Distribuição Da Imunorreatividade Da Proteína de Ligação À Transferrina
Distribuição Da Imunorreatividade Da Proteína de Ligação À Transferrina
Distribuição Da Imunorreatividade Da Proteína de Ligação À Transferrina
Transferrin binding protein (TfBP) is a glycoprotein originally purified from chicken
oviduct that exhibits transferrin binding activity. Recent work has shown that TfBP is a
post-translationally modified form of the heat shock protein (HSP108), the avian homologue of
a glucose regulated protein, GRP94. The function of this protein, however, has not yet been
clearly defined. Antiserum to TfBP was found to selectively stain oligodendrocytes of the avian
brain. In this study, we further describe these oligodendrocytes and other cell types positive to
anti-TfBP in the chick nervous system. In accordance with previous studies, the most
prominent cell type that labels with antiserum to TfBP is the oligodendrocyte. At the electron
microscopic level, the immunoreactive product is confined to the perinuclear cytoplasm and
fine processes of the oligodendrocytes, whereas myelin and axoplasm are devoid of staining.
The immunoreactive product is found both in the cytoplasmic matrix and bound to the
endoplasmic reticulum and plasma membrane, suggesting that TfBP may have properties of
both a soluble and an integral membrane protein. There is great variability in the number of
TfBP-oligodendrocytes in different areas of the central nervous system (CNS); large numbers
of cells are associated with the white matter regions and are found in the myelinated tracts,
whereas few cells are present in the gray matter regions. In the retina, TfBP is localized
specifically in the cells that are morphologically oligodendrocytic and is present in the optic
nerve fiber layer and the ganglion cell layer. Obvious staining is also seen in the Bergmann
glial cells of the cerebellum and in the Schwann cells of the sciatic nerve. Furthermore, the
choroid plexus cells similarly exhibit a strong reaction. The association of TfBP in these
specific cell types responsible for myelination and sequestering iron and transferrin implies
that TfBP may be involved in myelination and iron metabolism of the chick nervous system,
perhaps through a role in transferrin concentration in these cells. A putative role of TfBP, as
HSP108, is considered. J. Comp. Neurol. 382:260–271, 1997. r 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Indexing terms: oligodendrocytes; Schwann cells; heat shock protein; myelin; iron
Transferrin binding protein (TfBP) is an estrogen- fied as a heat shock protein, HSP108, by microsequencing
inducible membrane glycoprotein purified from the chicken of reverse phase-high performance liquid chromatography
oviduct that exhibits transferrin binding activity and (RP-HPLC) purified tryptic peptides (Hayes et al., 1994).
shares a number of physical properties with the human
transferrin receptor (Poola and Lucas, 1988). However, Contract grant sponsor: Korean Ministry of Education; Contract grant
based on peptide map analysis and immunologic studies number: 1995-078.
(Poola et al., 1990; Feurnkranz et al., 1991) as well as *Correspondence to: Dr. Sa Sun Cho, Department of Anatomy, Seoul
National University, College of Medicine, Yongon-Dong, Chongno-Gu, Seoul
sequence analysis of the cloned cDNA (Gerhardt et al., 110-799, Korea. E-mail: chossn@plaza.snu.ac.kr
1991), TfBP is clearly distinct from the avian erythrocyte Received 2 August 1996; Revised 15 January 1997; Accepted 22 January
transferrin receptor. Furthermore, TfBP has been identi- 1997
Washington, PA 19034). Ultrathin sections were cut tangen- antibody or with the mordant-dye method for myelin. The
tially to the surface of sections and mounted on nickel distributional pattern of TfBP was similar to that of
grids coated with Formvar film. Grids were observed with myelin; TfBP-rich areas such as the optic chiasm coincided
a JEOL 1200 EX-II electron microscope (Tokyo, Japan) with the heavily myelinated fibers (Fig. 1E,F).
