Prakash 2001
Prakash 2001
Prakash 2001
49 (2001) 2481–2489
( Received 23 November 2000; received in revised form 26 March 2001; accepted 27 March 2001 )
Abstract—The formation and growth of Cu–Sn intermetallic film at the interface between molten Sn–Pb
solders and Cu were studied at different temperature and exposure times. The η-phase (Cu6Sn5) was observed
to form at all conditions except at the lowest Sn level of 27 wt% and at the two highest temperatures of 290
and 310°C. The ε-phase (Cu3Sn) was then obtained. At high Sn contents and short times, a cellular film with
a rugged interface was obtained which evolved into a compact film with a scalloped interface as the Sn
content decreased and exposure time increased. The ε-phase film always formed with a relatively planar
interface. The intermetallic grains showed preferred crystallographic orientations. Thickness measurements
showed that the net growth rate depends not only on diffusion through the film but also on the film dissolution.
Precipitation of the η-phase whiskers was detected during cooling, particularly when the temperature was
significantly high. 2001 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. INTRODUCTION state of the solder. Studies in the molten state are less
common. Even the growth of IMC film in the solid
Solders play an indispensable role in joining materials
state is thought to depend, to some extent, on the
and components in electronic assemblies and inter-
initial film that formed during the reflow process [7].
connections. They provide electrical conduction and
The move towards Pb-free solders is well on its
mechanical stability to the assemblies. Consequently,
way. The deleterious effects of Pb on the environment
the joint quality and reliability are crucial to success-
and human health are well publicised but its techno-
ful function of the assembly. The Sn–Pb alloys, parti-
logical benefits in solders are not. Although the inten-
cularly those near to the eutectic composition, are
tion here is not to counter the arguments for eliminat-
used as solders while the main substrate or leads are
ing Pb, it is worth recapitulating its technological
made of Cu. Sn in the solder readily reacts with Cu
benefits to remind ourselves of the problems that may
to form intermetallic compounds (IMC) as a film at
be encountered when Pb is removed from solder
the interface during the solder reflow process. Forma-
alloys. Some well known beneficial effects of Pb
tion of an IMC film is imperative for good wetting
[8] are:
and bonding, but an excessively thick film is harmful
because of its brittleness which makes it prone to
mechanical failure even under low loads. Further, the 앫 It reduces the surface tension of Sn to facilitate
film could continue to grow during service if the joint wetting.
attains high temperatures due to internal heat gener- 앫 It prevents transformation of white β tin to grey
ated by the chip or due to heat derived from the exter- α tin when cooled to less than 13°C.
nal environment. The interface between the IMC and 앫 It acts as a cheap solvent for Sn.
solder then becomes a site for easy nucleation of
cracks. Such concerns have compelled researchers to The benefit of Pb being a cheap, non-reactive solvent
study the growth of IMC films in solder joints and is particularly relevant to this study since its absence
their effects on joint embrittlement [1–6]. In most may accelerate the interface reaction with the conse-
cases, studies have focussed on growth in the solid quence of deleterious effects on the joint. The most
promising Pb-free compositions appear to be those
near the ternary eutectic Sn–4.3%Ag–1.7%Cu [9, 10]
† To whom all correspondence should be addressed. Fax: which contain a very high level of Sn compared to
+65-790-9081. the Sn–Pb eutectic solder. Furthermore, its liquidus
E-mail address: (T. Sritharan) temperature is about 220°C requiring a high reflow
1359-6454/01/$20.00 2001 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 3 5 9 - 6 4 5 4 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 1 4 6 - X
temperature. This combination of a high process tem- are used in the analysis. The IMC layer thickness at
perature and high Sn content could be a potential each measurement position was taken as the linear
source of problems for Pb-free solder users. Hence, distance between the Cu substrate and the top of the
the main aim of the present study is to assess the IMC at that locality, regardless of the density of the
effects of Sn content on the characteristics of the IMC film. Pole figure measurements were made on selec-
film formed in reaction with the molten Sn–Pb sold- ted samples by the Schulz reflection method in a
ers. Rigaku X-ray diffractometer fitted with an Ultima+
wide-angle goniometer. The measurement mode was
a coaxial circle scan mode with α (the angle between
the diffractometer axis and the normal to the sample
Rectangular specimens of size 20×10×5 mm3 were surface) ranging from 15 to 90° in steps of 5°. Pole
cut from a commercial grade copper bar, mirror-pol- figures were constructed on (101) projection for η-
ished on both faces and etched with 50% nitric acid. phase and (002) for ε-phase.
