Soft File Artikel - Resy Ardiansyah
Soft File Artikel - Resy Ardiansyah
Soft File Artikel - Resy Ardiansyah
resources. The quality of human resources teacher's vision and mission to carry out the
cannot be separated from the role of existing assigned tasks can run effectively and
formal educational institutions. Formal efficiently.
education at school has the aim of forming Learning at school can be said to be optimal
students who have personalities, develop if the teacher's performance is good in
intellectual abilities, and have noble teaching and managing students. Enforcing
character. The success of education in teacher performance in teaching needs to be
schools cannot be separated from the appreciated by giving rewards. Providing
important role of the school principal. The rewards can stimulate teacher enthusiasm to
skills and wisdom of the principal have an improve performance in teaching at school.
influence on the school they lead. The School principals must adopt policies to
principal must be a role model for the implement rewards for teachers who perform
teachers in the school he leads. Leadership well (Leniwati, 2021). According to initial
can be defined as an effort to influence other observations and interviews by researchers
parties by providing guidance and motivation with several teachers at the Lunyuk District
to collaborate to achieve predetermined goals Elementary School, various kinds of
(Badu & Djafri, 2017). Leaders must show complaints were shown, one of which was
an attitude that is exemplary and can have a that the wages promised to teachers who
big influence on carrying out their work. worked overtime at school were not given on
Usually, subordinates will see how the leader time, which had an impact on teacher
gives instructions and direction in organizing performance in the future. Not only that, this
the work that must be done by his reward problem is also proven by the lack of
subordinates (Islami et al., 2021). The appreciation from the school, both morally
principal's leadership is very important as a and materially, for teachers who are diligent
driving force, and the principal is also and punctual in carrying out their obligations
required to be able to carry out interpersonal as educators. Therefore, with some of these
communication to be effective in leading problems, giving rewards that are not optimal
(Kurniawan, Y. A., 2018). With the effective can affect teacher discipline in schools. A
leadership of the school principal, of course, teacher's performance must also be supported
the quality of the school can be improved, as by existing components in the school, such as
can be seen from the academic and non- a school environment that is comfortable for
academic achievements obtained (Marhadi, teaching and learning. According to
2020). Nitisemito in Mukti et al. (2022) the work
The school principal, as a leader, must be environment can be interpreted as everything
able to invite all teachers to implement a that is in the workplace and can have an
quality education process. A quality influence on someone in carrying out the
education process must be balanced with tasks assigned to them.
qualified teaching staff who have a high level The work environment at school can
of discipline. The results of the researcher's influence teacher performance in the
initial observations at the Lunyuk District teaching and learning process. Through a
Primary School show that, from the results of comfortable work environment and complete
initial observations and interviews with infrastructure, teachers are able to use their
several teachers, there were problems felt by teaching time effectively so that students can
teachers regarding the leadership of the learn in a conducive manner and the planned
school principal, such as the principal's lack goals can be achieved. The results of
of activity in providing supervision to researchers' observations in several
teachers at school, making teachers not elementary schools in Lunyuk District show
optimal in carrying out their duties. that there are still several schools whose
Therefore, school principals must pay more facilities and infrastructure are incomplete.
attention to teacher complaints so that the Apart from that, there is still frequent
attitude that leads to the implementation of work arrangements both as an individual and
activities to achieve the desired goals. as a group. Wibowo (2016) stated that
Sutanjar & Saryono (2019) explain that creating a healthy environment will
leadership is an activity to influence the indirectly maintain or even increase
behavior of other people so that they are productivity. The work environment can
directed to achieve certain goals. Astuty & have negative impacts, one of which is
Zuniasih (2018) define leadership as the interaction between employees, which can
ability to influence a group to achieve goals. trigger conflicts and problems at work, but
Based on several of these definitions, the the positive impact is achieving dynamic
researcher came to the understanding that the performance due to adjustments to
principal's leadership is the ability and challenges in the organization's internal and
authority to influence, move, and direct external environment due to the influence of
actions and encourage the emergence of a globalization. Sipatu (2019) believes that in
strong will with enthusiasm and confidence the work environment, every employee is
among teachers, staff, and students in required to be able to carry out work
carrying out their respective tasks. for the according to the position they hold and be
sake of progress and to provide inspiration able to adapt to the environment and co-
for the school in achieving its goals. workers who have different characters.