with and without uranyl-lead counterstaining. In the cerebellum, TfBP-positive oligodendrocytes were
found in abundance in the white matter where heavily
Preparation of retinal whole mount myelinated fibers occurred (Fig. 2A,B). The interfascicular
Eyes were removed from chicks under ether anesthesia oligodendrocytes in the white matter were elongated or
and placed in PBS. The cornea, lens, sclera, and choroid rectangular and frequently aligned in rows, whereas TfBP-
and pigment layers were gently dissected away from the oligodendrocytes in the gray matter were round and
neural retina. The rest of the eye was fixed by immersion occurred separately (Fig. 2C). The number of TfBP-
for 3 hours in 4% paraformaldehyde and 0.05% glutaralde- positive oligodendrocytes and myelinated fibers decreased
hyde in 100 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). gradually toward the granular and molecular layers. Thus,
Twenty minutes after commencement of fixation, the eye only a few positive oligodendrocytes were visible in the
was rinsed in PBS; the pecten and optic nerve were then molecular layer (Fig. 2A). The Purkinje cell layer showed a
cut along the retinal attachment, and the neural retina peculiar localization of TfBP; the immunoreaction was not
was detached from the vitreous and the ciliary bodies. restricted to oligodendrocytes but was also seen in the
After fixation, the retina was thoroughly washed in PBS Bergmann glial cells. The immunoreactive product was
and then incubated for 15 minutes in neutralized 0.1 M clearly localized in the perinuclear cytoplasm of these glia,
sodium periodate. The tissue was immersed for 10 minutes which clothed the unstained Purkinje cell somata, and in
in a solution of sodium borohydride (5 mg/ml) and washed their long apical processes extending into the molecular
again in PBS. Immunohistochemical staining was per- layer (Fig. 2D).
formed using the free-floating method described in the The choroid plexus exhibited a strong positive immuno-
section on immunoelectron microscopy, except that all staining for TfBP (Fig. 3A). At higher magnification, an
antibodies were diluted in PBS containing 0.5% Triton intense staining was evident in the cytoplasm of cells
X-100. After immunohistochemical staining, the retinae lining the choroid plexus. In contrast, the ependymal cells
were radially cut four or five times and flat mounted on lining the ventricular cavity were devoid of reaction prod-
gelatinized slides with the ganglionic cell layer lying uct (Fig. 3B). TfBP immunoreactivity was also associated
uppermost. A fine brush was used to spread the retina, with blood vessels throughout the CNS, although no
allowing maximum contact with the gelatin. Retinal whole particular regional pattern of reactivity was evident. Immu-
mount preparations were dehydrated through an alcohol nostaining was seen at a lower level in the walls of
series, cleared in xylene, and coverslipped using Per- capillaries (Fig. 3C,D). However, blood components such as
mount. red blood cells were negative. These results are consistent
with those of Fuernkranz et al. (1991).
Brain Retina
A typical TfBP immunostaining pattern of the brain in Strong TfBP immunostaining was evident in the small
sagittal section is revealed by a series of photomicrographs cells of the retina, which were confined to the ganglion cell
at low magnification (Figs. 1, 2). The numbers of TfBP- layer and the optic nerve fiber layer (Fig. 5A). These
positive oligodendrocytes were highly variable in the differ- immunoreactive cells were interposed sporadically among
ent regions of the chick CNS. The brainstem revealed a ganglion cells in the eighth layer and occurred along the
rather uniform density of TfBP-oligodendrocytes (Fig. 1A), nerve fibers in the ninth layer of the retina. In whole
but these cells diminished markedly toward the diencepha- mount preparations (Fig. 5B), TfBP-labeled cells displayed
lon (Fig. 1B) and the cerebral cortex (Fig. 1C), where an the unique morphologic features of oligodendrocytes; the
abundance of cells were seen only in well-myelinated areas fine processes that extended radially from the perikarya
such as the anterior commissure, septomesencephalic tract could be traced to the terminals located around or along
(Fig. 1B), and optic chiasm. As shown in Figure 1D, the optic nerve fibers. These immunoreactive cells were distrib-
TfBP-labeled cells in the cerebral cortex showed typical uted evenly in the central portion but diminished toward
oligodendrocytic morphology and were frequently in a the periphery of the retina. Diffuse immunostaining at a
perineuronal position. Two representative sections of the lower level was also visible in the inner and the outer
diencephalon were compared by staining with either TfBP nuclear layers (Fig. 5A).
Fig. 1. Sagittal sections of the chicken brainstem and forebrain anterior commissure (ac) and septomesencephalic tract (sm).
stained with transferrin binding protein (TfBP) antibody (A–E) and C: Cerebral cortex (hyperstriatum). A limited number of TfBP-labeled
mordant-dye method (F) to show the cellular localization and the cells are seen. D: Higher magnification of the boxed area in C. The
regional distribution of TfBP immunoreactivity compared with myelin- TfBP-labeled cells exhibit the typical morphology of oligodendrocytes,
ated fibers. A: Brainstem (medulla oblongata). Large numbers of some of which are in a perineuronal position (arrows). E,F: Ventral
TfBP-labeled cells are distributed all over the area. Inset (higher portions of the diencephalon (hypothalamus) stained for TfBP (E) and
magnification of boxed area in A) shows the reaction product confined myelin (F) to show a parallelism in distribution of TfBP-oligodendro-
to small cells with a few proximal processes. B: Diencephalon. The cytes and myelinated fibers. Note the optic chiasm (oc) that stains
high density of cells are seen only in well-myelinated tracts such as the most strongly for both TfBP (E) and myelin (F). Scale bars 5 100 µm.
