleys c. Both a and b
d. Air-conditioners d. None of them
9. Electricity is used to get?
a. Heat

1. What are the measurable quantities called? 9. How many physical quantities are there
a. Geological quantities which form the foundation for other physical
b. Chemical quantities quantities?
c. Physical quantities a. Six
d. Bio-quantities b. Seven
2. Which of the following is NOT a physical c. Eight
quantity? d. Nine
a. Length 10. Which of the following is a base quantity?
b. Time a. Volume
c. Mass b. Temperature
d. None of these c. Charge
3. How many characteristics does a physical d. Area
quantity possess? 11. Which of the following is a base quantity?
a. Two a. Area
b. Three b. Volume
c. Four c. Length
d. Five d. Charge
4. If the height of a student is 104cm then what 12. Which of the following is NOT base quantity?
is its numerical magnitude? a. Area
a. 104 b. Mass
b. cm c. Time
c. Both d. Length
d. None of these 13. The quantities that are expressed in terms of
5. If the height of a student is 104cm then what base quantities are called?
is its unit of measurement? a. Logical quantities
a. 104 b. Derived quantities
b. cm c. N-base quantities
c. Both d. None of these
d. None of these 14. Which of the following is not a derived
6. Into how many quantities, physical quantities quantity?
are divided? a. Time
a. Two b. Area
b. Three c. Volume
c. Four d. Charge
d. Five 15. Which of the following is NOT derived
7. How many base quantities are there? quantity?
a. Six a. Charge
b. Seven b. Speed
c. Eight c. Electric current
d. Nine d. Power
8. What are the quantities called, on the basis 16. Once a standard is set for a quantity then it
of which other quantities are expressed? can be expressed in terms of that standard
a. Logical quantities quantity. What is this standard quantity
b. None of these called?
c. Base quantities a. Charge
d. Derived quantities b. Length
c. Unit
d. Time

1. The general conference held on weights and 10. What is the symbol of length?
measurement was? a. I
a. Twelfth b. L
b. Eleventh c. m
c. Thirteenth d. t
d. Fourteenth 11. What is the SI unit of length?
2. Where was the eleventh general conference a. Ampere
on weights and measurement held? b. Metre
a. America c. Kilogramme
b. London d. Second
c. Paris 12. What is the symbol of a metre?
d. France a. L
3. When was the eleventh general conference b. t
on weights and measurement held? c. m
a. 1964 d. I
b. 1962 13. What is the symbol of mass?
c. 1966 a. L
d. 1960 b. I
4. The eleventh general conference held on c. t
weights and measurement adopted a d. m
worldwide system of measurements called? 14. What is the SI unit of mass?
a. Worldwide System of Units a. Ampere
b. National System of Units b. Kilogramme
c. American System of Units c. Second
d. International System of Units d. Metre
5. How international system of units is 15. What is the symbol of kilogramme?
referred? a. L
a. SI unit b. kg
b. IS unit c. I
c. Both a and b d. t
d. None of these 16. What is the symbol of time?
6. How many mL equals to 1L? a. t
a. 10mL b. l
b. 100ml c. L
c. 1000ml d. m
d. 10,000ml 17. What is the SI unit of time?
7. How many dm3 is equal to 1L? a. Ampere
a. 1dm3 b. Metre
b. 10 dm3 c. Kilogramme
c. 100 dm3 d. Second
d. 1000 dm3 18. What is the symbol of second?
8. How many cm3 = 1 mL? a. m
a. 1 cm3 b. I
b. 10 cm3 c. s
c. 100 cm3 d. L
d. 1000 cm3 19. What is the symbol of electric current?
9. What are the units called that describe base a. m
quantities? b. I
a. Derived units c. L
b. N-base units d. t
c. Logical units 20. What is the SI unit of electric current?
d. Base units a. Metre
b. Kilogramme 31. What are the units called that are used to
c. Ampere measure derived quantities?
d. Second a. Derived units
21. What is the symbol of Ampere? b. Logical units
a. m c. Base units
b. L d. N-base units
c. I 32. The numbers of derived units in SI are?
d. A a. 5
22. What is the symbol of intensity of light? b. 2
a. L c. 7
b. I d. Multiplier
c. t 33. What is the unit of area?
d. m a. Pascal (Pa)
23. What is the SI unit of intensity of light? b. Newton (N)
a. Kilogramme c. (metre)2/m2 = square metre
b. Second d. (metre)3/m3 = cubic metre
c. Metre 34. What is the unit of volume?
d. Candela a. Pascal (Pa)
24. What is the symbol of candela? b. Newton (N)
a. m c. (metre)2/m2 = square metre
b. I d. (metre)3/m3 = cubic metre
c. n 35. On which of the following base quantity, area
d. cd is based?
25. What is the symbol of temperature? a. Mass
a. I b. Length
b. T c. Time
c. I d. Electric current
d. m 36. On which of the following base quantity,
26. What is the SI unit of temperature? volume is based?
a. Kilogramme a. Mass
b. Kelvin b. Electric current
c. Metre c. Length
d. Second d. Time
27. What is the symbol of kelvin? 37. __________is defined as distance covered by
a. t a body in unit time?
b. m a. Acceleration
c. K b. Speed
d. I c. Velocity
28. What is the symbol of amount of a d. None of these
substance? 38. What is the SI unit of speed?
a. I a. Pascal (P)
b. n b. Newton (N)
c. I c. m-1 (metre per second)
d. m d. ms-2 (metre per second per second)
29. What is the SI unit of amount of a substance? 39. What is the symbol of speed?
a. Mole a. a
b. Second b. v
c. Metre c. P
d. Kilogramme d. F
30. What is the symbol of mole? 40. What is the symbol of metre per second?
a. I a. ms-1
b. m b. C
c. t c. ms-2
d. mol d. N
41. What is the symbol of acceleration? c. v
a. P d. F
b. a 51. What is the SI unit of pressure?
c. F a. Cubic metre
d. V b. Newton
42. What is the SI unit of acceleration? c. Metre per second
a. Pascal (P) d. Pascal or N m-2
b. Newton (N) 52. What is the symbol of Pascal?
c. m-1 (metre per second) a. C
d. ms-2 (metre per second per second) b. N
43. What is the symbol of metre per second per c. Pa
second? d. ms-2
a. ms-2 53. What is the symbol of Density?
b. N a. F
c. C b. v
d. ms-1 c. Q
44. What is the symbol of volume? d. ρ
a. P 54. What is the SI unit of density?
b. F a. Metre per second
c. v b. Kilogramme per cubic metre
d. V c. Cubic metre
45. What is the SI unit of volume? d. Newton
a. Cubic metre 55. What is the symbol of kilogramme per cubic
b. Newton metre?
c. Metre per second a. Pa
d. Pascal b. N
46. What is the symbol of cubic metre? c. kg m-3
a. ms-2 d. m3
b. ms-1 56. What is the symbol of charge?
c. m3 a. P
d. kg b. F
47. What is the symbol of Force? c. v
a. P d. Q
b. Q 57. What is the SI unit of charge?
c. F a. Coulomb or As
d. V b. Newton
48. What is the SI unit of force? c. Cubic metre
a. Cubic metre d. Metre per second
b. Pascal 58. What is the symbol of coulomb?
c. Newton or kg m s-2 a. N
d. Metre per second b. C
49. What is the symbol of Newton? c. ms-1
a. C d. Pa
b. Pa 59. Identify the base quantity in the following?
c. ms-2 a. Speed
d. N b. Area
50. What is the symbol of Pressure? c. Length
a. P d. Force
b. Q

