Life-Cycle Assessment of An Industrial Direct Air Capture Process Based On Temperature-Vacuum Swing Adsorption
Life-Cycle Assessment of An Industrial Direct Air Capture Process Based On Temperature-Vacuum Swing Adsorption
Life-Cycle Assessment of An Industrial Direct Air Capture Process Based On Temperature-Vacuum Swing Adsorption
Current climate targets require negative carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Direct air capture is a promising negative emission
technology, but energy and material demands lead to trade-offs with indirect emissions and other environmental impacts.
Here, we show by life-cycle assessment that the commercial direct air capture plants in Hinwil and Hellisheiði operated by
Climeworks can already achieve negative emissions today, with carbon capture efficiencies of 85.4% and 93.1%. The climate
benefits of direct air capture, however, depend strongly on the energy source. When using low-carbon energy, as in Hellisheiði,
adsorbent choice and plant construction become more important, inducing up to 45 and 15 gCO2e per kilogram CO2 captured,
respectively. Large-scale deployment of direct air capture for 1% of the global annual CO2 emissions would not be limited by
material and energy availability. However, the current small-scale production of amines for the adsorbent would need to be
scaled up by more than an order of magnitude. Other environmental impacts would increase by less than 0.057% when using
wind power and by up to 0.30% for the global electricity mix forecasted for 2050. Energy source and efficiency are essential for
direct air capture to enable both negative emissions and low-carbon fuels.
ossil energy is still important to most societies, which led to So far, a detailed assessment of this trade-off is only available for
36.8 Gt yr−1 of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in 2019 (refs. 1,2). GHG emissions for a DAC process with aqueous hydroxy sorbents,
Moving from fossil energy to renewable energy will reduce where high-temperature heat is usually obtained from natural
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, there is broad scientific gas, and the resulting CO2 emissions are recaptured12,29. Available
consensus that the target of the Paris Agreement of the 2015 Climate assessments for adsorption-based DAC systems consider energy
Conference (COP 21)3 requires not only a massive reduction in requirements but use proxy data for plant construction and adsor-
GHG emissions but even up to 30 Gt yr–1 of negative emissions4–6. bent36,37. Currently, requirements for water and land38 as well as
Negative emissions could be provided by direct air cap- energy and materials for sorbent production39,40 are intensely
ture (DAC) of CO2 with subsequent storage for carbon dioxide debated as key issues for the potential large-scale deployment of
removal (CDR)7,8. Captured CO2 can be stored geologically or via DAC. Thus, a comprehensive environmental assessment is missing
mineralization9,10. DAC not only allows us to remove GHG emis- for adsorption-based DAC but urgently needed to establish the role
sions from our past use of fossil fuels but also enables future fuels of DAC in climate change mitigation41.
with a closed carbon cycle. The captured CO2 could serve as a Herein, we comprehensively evaluate the environmental impacts
carbon feedstock for fuels11,12 and other value-added products of adsorption-based DAC using the method of a life-cycle assess-
like chemicals13,14 and building materials15,16 via carbon capture ment (LCA)42,43. Temperature–vacuum swing adsorption is stud-
and utilization. ied based on data from the first commercial DAC plants. Climate
The most developed DAC concepts separate CO2 from the air impact reductions depend strongly on the energy supply, while the
by either absorption or adsorption17–19. DAC based on absorption adsorbent and infrastructure become important when low-carbon
typically uses aqueous hydroxy sorbents like alkali and alkali-earth energy is used. Even large-scale deployment of DAC, capturing 1%
hydroxides. By contrast, DAC based on adsorption can employ (ref. 44) of the global annual CO2 emissions, is not constrained by
a wide range of solid sorbents, for example, alkali carbonates20,21, material and energy supply for plant construction and operation,
amines supported on oxides22,23, solid organic materials22,24–26 and nor would it lead to substantial trade-offs in other environmental
metal–organic frameworks22,27. Absorption by aqueous sorbents impact categories.
allows for low costs and continuous operation28 but leads to high
water loss29. Furthermore, sorbent regeneration requires high tem- LCA goal and scope
peratures19,30. By contrast, DAC by adsorption can operate at low LCA accounts for all flows of energy and materials exchanged with
regeneration temperatures (<100 °C)19,28,31,32. The first commercial the environment throughout the life cycle. The DAC system con-
DAC system employs solid adsorbents in cyclic temperature–vac- sidered captures CO2 from the air by cyclic temperature–vacuum
uum swing adsorption33–35. swing adsorption. The climate benefit of removing CO2 from the
While DAC removes CO2 directly from the atmosphere, the atmosphere is reduced by indirect emissions, for example, due to
potential climate benefits of DAC are partly offset by indirect the construction and operation of the DAC plant, for which the
environmental impacts due to the supply of energy and materials. company Climeworks provided industrial data.