Then, they were fluxed with commercial rosin mildly
activated (RMA) flux. About 1 kg of solder alloy was
melted in a stainless-steel crucible and the copper
specimens were immersed in the molten bath after 3.1. Identification of the IMC
preheating to evaporate the flux. Solder alloys of four
Diffractograms of all samples except those for
compositions, shown in Table 1, were investigated at
27Sn–73Pb solder gave clear peaks corresponding to
different temperatures as listed in the table in order
(101) and (102) planes of η-phase (Cu6Sn5). Even the
to have similar superheats (⌬T) above their liquidus
27Sn–73Pb solder gave these same peaks at 260 and
temperatures. The temperatures were measured using
270°C, but at 290 and 310°C the ε-phase (Cu3Sn) was
thermocouples to the accuracy of ±2°C. The copper
detected. Examples of diffractograms obtained after
plates were removed from the solder bath after reac-
120 and 330 min are shown in Figs 1 and 2 for a
tion durations of 1, 15, 60, 120, 210 and 330 min and
melt superheat (⌬T) of 10°C. Peaks of Cu are also
were immediately quenched in water. In total,
evident but these were probably coming from the sub-
96 samples (4 alloy compositions×4 temperatures×6
reaction durations) were prepared and investigated.
After the reaction, the samples were sectioned
using a diamond cut-off wheel. One piece was pre-
pared in the standard manner for metallographic
characterization of cross sections. The reagent, four
parts nitric acid, four parts glacial acetic acid and 16
parts water, was used for metallographic etching. The
other piece of the sample was immersed in 13%
HNO3 in water to dissolve away the excess solder to
expose the IMC film. The IMC grain morphology was
studied in plan view and then the sample was used
for X-ray diffraction identification.
A JEOL 5410 SEM was used for morphology and
interface characterization while a SHIMADZU 6000
X-ray diffractometer with thin film attachment was
used for identification of the IMC layer. The layer
thickness measurements were made using an image
analyzing software on the digitized SEM micro-
graphs. For each sample measurements were made in
Fig. 1. X-ray diffractogram of the IMC film at ⌬T = 10°C for
two regions that are far apart. In each of these 120 min for all solder alloys. Note that the two η-phase peaks
regions, 30 measurements were made at regular inter- corresponding to the planes (101) and (102) are clear in all
vals of 5 µm. The averages of the 60 measurements samples. Some peaks from the Cu substrate are also evident.
Solder alloy composition (wt%) Solidus temperature Liquidus Solder bath temperatures (°C)
(°C) temperature (°C)
⌬T = 10°C 20 40 60
Fig. 5. (101) pole figures of η-phase films with different morphologies: (a) cellular, in pure Sn at 242°C, and
(b) scalloped, in 27Sn–73Pb at 260°C.
not have favoured such stabilization of the high-tem- the growth directions in this film were identified to
perature phases. be <102> and <031>.
3.2. Preferred orientation of IMC grains 3.3. Morphology of the IMC film
The (101) pole figures obtained in the specimens Microstructures of the interface IMC films were
containing the η-phase films showed a strong texture. examined in cross-section and in plan view for all
Typical examples are given in Fig. 5. Using the lattice samples. Micrographs of cross-sections are widely
parameters given in the JCPDS file [16] its corre- published in the literature but their plan views are not
sponding stereographic projection was obtained using commonly reported. It is necessary to observe both
a software developed by Steffen Weber [17]. The to understand the morphology of the IMC grains.
high-density poles were identified as <102> and There are two aspects to the morphology: one is the
<101> directions by superposing the pole figures on compactness of the film and the other is the nature
their stereographic projections as described by Cullity of its interface with the solder. Examples of different
[18]. It must be noted that same poles were obtained morphologies observed are shown in Fig. 7. They
even though the morphology of the η-phase film could be classified into the three categories
changed with growth conditions. described below:
An example of the (002) pole figure obtained in a
specimen containing the ε-phase film is shown in Fig. (i) Cellular film with a rugged interface: this
6. Using the lattice parameters in the JCPDS file [19], appears like columnar grains in plan view but
cross-section shows branches with substantial
intergranular space. Hence, the film is not dense.