1. SI units have the advantages that their d. g

multiples and sub-multiples can be expressed 11. What is the multiplier of giga?
in terms of? a. 1015
a. Prefixes b. 1018
b. Suffixes c. 109
c. Both a and b d. 1012
d. None of them 12. What is the symbol of mega?
2. What are the words called that are added a. M
before SI units? b. m
a. Prefixes c. P
b. Suffixes d. T
c. Double prefixes 13. What is the multiplier of mega?
d. All are correct a. 1012
3. How many kg are present in 20,000 g? b. 1015
a. 10 kg c. 106
b. 20 kg d. 1018
c. 100 kg 14. What is the symbol of kilo?
d. 1000 kg a. K
4. What is the symbol of exa? b. P
a. E c. t
b. P d. k
c. G 15. What is the multiplier of kilo?
d. T a. 1012
5. What is the multiplier of exa? b. 1015
a. 1015 c. 1018
b. 1012 d. 103
c. 109 16. What is the symbol of hecto?
d. 1018 a. m
6. What is the symbol of peta? b. H
a. p c. P
b. T d. h
c. P 17. What is the multiplier of hecto?
d. G a. 106
7. What is the multiplier of peta? b. 102
a. 1015 c. 103
b. 1018 d. 109
c. 109 18. What is the symbol of deca?
d. 1012 a. da
8. What is the symbol of tera? b. H
a. P c. M
b. T d. P
c. t 19. 200 micro seconds is equal to how many
d. G seconds?
9. What is the multiplier of tera? a. 0.002 s
a. 109 b. 2x10-4 s
b. 1015 c. 0.2 s
c. 1012 d. 0.02 s
d. 1018 20. What is the multiplier of deca?
10. What is the symbol of giga? a. 101
a. P b. 103
b. G c. 109
c. t d. 106
21. What is the symbol of deci? d. H
a. d 32. What is the multiplier of pico?
b. m a. 10-9
c. P b. 10-6
d. H c. 10-5
22. What is the multiplier of deci? d. 10-12
a. 10-1 33. What is the symbol of femto?
b. 10-2 a. H
c. 10-3 b. P
d. 10-9 c. F
23. What is the symbol of centi? d. f
a. H 34. What is the multiplier of femto?
b. m a. 10-15
c. c b. 10-5
d. C c. 10-6
24. What is the multiplier of centi? d. 10-9
a. 10-4 35. What is the symbol of atto?
b. 10-1 a. H
c. 10-6 b. A
d. 10-2 c. a
25. What is the symbol of milli? d. P
a. H 36. What is the multiplier of atto?
b. M a. 10-18
c. m b. 10-15
d. k c. 10-12
26. What is the multiplier of milli? d. 10-6
a. 10-6 37. Prefixes are not used?
b. 10-3 a. Single
c. 10-2 b. Double
d. 103 c. Triple
27. What is the symbol of micro? d. Tetra
a. m 38. How many kms-1 is present in 2 00 000ms-1?
b. c a. 2000 kms-1
c. µ b. 2 kms-1
d. p c. 20 kms-1
28. What is the multiplier of micro? d. 200 kms-1
a. 106 39. How many kW are present in 4 800 000 W?
b. 109 a. 48 kW
c. 10-6 b. 480 kW
d. 103 c. 4800 kW
29. What is the symbol of nano? d. 48000 kW
a. H 40. How many MW are present in 4 800 000 W?
b. C a. 4800 MW
c. k b. 4.8 MW
d. n c. 48 MW
30. What is the multiplier of nano? d. 480 MW
a. 10-5 41. How many MHz are present in 3 300 000 000
b. 10-6 Hz?
c. 10-9 a. 330 Mhz
d. 109 b. 33 Mhz
31. What is the symbol of pico? c. 3.3 MHz
a. p d. 3300 MHz
b. P 42. How many GHz are present in 3 300 000 000
c. C Hz?
a. 3.3 GHz c. 0.81 nm
b. 330 Ghz d. 8.1 nm
c. 33 Ghz 46. What is the weight of 1.0 litre of water?
d. 3300 GHz a. 105 g
43. Which one of the following is the smallest b. 106 g
quantity? c. 103 g
a. 0.01 g d. 104 g
b. 100 mg 47. What is the average weight of a human?
c. 5000 ng a. 103 g
d. 2 kg b. 105 g
44. 5000 g is equal to__________? c. 104 g
a. 5 kg d. 106 g
b. 50 mg 48. What is the average weight of a uranium
c. 0.005 ng molecule?
d. 500 µg a. 10-16 g
45. How many nm are present in 0.000 000 b. 10-14 g
0081M? c. 10-22 g
a. 81 nm d. 10-24 g
b. 0.081 nm