Institute for Technical Thermodynamics, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany. 2Institute of Energy and Climate Research, Energy Systems
Engineering (IEK-10), Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich, Germany. 3Energy and Process Systems Engineering, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
CO2 collector
CO2 collector
CO2 collector
CO2 collector
CO2 collector
CO2 collector
External heating (in)
Ambient air Ambient air
Heat transfer fluid
CO2 collector
CO2 collector
CO2 collector
CO2 collector
CO2 collector
CO2 collector
Ambient air
Ambient air
External cooling (out)
CO2 product
Vacuum system
CO2–water separation
b CO2/depleted-air
Ambient air including CO2
Concentrated CO2
Fig. 1 | Flowchart and adsorption–desorption phase of the DAC process by Climeworks. a, Technical process flowchart of the DAC via temperature–
vacuum swing adsorption process including 12 CO2 collectors, heat exchangers for heating and cooling, vacuum system and water separation unit. b, CO2
collector in adsorption (left) and desorption (right) phases. In the adsorption phase, CO2 (light blue) is bound to the adsorbents. In the desorption phase,
CO2 is released through vacuum–temperature swing using heat below 100 °C.
The analysed Climeworks plant consists of several CO2 col- By LCA, we determine the environmental impacts of (1) the
lectors, heat exchangers, a vacuum pump and a water separation captured CO2 from cradle-to-gate and from cradle-to-grave, (2)
system (Fig. 1a). The CO2 collector is the reactor in which the the six adsorbents, (3) DAC plant construction and (4) capturing
adsorbent is placed and where the adsorption–desorption process 1% of the global annual CO2 emissions (for more information,
occurs. Adsorption–desorption steps are conducted in semibatch Methods). To expand the system boundary beyond the DAC plant
operation as a cyclic process. The adsorption process can take place from cradle-to-grave, we consider conversion of the captured CO2
in several CO2 collectors, while other CO2 collectors are in desorp- to methane as synthetic fuel as well as geological storage for CDR.
tion mode (Fig. 1b).
During the adsorption phase, a ventilator drives air through the The carbon footprint of captured CO2 from cradle-to-gate
CO2 collector. CO2 reacts chemically with the adsorbent and binds Our LCA results show that the first industrial DAC plants can already
to it. Some of the adsorbents coadsorb water depending on weather provide CO2 with a negative carbon footprint from cradle-to-gate
conditions and humidity in the air24,25,33,34. To cover a wide range today: if waste heat is available, or if the electricity has a lower car-
of materials currently under development for DAC, six adsorbent bon footprint than Italy when a heat pump is used (Fig. 2). For a
materials18,30 suggested by Climeworks to be potentially used in future scenario that employs performance targets for the DAC
industrial plants are analysed. Once adsorption is completed, the plant, the carbon footprints are negative from cradle-to-gate for the
desorption process starts for this CO2 collector, which is now closed full range of electricity grid mixes considered (Methods).
to the environment. For desorption, heat is delivered to the CO2 The carbon footprint for the captured CO2 depends linearly
collector at a temperature level below 100 °C. Simultaneously, the on the carbon footprint of electricity supply (Fig. 2). The car-
vacuum system is in operation, removing the CO2 that is released bon capture efficiency is the ratio of avoided CO2 emissions from
from the adsorbent (Fig. 1a). Any water is separated from CO2 by cradle-to-gate to CO2 captured (Methods) and reaches almost 100%
cooling the gas stream to induce water condensation. Most cooling for wind power. Today, wind power has a carbon capture efficiency
is provided by air coolers that are sufficient to remove most of the of 95.1–96.4% depending on the heat source. For the future sce-
water and to bring the CO2 to ambient temperatures. The CO2 is nario, the carbon capture efficiency for wind power ranges between
delivered as product at pressures slightly above ambient conditions 96.0 and 96.6%. The carbon footprint of captured CO2 depends less
with a purity above 99% v/v. Heat recovery and heat integration strongly on the electricity grid mix if waste heat can be used since
strategies are used to reduce the energy consumption of the process. heating via heat pumps requires more electricity.