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the results of the normality test with Kolmogorov-
Smirnov produced a significance value of 0.067, which is a value above 0.05. This means that
the data distribution used for this research is normally distributed.
Based on the table above, it can be seen that multiple regression because it depends on the
the results of the normality test with correlation of independent variables with
Kolmogorov-Smirnov produced a each other. To see if there is a
significance value of 0.073, which is a value multicollinearity problem, you can pay
above 0.05. This means that the data attention to the tolerance and VIF values in
distribution used for this research is normally the regression model. If the tolerance value is
distributed. above 0.10 and the VIF value is below 10, it
is certainly free from multicollinearity. The
Multicollinearity Test Results results of the multicollinearity test related to
This test can identify whether the regression the structure of regression 1 and regression 2
model has a correlation between the as dependent variables on teacher discipline
independent variables. If there is a and teacher performance can be seen in the
correlation, there is likely a multicollinearity table below.
problem. Multicorrelation can only exist in
Table 3. Multicollinearity Test Results for the Dependent Variable on Teacher Discipline
Model Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients t Sig. Collinearity
Coefficients Statistics
B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant) 11.707 4.490 2.607 .010
Leadership .117 .056 .186 2.075 .040 .640 1.563
Reward -.064 .073 -.074 -.874 .384 .727 1.376
Work .739 .110 .563 6.738 .000 .739 1.353
a. Dependent Variable: Teacher discipline
Source: processed primary data (2023)
Based on tables 3 and 4 above, it can be seen This test requirement specifies that the
that from all the independent variables used, residuals must not be related to each other.
the inflation factor (VIF) value for all To test whether there is a heteroscedasticity
variables is less than 10 and the tolerance problem or not, you can use the Glejser test.
value is above 0.10, so it can be said that in If the significance value of the Glejser test is
the path model there is no multicollinearity above 0.05, then there is no
problem between the variables. freely heteroscedasticity problem, and conversely,
researched. Thus, the analysis process using if the significance value is less than 0.05,
path analysis meets the requirements so that then there is a heteroscedasticity problem.
the analysis can continue. The heteroscedasticity results can be seen in
the table below.
Heteroscedasticity Test Results
Based on the output in the table above, it can 3. From the equation I produced above, it
be seen that from the three variables, an can be seen that the regression
unstandardized coefficient value of 0.117 coefficient value for giving rewards
was obtained for the principal leadership (X2) is -0.064. If the reward variable
variable, -0.064 for the reward variable, and increases by one unit where the other
0.739 for the work environment variable. So independent variables are assumed to be
the regression equation formed from the constant, it will reduce teacher work
variables of principal leadership, rewards, discipline by 0.064.
and work environment can be described as 4. From the equation I produced above, it
follows: can be seen that the work environment
regression coefficient (X3) is 0.739. If
Z = 11,707 + 0,117X1 – 0,064X2 + 0,739X3 the work environment variable increases
+e by one unit where the other independent
variables are assumed to be constant, it
1. From the equation I produced above, it will increase teacher work discipline by
can be seen that the constant value is 0.739.
11.707, which indicates that the Model I T Test Results
principal leadership, reward, and work In this study, the t-table value used was
environment variables are constant (0) 1.981, where the t-table was obtained using
or have not changed, so the teacher work the following formula: α = 5%, df = n-k-1 =
discipline variable has a value of 11.707. 117-3-1 = 113, namely 1,981.