1. A simple but scientific way to write large or a. Scientific notation

small numbers is to express them in some b. Standard form
power of__________? c. Both a and b
a. Zero d. None of them
b. Ten 4. What is the standard form of 0.00045?
c. Thousand a. 4.5 x 10-4
d. Hundred b. 45 x 10-4
2. How many metres is moon away from the c. 0.45 x 10-4
Earth? d. None of these
a. 384 000 m 5. How many km sun is away from the earth?
b. 3 840 000 m a. 155 billion
c. 384 000 000 m or 3.84 x 108 b. 150 billion
d. None of them c. 155 million
3. What is the form called in which a number is d. 150 million
expressed as some power of ten multiplied
by a number between 1 and 10?

1. Which of the following provides c. 0.10

information about stars? d. 100
a. Hubble space telescope 10. What is the smallest reading that can be
b. Five-star telescope taken using a metre rule?
c. Dual telescope a. 1mm
d. None of these b. 1cm
2. What are the instruments called, that are c. 0.1mm
used to measure various physical d. None of these
quantities? 11. What is the least count of a metre rule?
a. Measuring instruments a. 1cm
b. Physical instruments b. 0.001cm
c. Chemical instruments c. 1mm
d. All are correct d. 0.1mm
3. Sundial is a__________measuring 12. While measuring length, or distance, eye
instrument? must be kept__________above the reading
a. Time point
b. Current a. Vertically
c. Temperature b. Parallel
d. Pressure c. Left
4. Which of the following was measured by d. Horizontally
water clock in the past? 13. The reading becomes doubtful if the eye is
a. Wind positioned
b. Temperature a. Right
c. Pressure b. Left
d. Time c. Vertical
5. Sundial, water clock and other time d. Both a and b
measuring devices were used around? 14. A measuring tape consists of a thin and
a. 1300 AD long strip of?
b. 1323 AD a. Plastic
c. 1230 AD b. Metal
d. 1200 AD c. Cotton
6. Which of the following is/are the measuring d. All are correct
instrument(s)? 15. The scale on measuring tape is marked
a. Metre rule with__________?
b. Vernier callipers a. Inches
c. Screw gauge b. Centimetres
d. All are measuring instruments c. Meters
7. Which of the following is measured by d. Both a and b
metre rule? 16. What is the accuracy obtained in
a. Temperature measurements using a metre rule?
b. Current a. 1mm
c. Pressure b. 1cm
d. Length c. 0.001cm
8. What is the length of metre rule? d. 0.1mm
a. 10m 17. How many jaws a Vernier callipers
b. 100m contains?
c. 1m a. Five
d. 10cm b. Four
9. Into how many small divisions, 1cm is c. Three
divided to become 1mm? d. Two
a. 0.1 18. To which of the following jaw, main scale is
b. 10 attached?
a. Flexible jaw b. Negative
b. Moveable jaw c. +2
c. Fixed jaw d. Positive
d. None of these 28. To find the zero error, how the jaws of
19. Main scale has__________marks on it? Vernier Callipers should be closed
a. Inches a. Very slowly
b. Metres b. Fastly
c. Centimetres c. Rudely
d. milimetres d. Gently
20. How many divisions Vernier scale have? 29. Which instrument is most suitable for
a. 10 measuring the internal diameter of the test
b. 12 tube
c. 15 a. Screw gauge
d. 11 b. Measuring tape
21. What is the length of one division on c. Vernier calliper
Vernier scale? d. Metre rule
a. 0.8 mm 30. If zero line of the vernier scale coincides
b. 1.0 mm with the zero of the main scale then what is
c. 0.9 mm the zero error
d. 1.1 mm a. 0
22. What is the difference between one small b. 1
division on main scale division and one c. 2
Vernier scale division? d. 3
a. 0.2 mm 31. Zero error will be__________if zero line of
b. 0.2 mm vernier scale is on the right side of the zero
c. 0.2 mm of the main scale?
d. 0.1 mm a. Negative
23. What is the least count of Vernier callipers? b. Positive
a. 0.3 mm c. Zero
b. 0.2 mm d. None of these
c. 0.4 mm 32. Zero error will be__________if zero line of
d. 0.1mm vernier scale is on the left side of zero of
24. What is the least count of Vernier callipers the main scale?
in cm? a. Zero
a. 0.001 cm b. Positive
b. 0.01cm c. Negative
c. 0.1cm d. None of these
d. 0.10 cm 33. For taking a reading on Vernier Callipers,
25. In working of a Vernier Callipers, what the cylinder should be placed
should we do first? a. Vertically