264 S.S. CHO ET AL.
Fig. 2. Sagittal sections of the chicken cerebellum showing TfBP- oligodendrocytes in the white matter are elongated or rectangular and
positive cells (A,C,D) and myelinated fibers (B). A,B: Folia of the frequently occur in rows, whereas oligodendrocytes in the granular
cerebellum stained for TfBP-oligodendrocytes (A) and myelin fibers layer have rounded somata and occur separately. D: Purkinje cell
(B). TfBP-labeled oligodendrocytes and myelinated fibers show similar- layer. TfBP-positive Bergmann glial cells are located around un-
ity in the distributional patterns, in which both are most abundant in stained Purkinje cell bodies (P), and their long processes extend
the white matter (wm) and diminished gradually toward the molecu- vertically through the molecular layer (arrows). Scale bars 5 100 µm.
lar layer (ml). C: White matter (wm) and granular layer (gl). TfBP-
Fig. 3. Sagittal sections of chicken brain stained by immunohisto- ventricular cavity are not stained (arrows). C,D: Blood vessels of the
chemistry to show the choroid plexus and blood vessels. A: Choroid cerebral (C) and cerebellar (D) cortices. A lower level of TfBP immuno-
plexus of the lateral ventricle. B: Higher magnification of a portion of staining is seen in the wall of blood vessels that are often associated
A. Intense TfBP immunoreactivity is evident in the cytoplasm of cells with more intensely stained perivascular oligodendrocytes (arrows).
lining the choroid plexus. In contrast, the ependymal cells lining the Scale bars 5 50 µm.
Fig. 4. Immunohistochemical localization of TfBP in chicken spi- oligodendrocytes are scattered in the gray matter and are often
nal cord. A,B: Transverse (A) and longitudinal (B) sections of the perineuronal in position (arrows). D: Higher magnification of the
upper cervical cord. Dark immunoreactive cells are found predomi- boxed area in B. TfBP-positive oligodendrocytes in the white matter
nantly in the white matter, whereas fewer cells are present in the gray occur in clusters and frequently in rows. Scale bars 5 100 µm.
matter. C: Higher magnification of the boxed area in A. TfBP-
membrane (Fig. 7C). In contrast, neither myelin nor Schwann cells of the sciatic nerve. The distribution of
axoplasm were immunostained. TfBP-positive oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells is closely
related to myelin density. For example, the greatest num-
ber of TfBP-positive cells are present in the heavily
DISCUSSION myelinated white matter of the cerebellum, whereas very
The present investigation demonstrates the strong im- few labeled cells are found in the molecular layer where no
munoreactivity of TfBP in the chick nervous system. At the stained myelin exists. In rodents and humans, transferrin-
cellular level, TfBP is specifically localized in oligodendro- labeled oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells are mostly
cytes, Bergmann glia, choroid plexus cells, and capillary associated with myelinated fibers (Connor and Fine, 1986;
endothelial cells of the brain as well as in myelinating Lin et al., 1990; Morris et al., 1992a). During development,
Fig. 5. Retinal preparations of the chicken stained with TfBP layer (in) and the external nuclear layer (en). B: Whole mount.
antibody. A: Cross-section. TfBP-positive cells are evident in the TfBP-positive cells display typical morphology of oligodendrocytes.
ganglion cell (gl) and the optic nerve fiber (on) layers. Somewhat The long secondary processes of TfBP-positive cells run in the same
diffuse staining is also found in the outer portion of internal nuclear direction as the optic nerve fibers. Scale bars 5 20 µm.
Fig. 6. Longitudinal sections of chicken optic and sciatic nerves cells of the sciatic nerve (B). Note reaction product confined to somata
stained with TfBP antibody. TfBP reaction product is associated with and staining intensity of Schwann cells (arrows) comparable to that of
interfascicular oligodendrocytes of the optic nerve (A) and Schwann oligodendrocytes. Scale bars 5 20 µm.