Since we are considering only the described process in this paper, Since DAC is at the very early stages of deployment, the sce-
DAC always refers to DAC by the described temperature–vacuum narios considered for today and the future quantify the climate
swing adsorption process. benefits from DAC technology development. The resulting range
Global 2030
Global 2050
–0.25 25
ay heat
–0.50 50
DAC waste
–0.75 75
–1.00 100
0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60
Carbon footprint of electricity (kg CO2e per kW h of electricity)
Fig. 2 | Carbon footprint of captured CO2 depending on the carbon footprint of electricity from cradle-to-gate. The right y axis shows the carbon capture
efficiency (Methods, equation (1)). The shaded areas are each spanned by the energy scenarios for today (top line) and the future (bottom line; Methods).
The dashed lines represent the electricity supply by renewables (wind and photovoltaics), several countries today, and two global forecasts for 2030
and 2050 (Methods and Supplementary Note 1 for detailed information). Heat is provided via a heat pump system (coefficient of performance = 2.51) or
waste heat (Methods). The CO2 capture plant has a capacity of 4 ktCO2 yr–1 (Supplementary Note 3) and an adsorbent consumption of 7.5 g adsorbent
(amine on silica; Supplementary Note 4) per kilogram CO2 captured. Local energy supply conditions are marked by red dots for the two locations in which
Climeworks is currently operating: Hellisheiði (Iceland) and Hinwil (Switzerland; Methods). Heat and electricity for the plant in Hellisheiði are supplied by
geothermal energy. The plant in Hinwil uses electricity and waste heat from an incineration plant. Note that the cradle-to-gate system boundary excludes
the application of CO2, determining if the CO2 is re-emitted or permanently removed from the atmosphere.
End of life
(10–3 kg CO2e per kg CO2 captured)
Carbon footprint of adsorbents
Amine on Amine on Amine on Carbonate Carbonate Anionic
alumina silica cellulose on silica on activated resin
Fig. 3 | Carbon footprint of the adsorbents considered, over their entire life cycle. The life cycle includes the carbon footprint from cradle-to-gate
(production) and from cradle-to-grave (including end of life). Adsorbent consumption is assumed to be 7.5 g adsorbent per kilogram CO2 captured.
of expected carbon footprints (Fig. 2) shows that DAC technology In the scenario representing the future, the carbon capture efficiency
development is particularly important for the carbon footprint if increases to 95.0% and 88.8%. However, municipal waste incinera-
the energy employed leads to substantial CO2e emissions. For the tion in Hinwil is a multifunctional process. We analysed that car-
projected global electricity mix in 2030, the improvements in mate- bon capture efficiencies could range 46.0–96.6% and 60.6–96.7%
rials and energy use from the today scenario to the future scenario depending on the allocation between the disposal of waste and the
would increase the carbon capture efficiency by 25.4% from 43.1% coproduced electricity today and in the future scenario, respectively.
to 66.7% when a heat pump is employed. This increase in carbon The full range of all environmental impacts for Hinwil and more
capture efficiency decreases to 7.4% for the less-carbon-intensive data are given in Supplementary Notes 1 and 2.