a. Find the diameter of the object b. Parallel
b. Fix the object in the jaws c. Cross-section wise
c. Apply zero correction d. Horizontally
d. Find zero error 34. At least how many observations should be
26. Knowing the zero error, necessary recorded to find the diameter of the solid
correction can be made to find the correct cylinder?
measurement. What is this correction a. One
called? b. Two
a. Zero correction c. Three
b. Zero cutting d. Four
c. All are correct 35. If 7th line of vernier scale is coinciding with
d. Zero application the main scale, then what is the positive
27. Zero correction is always zero error
a. -1 a. +0.09cm
b. +0.07cm 45. The hollow cylinder acts as a__________
c. +0.08cm a. Bolt
d. +0.03cm b. Pliers
36. If 8th line of vernier scale is coinciding with c. Nut
the main scale, then what is the negative d. Cutter
zero error 46. A thimble has a threaded ..........on it?
a. -0.02cm a. Stud
b. -0.09cm b. Spindle
c. -0.08cm c. Ratchet
d. -0.01cm d. None of these
37. What is the least count of digital Vernier 47. As the thimble completes one rotation, the
Callipers? spindle moves how many mm along the
a. 0.01cm index line?
b. 0.01cm a. 1 mm
c. 0.001cm b. 1 cm
d. 0.01mm c. 2 mm
38. What is the other name of screw gauge d. 0.1 cm
a. Vernier screw gauge 48. What is the distance between consecutive
b. Macrometre screw gauge threads on the spindle?
c. Micrometre screw gauge a. 1 mm
d. None of these b. 1 cm
39. Which of the following is present in a c. 2 mm
simple screw gauge? d. 0.1 cm
a. Metal frame 49. What is the distance between consecutive
b. Hollow cylinder threads on the spindle called?
c. Metal stud a. Ratchet
d. All are present b. Thimble
40. What is the shape of metal frame? c. Sleeve
a. L-shaped d. Pitch
b. V-shaped 50. What is the pitch of the screw gauge?
c. U-shaped a. 1 mm
d. M-shaped b. 2 mm
41. What is attached to the other side of metal c. 0.1 cm
frame? d. 1 cm
a. Metal stud 51. How many divisions are present on the
b. Ratchet thimble?
c. Circular scale a. 55
d. Sleeve b. 75
42. What is hollow cylinder called? c. 85
a. Thimble d. 100
b. Stud 52. As thimble completes one rotation, how
c. Sleeve many mm thimble moves along the main
d. Spindle scale?
43. A sleeve has scale over it a. 1 cm
a. Millimetre b. 0.1 cm
b. Inches c. 1 mm
c. Micrometres d. 2 mm
d. Centimetre 53. What is the least count of a screw gauge?
44. What is the line called along which a hollow a. 1 mm
cylinder has a millimetre scale over it? b. 0.01 mm
a. Thimble line c. 0.001 mm
b. Index line d. 0.1 mm
c. Datum line 54. What is the least count of a screw gauge in
d. Both a and b cm?
a. 0.01 cm d. Zero
b. 1 cm 64. What is the zero error if 18th division on
c. 0.001 cm circular scale is behind the index line?
d. 0.1 cm a. +0.18 mm
55. What is the relative size of a small b. -0.02 mm
molecule? c. +0.02 mm
a. 1nm d. -0.18 mm
b. 100nm 65. What is the zero error if 5th divisions on
c. 10nm circular scale have crossed the index line?
d. All of these a. +0.05 mm
56. What is the relative size of a virus? b. -0.10 mm
a. 100nm c. -0.05 mm
b. 1nm d. +0.10 mm
c. 10nm 66. By which of the following measurements
d. All of these taken will be more precise?
57. What is the relative size of a bacterium? a. Vernier callipers
a. 1 µm b. Metre rule
b. 0.1 µm c. Screw gauge
c. 10 µm d. Measuring tape
d. 100 µm 67. In ancient times what was used to measure
58. What is the relative size of an animal cell? grain in various part of the world?
a. 100 µm a. Electronic balance
b. 10 µm b. Lever balance
c. 1 µm c. Physical balance
d. 0.1 µm d. Pots
59. What is the relative size of a plant cell? 68. Which of the following balances are in most
a. 1 mm sweet and grocery shop?
b. 10 mm a. Physical balance
c. 10 µm b. Lever balance
d. 100 µm c. Electronic balance
60. What is the first step in working of screw d. Beam balance
gauge? 69. Which of the following balance is more
a. Find zero error precise?
b. Fix the object in the spindle and stud a. Electronic balance
c. Apply zero correction b. Physical balance
d. Find the diameter of the object c. Beam balance
61. If zero of circular scale coincides with the d. Lever balance
index line, then the zero error will 70. Which of the following balance is used in
