PTB 9th Physics Solved MCQs
PTB 9th Physics Solved MCQs
PTB 9th Physics Solved MCQs
9th Class
English Medium
Physical Quantities and Measurement
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
1. What is the knowledge called, that is gained c. Philosophy
through observations and experimentations? d. Knowledge
a. Technology 9. What was the subject under which various
b. Philosophy aspects of material objects were studied?
c. Education a. Natural philosophy
d. Science b. Mechanics
2. When you can measure what you are c. Science
speaking about and express it in numbers, d. Electricity
you know something about it. Who said this? 10. Into how many streams natural philosophy is
a. Albert Einstein divided?
b. Abdul Salam a. Two
c. Lord Kevin b. Four
d. Isaac Newton a. Three
3. When you cannot measure what you are b. Five
speaking about or you cannot express it in 11. Which of the following is the stream of
numbers, your knowledge is of__________? natural philosophy?
a. Unsatisfactory kind a. Physical sciences
b. Meagre b. Biological sciences
c. Satisfactory kind c. Science
d. Both b and c d. Both a and b
4. What is Andromeda? 12. Which of the following deals with the study
a. A moon of non-living things?
b. A planet a. Embryology
c. A star b. Biological sciences
d. A galaxy c. Taxonomy
5. Which of the following is one of the billions d. Physical sciences
of galaxies of known universe? 13. Which of the following deals with the study
a. Star pro of living things?
b. Sall galaxy a. Sound
c. Black hole b. Physical sciences
d. Andromeda c. Biological sciences
6. From which language, the word science is d. Mechanics
derived? 14. Which of the following are not confined to
a. French science?
b. British a. Heat
c. Greek b. Measurements
d. Latin c. Light
7. Scientia is the word of__________language? d. Electricity
a. British 15. Which of the following plays an important
b. Latin role in describing and understanding the
c. Greek physical world?
d. French a. Light
8. What is meant by 'Scientia'? b. Measurements
a. Technology c. Heat
b. Education d. Electricity
16. Which of the following is the branch of a. Heat
physics that deals with the study of the b. Electricity and Magnetism
motion of objects? c. Sound
a. Mechanics d. Mechanics
b. Sound 24. Which of the following is the branch of
c. Heat physics that deals with the effects and
d. Light (optics) relationship of electricity with magnetism?
17. Which of the following is the branch of a. Sound
physics that deals with the nature of heat? b. Mechanics
a. Sound c. Heat
b. Mechanics d. Electricity and Magnetism
c. Light (optics) 25. Which of the following is the branch of
d. Heat physics that deals with the study of the
18. Which of the following is the branch of structure and properties of atoms?
physics that deals with the modes of transfer a. Heat
and effects of heat? b. Sound
a. Mechanics c. Mechanics
b. Sound d. Atomic physics
c. Heat 26. Which of the following is the branch of
d. Light (optics) physics that deals with the study of the
19. Which of the following is the branch of properties and behavior of nuclei?
physics that deals with the physical aspects a. Heat
of sound waves? b. Nuclear physics
a. Mechanics c. Mechanics
b. Light (optics) d. Sound
c. Sound 27. Which of the following is the branch of
d. Heat physics that deals with the study of the
20. Which of the following is the branch of plasma?
physics that deals with the production, a. Plasma physics
properties, and applications of sound waves? b. Geophysics
a. Heat c. Nuclear physics
b. Sound d. Atomic physics
c. Mechanics 28. What is the fourth state of matter called?
d. Light (optics) a. Solid
21. Which of the following is the branch of b. Gas
physics that deals with the study of physical c. Liquid
aspects of light? d. Plasma
a. Mechanics 29. What is the ionic state of matter called?
b. Heat a. Solid
c. Sound b. Plasma
d. Light (optics) c. Gas
22. Which of the following is the branch of d. Liquid
physics that deals with the use of optical 30. Which of the following is the branch of
instruments? physics that deals with the study of the
a. Mechanics internal structure of the earth?
b. Light (optics) a. Nuclear physics
c. Heat b. Plasma physics
d. Sound c. Atomic physics
23. Which of the following is the branch of d. Geophysics
physics that deals with the study of the
charges at rest and in motion?