global electricity mix in 2050. Although energy requirements mainly determine the carbon
To be specific for the actual DAC plants built today, we consider footprint, the carbon capture efficiency does not reach 100%, even
the local energy supply for the two locations in which Climeworks is if assuming a burden-free electricity supply (that is, surplus power;
currently operating: Hellisheiði (Iceland) and Hinwil (Switzerland). Fig. 2). The construction of the DAC plant and the adsorbent pro-
The DAC plant in Hellisheiði uses geothermal energy, and the plant duction reduce the carbon capture efficiency by 0.6% and 2.4%,
in Hinwil uses electricity and waste heat from municipal waste respectively. Thus, the contribution of the DAC plant and adsor-
incineration. Today, the DAC plants in Hellisheiði and Hinwil could bents becomes only relevant for clean electricity mixes such as in
reach a carbon capture efficiency of 93.1% and 85.4%, respectively. Hellisheiði, where the adsorbent and the DAC plant contribute up
Table 1 | Environmental impacts for the considered adsorbents and their relative differences compared to amine on silica (%)
Quality Environmental impact Unit Amine Amine on Amine on Carbonate on Carbonate on Anionic resin
level on silica alumina cellulose silica silica
I Climate change 10−02 kg CO2e 2.4 1.3 (+45.0) 4.6 (−95.3) 1.0 (+58.8) 1.2 (+50.8) 3.7 (−54.4)
Ozone depletion 10 kg CFC- 6.9
3.7 (+47.1) 6.8 (+1.2) 6.0 (+13.9) 5.5 (+20.6) *
11 equiv.
Particulate matter 10−10 disease 9.1 5.0 (+45.0) 12.0 (−31.5) 4.4 (+51.5) 4.7 (+49.0) 8.1 (+11.1)
II Acidification, terrestrial and 10−04 mole 1.1 0.6 (+46.0) 1.1 (+1.2) 0.5 (+50.8) 0.6 (+44.0) 1.0 (+4.9)
freshwater H + equiv.
Eutrophication, freshwater 10−06 kg P 2.4 1.3 (+45.0) 1.8 (+25.6) 4.0 (−66.0) 3.7 (−54.2) 5.6 (−133.5)
Eutrophication, marine 10−05 kg N 5.3 2.7 (+48.0) 5.2 (+1.6) 1.5 (+71.1) 2.0 (+62.8) 4.8 (+8.6)
Eutrophication, terrestrial 10−04 mole N 1.9 1.0 (+45.2) 2.8 (−48.9) 1.0 (+44.8) 1.5 (+21.4) 2.2 (−16.9)
Ionizing radiation 10−03 kBq 235U 2.5 1.5 (+40.9) 2.1 (+15.2) 0.8 (+66.6) 1.5 (+39.7) 1.0 (+60.3)
Photochemical ozone 10−05 kg 5.3 2.9 (+44.7) 7.6 (−43.1) 2.6 (+50.4) 3.8 (+28.2) 6.9 (−28.9)
formation NMVOC
II/III Human toxicity, cancer 10−10 CTUh 1.4 2.0 (−43.8) 1.4 (−1.2) 1.1 (+22.2) 1.0 (+28.7) 3.4 (−144.3)
Human toxicity, non-cancer 10−10 CTUh 9.1 7.4 (+18.5) 10.5 (−15.4) 9.6 (−4.9) 9.4 (−3.4) 17.6 (−93.7)
Ecotoxicity, freshwater 10−03 CTUe 5.7 4.4 (+22.4) 5.1 (+10.2) 3.6 (+36.0) 3.3 (+41.0) 10.7 (−89.7)
III Land use 10−01 Pt 1.1 0.6 (+39.1) 24.5 (−2,210.6)** 0.7 (+36.9) 1.0 (+1.5) 0.6 (+44.4)
Water scarcity 10−03 m3 9.9 5.0 (+49.3) 17.7 (−78.7) 4.5 (+54.1) 4.9 (+50.8) 12.2 (−23.2)
world equiv.
Resource depletion, energy 10−01 MJ 4.4 2.4 (+46.2) 6.7 (−53.0) 1.4 (+68.2) 1.8 (+59.3) 4.4 (−0.8)
Resource depletion, mineral 10−08 kg Sb 3.9 1.9 (+51.5) 2.0 (+47.8) 6.3 (−60.3) 4.7 (−18.7) 8.1 (−106.8)
and metals equiv.
A positive change indicates an improvement in the environmental impact category compared to the adsorbent amine on silica. By contrast, a negative change represents a deterioration. The environmental
impacts are classified according to their quality level as given by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (Supplementary Note 6)56,57. All details are documented in Supplementary Note 5. CFC-
11, trichlorofluoromethane; kBq, kilo becquerel; NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic compounds; CTUh, comparative toxic unit (human toxicity); CTUe, comparative toxic unit (ecotoxicity); Pt, point.