be__________ laboratory?
a. Positive a. Physical balance
b. Zero b. Lever balance
c. Negative c. Beam balance
d. None of these d. Electronic balance
62. Zero error will be__________if zero of 71. Physical balance consists of
circular scale is behind the index line? a__________resting at the centre on a
a. Negative fulcrum?
b. Zero a. Plumb line
c. -0.10 b. Pan
d. Positive c. Beam
63. Zero error will be__________if zero of d. Lever
circular scale has crossed the index line? 72. Beam is balanced if the pointer of physical
a. Positive balance is at__________
b. Negative a. Zero
c. -0.10 b. Five
c. End point b. 0.01 g
d. Beginning point c. 0.001 g
73. Where are the unknown masses placed in a d. 1g
physical balance? 82. What is the least count of a sensitive beam
a. Right pan balance in milligrams?
b. Left pan a. 1000 mg
c. Over the scale b. 10 mg
d. On the beam c. 100 mg
74. Which of the following is adjusted to level d. 1 mg
the platform of physical balance? 83. What is the mass of a coin by measuring
a. Beam with physical balance?
b. Lever a. 3.247 g
c. Levelling screws b. 3.2479 g
d. Plumb line c. 3.2 g
75. Which of the following balance consists of a d. 3.24 g
system of levers? 84. What is the least count of a physical
a. Physical balance balance?
b. Lever balance a. 0.01 g
c. Electronic balance b. 0.001 g
d. Beam balance c. 0.1 g
76. The pointer is brought to zero by d. 1g
varying__________? 85. What is the least count of a physical
a. Standard masses balance in milligrams?
b. Unknown masses a. 100 mg
c. Object masses b. 1 mg
d. Known masses c. 1000 mg
77. In what ranges do electronic balances d. 10 mg
come? 86. What is the mass of a coin by measuring
a. Milligram ranges with electronic balance?
b. Kilogramme ranges a. 3.247 g
c. Gram ranges b. 3.2 g
d. All are correct c. 3.24 g
78. Before measuring the mass of a body, it is d. 3.2479 g
switched ON and its reading is set 87. What is the least count of an electronic
to__________? balance?
a. Begin point a. 0.001 g
b. 1000 g b. 0.01 g
c. Zero c. 0.1 g
d. End point d. 1g
79. What does the reading on the balance 88. What is the least count of an electronic
gives? balance in milligrams?
a. Length of the body a. 100 mg
b. Diameter of the body b. 10 mg
c. Mass of the body c. 1 mg
d. None of these d. 1000 mg
80. What is the mass of a coin by measuring 89. Which of the following balance is more
with beam balance? sensitive?
a. 3.2 g a. Physical balance
b. 3.2479 g b. Lever balance
c. 3.247 g c. Beam balance
d. 3.24 g d. Electronic balance
81. What is the least count of a sensitive beam 90. Which of the following balance is least
balance? sensitive?
a. 0.1 g a. Physical balance
b. Lever balance b. Stops
c. Beam balance c. Starts
d. Electronic balance d. Resets
91. By which of the following balance the 100. When the knob is pressed a third time,
reading taken would be more precise? the watch__________?
a. Electronic balance a. Stops
b. Physical balance b. Starts
c. Beam balance c. Bursts
d. Lever balance d. Resets
92. Which of the following is an instrument 101. A measuring cylinder is
that is used to measure the time interval of a__________cylinder?
an event? a. Glass
a. Stopwatch b. Transparent
b. Vernier callipers c. Plastic
c. Screw gauge d. All are correct
d. Measuring cylinder 102. What is present along the length of a
93. How many types of stopwatches are there? measuring cylinder?
a. 2 a. Watch
b. 3 b. Button
c. 4 c. Scale
d. 5 d. All are correct
94. What is the least measurement that can be 103. What does the scale indicate in a
taken by using a mechanical stopwatch? measuring cylinder?
a. 0.1 s a. Volume
b. 0.01 s b. Area
c. 1s c. Diameter
d. 0.001 s d. Length
95. Digital stopwatches are commonly used 104. What is the unit of scale of a measuring
in__________? cylinder?
a. Offices a. Millilitre (mL)
b. Laboratories b. Centimetre (cm)
c. Homes c. Metre (m)
d. Markets d. Litre (L)
96. What is the least measurement that can be 105. What is the use of a measuring
taken by using a digital stopwatch? cylinder?
a. 1s a. To find the diameter of the solid
b. 0.001 s b. To measure the volume of a liquid
c. 0.01 s c. To find the interval of an event