2. From the equation I produced above, it 1. From the equation I produced in Table
can be seen that the regression 4.13 above, it can be seen that the t-
coefficient value for school principal calculated value of the principal
leadership (X1) is 0.117. If the school leadership variable is 2.075 with a
leadership variable increases by one unit significance value of 0.040. This shows
where the other independent variables that the t-calculated value is greater than
are assumed to be constant, it will the t-table value (2.075 > 1.981) with a
increase teacher work discipline by significance value below 0.05. The
0.117. results of this t test can estimate that the
principal's leadership has a significant
Based on the output in Table 9 above, it can Y = 0,711 + 0,111X1 + 0,067X2 + 0,469X3
be seen that from the four variables, an +0,938Z + e
unstandardized coefficient value of 0.111 1. From equation II produced above, it can
was obtained for the principal leadership be seen that the constant value is 0.711,
variable, 0.067 for the reward variable, 0.469 which indicates that the principal
for the work environment variable, and 0.938 leadership, reward, work environment,
for the teacher discipline variable. So the and teacher discipline variables are
regression equation formed from the constant (0) or have not changed, so the
variables of principal leadership, rewards, teacher performance variable has a value
work environment, and teacher discipline can of 0.711.
be described as follows: 2. From equation II produced above, it can
be seen that the regression coefficient
value for school principal leadership estimate that the principal's leadership
(X1) is 0.111. If the school leadership has a significant effect on the
variable increases by one unit where the performance of elementary school
other independent variables are assumed teachers in Lunyuk District.
to be constant, it will increase teacher 2. From equation II produced in table 4.16
performance by 0.111. above, it can be seen that the t-calculated
3. From equation II produced above, it can value of the reward variable is 0.995
be seen that the regression coefficient with a significance value of 0.322. This
value for giving rewards (X2) is 0.067. shows that the t-calculated value is
If the reward variable increases by one smaller than the t-table value (0.995 <
unit where the other independent 1.981) with a significance value above
variables are assumed to be constant, it 0.05. The results of this t test can
will increase teacher performance by estimate that giving rewards to teachers
0.067. has no significant effect on the
4. From equation II produced above, it can performance of elementary school
be seen that the work environment teachers in Lunyuk District.
regression coefficient (X3) is 0.469. If 3. From equation II produced in table 4.16
the work environment variable increases above, it can be seen that the t-calculated
by one unit where the other independent value of the teacher work environment
variables are assumed to be constant, it variable is 3.934 with a significance
will increase teacher performance by value of 0.000. This shows that the t-
0.469. calculated value is greater than the t-
5. From equation II produced above, it can table value (3.934 > 1.981) with a
be seen that the regression coefficient significance value below 0.05. The
value for teacher discipline (Z) is 0.938. results of this t test can estimate that the
If the teacher discipline variable work environment has a significant
increases by one unit where the other effect on the performance of elementary
independent variables are assumed to be school teachers in Lunyuk District.
constant, it will increase teacher 4. From equation II produced in table 4.16
performance by 0.938. above, it can be seen that the t-calculated
value of the teacher work discipline
Model II T Test Results variable is 10.855 with a significance
In this study, the t-table value used was value of 0.000. This shows that the t-
1.981, where the t-table was obtained using calculated value is greater than the t-
the following formula: α = 5%, df = n-k-1 = table value (10.855 > 1.981) with a
117-4-1 = 113, namely 1.981. significance value below 0.05. The
1. From equation II produced in table 4.16 results of this t test can estimate that
above, it can be seen that the t-calculated teacher work discipline has a significant
value of the principal leadership variable effect on the performance of elementary
is 2.092 with a significance value of school teachers in Lunyuk District.
0.039. This shows that the t-calculated
value is greater than the t-table value Simultaneous Determination Coefficient
(2.092 > 1.981) with a significance value Test Results Model II
below 0.05. The results of this t test can
e1 = 0,773 e2 = 0,476
Leadership 0,111
Reward -0,064
Discipline 0,938 Teacher
0,739 performance
Figure 1. Results of the Intervening Variable Path Analysis Model
Figure 1 above shows the results of direct and discipline as the mediating variable, In
indirect testing according to the path analysis testing, the Sobel test is useful for testing the
model. The e1 value is obtained using the direct or indirect effects of mediating
residual formula √1 − 𝑅 2 then the residual variables. Sobel test calculations regarding
value e1 = √1 − 0,401 = 0,773 while the e2 the role of the mediating variable of teacher
value is obtained using the residual formula work discipline on each independent variable
are carried out online via the website
√1 − 𝑅 2 then the residual value is e2 =
√1 − 0,773 = 0,476.