Although the microstructure is reminiscent of a
dendritic structure, it probably is not because dif-
ferent branches may not belong to one crystal.
The interface with the solder is rugged.
(ii) Dense film with scalloped interface: this appears
similar to the cellular grains in plan view but the
film is dense beneath the surface. The interface
with the solder appears like scallops.
(iii) Dense film with planar interface: this was seen
only in the case of 27Sn–73Pb solder at the two
highest temperatures, 290 and 310°C, employed
in this study where the ε-phase formed. The inter-
face with the solder is relatively planar.
Fig. 7. Microstructures of different morphologies of IMC film in cross-section and plan views. (a) Cellular
morphology of η-phase in 82Sn–18Pb at 210°C after 120 min; (b) scallop morphology of η-phase in 63Sn–
37Pb at 193°C after 210 min; and (c) planar morphology of ε-phase in 27Sn–73Pb at 310°C after 330 min.
reduces the inter-granular spacing and increases the solid lines indicate the approximate phase boundaries
film density. After 1 min, the crystals were small and and the eutectic tie line.
almost spherical with a scalloped appearance in sec- High Sn levels, low temperatures and short times
tional view. As reaction time increased, different mor- appear to favour the cellular morphology. These are
phologies evolved depending on the growth con- conditions that promote or prolong the initial transient
ditions. The transition between these morphologies in the growth mechanism before a steady condition
was gradual. Figure 8 is a schematic summary of the is established (this will be discussed in Section 4.1).
morphologies observed for the different temperatures Thus, the cellular morphology seems to be a transient
and Sn contents, but it must be noted that the mor- phenomenon. When steady conditions were reached,
phology changes with time. In this figure, the mor- the growth rate decreased to lower levels. Such low
phology obtained at increasing reaction times is indi- growth rates were achieved at conditions of low Sn
cated by symbols along the horizontal axis within a levels, long times and high temperatures. The
rectangular box. Results in each rectangular box resulting film was dense and exhibited a scalloped
belong to one particular solder composition. The box interface. The planar interface appears to form at very
is positioned on the horizontal axis at locations to low growth rates commensurate with the ε-phase
approximately match the solder alloy composition. reaction kinetics.
The three different morphologies of the IMC films
3.4. Thickness of the IMC film
appear to fall in three identifiable regions with respect
to the reaction temperature and solder composition. The average thickness of the IMC film generally
These regions are delineated by dotted lines while the increased with reaction time for all the alloys, but, as
Fig. 10. Thickness vs time plots for IMC film at four tempera-
Fig. 8. Summary of IMC film morphologies obtained in differ- tures (in °C) for 82Sn–18Pb. The error bars show the 95%
ent solders and temperatures. The data shown within a box is confidence interval of each data point.
in the increasing order of time from 60 to 330 min. The data
in one box belongs to one alloy composition.
Fig. 11. Thickness vs time plots for IMC film at four tempera-
Fig. 9. Thickness vs time plots for IMC film at four tempera- tures (in °C) for 63Sn–37Pb. The error bars show the 95%
tures (in °C) for pure Sn. The error bars show the 95% confi- confidence interval of each data point.
dence interval of each data point.
D = Do exp 冉 冊
4.4. Implications for Pb-free solders 5. Generally, the IMC film growth rate exhibited an
Many Pb-free solder compositions have a high con- initial transient followed by a steady state of
tent of Sn [9, 10], thus they are likely to respond to growth. The purely diffusion controlled growth
reflow soldering in a manner similar to the pure Sn rate was never reached in our studies.
in this study. Hence, IMC films containing the η- 6. On cooling after exposure, the η-phase precipitates
phase could be the most common phenomenon when as whiskers in the solute boundary layer. They
Pb-free soldering becomes commercial. The films are nucleate on the existing grains in the IMC film.
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