1. What are the measurable quantities called? 9. How many physical quantities are there
a. Geological quantities which form the foundation for other physical
b. Chemical quantities quantities?
c. Physical quantities a. Six
d. Bio-quantities b. Seven
2. Which of the following is NOT a physical c. Eight
quantity? d. Nine
a. Length 10. Which of the following is a base quantity?
b. Time a. Volume
c. Mass b. Temperature
d. None of these c. Charge
3. How many characteristics does a physical d. Area
quantity possess? 11. Which of the following is a base quantity?
a. Two a. Area
b. Three b. Volume
c. Four c. Length
d. Five d. Charge
4. If the height of a student is 104cm then what 12. Which of the following is NOT base quantity?
is its numerical magnitude? a. Area
a. 104 b. Mass
b. cm c. Time
c. Both d. Length
d. None of these 13. The quantities that are expressed in terms of
5. If the height of a student is 104cm then what base quantities are called?
is its unit of measurement? a. Logical quantities
a. 104 b. Derived quantities
b. cm c. N-base quantities
c. Both d. None of these
d. None of these 14. Which of the following is not a derived
6. Into how many quantities, physical quantities quantity?
are divided? a. Time
a. Two b. Area
b. Three c. Volume
c. Four d. Charge
d. Five 15. Which of the following is NOT derived
7. How many base quantities are there? quantity?
a. Six a. Charge
b. Seven b. Speed
c. Eight c. Electric current
d. Nine d. Power
8. What are the quantities called, on the basis 16. Once a standard is set for a quantity then it
of which other quantities are expressed? can be expressed in terms of that standard
a. Logical quantities quantity. What is this standard quantity
b. None of these called?
c. Base quantities a. Charge
d. Derived quantities b. Length
c. Unit
d. Time
1. The general conference held on weights and 10. What is the symbol of length?
measurement was? a. I
a. Twelfth b. L
b. Eleventh c. m
c. Thirteenth d. t
d. Fourteenth 11. What is the SI unit of length?
2. Where was the eleventh general conference a. Ampere
on weights and measurement held? b. Metre
a. America c. Kilogramme
b. London d. Second
c. Paris 12. What is the symbol of a metre?
d. France a. L
3. When was the eleventh general conference b. t
on weights and measurement held? c. m
a. 1964 d. I
b. 1962 13. What is the symbol of mass?
c. 1966 a. L
d. 1960 b. I
4. The eleventh general conference held on c. t
weights and measurement adopted a d. m
worldwide system of measurements called? 14. What is the SI unit of mass?
a. Worldwide System of Units a. Ampere
b. National System of Units b. Kilogramme
c. American System of Units c. Second
d. International System of Units d. Metre
5. How international system of units is 15. What is the symbol of kilogramme?
referred? a. L
a. SI unit b. kg
b. IS unit c. I
c. Both a and b d. t
d. None of these 16. What is the symbol of time?
6. How many mL equals to 1L? a. t
a. 10mL b. l
b. 100ml c. L
c. 1000ml d. m
d. 10,000ml 17. What is the SI unit of time?
7. How many dm3 is equal to 1L? a. Ampere
a. 1dm3 b. Metre
b. 10 dm3 c. Kilogramme
c. 100 dm3 d. Second
d. 1000 dm3 18. What is the symbol of second?
8. How many cm3 = 1 mL? a. m
a. 1 cm3 b. I
b. 10 cm3 c. s
c. 100 cm3 d. L
d. 1000 cm3 19. What is the symbol of electric current?
9. What are the units called that describe base a. m
quantities? b. I
a. Derived units c. L
b. N-base units d. t
c. Logical units 20. What is the SI unit of electric current?
d. Base units a. Metre
b. Kilogramme 31. What are the units called that are used to
c. Ampere measure derived quantities?
d. Second a. Derived units
21. What is the symbol of Ampere? b. Logical units
a. m c. Base units
b. L d. N-base units
c. I 32. The numbers of derived units in SI are?
d. A a. 5
22. What is the symbol of intensity of light? b. 2
a. L c. 7
b. I d. Multiplier
c. t 33. What is the unit of area?
d. m a. Pascal (Pa)
23. What is the SI unit of intensity of light? b. Newton (N)
a. Kilogramme c. (metre)2/m2 = square metre
b. Second d. (metre)3/m3 = cubic metre
c. Metre 34. What is the unit of volume?
d. Candela a. Pascal (Pa)
24. What is the symbol of candela? b. Newton (N)
a. m c. (metre)2/m2 = square metre
b. I d. (metre)3/m3 = cubic metre
c. n 35. On which of the following base quantity, area
d. cd is based?