transferrin is transiently expressed in the neurons of 1975; Rager, 1976; Inoue et al., 1980); the identity of
various species including chicken and rats (Oh et al., 1986; myelin-forming cells has, however, been uncertain. In a
Connor and Fine, 1987; Dion et al., 1988). In the brain of histologic study of the pigeon retina, Hughes et al. (1972)
adult animals, however, the pattern is typically one in found that glial cells accounted for a considerable portion
which transferrin immunoreactivity in neurons is either (more than 15%) of the total cell numbers in the ganglion
absent or quite weak, whereas transferrin is positive in cell layer. On the basis of electron microscopic studies of
oligodendrocytes, choroid plexus, and endothelial cells the chick and pigeon, Smith (1982) reported that the
(Connor et al., 1990; Connor and Menzies, 1995; Morris et presence of myelinating gliocytes exhibited the ultrastruc-
al., 1992a). tural characteristics of CNS oligodendrocytes in the eighth
The presence of myelin in the avian retina has been and ninth layers of the retina. In the rabbit and human,
documented by many investigators (Hughes and LaVelle, the presence of retinal myelin is always associated with
268 S.S. CHO ET AL.
Fig. 7. Immunoelectron micrographs from chicken cerebellar white chromatin masses at the periphery and sometimes in the center of the
matter showing subtypes of TfBP-labeled oligodendrocytes and intra- nucleus. C: Higher magnification of the TfBP-oligodendrocytic cyto-
cytoplasmic localization of TfBP. A: Light oligodendrocytes. Note the plasm. Immunoreactivity products are present in the cytoplasmic
large, pale nucleus and scanty perinuclear cytoplasm filled with the matrix of the perikaryon and fine processes (arrows) as well as bound
immunoreactivity products. The Golgi apparatus (g) and mitochondria to the endoplasmic reticulum (er). Myelin and axoplasm are devoid of
(m) are devoid of reaction products. B: Medium oligodendrocytes. reaction product. Scale bars 5 2 µm.
Compared to the light type (A), this cell is characterized by distinct
the existence of oligodendrocytes in the retina (Schnitzer, al., 1990; Connor and Menzies, 1995; Moos, 1996). On the
1985; Jeon and Masland, 1993). However, immunohisto- other hand, ferritin and iron are found predominantly in
chemical efforts using murine oligodendrocytic markers to oligodendrocytes of the gray and white matter (Connor and
identify retinal oligodendrocytes in birds have been unsuc- Menzies, 1995). The implication from data of the transfer-
cessful (Linser and Moscona, 1981; Kohsaka et al., 1980, rin receptor and iron binding proteins is that although iron
1983). In the present study, we have demonstrated for the uptake and utilization in neurons are high, there is little
first time the presence of TfBP-immunoreactive cells that storage of iron. Thus, storage of iron in a replaceable glial
have the appearance of CNS oligodendrocytes and are pool may be necessary for the removal of potentially toxic
present in the eighth and ninth layers of the chick retina. iron from neurons vulnerable to free radical damage.
The localization and distribution of TfBP-labeled cells Common features shared by Bergmann glia and perineu-
observed in this study parallel the presence of the retinal ronal oligodendrocytes identified in the present and previ-
myelin, which reportedly exists mostly in the ninth layer ous studies are that they are satellites around neuronal
and partially in the eighth layer throughout the whole cell bodies and that they contain iron and iron regulatory
avian retina (Smith, 1982; Yamada, 1989). Astrocytic proteins. The anatomical and immunocytochemical find-
labeling is unlikely because the avascular chick retina is ings support the notion that glial cells play a role in the
not thought to contain astrocytes (Stone and Dreher, nutrition and maintenance of neurons (Hyden, 1962, 1967).
1987). The distribution and morphology of TfBP-immuno- Given this notion, special enrichment of transferrin in
reactive cells observed in this study are most characteris- iron-containing glia may be a necessary factor for iron
tic of CNS oligodendrocytes. This strongly suggests that mobilization from ferritin found in these glia (Griot and
TfBP-positive cells are retinal oligodendrocytes respon- Vandevelde, 1988; Connor and Benkovic, 1992; Morris et
sible for myelin formation in the chick retina. al., 1992b). There is a need for further study of the
The Bergmann glia have been found to play an impor- molecular mechanism by which intracellular iron is mobi-
tant role in cytoarchitectural development by providing lized within the CNS.