d. 0.1 s d. To find the area of the solid cylinder
97. In a mechanical stopwatch, what is used to 106. Which of the following instrument is
wind the spring? used to measure the volume of a liquid?
a. Knob a. Measuring cylinder
b. Key b. Screw gauge
c. Button c. Stopwatch
d. None of these d. Vernier callipers
98. When the knob is pressed once, the 107. Which of the following instrument is
watch__________? used to measure the volume of an irregular
a. Stops shaped solid?
b. Bursts a. Vernier callipers
c. Resets b. Stopwatch
d. Starts c. Measuring cylinder
99. When the knob is pressed two times, the d. Screw gauge
a. Bursts
108. Which of the following method is used c. Remains straight
to measure the volume of an irregular d. All are correct
shaped solid? 117. How the meniscus of the mercury is
a. Displacement method curved?
b. Haber's method a. Upwards
c. Neutralization method b. Downwards
d. Solvay's method c. Not curved
109. When solid is lowered into a measuring d. None of these
cylinder containing water, the level of 118. What is the correct method of noting
water__________? down the level of a liquid in cylinder?
a. Increases a. Keeping the eye below the level of liquid
b. Decreases b. Keeping the eye at same level
c. Remain same c. Keeping the eye above the level of liquid
d. No effect d. All are correct method of noting the level of
110. What does the increase in the volume liquid
of the water give? 119. What is the incorrect method of noting
a. Diameter of given solid down the level of a liquid in cylinder?
b. Area of given solid a. Keeping the eye above the level of liquid
c. Volume of given solid b. Keeping the eye below the level of liquid
d. Length of given solid c. Both a and b
111. Which of the following equipment a d. Keeping the eye at same level
school laboratory must have? 120. When the eye is above the liquid level,
a. Fire extinguisher the meniscus appears on the scale?
b. Waste-disposal basket a. Below
c. Fire alarm b. Higher
d. All are correct c. Lower
112. Which of the following equipment a d. Straight
school laboratory must have? 121. When the eye is below the liquid level,
a. Water buckets the meniscus appears on the scale?
b. Sand bucket a. Above
c. First aid box b. Lower
d. All are correct c. Straight
113. While using a measuring cylinder, it d. Higher
must be kept__________on a surface? 122. Which of the following instrument is
a. Parallel used to measure the volume of a small
b. Horizontal irregular shaped solid that sinks in water?
c. Straight a. Measuring cylinder
d. Vertical b. Screw gauge
114. On what surface, a measuring cylinder c. Vernier callipers
should be kept? d. Stopwatch
a. Rough surface 123. How is initial volume of the water in
b. Irregular surface measuring cylinder denoted?
c. Vertical surface a. Vn
d. Plane surface b. Vf
115. What is the shape of water in the c. Vi
measuring cylinder? d. V
a. Straight 124. How is final volume of the water with
b. Plane the solid in a measuring cylinder denoted?
c. Curved a. Vn
d. Lowered b. Vr
116. How the meniscus of most liquids is c. Vf
curved? d. Vi
a. Downwards 125. With what the solid should be tied to
b. Upwards dip in a measuring cylinder?
a. Aluminium wire 129. What are the safety rules of the
b. Copper wire laboratory?
c. Lace a. Do not temper with the electrical
d. Thread appliances
126. What will be the volume of the solid in b. Read the instructions carefully to
the measuring cylinder? familiarize yourself with the possible
a. Vf+Vi hazards
b. (Vf)(Vi) c. Do not hesitate to consult your teacher in
c. Vf/Vi case of any doubt
d. Vf – Vi d. All are safety rules
127. What should be displayed in the 130. Do not hesitate to consult
laboratory to handle any mishap or your__________in case of any doubt in
accident? laboratory?
a. Charts a. Teacher
b. Posters b. Lawyer
c. Both a and b c. Doctor
d. Slides d. Principal
128. What are the safety rules of the 131. Report any accident or injuries
laboratory? immediately to your__________?
a. Do not eat, drink, play or run in the a. Lawyer
laboratory b. Peon
b. Handle equipment and materials with care c. Teacher
c. Don't experiment without permission of d. Doctor
the teacher
d. All are safety rules