25. What is the symbol of temperature? a. Mass
a. I b. Length
b. T c. Time
c. I d. Electric current
d. m 36. On which of the following base quantity,
26. What is the SI unit of temperature? volume is based?
a. Kilogramme a. Mass
b. Kelvin b. Electric current
c. Metre c. Length
d. Second d. Time
27. What is the symbol of kelvin? 37. __________is defined as distance covered by
a. t a body in unit time?
b. m a. Acceleration
c. K b. Speed
d. I c. Velocity
28. What is the symbol of amount of a d. None of these
substance? 38. What is the SI unit of speed?
a. I a. Pascal (P)
b. n b. Newton (N)
c. I c. m-1 (metre per second)
d. m d. ms-2 (metre per second per second)
29. What is the SI unit of amount of a substance? 39. What is the symbol of speed?
a. Mole a. a
b. Second b. v
c. Metre c. P
d. Kilogramme d. F
30. What is the symbol of mole? 40. What is the symbol of metre per second?
a. I a. ms-1
b. m b. C
c. t c. ms-2
d. mol d. N
41. What is the symbol of acceleration? c. v
a. P d. F
b. a 51. What is the SI unit of pressure?
c. F a. Cubic metre
d. V b. Newton
42. What is the SI unit of acceleration? c. Metre per second
a. Pascal (P) d. Pascal or N m-2
b. Newton (N) 52. What is the symbol of Pascal?
c. m-1 (metre per second) a. C
d. ms-2 (metre per second per second) b. N
43. What is the symbol of metre per second per c. Pa
second? d. ms-2
a. ms-2 53. What is the symbol of Density?
b. N a. F
c. C b. v
d. ms-1 c. Q
44. What is the symbol of volume? d. ρ
a. P 54. What is the SI unit of density?
b. F a. Metre per second
c. v b. Kilogramme per cubic metre
d. V c. Cubic metre
45. What is the SI unit of volume? d. Newton
a. Cubic metre 55. What is the symbol of kilogramme per cubic
b. Newton metre?
c. Metre per second a. Pa
d. Pascal b. N
46. What is the symbol of cubic metre? c. kg m-3
a. ms-2 d. m3
b. ms-1 56. What is the symbol of charge?
c. m3 a. P
d. kg b. F
47. What is the symbol of Force? c. v
a. P d. Q
b. Q 57. What is the SI unit of charge?
c. F a. Coulomb or As
d. V b. Newton
48. What is the SI unit of force? c. Cubic metre
a. Cubic metre d. Metre per second
b. Pascal 58. What is the symbol of coulomb?
c. Newton or kg m s-2 a. N
d. Metre per second b. C
49. What is the symbol of Newton? c. ms-1
a. C d. Pa
b. Pa 59. Identify the base quantity in the following?
c. ms-2 a. Speed
d. N b. Area
50. What is the symbol of Pressure? c. Length
a. P d. Force
b. Q
Physical Quantities and Measurement
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) - Answer Key
1 d 2 c 3 d 4 d 5 d 6 d 7 b 8 d 9 a 10 a
11 d 12 d 13 c 14 b 15 b 16 a 17 d 18 c 19 c 20 b
21 d 22 b 23 b 24 d 25 d 26 b 27 a 28 d 29 b 30 d
1 a 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 d 6 c 7 a 8 b 9 c 10 b
11 c 12 a 13 c 14 d 15 d 16 d 17 b 18 a 19 b 20 a
21 a 22 a 23 c 24 d 25 c 26 b 27 c 28 c 29 d 30 c
31 a 32 d 33 d 34 a 35 c 36 a 37 b 38 d 39 c 40 b
41 d 42 a 43 c 44 a 45 d 46 c 47 b 48 c