guidance for neurons migrating through the molecular The mechanism by which these cells accumulate trans-
layer (Sidman and Rakic, 1973). However, the functional ferrin is not known, although the presence of transferrin
role of these cells in the adult has not been established. mRNA has been shown in both oligodendrocytes and
The finding of Bergmann glia labeled with TfBP antibody choroid plexus cells of the mammalian brain (Bloch et al.,
is not surprising in the chick. Unlike the rat, in which 1985, 1987; Aldred et al., 1987; Tu et al., 1991). The
Bergmann glia express the well-characterized astrocytic overlapping distribution patterns of TfBP and transferrin
marker, glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP), the chick does in these cell types suggest that TfBP may be linked to the
not exhibit GFAP immunoreactivity in Bergmann glia accumulation of transferrin. Ultrastructurally, the TfBP
(Bignami and Dahl, 1973, 1974; Dahl and Bignami, 1973). immunoreaction product is dispersed throughout the peri-
Such variation between species in the distribution of glial nuclear cytoplasm and thin processes, as are transferrin
proteins is not unprecedented; carbonic anhydrase II (CA (Connor and Fine, 1986) and CAII reaction products
II), the oligodendrocytic marker, is present in Bergmann (Cammer, 1984). The coincidence of TfBP and transferrin
glia in the chick (Rogers and Hunt, 1987) but not in the rat in their intracellular locale is an intriguing morphologic
(Ghandour et al., 1979, 1980; Kumpulainen and Nystrom, correlate of our previous report that TfBP has transferrin-
1981). In a recent study using a rabbit model of superficial binding activity (Poola and Lucas, 1988; Hayes et al.,
siderosis (Koeppen and Borke, 1991; Koeppen et al., 1995), 1994).
the presence of transferrin, iron, and ferritin was demon- At high magnification, the immunoreaction product
strated in Bergmann glia of the normal and siderotic appears granular; it is found in the cytoplasmic matrix and
cerebellum, suggesting a role for these radial glia in the bound to endoplasmic reticulum and outer surface of the
transport and storage of iron. nuclear membrane. Thus, TfBP may have properties of
The reason for the selective accumulation of transferrin both a soluble and integral membrane protein. Although
in these brain cells has not been well established, although the mammalian homologue of TfBP, GRP94, is generally
it has been suggested that transferrin accumulation in stated to be a lumenal rough endoplasmic reticulum
myelinating oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells is a neces- protein, there is substantial evidence in the literature that
sary condition for myelination (Lin et al., 1990). Because of a portion, including the plasma membrane, is membrane
the high oxidative metabolic demands of lipid metabolism bound (Maki et al., 1990; Kang and Welch, 1991; Takemoto
and synthesis (Bourre et al., 1984), myelinating oligoden- et al., 1992). Furthermore, there is ample evidence for
drocytes and Schwann cells are likely to require high multiple isoforms of each of the proteins in this closely
levels of iron. Metabolic activity associated with iron, related family (Fuernkranz et al., 1991; Kang and Welch,
however, is not restricted to the myelinating cells. Further- 1991; Poola and Kiang, 1994; Feldweg and Srivastava,
more, the presence of transferrin in gray matter, perineu- 1995).
ronal oligodendrocytes, and Bergmann glia suggests a role Given the fact that TfBP is a post-translationally modi-
of transferrin other than as support for myelin formation. fied form of HSP108, it is conceivable that the presence of
It has been suggested that although transferrin in the TfBP may help to protect these cells against potential
white matter oligodendrocytes could be primarily involved damage. For example, myelinating cells are under extreme
with maintaining myelin, perineuronal oligodendrocytes metabolic stress, and minor metabolic insults during my-
might be involved in mobilizing iron for neurons in the elin synthesis can induce irreversible damage (Selmaj et
brain (Connor and Fine, 1986). The transferrin receptor, a al., 1992). Furthermore, iron in these cells can lead to
transmembrane glycoprotein responsible for the binding oxidative stress through the formation of oxygen free
and internalizing of iron-transferrin into cells, has been radicals (Gerlach et al., 1994). At present there is little
reportedly expressed by neurons of all areas of the chicken evidence to suggest a clear relationship between TfBP and
and mammalian CNS (Markelonis et al., 1985; Connor et stress. However, stressed oligodendrocytes in multiple
270 S.S. CHO ET AL.
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dependent on the metabolic activities of the cells (Marcuc- Hobbs, and Y.C. Kim (1988) Immunocytochemical localization of trans-
cilli and Miller, 1994). We have also previously localized ferrin and mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase in the developing
TfBP specific to light and medium types of oligodendro- nervous system of the rat. Dev. Neurosci. 10:152–164.
cytes reportedly involved in the production and mainte- Feldweg, A.M., and P.K. Srivastava (1995) Molecular heterogeneity of
nance of myelin (Sturrock, 1974). tumor rejection antigen/heat shock protein GP96. Int. J. Cancer
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regulated by heat shock (Sargan et al., 1986) and also by Feurnkranz, H.A., J.E. Schwob, and J.J. Lucas (1991) Differential tissue
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