1. The Influence of Principal Leadership
Sobel Test Results
Variables on Teacher Performance
The influence of the principal's leadership,
Through Discipline as a Mediating
rewards, and work environment on teacher
performance, with the variable teacher work
Sobel test statistic: 2.05197794 performance
One-tailed probability: 0.02008590
Two-tailed probability: 0.04017181
Figure 2. Principal Leadership on Teacher Performance Through Discipline as a Mediating Variable
The test results above show that the significance level of 0.05. In this way, the
mediating role of work discipline on the discipline variable can mediate between the
leadership of school principals has a principal's leadership variable and the
significant effect, which can improve the performance of elementary school teachers
performance of elementary school teachers in Lunyuk District.
in Lunyuk District. This can be seen in the
Sobel test results, where the value is 2. The Influence of Reward Variables on
2.05197794 with a two-tailed probability Teacher Performance Through
value of 0.04017181 and a one-tailed Discipline as a Mediating Variable
probability value of 0.02008590 at a
The test results above show that the discipline variable cannot mediate between
mediating role of work discipline on rewards the reward variable and the performance of
does not have a significant effect and cannot elementary school teachers in Lunyuk
improve the performance of elementary District.
school teachers in Lunyuk District. This can
be seen in the Sobel test results, where the 3. The Influence of Work Environment
value is -0.87389372 with a two-tailed Variables on Teacher Performance
probability value of 0.38217613 and a one- Through Discipline as a Mediating
tailed probability value of 0.19108807 at a Variable
significance level of 0.05. Thus, the
𝛽3 = 0,739 𝛽4 = 0,938
SE = 0,110 SE = 0,086
Teacher performance
Lingkungan Kerja
Sobel test statistic: 5.72014449
One-tailed probability: 0.00000001
Two-tailed probability: 0.00000001
Figure 4. Work Environment on Teacher Performance Through Discipline as a Mediating Variable
The test results above show that the tailed probability value of 0.0000001 at a
mediating role of work discipline in the work significance level of 0.05. Thus, discipline
environment has a significant effect on variables can mediate between work
improving the performance of elementary environment variables and the performance
school teachers in Lunyuk District. This can of elementary school teachers in Lunyuk
be seen in the Sobel test results, where the District.
value is 5,7201449 with a two-tailed
probability value of 0.0000001 and a one-
it is possible to support education, plus there fifth hypothesis that there is a positive and
is the availability of teaching aids for significant influence of giving rewards on
teachers and rooms with open air circulation teacher performance through discipline as a
that are conducive, so that a comfortable mediating variable. Several elementary
working environment will have an impact on schools in Lunyuk District still have teachers
teacher discipline. whose discipline is lacking, for example,
arriving late to school and having incomplete
The Influence of Principal Leadership on school administration. This is because the
Teacher Performance Through Discipline wages promised to teachers who work
as a Mediating Variable overtime at school are not given on time,
Based on the results of the Sobel test, it which has an impact on teacher performance
shows that the mediating role of work in the future. Not only that, this reward
discipline on the leadership of school problem is also evidenced by the lack of
principals has a significant effect, which can appreciation from the school, both morally
improve the performance of elementary and materially, for teachers, so that their
school teachers in Lunyuk District. This can performance is less than optimal.