1. Every measurement of a quantity is an b. Measuring tape

attempt to find its__________value? c. Screw gauge
a. True d. Vernier callipers
b. False 10. By which of the following instrument, the
c. Both a and b number of significant figures measured would
d. None of these be two?
2. What are significant figures? a. Vernier callipers
a. All the accurately known digits and all b. Measuring tape
doubtful digits c. Metre rule
b. All the digits d. Screw gauge
c. All the accurately known digits and first 11. By which of the following instrument, the
doubtful digit length of the book might be 18.4cm?
d. All the accurately known digits a. Screw gauge
3. Upon which of the following factors, the b. Ruler
accuracy in measuring a physical quantity c. Measuring tape
depends? d. Vernier callipers
a. The quality of the measuring instrument 12. How many significant figures are in 18.4cm?
b. The skill of the observer a. One
c. The number of observations made b. Two
d. All are correct c. Three
4. Upon which of the following factors, the d. All are significant figures
accuracy in measuring a physical quantity 13. How many are the exactly known digit in
depends? 18.4cm?
a. The length of the measuring instrument a. One
b. The width of the measuring instrument b. Two
c. The quantity of the measuring instrument c. Three
d. The quality of the measuring instrument d. All
5. Upon which of the following factors, the 14. How many are the doubtful digit in 18.4cm?
accuracy in measuring a physical quantity a. One
depends? b. Two
a. The quantity of apparatus used c. Three
b. The number of conclusions drawn d. Four
c. The number of observations made 15. What is doubtful digit in 18.4cm?
d. None of these a. 1
6. How many significant figures are in 18cm? b. 4
a. One c. 8
b. Two d. Centimetre
c. Three 16. How many significant figures are in 18.425cm?
d. None of these a. One
7. What is the exactly known digit in 18cm? b. Two
a. 8 c. Three
b. 0.18 d. All the digits are significant
c. 1 17. Which of the following digit is not significant
d. Centimetre in 18.425cm?
8. What is the doubtful digit in 18cm? a. 4
a. 1 b. 1
b. 8 c. 2
c. 0.18 d. 8
d. Centimetre 18. Which of the following digit is not significant
9. By which of the following instrument, the in 18.425cm?
length of the book might be 18cm? a. 8
a. Metre rule b. 4
c. 5 c. Significant
d. 1 d. Constant
19. How many estimated digits are present in 29. Non-zero digits are always__________?
significant figures? a. Constant
a. Two b. Variable
b. Three c. Significant
c. One d. Prefixes
d. All 30. Zeros between two significant figures
20. More significant figure are__________?
mean___________precision? a. Constant
a. Zero b. Variable
b. Greater c. Significant
c. Maximum d. Not significant
d. Less 31. Zeros written on the left side of the decimal
21. The digits that are not__________are always point for the purpose of spacing the decimal
significant? point are__________?
a. Negative a. Not significant
b. One b. Significant
c. Decimal c. Variable
d. Zero d. Constant
22. How many significant digits are in 27? 32. What is the first significant digit in 0.002070?
a. 1 a. 0.02
b. 2 b. 7
c. 3 c. 2
d. No significant digit d. 0
23. How many significant digits are in 275? 33. What is the second significant digit in
a. 1 0.002070?
b. 2 a. 7
c. 3 b. 0.02
d. No significant digit c. 2
24. How many significant digits are in 2705? d. 0
a. 1 34. What is the third significant digit in 0.002070?
b. 2 a. 0
c. 3 b. 0.02
d. 4 c. 7
25. How many significant digits are in 275.00? d. 2
a. 2 35. What is the fourth significant digit in
b. 3 0.002070?
c. 4 a. 7
d. 5 b. 0
26. How many significant digits are in 0.03? c. 2
a. 1 d. 0.02
b. 2 36. How many significant figures are in 100.8 s?
c. 3 a. One
d. 4 b. Two
27. How many significant digits are in 0.027? c. Three
a. 1 d. Four
b. 2 37. How many significant figures are in 0.00580
c. 3 km?
d. 4 a. Three
28. Final or ending zeros on the right in decimal b. Two
fraction are__________? c. One
a. Variable d. Four
b. Not significant 38. How many significant figures are in 210.0 g?
a. One a. 1.34
b. Two b. 1.4
c. Three c. 1.5
d. Four d. 1.4
39. How is 1.943 rounded? 48. Amount of a substance in terms of numbers is
a. 1.9 measured in__________?
b. 1.94 a. Kilogramme
c. 1.96 b. Mole
d. 1.95 c. Newton
40. If the last digit is__________5 then it is simply d. Gram
dropped? 49. What are the significant figures in 1.009 m?
a. Equal to a. 1
b. Divisible by b. 2
c. Greater than c. 3
d. Less than d. 4
41. If the last digit is greater than 5, then the digit 50. What are the significant figures in 0.00450 kg?
on its left is increased by__________? a. 2
a. 1 b. 3
b. 2 c. 4
c. 0.01 d. 5
d. 0.90 51. What are the significant figures in 1.66x10-27
42. If the last digit is__________5 then the digit kg?
on its left is increased by one? a. 3
a. Equal to b. 4
b. Less than c. 5
c. Greater than d. 27
d. Divisible by 52. What are the significant figures in 2001 s?
43. How is 1.47 rounded? a. 1
a. 1.48 b. 2
b. 1.7 c. 3
c. 1.4 d. 4
d. 1.5 53. Which of the following quantities have three
44. If the last digit is__________5 then it is significant figures?
rounded to get nearest even number? a. 3.0066 m
a. Equal to b. 5.05x10-27 kg
b. Less than c. 0.00309 kg
c. Divisible by d. 2001 s
d. Greater than 54. Which of the following quantities have three
45. If the last digit is 5, then it is rounded to get significant figures?
nearest__________number? a. 2001 s
a. Even b. 301.0 s
b. Odd c. 3.0066 m
c. Composite d. 5.05x10-27 kg
d. Prime 55. A chocolate wrapper is 6.7 cm long and 5.4 cm
46. How is 1.35 rounded? wide. Calculate its area?
a. 1.3 a. 12.4 cm2
b. 1.36 b. 37 cm2
c. 1.4 c. 12.1 cm2
d. 1.44 d. 36 cm2
47. How is 1.45 rounded