* Anionic resin leads to a massive impact in ozone layer depletion. In the authors’ view, this impact in ozone layer depletion does not lead to a realistic result. We, therefore, do not report the ozone layer
depletion for the anionic resin. ** Cellulose is the only bio-based material used; thus, amine on cellulose shows a high impact in land use.
to 59% to the carbon footprint of the captured CO2. We therefore on silica depletes more mineral and metal resources (quality level III)
discuss adsorbent choice and plant construction in more detail next. due to silica production. The carbonate-based adsorbents perform
Carbon capture efficiencies and other environmental impacts for similarly to amine on alumina, but substantially increase eutrophi-
the considered grid mixes are given in Supplementary Note 2. cation of freshwater (quality level II) through potassium carbonate
production. The two adsorbents amine on cellulose and anionic resin
Adsorbents show higher environmental impacts than all other adsorbents: amine
For the six adsorbents considered, the carbon footprint var- on cellulose has a comparable high impact in land use due to the cel-
ies between 10 and 46 g CO2e per kilogram CO2 captured (Fig. 3; lulose, the only bio-based material used; anionic resin production is
Supplementary Note 4 for detailed information). The production modelled by a generic process that leads to a massive impact in ozone
contributes 60–91% to the total carbon footprint of the adsorbent, depletion due to heuristics in the LCI (Supplementary Notes 4 and 5).
which is more than the contribution of the end of life. The lowest car- In the authors’ view, the heuristic does not lead to a realistic result
bon footprint is achieved by amine on alumina, potassium carbon- in this case. Therefore, we do not report the ozone layer depletion
ate on silica and potassium carbonate on activated carbon (Fig. 3). impact attributed to the anionic resin.
However, we believe that the differences in the carbon footprint of Due to the uncertainties in the LCI data, we provide a sen-
the adsorbents are minor, considering the considerable uncertainty sitivity study of the adsorbents exploring worst-case scenarios
in the life-cycle inventories (LCIs) of the adsorbents in the early (Supplementary Note 5). For the amine-based adsorbents, the sen-
stages of development. Overall, the carbon footprint is low for all sitivity study shows that environmental impacts could increase by
adsorbents considered. factors between 1.0 and 2.8. For the anionic resin, the potential
No adsorbent performs best in all of the 16 environmental impact increase compared to the generic process is much higher, with fac-
categories considered, leading to trade-offs in the selection of the tors between 3.6 and 4.6. The results for the adsorbents demonstrate
adsorbent (Table 1; for details, Supplementary Note 5). On average, the influence of the production and raw material provision on their
amine on alumina performs environmentally best, but the produc- environmental impacts. Our sensitivity study highlights the impor-
tion of the alumina support leads to higher impacts in human toxicity tance of a comprehensive environmental assessment when devel-
(cancer). This environmental impact category, however, has medium oping new sorbents and the need for insights from the adsorbent
to high uncertainty (quality level II/III; Supplementary Note 6). Amine suppliers. In all other parts of the main text, we consider amine on
Foundation Collector Process unit Spare parts Total
and hall containers
Fig. 4 | Carbon footprint breakdown analysis for the construction of the DAC plant. The plant capacity is 4 ktCO2 yr–1 (Supplementary Note 3). Metals
are recycled, while all other materials are sent to waste treatment and disposal. The transparent bars represent climate change impacts of the DAC
plant without the recycling of the respective metal (steel foundation, steel, stainless steel, aluminum and copper). The zoomed-in inset shows the small
contribution from spare parts.
silica as the adsorbent due to its average performance from an envi- In contrast to CDR, the use of CO2 from DAC to produce synthetic
ronmental viewpoint. fuels can at best be almost carbon neutral (Fig. 5; for detailed infor-
mation, Methods). Here, the use of CO2 for synthetic fuels is illus-
Plant construction trated by methanation of CO2 with H2 to synthetic methane (CH4) via
The construction of a DAC plant with a capacity of 4 ktCO2 yr–1 has the Sabatier reaction45. The carbon footprint of fossil-based meth-
a low carbon footprint of 15 g CO2e per kilogram CO2 captured— ane is 1.2 kg CO2e per kilogram CO2 captured and represents the
even without metal recycling, representing a worst case (see Fig. 4 break-even point between synthetic methane with a higher carbon
and Supplementary Note 3 for detailed information). Recycling of footprint (carbon increasing) and a lower carbon footprint (carbon
metals would be expected for a DAC application and reduces the reducing), relative to fossil methane. Synthetic methane can reduce
carbon footprint of construction to 6 g CO2e per kilogram CO2 cap- climate impacts compared to fossil-based methane for electricity
tured (best case; Fig. 4). With metal recycling, the carbon footprint grid mixes with a lower climate impact than the current grid mix
of the DAC plant is mainly due to the foundation and hall (74%), in Switzerland, such as in Iceland, Norway, Sweden and France, and
which is the building containing the process unit. The remaining projected by the global forecast for 2050 (carbon reducing; Fig. 5).