be seen in the Sobel test results, where the
value is 2.05197794 with a two-tailed The Influence of the Work Environment
probability value of 0.04017181 and a one- on Teacher Performance Through
tailed probability value of 0.02008590 at a Discipline as a Mediating Variable
significance level of 0.05. The results of this Based on the results of the Sobel test, it
research are in accordance with the fourth shows that the mediating role of work
hypothesis that there is a positive and discipline in the work environment has a
significant influence of the principal's significant effect, which can improve the
leadership on teacher performance through performance of elementary school teachers
discipline as a mediating variable. These in Lunyuk District. This can be seen in the
results show that better leadership from Sobel test results, where the value is
school principals will have an impact on 5.7201449 with a two-tailed probability
increasing teacher work discipline and will value of 0.0000001 and a one-tailed
also improve the performance of elementary probability value of 0.0000001 at a
school teachers in Lunyuk District. significance level of 0.05. Thus, discipline
variables can mediate between work
The Effect of Rewards on Teacher environment variables and the performance
Performance Through Discipline as a of elementary school teachers in Lunyuk
Mediating Variable District. The results of this research are in
Based on the results of the Sobel test, it accordance with the sixth hypothesis that
shows that the mediating role of work there is a positive and significant influence of
discipline on rewards does not have a the work environment on teacher
significant effect and cannot improve the performance through discipline as a
performance of elementary school teachers mediating variable. On average, the working
in Lunyuk District. This can be seen in the environment for elementary school teachers
Sobel test results, where the value is - in Lunyuk District is good, with sufficient
0.87389372 with a two-tailed probability facilities and infrastructure as well as
value of 0.38217613 and a one-tailed conducive conditions that make it
probability value of 0.19108807 at a comfortable for teachers to work, and teacher
significance level of 0.05. Thus, the performance also increases.
discipline variable cannot mediate between
the reward variable and the performance of The Influence of Discipline on Teacher
elementary school teachers. The results of Performance
this research are not in accordance with the
Based on the results of the analysis that has 4. The results of the Sobel test show that the
been carried out, it can be seen that the t- mediating role of work discipline on the
calculated value of the discipline variable is leadership of school principals has a
10.855, with a significance value of 0.000. significant effect, which can improve the
This shows that the t-calculated value is performance of elementary school
greater than the t-table value (10.855 > teachers in Lunyuk District. This can be
1.981), which means teacher work discipline seen in the Sobel test results, where the
has a positive and significant effect on the value is 2.05197794 with a two-tailed
performance of elementary school teachers. probability value of 0.04017181 and a
The results of this research are in accordance one-tailed probability value of
with the seventh hypothesis that there is a 0.02008590 at a significance level of
positive and significant influence of work 0.05.
discipline on the performance of elementary 5. The results of the Sobel test show that the
school teachers in Lunyuk District. From the mediating role of work discipline on
descriptive analysis, teacher work discipline rewards does not have a significant effect
for elementary school teachers in Lunyuk and cannot improve the performance of
District is 48% and is in the good category. elementary school teachers in Lunyuk
This means that high work discipline will District. This can be seen in the Sobel test
also tend to improve teacher performance results, where the value is -0.87389372
when teaching at school. with a two-tailed probability value of
0.38217613 and a one-tailed probability
CONCLUSION value of 0.19108807 at a significance
1. The influence of the principal's level of 0.05.
leadership variable on teacher discipline 6. The results of the Sobel test show that the
obtained a t-count result of 2.075 with a mediating role of work discipline in the
significance value of 0.040. This shows work environment has a significant
that the t-calculated value is greater than effect, which can improve the
the t-table value (2.075 > 1.981), where performance of elementary school
the principal's leadership has a positive teachers in Lunyuk District. This can be
and significant effect on the work seen in the Sobel test results, where the
discipline of elementary school teachers. value is 5.7201449 with a two-tailed
2. The influence of the reward variable on probability value of 0.0000001 and a
teacher discipline obtained a t-calculated one-tailed probability value of 0.0000001
value of -0.874 with a significance value at a significance level of 0.05.
of 0.384. This shows that the t-calculated 7. From the results of the analysis that has
value is smaller than the t-table value (- been carried out, it can be seen that the t-
0.874 < 1.981), where giving rewards calculated value of the discipline variable
does not have a significant effect on the is 10.855, with a significance value of
work discipline of elementary school 0.000. This shows that the t-calculated
teachers. value is greater than the t-table value
3. The influence of work environment (10.855 > 1.981), which means teacher
variables on teacher discipline obtained a work discipline has a positive and
t-count value of 6.738 with a significance significant effect on the performance of
value of 0.000. This shows that the t- elementary school teachers.
calculated value is greater than the t-table
value (6.738 > 1.981), which means that Declaration by Authors
the work environment has a positive and Acknowledgement: None
significant effect on the work discipline Source of Funding: None
of elementary school teachers. Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no
conflict of interest.
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