Physical Quantities and Measurement
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) - Answer Key

1 d 2 c 3 d 4 d 5 d 6 d 7 b 8 d 9 a 10 a
11 d 12 d 13 c 14 b 15 b 16 a 17 d 18 c 19 c 20 b
21 d 22 b 23 b 24 d 25 d 26 b 27 a 28 d 29 b 30 d


1 b 2 a 3 c 4 d 5 c 6 a 7 c 8 c 9 d 10 c
11 a 12 d 13 c 14 d 15 d 16 d 17 b


1 c 2 d 3 a 4 a 5 b 6 a 7 b 8 c 9 b 10 b
11 c 12 a 13 b 14 a 15 c 16 c


1 b 2 c 3 d 4 d 5 a 6 c 7 a 8 d 9 d 10 A
11 b 12 c 13 d 14 b 15 b 16 a 17 d 18 c 19 b 20 c
21 d 22 a 23 d 24 d 25 b 26 b 27 c 28 b 29 a 30 d
31 a 32 d 33 c 34 d 35 b 36 c 37 b 38 c 39 b 40 a
41 b 42 c 43 a 44 d 45 a 46 c 47 c 48 c 49 d 50 ad
51 d 52 c 53 d 54 b 55 c 56 d 57 a 58 b 59 c

1 a 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 d 6 c 7 a 8 b 9 c 10 b
11 c 12 a 13 c 14 d 15 d 16 d 17 b 18 a 19 b 20 a
21 a 22 a 23 c 24 d 25 c 26 b 27 c 28 c 29 d 30 c
31 a 32 d 33 d 34 a 35 c 36 a 37 b 38 d 39 c 40 b
41 d 42 a 43 c 44 a 45 d 46 c 47 b 48 c


1 b 2 c 3 c 4 a 5 d


1 a 2 b 3 a 4 d 5 a 6 d 7 d 8 c 9 b 10 a
11 c 12 a 13 d 14 d 15 d 16 a 17 d 18 c 19 c 20 a
21 c 22 d 23 d 24 b 25 d 26 a 27 b 28 d 29 c 30 a
31 b 32 c 33 c 34 c 35 b 36 a 37 d 38 c 39 d 40 c
41 a 42 c 43 a 44 d 45 c 46 b 47 a 48 a 49 d 50 a
51 d 52 c 53 b 54 d 55 a 56 a 57 a 58 b 59 d 60 a
61 b 62 d 63 b 64 a 65 c 66 c 67 d 68 c 69 a 70 a
71 c 72 a 73 b 74 c 75 b 76 b 77 d 78 c 79 c 80 a
81 a 82 c 83 d 84 a 85 d 86 a 87 a 88 c 89 d 90 c
91 a 92 a 93 a 94 a 95 b 96 c 97 a 98 d 99 b 100 d
101 d 102 c 103 a 104 a 105 b 106 a 107 c 108 a 109 a 110 c
111 d 112 d 113 d 114 d 115 c 116 a 117 a 118 b 119 c 120 b
121 b 122 a 123 c 124 c 125 d 126 d 127 c 128 d 129 d 130 c
131 c


1 a 2 c 3 d 4 d 5 c 6 b 7 c 8 b 9 b 10 b
11 b 12 d 13 b 14 a 15 b 16 c 17 c 18 c 19 c 20 b
21 d 22 b 23 c 24 d 25 d 26 a 27 b 28 c 29 c 30 c
31 a 32 c 33 d 34 c 35 b 36 d 37 a 38 d 39 b 40 d
41 a 42 c 43 d 44 a 45 a 46 c 47 d 48 b 49 d 50 b
51 a 52 d 53 c 54 b 55 d 56

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