emissions are caused by the container collectors (13%) and the pro- For grid mixes with a higher carbon footprint than Switzerland,
cess unit (12%), and the spare parts contribute less than 1%. DAC for synthetic methane production increases the carbon foot-
For the other environmental impacts, steel production for the print compared to fossil-based methane (carbon increasing; Fig. 5).
foundation contributes with 63–94% to eutrophication of freshwa- Overall, DAC for fuels can contribute to closing the carbon cycle
ter, human toxicity (cancer) and ecotoxicity of freshwater (quality and reducing CO2e emissions if low-carbon energy is employed to
level II–II/III). Resource depletion of minerals and metals (qual- approach carbon neutrality over the entire life cycle.
ity level III) is mainly caused by copper production (87%). For all
other environmental impacts, concrete contributes 32–70%, and the Discussion
foundation steel 11–39%. Other materials’ contributions reach up to Our results show that DAC combined with storage already has the
18% for stainless steel, 16% for insulation, 12% for aluminium, 5% potential for negative emissions today. However, a substantial con-
for steel, 4% for both copper and steel (painting) and 2% for plastics tribution to climate change mitigation requires the rapid and mas-
(for details, Supplementary Note 7). sive deployment of DAC. Capturing 1% of the global annual CO2
emissions in 2019 will require 3,683 DAC plants with a capacity
Carbon footprint of captured CO2 from cradle-to-grave of 100,000 tCO2 yr–1 per plant (Supplementary Note 3). Based on
Over the entire life cycle, DAC can achieve negative emissions if our analysis, we do not expect that this scale-up will be limited by
combined with subsequent storage to perform CDR (Fig. 5; for material and energy requirements. The corresponding demands for
detailed information, Methods). CDR would lead to negative emis- materials including metal recycling and energy correspond to low
sions with all electricity grid mixes in the scenarios for the future. shares of their global markets with shares below 0.1% for all materi-
In the scenario for today, negative emissions are reached for all elec- als (except the adsorbent): concrete, 0.048%; steel, 0.003%; stain-
tricity grid mixes considered with waste heat. By contrast, today, less steel, 0.031%; aluminium, 0.004%; copper, 0.005%; and plastics,
CDR with a heat pump requires electricity grid mixes as clean as in 0.084% (Fig. 6 and Supplementary Note 9). Without metal recy-
Italy or cleaner to achieve negative emissions. cling, their market shares would increase to 0.02% for steel, 0.21%
Emissions are most negative with wind power as the electricity for stainless steel, 0.04% for aluminium and 0.02% for copper.
source. The carbon removal efficiency is the ratio of the avoided For the adsorbent (amine on silica), the future plant is expected
CO2 emissions by CDR to the CO2 captured (Methods) and reaches to reduce adsorbent consumption to 3 g adsorbent per kilogram
95.1% and 96.5% depending on the heat source and scenario (today CO2. The required amine and silica would correspond to 17.4% of
and future), respectively. Due to the low impacts from storage, the the global production of ethanolamine and synthetic amorphous
carbon removal efficiency is close to the carbon capture efficiency. silica. Ethanolamine is a precursor of polyethyleneimine that is
Details are presented in Supplementary Note 2. used as amine for the adsorbent amine on silica. The market size
Global 2050
United Kingdom
Carbon increasing
Fossil-based CH4
Carbon reducing
Carbon neutral
0 0
–1.00 100
0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60
Carbon footprint of electricity (kg CO2e per kW h of electricity)
Fig. 5 | Carbon footprint of captured CO2 depending on the carbon footprint of the electricity supply from cradle-to-grave. The right y axis shows the
carbon removal efficiency (Methods, equation (2)). The shaded areas are each spanned by the today (top line) and future (bottom line) scenarios for
energy supply (Methods). The dashed lines represent the electricity supply by renewables (wind and photovoltaics), several countries today, and two
global forecasts for 2030 and 2050 (Methods and Supplementary Note 1 for detailed information). Heat is provided via a heat pump system and waste
heat. For CO2-based fuel (CH4), heat from methanation is used for the DAC system, and additional heat is provided by waste heat in the today scenario
(Methods and Supplementary Note 8). Both CO2-based and fossil-based methane includes the subsequent combustion to cover the entire life cycle
but neglects the use phase, which would be identical. The CO2 capture plant has a capacity of 4 ktCO2 yr–1 (Supplementary Note 3) and an adsorbent
consumption of 7.5 g adsorbent (amine on silica; Supplementary Note 4) per kilogram CO2 captured.
Global market share of materials and energy
for capturing 0.368 GtCO2 (%)
1.2 DAC
Concrete Steel Stainless Aluminium Copper Plastics Adsorbent Energy
steel (TPE)
Fig. 6 | Material and energy requirements capturing 1% of the global annual CO2 emissions. The required materials and energy amounts for capturing 1%
of the annual global CO2 emissions (0.368 GtCO2 yr–1) are shown in percentage of the global market size of the materials and generated electricity in 2030
(for detailed information see Supplementary Note 9). Results are shown for the DAC system (heat by heat pump system) from cradle-to-gate (blue) and
from cradle-to-grave including storage to achieve carbon dioxide removal (CDR; purple) in the future scenario. The CO2 capture unit is based on the future
plant including metal recycling with an adsorbent consumption of 3 g adsorbent (amine on silica; Supplementary Note 4) per kilogram CO2 captured. For
subsequent CO2 storage, we consider only the required energy (Methods). For plastics, we assume the market size of thermoplastic elastomers (TPE).
For the adsorbent amine on silica (red), we consider the market sizes of amorphous synthetic silica and ethanolamine. Ethanolamine is a precursor of
polyethyleneimine used for the adsorbent amine on silica (for detailed information, Supplementary Note 9).
of polyethyleneimine itself is small today, suggesting that an expan- for CDR would require an additional 0.12% of the global electricity
sion by more than an order of magnitude of the current polyethyl- generation.
eneimine production capacity would be required for the application For such large-scale deployment of DAC, the area occupied by
of DAC at a large scale. However, this expansion would still corre- the 3,683 DAC plants would be about 29 km2. Using wind power
spond to a production scale well established for polymeric materi- solely to generate the electricity for the DAC systems and subse-
als and is not expected to be limited by the production precursors quent storage would require an additional 445 km2, using a global
(for detailed information, Supplementary Note 9). The large-scale average value for the area requirement of wind power46. Using elec-
DAC scenario would need an additional 1.31% of the expected total tricity via photovoltaics would increase the area needed by one order
electricity generation in 2030 in the future scenario, mainly to drive of magnitude to 4,450 km2. Still, bioenergy and subsequent storage
the heat pump. Subsequent storage of CO2 in geological formations are estimated to require much larger areas of 100,000–150,000 km2
OD PM Atfw Efw Em Et IR PCOF HTc HTnc ETfw LU WS RDe RDmm
Fig. 7 | Normalized environmental impacts for capturing 1% of the annual global CO2 emissions (0.368 GtCO2 yr–1). The normalized environmental
impacts are shown from cradle-to-gate and from cradle-to-grave including CDR. The considered environmental impacts are as follows: ozone depletion
(OD); particulate matter (PM); acidification, terrestrial and freshwater (Atfw); eutrophication, freshwater (Efw), terrestrial (Et) and marine (Em); ionizing
radiation (IR); photochemical ozone formation (PCOF); human toxicity, cancer (HTc) and non-cancer (HTnc); ecotoxicity, freshwater (ETfw); land use (LU);
water scarcity (WS); and resource depletion, energy (RDe) and mineral and metal (RDmm) (For more detailed information on the environmental impacts
and their quality levels, see Methods and Supplementary Note 6). The CO2 capture unit is based on the future plant with an adsorbent consumption of 3 g
adsorbent (amine on silica; Supplementary Note 4). Electricity is provided by wind power as the best-case scenario and heat by a heat pump system in the
future scenario (Methods). The impacts are normalized by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre reference values52.
to grow bioenergy crops47. For further information, please refer to impact categories are dominated by the impacts of the electricity
Supplementary Note 10. grid, showing the environmental benefits from matching large-scale
These material demands are particularly encouraging since the DAC operation to clean electricity.
considered large-scale deployment for capturing 1% of the global Our environmental analysis of DAC via a temperature–vacuum
CO2 emissions is still much smaller than potentially required nega- swing adsorption system shows that the contribution of DAC to
tive emissions of up to 30 GtCO2 yr–1. Even then, most material climate change mitigation depends on the subsequent utilization of
demands would be reasonable. Adsorbent production would need CO2: permanent storage already leads to negative emissions in many
to be expanded to the scale of today’s commodity polymers, indi- countries today, whereas use as renewable carbon feedstock for fuels
cating the need for a detailed analysis of future adsorbent supply could lead to almost carbon neutrality over the entire life cycle but
chains. The electricity demand for DAC, however, would exceed the requires low-carbon electricity. Potential climate impact reductions
global supply for 2030. depend strongly on the energy supply, highlighting the importance of
Capturing 1% (0.368 GtCO2 yr–1) of the global annual CO2 emis- matching large-scale DAC operation to renewable energy pathways.
sions and subsequent storage leads to a removal of 0.360 GtCO2 yr–1 When using low-carbon energy, the adsorbent choice and plant con-
when supplied by wind power (carbon removal efficiency of 97.6%, struction become more important for climate change mitigation and
representing a best case). The benefit of capturing 1% global CO2 other environmental impacts. A sensitivity study, however, shows
emissions has to be weighed against the increase in other environ- large uncertainties of up to a factor of 4.6 in the data for the adsor-
mental impacts (Fig. 7). This increase, however, is much smaller bents today, which emphasizes the need for insights from adsorbent
than 1% for most environmental impacts: the largest relative developers. Overall, our results show the potential for DAC as a neg-
increase is 0.057% for human toxicity (cancer), which is an impact ative emission technology and provide the basis for a sound integra-
category with very high uncertainty (quality level II/III). The other tion of DAC into research agendas, integrated assessment models,
impacts increase mainly due to the adsorbent (4.8–84.3%) and elec- future policy frameworks and climate mitigation strategies.
tricity supply via wind power (0–92.1%). However, all environmen-
tal impacts could be reduced by using other adsorbents (compare
to Table 1), which shows that a careful choice of adsorbent is indis- Goal and scope of the study. LCA is a holistic methodology for the environmental
pensable for large-scale deployment of DAC. assessment of products and services, taking into account their entire life cycle42,48.
Using the global forecasting electricity mix in 2030 and 2050 The life cycle contains all activities from cradle-to-grave: from the extraction
reduces the carbon removal to 0.242 and 0.328 GtCO2 yr–1, respec- of raw materials, transportation, production and product use, to recycling and
final disposal of waste. All flows of energy and materials exchanged with the
tively, due to a lower carbon removal efficiency (65.6 and 89.1%,
environment throughout the life cycle are collected and interpreted regarding their
respectively; compare to Supplementary Note 11) compared to environmental impacts. Various environmental impact categories such as climate
the best-case scenario wind. The environmental impact category change and acidification are usually considered. A detailed description of the LCA
increasing most is resource depletion of energy (quality level II/III), methodology is provided by International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
which increases by 0.50 and 0.30% in 2030 and 2050, respectively, 14040/14044 (refs. 42,43). In the following, we provide the goal and scope definition,
and the LCI of our LCA study.
due to the higher share of fossil energy carriers in the forecasting
grid mixes (compare to Supplementary Note 1), but is still less than Goal and scope definition. In this paper, we present a comprehensive LCA for
1%. All other environmental impacts increase by a maximum of direct air capture via temperature–vacuum swing adsorption with six adsorbents.
0.22 and 0.15% for 2030 and 2050, respectively. Most environmental Our LCA study focuses on four goals.